Re: [libvirt] [RFC] Accepting PRs/MRs for libvirt on GitHub/GitLab

2019-10-17 Thread Daniel P . Berrangé
On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 04:22:49PM +0200, Andrea Bolognani wrote:

> To me the Web-based workflow is inferior to the mail-based one, this
> opinion being informed by using GitHub regularly for the past two
> months or so. I'm willing to take hit if it can be proven that the
> drawbacks are compensated with an increased number of contributors,
> but otherwise I'd much rather keep things the way they are.
> Once Bichon is usable perhaps I'll change my mind, but until then
> I don't think there's much of a chance of us agreeing.

I think it might be useful if we start a shared doc somewhere where
any current contributors can describe what their current typical
workflow is for dealing libvirt code submission/review/etc.

This could be valuable information to understand the ways in which
any change in tools will impact them, and where likely benefits &
downsides will lie.

|:  -o- :|
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|: :|

libvir-list mailing list

Re: [libvirt] [RFC] Accepting PRs/MRs for libvirt on GitHub/GitLab

2019-10-17 Thread Andrea Bolognani
On Thu, 2019-10-17 at 09:48 +0100, Daniel P. Berrangé wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 09:40:08AM +0200, Andrea Bolognani wrote:
> > On Wed, 2019-10-16 at 17:03 +0100, Daniel P. Berrangé wrote:
> The point of integrating with GitLab is to get the pre-merge
> checking of patches, instead of post-merge that we have now.
> IOW, it is a win for maint of the code being developed.

Personally I see pre-merge CI as a mere nice-to-have: as long as we
keep enforcing the pre-release freeze period, fixing things before
merging them or immediately afterwards with follow-up patches
doesn't really make a lot of difference in my eyes.

For testing stuff or reproducing CI issues locally we already have
our 'make ci-*' targets, which thanks to their interactivity are
IMHO much nicer to use than the GitLab CI / Travis CI workflow of
push → wait for the build to finish → scroll through the logs and
try to figure out what went wrong → change some code → go back to
the beginning and repeat multiple times until you finally manage
to get it right.

> > That's why I'm suggesting is that we open up to contributions from
> > GitHub/GitLab while not giving up our current workflow, and after a
> > reasonable amount of time has passed look at the actual data and
> > base our decisions on what to do going forward on that.
> I don't think that will offer meaningful data, because it is setting
> it up as a second class citizen to the email workflow, and not taking
> advantage of the different features that GitLab offers. So we'll
> see the downsides of the new tool without experiancing the upsides.
> Growing contributors in any meaningful amount is something that will
> likely take a long time to have an effect too - I can easily imagine
> 12 to 24 months, not something we can measure after a 3-6 months IMHO.
> Even if it doesn't grow contributors I think it'll still the be right
> move to make long term, because it normalizes the libvirt development
> model with what's widely expected for open source projects these days,
> and other factors such as unreliability of our mailing list software
> impacting us significantly.

If mailing list reliability was the problem, we could "simply" start
running a mailman instance on and take ownership of our
own mailing lists, no need to change workflows.

Anyway, we're clearly seeing different goals in the potential move
to Web-based tools, so it's not surprising that we'd approach it in
fairly different ways :)

To me the Web-based workflow is inferior to the mail-based one, this
opinion being informed by using GitHub regularly for the past two
months or so. I'm willing to take hit if it can be proven that the
drawbacks are compensated with an increased number of contributors,
but otherwise I'd much rather keep things the way they are.

Once Bichon is usable perhaps I'll change my mind, but until then
I don't think there's much of a chance of us agreeing.

Andrea Bolognani / Red Hat / Virtualization

libvir-list mailing list

Re: [libvirt] [RFC] Accepting PRs/MRs for libvirt on GitHub/GitLab

2019-10-17 Thread Andrea Bolognani
On Thu, 2019-10-17 at 10:33 +0200, Martin Kletzander wrote:
> Another thing we completely missed (which could also be more
> effective) is to have a PR template [1] which would say "please open MRs on
> gitlab instead (or "we don't do GitHub" for current state).

Yup, that's definitely a good idea regardless!

> Another option is
> to have a bot reply to open PRs with that message designated for the specific
> user and then closing them right at the same time.

