Re: Exclusion of international laws

2002-01-07 Thread Chloe Hoffman

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etc etc

From: Abe Kornelis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Exclusion of international laws
Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 22:02:29 -0800

Hello all,

Best wishes for the new year to all of you.

I have noticed that various OSI-approved licenses
exclude the United Nations Convention on Contracts
for the International Sale of Goods.

First question: why would anyone want to exclude
a supranational regulation. I'd suppose such
regulations are installed in order to promote
international trade...

A contracting party would want to exclude the UN CISG primarily where it 
prefers a different law. For example, where a party prefers the law of New 
York with respect to all its transactions, domestic or international, it 
would want to exclude the UN CISG from applying to its international 
contracts - a uniformity reason. A party may want to have a law it knows 
apply instead of assume the interpretation of the UN CISG - a certainty 
reason. A party may disagree with the provisions of the UN CISG - a 
substantive reason. Of course, there could me many more reasons. You can 
read the UN CISG here:

Second question: Once this Convention has been
ratified by a country's government I'd assume it
has status of law within that country. Is it
legally possible then, to bypass such a regulation?
I mean, I could write that applciation of regulations
relating to racism are excluded from my license X,
but I seriously doubt that such a statement would
have any consequence: it would simply be overridden
by 'the law'. Anybody willing to shed some light
on these - to me - murky matters?

The UN CISG expressly permits parties, i.e. parties to a contract as 
distinct from the States who ratify the CISG, to exclude its application.

Article 6

The parties may exclude the application of this Convention or, subject to 
article 12, derogate from or vary the effect of any of its provisions.

Thanks in advance, and kind regards, Abe.
Abe F. Kornelis, B.V. Bixoft
Het Jaagpad 63, 3461 HA Linschoten
The Netherlands
phone: +31-6-22755401

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Re: Open source shareware?

2001-11-09 Thread Chloe Hoffman

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From: Angelo Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Open source shareware?
Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2001 12:28:12 +

Hi all!

Angelo Schneider David Johnson:
   On Thursday 08 November 2001 08:05 am, Forrest J. Cavalier III wrote:
   As long as this permission notice and disclaimer are included, any
   person obtaining a copy of this software may distribute this
   software or derivatives.
  Where's my permission to create derivatives? I see that I can distribute
  them, but there's nothing about being able to create them. This is a 
  distinction. As it now stands, I have the right to distribute 
  created by OTHER people, but not to create them myself.

You do not need a permission to create derivates, IMHO.

As I understand copyright law creating of a derived work is free for
Only redistribution, public performance etc. is regulated.

This is plain wrong in all copyright laws that I am aware of, including 
Germany. The basic principle is that creation of a derivative work (or 
whatever the term is in other laws outside the U.S.) is an exclusive right 
of the copyright owner. That means someone needs either permission from the 
copyright owner (e.g., license) or rely on some other defense (e.g., fair 
use, de minimis, etc.).


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Re: Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License

2001-11-02 Thread Chloe Hoffman

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Speaking only for myself. etc. etc.

- Original Message -
From: Stamnes, Michelle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 8:31 PM
Subject: Response to comments on Intel's proposed BSD+Patent license

There seem to be a number of comments on the BSD+ Patent license we have
proposed that claim that the license is not open because it only
a specific product; i.e., Linux.

First, this is not true.  The patent license that is extended is for ANY
that is licensed under the GPL.  It may be Linux or any other OS that is
licensed under GPL.

I think the concern was that the license that was extended was limited to a 
certain field - operating systems under the GPL - and thereby not in 
compliance with the OSD Guidelines by excluding other products and/or other 
licenses. From what I can tell, the OSD language is not limited to licenses 
of specific rights such as copyright. Whether in application it is I am not 

Second, and far more fundamental, all of the threads seem to agree:

1. BSD is a copyright only license.
2. BSD grants NO rights to patents.
3. BSD is an open license.

I am not sure if I can absolutely agree with statements 1) and 2). The
license grants in the BSD make no reference to copyright and so expressly or 
impliedly may include limited patent rights to the extent needed to allow 
the licensee to perform the grants in the BSD license. Indeed, the express 
patent license grant may negate that the basic BSD express or implied patent 
license grant. So, a concern might be that the licensee may be getting less 
than what the original BSD provided and that less doesn't meet the terms or 
the spirit of the OSD (see above).

