Re: apache license 2.0 for consideration

2004-02-23 Thread Eben Moglen

Since you forwarded me the beginning of your list's thread on ASL2 and
GPL2 I have been preparing the analysis you quite rightly sought.  I
regret that the statement at was, and is, inadequate to
explain FSF's concerns; you have correctly inferred that I did not
write it.

Today's statement by the Apache Foundation raises a new question for
me, about which I had assumed that careful reading of your license
would provide an answer, but which I answered for myself--after such a
reading--differently than the Apache Foundation statement.

I hope we can clarify both our views quickly, to avoid the public row
that seems (unnecessarily so far as I can see) to be developing.  For
this purpose, I need to ask the question raised by today's statement:

  A developer, X, adds GPL'd code to Apache, and distributes the combination.
  The combined code, including the GPL'd code itself, practices the
  teaching of a patent, P, licensed under ASL2.  A user, Y, asserts a
  defensive patent claim of infringement by Apache.  Is the license to
  practice patent P in the GPL'd code added to Apache by X withdrawn or
  in force?  Is the license as to the ASL code combined with the GPL
  code withdrawn or in force?

I have been assuming, on the basis of the license text, which seemed
clear to me, that the answer is withdrawn/withdrawn.  Your statement
of today asserting GPL compatibility suggests that the answer must be
in force/in force.  Can you help?

Thanks and best regards.

 Eben Moglen   voice: 212-854-8382 
 Professor of Lawfax: 212-854-7946   moglen@
 Columbia Law School, 435 West 116th Street, NYC 10027
 General Counsel, Free Software Foundation
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Re: apache license 2.0 for consideration

2004-02-23 Thread jcowan
Eben Moglen scripsit:

   A developer, X, adds GPL'd code to Apache, and distributes the combination.
   The combined code, including the GPL'd code itself, practices the
   teaching of a patent, P, licensed under ASL2.  A user, Y, asserts a
   defensive patent claim of infringement by Apache.  Is the license to
   practice patent P in the GPL'd code added to Apache by X withdrawn or
   in force?  Is the license as to the ASL code combined with the GPL
   code withdrawn or in force?
 I have been assuming, on the basis of the license text, which seemed
 clear to me, that the answer is withdrawn/withdrawn.  Your statement
 of today asserting GPL compatibility suggests that the answer must be
 in force/in force.  Can you help?

I would point out that ASL2's clause 3 does not mention derivative
works at all: it provides a patent license only for the Work, not for
anyu Derivative Works licensed (under the terms of clause 4) under a
different license.

Since the Academic Free License 2.0
( uses essentially the same
language as the ASL 2.0, it would be useful if the FSF could re-evaluate
its position on the AFL as well.  The other objection, to the trademark
clause, seems moot given the FSF's acceptance of the extremely similar
trademarks clause of the ASL2.  I ask as a friend of Larry Rosen's and
as a developer of AFL-licensed software.

A mosquito cried out in his pain,   John Cowan
A chemist has poisoned my brain!
The cause of his sorrow
Was para-dichloro-  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Diphenyltrichloroethane.(aka DDT)
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Re: apache license 2.0 for consideration

2004-02-23 Thread Roy T. Fielding
Hello Eben,

Thanks for responding -- I do find your messages to be a great help
in understanding license issues.
On Monday, February 23, 2004, at 10:58  AM, Eben Moglen wrote:
Since you forwarded me the beginning of your list's thread on ASL2 and
GPL2 I have been preparing the analysis you quite rightly sought.  I
regret that the statement at was, and is, inadequate to
explain FSF's concerns; you have correctly inferred that I did not
write it.
Today's statement by the Apache Foundation raises a new question for
me, about which I had assumed that careful reading of your license
would provide an answer, but which I answered for myself--after such a
reading--differently than the Apache Foundation statement.
I'll assume you are referring to the statement at

I hope we can clarify both our views quickly, to avoid the public row
that seems (unnecessarily so far as I can see) to be developing.  For
this purpose, I need to ask the question raised by today's statement:
  A developer, X, adds GPL'd code to Apache, and distributes the 
  The combined code, including the GPL'd code itself, practices the
  teaching of a patent, P, licensed under ASL2.  A user, Y, asserts a
  defensive patent claim of infringement by Apache.  Is the license to
  practice patent P in the GPL'd code added to Apache by X withdrawn or
  in force?  Is the license as to the ASL code combined with the GPL
  code withdrawn or in force?