Implementing or hooking up a bot sounds like it would be a lot more
work than just writing a short template, so I'd rather go the lazy
way first O:-)

Andrea Bolognani / Red Hat / Virtualization

libvir-list mailing list

Re: [libvirt] [RFC] Accepting PRs/MRs for libvirt on GitHub/GitLab

2019-10-17 Thread Daniel P . Berrangé
On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 08:55:35AM +0200, Pavel Hrdina wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 07:57:46AM +0200, Peter Krempa wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 17:08:20 +0100, Daniel Berrange wrote:
> > > On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 05:03:31PM +0200, Ján Tomko wrote:
> > > > On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 02:22:56PM +0200, Andrea Bolognani wrote:
> > 
> > [...]
> > 
> > > > Here it deviates from the usual mailing list workflow where the patch
> > > > has (in theory) a chance to be seen by all the developers.
> > > > 
> > > > But given that the requests will probably
> > > > a) be close to trivial
> > > > b) seen by a group of developers, not just one
> > > 
> > > I wouldn't expect the changes to be trivial. Current stuff
> > > is trivial largely because we tell people not to open merge
> > > requests. If we adopt use of web based review, then expect
> > 
> > I'd still want the message we'll put out to encourage them using e-mail.
> > 
> > > people to submit non-trivial patches. I would do so myself
> > > for example. Thus I think we must make a clean switchover
> > > from email to a single web based tool.
> > 
> > I disagree. There is nothing really appealing to me in any of the web
> > based frontends for git.
> > 
> > The user interface of them is designed to be flashy but that really
> > hurts usability of git. We get cool icons but in return we must pay with
> > always-online connection, loading bars if you click anywhere and the
> > general necessity to interact with the browser which requires a lot of
> > mousing around.
> > 
> > The commenting interface on individual patches is very poor given what
> > email allows you and in many cases it's hard to access older versions
> > after a pull-request is force-pushed.
> I believe that most of us agree on this point and if we have a tool that
> will bring the review process closer to the email workflow we can
> actually try using it.

Yes, the need for such a tool is the primary reason that I had not
made this explicit suggestion to change to web based review yet
for libvirt. I've been slowly trying to build something[1], but wanted
to have a tool that actually does something useful before announcing
it widely. 


[1]  it doesn't do anything
useful beyond displaying a list of PRs though, so don't get too
|:  -o- :|
|: -o- :|
|: :|

libvir-list mailing list

Re: [libvirt] [RFC] Accepting PRs/MRs for libvirt on GitHub/GitLab

2019-10-17 Thread Roman Mohr
On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 6:42 PM Daniel Henrique Barboza <> wrote:

> On 10/16/19 9:22 AM, Andrea Bolognani wrote:
> > As we look to make the libvirt project easier to contribute to, one
> > fact that certainly comes to mind is that we only accept patches via
> > the mailing list. While the core developers are comfortable with the
> > email-based workflow and swear by it, many perspective contributors
> > are used to the PR/MR workflow common to many Open Source projects
> > these days, and similarly swear by it.
> >
> > If we look at the PRs submitted on GitHub against the libvirt mirror
> > repository[1], there's just three of them per year on average, which
> > is arguably not a lot; however, it should be noted that each
> > repository also carries a fairly loud "PULL REQUESTS ARE IGNORED"
> > message right at the top, and it's not unlikely that a number of
> > perspective contributors simply lost interest after seeing it.
> >
> > As a way to make contributions easier without forcing core developers
> > to give up their current workflow or making the project dependent on
> > a third-party provider, I suggest we adopt a hybrid approach.
> >
> > First of all, we'd remove the ominous message from GitHub mirror
> > repositories (interestingly, the same is not present on GitLab).
> >
> > Then, we'd starting accepting PRs/MRs. The way we'd handle them is
> > that, when one comes in, one among the handful of core developers who
> > volunteered to do so would review the patches on the respective
> > platform, working with the submitter to get it into shape just like
> > they would do on the mailing list; once the series is finally ready
> > to be merged, the core developer would update the PR/MR as necessary,
> > for example picking up R-bs or fixing the kind of trivial issues that
> > usually don't warrant a repost, and then push to master as usual.
> This would mean that there will be patches that will get accepted
> without the ML being aware of. The core developer (or the author
> itself) would need to send the revised patches to the ML before
> pushing to make people aware of it before pushing to master, IMO.

The activemq mailing list as a bot or something installed which posts
events like a new PR or a merged PR to their mailing list.