It is not logical to say that a license that grants MORE rights than the
is not open.  If you use the software in an OS licensed under GPL, you
also get a patent license on the use of that software.  For the sake of
example, let's assume that instead of granting the additional value of a
patent license from Intel, the proposed license said If you use the
software in an OS that is licensed under the GPL, Intel will pay you
The license merely provides an incentive for a particular use, but does
prohibit other uses.  Now, change the value to being a patent license.
does not change the fact that there is additional value; it is just value
a different form. How is that not an open license?

Finally, under the proposed license, you can use the software in Solaris
any other proprietary OS or in any other piece of software (in addition to
the GPL based OS's).  You just don't have a patent license; so you are no
worse off than with the BSD license.

I am not sure a licensee is no worse off. In the original BSD, the licensee 
may have an express license to do what he/she needs. However, even if 
patents are found not be within the express license, the licensee may have 
an implied patent license or may rely on other defenses (e.g. experimental 
use, de minimis, etc.). And, in this case, an express patent license 
possibly negates some or all of those possibilities in a manner that does 
not offer all the rights required by the OSD.

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Re: Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License

2001-11-02 Thread Chloe Hoffman

This is not legal advice. No lawyer-client relationship is established. 
Speaking only for myself. etc etc.

From: Russell Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Date: Fri,  2 Nov 2001 09:00:56 -0500 (EST)

John Cowan writes:
   Stamnes, Michelle wrote:
Yes, you can use this software with FreeBSD. FreeBSD is subject to 
the BSD
license, so you have no patent license for the original code.
   I'm sorry, but this seems to be a contradiction in terms.  If there is
   an Intel patent on the art of which this software is an expression, 
   *using* the software with FreeBSD is precisely what we cannot do
   without becoming scofflaws.

If you're using FreeBSD, then your rights under the BSD+Patent License
are exactly the same as if the code was BSD licensed.  How is this not
open source?

It can be not open source if the original BSD license included a limited 
patent license and an express patent license provides even more limited 
rights than the original BSD which do meet the OSD.

   actual *distribution* of the OS under the GPL.

s/BSD/GPL/, burn a CD, and send it to me.  You are now using a
GPL-licensed OS.  But that's besides the point, really.  The point is
whether a license which is open source can become not so if a patent
license is included with it.

Speaking about the general case, it seems to me that the OSD is not couched 
in the terminology of specific rights. It talks of licenses. In my view, 
as the OSD is drafted, all granted licenses in an OSD approved license, 
whether, e.g., patent or copyright, must meet the OSD. Moreover, the 
non-specificity seems to make sense  - the licensee should be secure that 
he/she has all the rights needed to practice at least the grants specified 
in the license.

-russ nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Why are we still fighting
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | the war on drugs when 
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | is a real war to fight?
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Re: Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License

2001-10-31 Thread Chloe Hoffman

This is not legal advice. No client-attorney relationship is established. 
Speaking solely for myself. etc etc

- Original Message -
From: Russell Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stamnes, Michelle [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Simon, David
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License

John Cowan writes:
   Russell Nelson wrote:


Essentially, we are all of us completely and totally screwed by the
patent system.  If I invent something that you have put into your
(unpublished -- at least as far as the patent system is concerned)
code for decades, and patent it, I 0WN J00.  Doesn't matter if you're
IBM and I'm Joe Blow, or vice-versa even.

This statement can't be categorically made and misses nuances. For example, 
in probably every country in the world, there are prior user rights of some 
form i.e. someone using a patented invention before application for that 
invention can continue to use that invention.Unfortunately in the U.S. they 
are very narrow rights but in other countries they are quite broad. Further, 
prior use and prior invention can be a bar to or invalidate a patent in the 
U.S. and elsewhere - the devil is in the details.

   Criterion 8 (License Must Not Be Specific To A Product) is violated,
   in substance if not to the letter; this license is in effect specific
   to Linux.

On the other hand, if they left that patent license off, we would
certify it.  However, you would have less freedom to use such patented
software because you don't have a license.

I think you are assuming that the BSD grant does not include rights to
patents. From what I recall, the BSD makes no reference to specific rights, 
whether copyright, patent or anything else for that matter (except it 
requires the inclusion of the copyright notice).

