Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 16:43:21 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Basic libretto 110 hard disk upgrade not working!!

> So insert hard disk into libretto - by default the hard disk is a master.
> Boot off a windows 98 floppy.
> Run fdisk and make the biggest primary partition I can, 8gb and mark it
> active, reboot.

  We did run fdisk /mbr right?
> Boot off the floppy again and format c: /s to include the system start up
> files.

  You may need to boot off a Windows 98SE disk for large hard drive support. 
Older versions of DOS don't support large hard drives well.

  Also, download the EZ-Drive from my site, then install that right away.  It's
the easiest way to make everything work from the start.

  If you don't do this, then it should be pretty easy.

  1) Install HD
  2) Boot from Win98SE diskette
  3) fdisk, create a small <2GB primary active bootable partition.
  4) reboot, run fdisk /mbr to make sure.
  5) take out floppy, reboot, and you should be in.
  6) at this point, you'll either need an OS that supports large HDs like
window s2000/XP/Linux, or you'll need to a) run a drive manager like EZ-Drive
or do one of the many tricks to get a large HD working posted in prior articles

  7) I simply used EZ-Drive, then use Partition Magic or Ranish Partition
Manager to resize the first partition up to the 8GB boundary, then create a 2nd
data partition after the 8GB to the end of the HD.

  8) Install Windows and off you go.

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