Best Regards,

> I have a 2 year experience maintaining a now defunct project in
> Github (a KVM web management tool called Kimchi) in which we used a
> hybrid approach like I think you're suggesting, with mailing list, people
> opening bugs in Github + Github PRs. It was annoying - people will
> inevitably
> discuss issues using the Github tracking system, which means that you'll
> have to subscribe via email to Github notifications if you didn't want
> to miss
> out. It was common for people that used the ML to start discussions that
> were already happening in the Web, and vice-versa.
> All that to make a case against Libvirt having additional ways of
> communication. I don't mind pull requests from Github/Gitlab as long as the
> ML is made aware of, before the patches are accepted. But people bringing
> up discussions in the ML and Github/Gitlab scales poorly, in my experience.
> >
> > More in detail: GitHub and GitLab have a feature that allows project
> > members to update PRs/MRs: basically the way it works is that, if the
> > PR/MR was created by the user 'foo' from their branch 'bar', the
> > libvirt developer is allowed to (force-)push to the foo/libvirt/bar
> > branch, and doing so updates the corresponding PR/MR; after that, if
> > the updated branch is locally merged into master and master is pushed
> > to the repo, once it gets mirrored GitHub/GitLab will
> > recognize that the commit IDs match and automatically mark the PR/MR
> > as merged. I have tested this behavior on both platforms (minus the
> > mirroring part) with Martin's help.
> >
> > One last important bit. In the spirit of not requiring core
> > developers to alter their workflow, the developer who reviewed the
> > patches on GitHub/GitLab will also be responsible to format them to
> > the mailing list after merging them: this way, even those who don't
> > have a GitHub/GitLab account will get a chance to take notice of the
> > code changes and weigh in. Unlike what we're used to, this feedback
> > will come after the fact, but assuming that issues are spotted only
> > at that point we can either push the relevant fixes as follow-up
> > commits or even revert the series outright, so I don't feel like it
> > would be a massive problem overall.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> >
> >
> > [1]
> --
> libvir-list mailing list
libvir-list mailing list

Re: [libvirt] [RFC] Accepting PRs/MRs for libvirt on GitHub/GitLab

2019-10-17 Thread Daniel P . Berrangé
On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 09:40:08AM +0200, Andrea Bolognani wrote:
> On Wed, 2019-10-16 at 17:03 +0100, Daniel P. Berrangé wrote:
> > There's two tools being discussed here - both GitHub and GitLab.
> > Splitting attention between email and a web based tool is bad,
> > but splitting attention between email and two web based tools
> > is even worse.
> > 
> > Finally I have general desire to *NOT* designate GitHub as an
> > official part of the libvirt workflow on the basis that it is
> > a closed source tool. Yes, we are already using it, but it is
> > largely an ancillary service working as a passive backup service
> > for our git repos, not a core part of our workflow. I don't want
> > to elevate it to be a core part.
> I understand why you feel this way and mostly share your opinion on
> the matter, but from a pragmatic standpoint if our goal is to get
> more people involved in libvirt's development then cutting off GitHub
> is almost certainly the wrong way to go about it.

Attracting more contributors is not an absolute goal in isolation.
It is one of many factors that need to be balanced. One of the
factors is basing our development workflow on open source tools
not closed source tools. 

> > One of the things the web tools do well is fully integrating
> > CI testing into the merge process. New submissions would typically
> > get CI jobs run against them and only approved for merge once the
> > CI has succeeded. This largely eliminates the problem of developers
> > accidentally pushing changes to master that break the build. Again
> > though this benefit is only seen if we discontinue use of email
> > workflow. Much of our existing CI setup should be easy to integrate
> > into GitLab. Our current VMs that are used with Jenkins just need
> > to have the Jenkins agent replaced with the GitLab runner agent.
> > We can then drop Jenkins entirely and do everything though GitLab
> > for CI[1].
> Looking at the repository containing the machine-executable
> description of our CI setup, these days the part that actually
> touches Jenkins is fairly small compared to the part dealing with
> bringing up and maintaining runners. Of course we'd be able to reuse
> pretty much all of it when moving to GitLab CI, but I just wanted to
> highlight the fact that dropping support for Jenkins will not be that
> much of a win in terms of maintenance.

I'm not really suggesting its a win for maint of the CI systems,
I doubt it will be better or worse, just different.

The point of integrating with GitLab is to get the pre-merge
checking of patches, instead of post-merge that we have now.
IOW, it is a win for maint of the code being developed.