Patents suck THS much (picture me opening my
hands above my head to show you how bad patents are).  In essence,
every open source license which does not include a patent grant is
just so much hot air.  About the only thing we can reasonably do is be
thankful that any patent rights are included, and approve the license
based on the copyright permissions granted.  Note that the Intel
BSD+Patent License does not make copying dependent upon patent
noninfringement.  The patent grant is a separate term.

And what about jurisdictions?  Jurisdiction is even more significant
in the patent field than in the copyright field.  At least copyright
lawyers have the Berne Convention.  So in a jurisdiction where
software cannot be patented, the patent grant is meaningless.

-russ nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Why are we still
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | the war on drugs when
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | is a real war to fight?
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Re: Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License

2001-10-31 Thread Chloe Hoffman

This is not legal advice. No lawyer-client relationship is established. 
Speaking only for myself. etc etc.

Subject: Re: Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Date: 30 Oct 2001 18:24:32 -0800

On Tue, 30 October 2001, Russell Nelson wrote:

  Essentially, we are all of us completely and totally screwed by the
  patent system.  If I invent something that you have put into your
  (unpublished -- at least as far as the patent system is concerned)
  code for decades, and patent it, I 0WN J00.  Doesn't matter if you're
  IBM and I'm Joe Blow, or vice-versa even.


=Patents must be novel (that is, it must be different from all
=previous inventions in some important way).
=Patents must be nonobvious (a surprising and significant development)
=to somebody who understands the technical field of the invention.

I don't see how you could patent something that I've had in
code for decades. It's neither nonobvious nor novel.

If the invention embodied within the code has never become publicly known or 
used or has otherwise been kept secret, then it is possible. The patent 
system is all about encouraging disclosure.

Granted, software patents can be a pain
(Some perl/tk widgets had to have functionality
ripped out because they supported a patented image format)

and, IMHO, stupid (the one-click patent from days gone by)

but has the scenario you described actually happened?
(i.e. decades old code getting patented out from under someone)

Not sure about the circumstance regarding the decades old code. If the 
invention was properly made known or used in the public then a granted 
patent for that invention may be invalid. You have to remember that the 
patent system is not all knowing - it may not know of this decades old 
code unless it has been cited to the relevant patent office. If the 
invention was kept secret, then a patent for the invention may be valid. 
However a user of the invention before the grant of the patent may be able 
to continue to use the invention under prior use rights. Patent systems are 
different around the world so no general statement can be made. Further, 
each situation is very fact specific.


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Re: Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License

2001-10-31 Thread Chloe Hoffman

This is not legal advice. No lawyer-client relationship is established. 
Speaking for myself only. etc etc

Subject: Re: Intel's proposed BSD + Patent License
Date: 31 Oct 2001 06:22:39 -0800

On Tue, 30 October 2001, David Johnson wrote:

  On Tuesday 30 October 2001 06:24 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   =Patents must be novel (that is, it must be different from all
   =previous inventions in some important way).
   =Patents must be nonobvious (a surprising and significant development)
   =to somebody who understands the technical field of the invention.

  The current system is based on whoever filed first. It may not be the
  law, but it is the practice.

But if I code some software, register it with the copyright office,
put a LGPL license on it, put it on the web, and I DON'T get a
patent for it,

then, YOU shouldn't be able to take my code and patent it,
just because there's no prior patent art, doesn't mean it's novel.

Someone may be able to get a patent but it may be invalid. The relevant 
patent office may not be aware of this code. Further, someone is not 
entitled to a patent for someone else's invention. The applicant must have 
invented the invention not have taken it. This issue is called derivation 
in patent law circles. Non-patent prior art is relevant to the examination 
of applications for patents and for invalidating granted patents.

at work, we get a patent refresher every year or so.
basically, we are not to tell our customers anything
about future ASIC products without first passing it by our
legal department for approval. apparently if we say
too much, give away too much detail, we can lose
a right to a possible patent.

code registered with the copyright office decades ago
should similarly disqualify patentability.

It may but it depends on what is actually registered. In many cases a 
registration for software includes a redacted version of source code (to 
preserve trade secrets). Accordingly, the invalidating effect may be 

 Unfortunately, the patent system is no longer being
 run by logic, common sense, or even the LAW. It's being
 run by lawyers.  Despite our veneer of civilization,
 might still makes right, and the lawyers have a monopoly
 on the application of might. The law means whatever
 they say it means.