I have been assuming, on the basis of the license text, which seemed
clear to me, that the answer is withdrawn/withdrawn.  Your statement
of today asserting GPL compatibility suggests that the answer must be
in force/in force.  Can you help?
That is a very complex set of issues.  First, the patent is not only
licensed under the ASL2 -- it is actually licensed by the contributor
to the ASF and any recipient of the ASF's software as part of their
contribution. The Apache License makes the recipient aware of that
license and the condition of reciprocity (as accepted by our
community of contributors) under which that license was granted.
The ASF does not have the right to sublicense any such patent;
we merely pass the license along from the contributors.
Therefore, assuming that the patent was infringed by a contribution
made by the owner of that patent to an ASL2 product, the license
remains in force regardless of what other code/license terms are
added to make up derivative works.  The contributor's patent license
is withdrawn from Y upon the claim of infringement (upon Y claiming
that Y owns a patent that has not been licensed to Apache).  Thus,
your interpretation is mostly correct in that the answer to both
of your questions is withdrawn from Y.
A second issue, however, is that the GPL does not allow redistribution
of the combination if a patent does exist and is not available free
to everyone.  Again, the ASL2 has no impact here, since a separate
license to the patent may exist outside of the ASL2's required license.
For example, if a company says this patent may be freely used within
any product distributed under the GPL or the Apache License, then a
user would still retain rights to use under the GPL even if the Apache
License termination clause is triggered.  That is because the 
is passive -- it only matters if the user has no rights aside from those
given by the ASL2.

So, there may be a case where a given software product may be
incompatible with the GPL, whether or not it is licensed under the
ASL2, simply because an enforced patent exists within that product
and has not been licensed (as might be the case for patented
technology that was independently invented for Apache, or for which
the inventor failed to reference the existing prior art).
I hope you agree that, in such a case, it is the product that is
incompatible with the GPL and not the generic licensing terms.
It is the GPL's own restrictions on redistributing works covered
by an enforced patent that cause the combination to be
non-distributable, and that is true even if the patent was
infringed by the GPL part of the code (e.g., combining two
independent products into one product may cause a new infringement
even if neither one infringed separately).
As we said in our statement, the ASF does not knowingly distribute
patented technology unless it is licensed free for everyone (not
just under the ASL2).  The purpose of the patent license in ASL2
is to protect our users against deliberate contributions of
patented technology that are later enforced against the end-user.
Since nobody knows when a patent is infringed until the patent
is approved and enforced, usually years after it was introduced,
our contributors have agreed to work together on a royalty-free
basis for anything they might contribute, provided that the
people benefiting from that broad license are also willing to
license their patents in the same work (or at least agree not
to enforce them 

Re: apache license 2.0 for consideration

2004-02-23 Thread Roy T. Fielding
I would point out that ASL2's clause 3 does not mention derivative
works at all: it provides a patent license only for the Work, not for
anyu Derivative Works licensed (under the terms of clause 4) under a
different license.
On a side note, since software patent law is applied to the method
of something and not to the particular expression, a patent license
for doing that something remains in force regardless of the software
that is later used to do it.  The license is from the owner of the
method to the legal entity using that method.
In other words, it is a blanket permission -- once you have the
permission, you can use whatever tool you like (even one not derived
from the ASL2 work) up until the permission is revoked.
If a company sues for infringement on the basis of a patent
being included in XY, where XY consists of X (non-infringing) and
Y (infringing), then that will be brought up by the defense and
the company will have to claim Y infringes as well (or drop
the case entirely).  As such, there is no need for the patent license
to talk about derivative works. Nor would it be safe to do so,
since derivative work is a concept of copyright law, not patent law.
IANAL, so I'm not sure if that is codified somewhere or simply the
collective experience of those I've talked to.

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