> That's why I'm suggesting is that we open up to contributions from
> GitHub/GitLab while not giving up our current workflow, and after a
> reasonable amount of time has passed look at the actual data and
> base our decisions on what to do going forward on that.

I don't think that will offer meaningful data, because it is setting
it up as a second class citizen to the email workflow, and not taking
advantage of the different features that GitLab offers. So we'll
see the downsides of the new tool without experiancing the upsides.

Growing contributors in any meaningful amount is something that will
likely take a long time to have an effect too - I can easily imagine
12 to 24 months, not something we can measure after a 3-6 months IMHO.
Even if it doesn't grow contributors I think it'll still the be right
move to make long term, because it normalizes the libvirt development
model with what's widely expected for open source projects these days,
and other factors such as unreliability of our mailing list software
impacting us significantly.

|:  -o- :|
|: -o- :|
|: :|

libvir-list mailing list

Re: [libvirt] [RFC] Accepting PRs/MRs for libvirt on GitHub/GitLab

2019-10-17 Thread Martin Kletzander

On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 09:40:08AM +0200, Andrea Bolognani wrote:

On Wed, 2019-10-16 at 17:03 +0100, Daniel P. Berrangé wrote:

There's two tools being discussed here - both GitHub and GitLab.
Splitting attention between email and a web based tool is bad,
but splitting attention between email and two web based tools
is even worse.

Finally I have general desire to *NOT* designate GitHub as an
official part of the libvirt workflow on the basis that it is
a closed source tool. Yes, we are already using it, but it is
largely an ancillary service working as a passive backup service
for our git repos, not a core part of our workflow. I don't want
to elevate it to be a core part.

I understand why you feel this way and mostly share your opinion on
the matter, but from a pragmatic standpoint if our goal is to get
more people involved in libvirt's development then cutting off GitHub
is almost certainly the wrong way to go about it.

Just from the data we already have: GitHub, with the scary "don't
send PRs our way" warning at the top of the page, still got 13 PRs;
GitLab, which doesn't have the warning, got exactly zero so far.

Not that I crave being part of this discussion more deeply, but

 s/don't send PRs our way/please use gitlab for PRs/

could help.  Another thing we completely missed (which could also be more
effective) is to have a PR template [1] which would say "please open MRs on
gitlab instead (or "we don't do GitHub" for current state).  Another option is
to have a bot reply to open PRs with that message designated for the specific
user and then closing them right at the same time.


Description: PGP signature
libvir-list mailing list

Re: [libvirt] [RFC] Accepting PRs/MRs for libvirt on GitHub/GitLab

2019-10-17 Thread Andrea Bolognani
On Wed, 2019-10-16 at 17:03 +0100, Daniel P. Berrangé wrote:
> There's two tools being discussed here - both GitHub and GitLab.
> Splitting attention between email and a web based tool is bad,
> but splitting attention between email and two web based tools
> is even worse.
> Finally I have general desire to *NOT* designate GitHub as an
> official part of the libvirt workflow on the basis that it is
> a closed source tool. Yes, we are already using it, but it is
> largely an ancillary service working as a passive backup service
> for our git repos, not a core part of our workflow. I don't want
> to elevate it to be a core part.

I understand why you feel this way and mostly share your opinion on
the matter, but from a pragmatic standpoint if our goal is to get
more people involved in libvirt's development then cutting off GitHub
is almost certainly the wrong way to go about it.

Just from the data we already have: GitHub, with the scary "don't
send PRs our way" warning at the top of the page, still got 13 PRs;
GitLab, which doesn't have the warning, got exactly zero so far.

> For example, currently we have a pratice of adding Reviewed-by tags
> on patches. This is possible, but inconvenient, when using the
> web tools. It is arguabley redundant, since the tools themselves
> record who commented, and who added approvals on the patch and
> who requested it merge. Dropping use of R-b assumes that we're
> 100% use the web tools and not email.

We should still record R-bs in git, because at the end of the day
the git history is the only thing that we can reasonably expect to
be able to migrate from provider to provider, or even from VCS to
VCS, in a lossless fashion.

