Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 10:40:02 +0100
From: Christian Gennerat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [H] 110 Keyboard prob

neil barnes a écrit :

> >I had a similar accident with an other Tohshiba laptop: My wife droped a
> >glass of "Sturm" into the keyboard, it went through the whole computer and
> >ran out at the gaps at the bottom of the computer.

"My darling wife spilled wine on my 110CT, the Libretto seems ok,
from what I can tell but the keyboard is toast, only half the keys
work (presume its now clogged up with sticky gungy wine)"

> For info - here at work, we have so many problems with people taking drinks
> into technical areas that it's been banned for people still spill
> stuff and then don't tell the technical guys. So now not reporting is a much
> worse crime than taking the stuff in in the fist place, and can get you
> sacked...

Nobody exept you shoud have proximity rights to your Libretto,
and no wife, nor "darling wife", nor "people taking drinks" !

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