> One of the things the web tools do well is fully integrating
> CI testing into the merge process. New submissions would typically
> get CI jobs run against them and only approved for merge once the
> CI has succeeded. This largely eliminates the problem of developers
> accidentally pushing changes to master that break the build. Again
> though this benefit is only seen if we discontinue use of email
> workflow. Much of our existing CI setup should be easy to integrate
> into GitLab. Our current VMs that are used with Jenkins just need
> to have the Jenkins agent replaced with the GitLab runner agent.
> We can then drop Jenkins entirely and do everything though GitLab
> for CI[1].

Looking at the repository containing the machine-executable
description of our CI setup, these days the part that actually
touches Jenkins is fairly small compared to the part dealing with
bringing up and maintaining runners. Of course we'd be able to reuse
pretty much all of it when moving to GitLab CI, but I just wanted to
highlight the fact that dropping support for Jenkins will not be that
much of a win in terms of maintenance.

Anyway, all of this talk about switching everything to a Web-based
workflow is entirely based on the assumption that, if we do that,
then we will start getting more contribution; however, we have *zero
evidence* that it would actually achieve that result.

That's why I'm suggesting is that we open up to contributions from
GitHub/GitLab while not giving up our current workflow, and after a
reasonable amount of time has passed look at the actual data and
base our decisions on what to do going forward on that.

Andrea Bolognani / Red Hat / Virtualization

libvir-list mailing list

Re: [libvirt] [RFC] Accepting PRs/MRs for libvirt on GitHub/GitLab

2019-10-17 Thread Pavel Hrdina
On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 07:57:46AM +0200, Peter Krempa wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 17:08:20 +0100, Daniel Berrange wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 05:03:31PM +0200, Ján Tomko wrote:
> > > On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 02:22:56PM +0200, Andrea Bolognani wrote:
> [...]
> > > Here it deviates from the usual mailing list workflow where the patch
> > > has (in theory) a chance to be seen by all the developers.
> > > 
> > > But given that the requests will probably
> > > a) be close to trivial
> > > b) seen by a group of developers, not just one
> > 
> > I wouldn't expect the changes to be trivial. Current stuff
> > is trivial largely because we tell people not to open merge
> > requests. If we adopt use of web based review, then expect
> I'd still want the message we'll put out to encourage them using e-mail.
> > people to submit non-trivial patches. I would do so myself
> > for example. Thus I think we must make a clean switchover
> > from email to a single web based tool.
> I disagree. There is nothing really appealing to me in any of the web
> based frontends for git.
> The user interface of them is designed to be flashy but that really
> hurts usability of git. We get cool icons but in return we must pay with
> always-online connection, loading bars if you click anywhere and the
> general necessity to interact with the browser which requires a lot of
> mousing around.
> The commenting interface on individual patches is very poor given what
> email allows you and in many cases it's hard to access older versions
> after a pull-request is force-pushed.

I believe that most of us agree on this point and if we have a tool that
will bring the review process closer to the email workflow we can
actually try using it.

Anyway, there is another email from Dan which summarizes it better and
offers a reasonable approach which can answer some of the concerns
you've addressed in this reply so I would suggest that we continue
discussion based on that email [1] to not have multiple threads.



Description: PGP signature
libvir-list mailing list

Re: [libvirt] [RFC] Accepting PRs/MRs for libvirt on GitHub/GitLab

2019-10-16 Thread Peter Krempa
On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 17:08:20 +0100, Daniel Berrange wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 05:03:31PM +0200, Ján Tomko wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 02:22:56PM +0200, Andrea Bolognani wrote:


> > Here it deviates from the usual mailing list workflow where the patch
> > has (in theory) a chance to be seen by all the developers.
> > 
> > But given that the requests will probably
> > a) be close to trivial
> > b) seen by a group of developers, not just one
> I wouldn't expect the changes to be trivial. Current stuff
> is trivial largely because we tell people not to open merge
> requests. If we adopt use of web based review, then expect

I'd still want the message we'll put out to encourage them using e-mail.

> people to submit non-trivial patches. I would do so myself
> for example. Thus I think we must make a clean switchover
> from email to a single web based tool.

I disagree. There is nothing really appealing to me in any of the web
based frontends for git.

The user interface of them is designed to be flashy but that really
hurts usability of git. We get cool icons but in return we must pay with
always-online connection, loading bars if you click anywhere and the
general necessity to interact with the browser which requires a lot of
mousing around.

The commenting interface on individual patches is very poor given what
email allows you and in many cases it's hard to access older versions
after a pull-request is force-pushed.

Also we then get to the discussion whether to use the most popular web
based git hosting site, which is the most terrible to use of them all or
one of the less popular and less bad ones. Since this idea is sold as a
way to attract outside contributors, it might lead to sacrificing
usability for popularity ...

libvir-list mailing list

Re: [libvirt] [RFC] Accepting PRs/MRs for libvirt on GitHub/GitLab

2019-10-16 Thread Daniel Henrique Barboza

On 10/16/19 9:22 AM, Andrea Bolognani wrote:

As we look to make the libvirt project easier to contribute to, one
fact that certainly comes to mind is that we only accept patches via
the mailing list. While the core developers are comfortable with the
email-based workflow and swear by it, many perspective contributors
are used to the PR/MR workflow common to many Open Source projects
these days, and similarly swear by it.

If we look at the PRs submitted on GitHub against the libvirt mirror
repository[1], there's just three of them per year on average, which
is arguably not a lot; however, it should be noted that each
repository also carries a fairly loud "PULL REQUESTS ARE IGNORED"
message right at the top, and it's not unlikely that a number of
perspective contributors simply lost interest after seeing it.

As a way to make contributions easier without forcing core developers
to give up their current workflow or making the project dependent on
a third-party provider, I suggest we adopt a hybrid approach.

First of all, we'd remove the ominous message from GitHub mirror
repositories (interestingly, the same is not present on GitLab).

Then, we'd starting accepting PRs/MRs. The way we'd handle them is
that, when one comes in, one among the handful of core developers who
volunteered to do so would review the patches on the respective
platform, working with the submitter to get it into shape just like
they would do on the mailing list; once the series is finally ready
to be merged, the core developer would update the PR/MR as necessary,
for example picking up R-bs or fixing the kind of trivial issues that
usually don't warrant a repost, and then push to master as usual.

This would mean that there will be patches that will get accepted
without the ML being aware of. The core developer (or the author
itself) would need to send the revised patches to the ML before
pushing to make people aware of it before pushing to master, IMO.

I have a 2 year experience maintaining a now defunct project in
Github (a KVM web management tool called Kimchi) in which we used a
hybrid approach like I think you're suggesting, with mailing list, people
opening bugs in Github + Github PRs. It was annoying - people will 

discuss issues using the Github tracking system, which means that you'll
have to subscribe via email to Github notifications if you didn't want 
to miss

out. It was common for people that used the ML to start discussions that
were already happening in the Web, and vice-versa.

All that to make a case against Libvirt having additional ways of
communication. I don't mind pull requests from Github/Gitlab as long as the
ML is made aware of, before the patches are accepted. But people bringing
up discussions in the ML and Github/Gitlab scales poorly, in my experience.


More in detail: GitHub and GitLab have a feature that allows project
members to update PRs/MRs: basically the way it works is that, if the
PR/MR was created by the user 'foo' from their branch 'bar', the
libvirt developer is allowed to (force-)push to the foo/libvirt/bar
branch, and doing so updates the corresponding PR/MR; after that, if
the updated branch is locally merged into master and master is pushed
to the repo, once it gets mirrored GitHub/GitLab will
recognize that the commit IDs match and automatically mark the PR/MR
as merged. I have tested this behavior on both platforms (minus the
mirroring part) with Martin's help.

One last important bit. In the spirit of not requiring core
developers to alter their workflow, the developer who reviewed the
patches on GitHub/GitLab will also be responsible to format them to
the mailing list after merging them: this way, even those who don't
have a GitHub/GitLab account will get a chance to take notice of the
code changes and weigh in. Unlike what we're used to, this feedback
will come after the fact, but assuming that issues are spotted only
at that point we can either push the relevant fixes as follow-up
commits or even revert the series outright, so I don't feel like it
would be a massive problem overall.



libvir-list mailing list

Re: [libvirt] [RFC] Accepting PRs/MRs for libvirt on GitHub/GitLab

2019-10-16 Thread Daniel P . Berrangé
On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 05:03:31PM +0200, Ján Tomko wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 02:22:56PM +0200, Andrea Bolognani wrote:
> > First of all, we'd remove the ominous message from GitHub mirror
> > repositories (interestingly, the same is not present on GitLab).
> > 
> Well if you're using GitLab then you're already aware of the fact that
> not everything is hosted on GitHub.
> > Then, we'd starting accepting PRs/MRs. The way we'd handle them is
> > that, when one comes in, one among the handful of core developers who
> > volunteered to do so would review the patches on the respective
> > platform, working with the submitter to get it into shape just like
> > they would do on the mailing list; once the series is finally ready
> > to be merged, the core developer would update the PR/MR as necessary,
> > for example picking up R-bs or fixing the kind of trivial issues that
> > usually don't warrant a repost, and then push to master as usual.
> > 
> > More in detail: GitHub and GitLab have a feature that allows project
> > members to update PRs/MRs: basically the way it works is that, if the
> > PR/MR was created by the user 'foo' from their branch 'bar', the
> > libvirt developer is allowed to (force-)push to the foo/libvirt/bar
> > branch, and doing so updates the corresponding PR/MR; after that, if
> > the updated branch is locally merged into master and master is pushed
> > to the repo, once it gets mirrored GitHub/GitLab will
> > recognize that the commit IDs match and automatically mark the PR/MR
> > as merged. I have tested this behavior on both platforms (minus the
> > mirroring part) with Martin's help.
> > 
> > One last important bit. In the spirit of not requiring core
> > developers to alter their workflow, the developer who reviewed the
> > patches on GitHub/GitLab will also be responsible to format them to
> > the mailing list after merging them: this way, even those who don't
> > have a GitHub/GitLab account will get a chance to take notice of the
> > code changes and weigh in. Unlike what we're used to, this feedback
> > will come after the fact, but assuming that issues are spotted only
> > at that point we can either push the relevant fixes as follow-up
> > commits or even revert the series outright, so I don't feel like it
> > would be a massive problem overall.
> > 
> Here it deviates from the usual mailing list workflow where the patch
> has (in theory) a chance to be seen by all the developers.
> But given that the requests will probably
> a) be close to trivial
> b) seen by a group of developers, not just one

I wouldn't expect the changes to be trivial. Current stuff
is trivial largely because we tell people not to open merge
requests. If we adopt use of web based review, then expect
people to submit non-trivial patches. I would do so myself
for example. Thus I think we must make a clean switchover
from email to a single web based tool.
> sending it to the mailing list after it's pushed is better treatment
> than our language bindings get.

The situation with our language bindings has never felt very
comfortable to me. Except for Python, they rarely get posted
for review. Using a web based tool merge requests for language
bindings would be a step forward for transparency in what
we're submitting for them. If nothing else, it will ensure
we can wire up CI to run gating pushes to master to avoid
broken builds.

|:  -o- :|
|: -o- :|
|: :|

libvir-list mailing list

Re: [libvirt] [RFC] Accepting PRs/MRs for libvirt on GitHub/GitLab

2019-10-16 Thread Daniel P . Berrangé
On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 02:22:56PM +0200, Andrea Bolognani wrote:
> As we look to make the libvirt project easier to contribute to, one
> fact that certainly comes to mind is that we only accept patches via
> the mailing list. While the core developers are comfortable with the
> email-based workflow and swear by it, many perspective contributors
> are used to the PR/MR workflow common to many Open Source projects
> these days, and similarly swear by it.

I still think email is a more productive workflow in many respects,
but there's no denying the fact that web based workflow has come to
dominate the open source development world. Projects that are as
large, or larger, than libvirt are successfully using web based
workflows, so it is not credible to claim it won't work for libvirt

The challenges are all around the human factors. We have 15 years
of using a email workflow for libvirt, so that's what our current
regular contributors are all used to, and have optimized our daily
routine around. Changing people's daily routines is always disruptive
and met with resistance.

If we're to reduce the on-ramp / learning curve to make libvirt more
accessible for new contributors I think switching libvirt to use an
web based tool is inevitable & desirable.

Beyond that there are a number of ways it would benefit existing
contributors too. Over the past 5 years there have been many times
when mailman has just given up and stopped sending mails to the
libvirt list. Some of these outages have lasted as long as an
entire week & been quite risruptive to us. Getting anyone to care
to fix the outages is challenging as few other people are impacted
to the same degree as libvirt is with this mailman.

All to often patches from contributors get lost in the torrent.
This can happen in web based tools too. The difference is that
the web tools have much better facilities for identifying these
missed patches & reporting on these problems, or helping organize
patches to minimized missed stuff.

> If we look at the PRs submitted on GitHub against the libvirt mirror
> repository[1], there's just three of them per year on average, which
> is arguably not a lot; however, it should be noted that each
> repository also carries a fairly loud "PULL REQUESTS ARE IGNORED"
> message right at the top, and it's not unlikely that a number of
> perspective contributors simply lost interest after seeing it.

Yep, that's certainly not an encouraging first impression. 

> As a way to make contributions easier without forcing core developers
> to give up their current workflow or making the project dependent on
> a third-party provider, I suggest we adopt a hybrid approach.

> First of all, we'd remove the ominous message from GitHub mirror
> repositories (interestingly, the same is not present on GitLab).

That's an accident in GitLab config.

> Then, we'd starting accepting PRs/MRs. The way we'd handle them is
> that, when one comes in, one among the handful of core developers who
> volunteered to do so would review the patches on the respective
> platform, working with the submitter to get it into shape just like
> they would do on the mailing list; once the series is finally ready
> to be merged, the core developer would update the PR/MR as necessary,
> for example picking up R-bs or fixing the kind of trivial issues that
> usually don't warrant a repost, and then push to master as usual.

I really don't like this hybrid approach for several reasons.

Splitting attention between the web based tool and email list, with
only a subset of people volunteering to use the web tool is really
not attractive. Anyone who only pays attention to one of the two
places is going to be missing out on what's being submitted and
merging until it has already merged.

I think it is fundamental principal that whatever workflow we use
for patch submission & review *must* be one that is universally
used by everyone.

There's two tools being discussed here - both GitHub and GitLab.
Splitting attention between email and a web based tool is bad,
but splitting attention between email and two web based tools
is even worse.

Finally I have general desire to *NOT* designate GitHub as an
official part of the libvirt workflow on the basis that it is
a closed source tool. Yes, we are already using it, but it is
largely an ancillary service working as a passive backup service
for our git repos, not a core part of our workflow. I don't want
to elevate it to be a core part.

> One last important bit. In the spirit of not requiring core
> developers to alter their workflow, the developer who reviewed the
> patches on GitHub/GitLab will also be responsible to format them to
> the mailing list after merging them: this way, even those who don't
> have a GitHub/GitLab account will get a chance to take notice of the
> code changes and weigh in. Unlike what we're used to, this feedback
> will come after the fact, but assuming that issues are spotted only
> at that 

Re: [libvirt] [RFC] Accepting PRs/MRs for libvirt on GitHub/GitLab

2019-10-16 Thread Ján Tomko

On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 02:22:56PM +0200, Andrea Bolognani wrote:

First of all, we'd remove the ominous message from GitHub mirror
repositories (interestingly, the same is not present on GitLab).

Well if you're using GitLab then you're already aware of the fact that
not everything is hosted on GitHub.

Then, we'd starting accepting PRs/MRs. The way we'd handle them is
that, when one comes in, one among the handful of core developers who
volunteered to do so would review the patches on the respective
platform, working with the submitter to get it into shape just like
they would do on the mailing list; once the series is finally ready
to be merged, the core developer would update the PR/MR as necessary,
for example picking up R-bs or fixing the kind of trivial issues that
usually don't warrant a repost, and then push to master as usual.

More in detail: GitHub and GitLab have a feature that allows project
members to update PRs/MRs: basically the way it works is that, if the
PR/MR was created by the user 'foo' from their branch 'bar', the
libvirt developer is allowed to (force-)push to the foo/libvirt/bar
branch, and doing so updates the corresponding PR/MR; after that, if
the updated branch is locally merged into master and master is pushed
to the repo, once it gets mirrored GitHub/GitLab will
recognize that the commit IDs match and automatically mark the PR/MR
as merged. I have tested this behavior on both platforms (minus the
mirroring part) with Martin's help.

One last important bit. In the spirit of not requiring core
developers to alter their workflow, the developer who reviewed the
patches on GitHub/GitLab will also be responsible to format them to
the mailing list after merging them: this way, even those who don't
have a GitHub/GitLab account will get a chance to take notice of the
code changes and weigh in. Unlike what we're used to, this feedback
will come after the fact, but assuming that issues are spotted only
at that point we can either push the relevant fixes as follow-up
commits or even revert the series outright, so I don't feel like it
would be a massive problem overall.

Here it deviates from the usual mailing list workflow where the patch
has (in theory) a chance to be seen by all the developers.

But given that the requests will probably
a) be close to trivial
b) seen by a group of developers, not just one

sending it to the mailing list after it's pushed is better treatment
than our language bindings get.



Andrea Bolognani / Red Hat / Virtualization

libvir-list mailing list

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