While I share your concerns about where the patent system is headed, I 
would note that the patent system is ultimately run by the various 
national governments. They can put an end to the patent system. Lawyers 
are ultimately just middlemen and dependent on the graces of the national 
governments. Further, lawyers typically act on behalf of clients. While 
lawyers certainly have a vested interest, they are dependent on benefactors 
(otherwise they are doing something else). So, I would suggest that the 
responsibilities of the government and interests of the patent system 
end-users not be lost. Just my biased two cents ;-)

OK, time for a beer.   ;)


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RE: Is inherited class a derivative work?

2001-10-24 Thread Chloe Hoffman

This is not legal advice. No attorney-client relationship is established. 
etc etc

From: Michael Beck [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Is inherited class a derivative work?
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 05:45:38 -0400


Of course, by using the fair use doctrine, you could use API to create an
independent (cleanroom) implementation. That's what seems to be happening 
OpenSource cleanroom implementations of Java API.

In the case of Java, there seems to be no need to rely on fair use. The 
following is from, e.g., the JDK 1.1 documentation:

Sun Microsystems, Inc. (SUN) hereby grants to you a fully-paid, 
nonexclusive, nontransferable, perpetual, worldwide limited license (without 
the right to sublicense) under SUN's intellectual property rights that are 
essential to practice this specification. This license allows and is limited 
to the creation and distribution of clean room implementations of this 
specification that (i) include a complete implementation of the current 
version of this specification without subsetting or supersetting, (ii) 
implement all the interfaces and functionality of the standard java.* 
packages as defined by SUN, without subsetting or supersetting, (iii) do not 
add any additional packages, classes or methods to the java.* packages (iv) 
pass all test suites relating to the most recent published version of this 
specification that are available from SUN six (6) months prior to any beta 
release of the clean room implementation or upgrade thereto, (v) do not 
derive from SUN source code or binary materials, and (vi) do not include any 
SUN binary materials without an appropriate and separate license from SUN.

Also, keep in mind that the meaning of fair use is not internationally 
defined. The U.S. probably has the most generous fair use doctrine. Most 
other countries, especially European countries, have very narrow fair 
dealing provisions which are in most cases very limited e.g. use (copying, 
preparing derivative works, etc.) for news reporting, criticism and 
research. Further, fair use in the U.S. is an extremely fact specific 
inquiry - there are pretty much no absolutes.

However, as indicated in another thread here, Sun in its license indicates 
it has control over changes to the API  by stating that any changes to the 
have to be published. Since nobody challenged it so far, it seems that 
might be something to Sun's claim.

There may be something to Sun's claim if looked at from the implementation 
view point. A set of APIs can be viewed as a compilation. Creating an 
implementation that incorporates that compilation (and thus exposes that set 
of APIs) may require a license or other permission.


APIs and even data base schemata (what you get after executing a
sequence of SQL create table statements) are explicitly
  noted as: not
copyright able, not patent able, not trademark able.
   That's interesting. Can you provide any references to it?
  (in English or
   German). Is it German law, or EU?

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RE: RealNetworks' RTSP Proxy License

2001-09-10 Thread Chloe Hoffman

This is not legal advice. No attorney-client relationship is established. 
etc etc.

To: Humphreys, Noel [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
License-Discuss@Opensource. Org [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: RealNetworks' RTSP Proxy License
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2001 14:00:50 +0100

  -Original Message-
  From: Humphreys, Noel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Copyright law empowers an author to restrict others from copying the
  work.  A user therefore wants the license to allow the user to copy
  the work.  In software terms, copying occurs when the user's hard
  drive or RAM receives or records the software, for example.

Copyright law *does* specify that such copying essential to use is not
considered copying, and is not a reserved right. We've had this out on this
list before.

U.S. and a number of other countries' copyright law indeed permits as an 
exception the limited ability of making of a copy in the utilization of 
program on a machine. See section 117 of the U.S. Copyright Act. Laws of 
many other countries do not provide such an explicit exception. Moreover, 
most countries in the world do not provide as wide a fair use privilege as 
the U.S or recognize implied license (or if so, an express license likely 


Copyright law does state that the copyright holder does not perforce 
the right to use the work, however that may apply to the work. They may
not forbid people to read a book, but they may forbid them to read it in
public. They may not forbid people to *privately* perform a play, or
rehearse it, but they may forbid them from performing in public. Get the

AFAIK in almost all countries making copies has no public limitation - 
whether the copy is private or public is irrelevant.

IANAL, but I have had definite answers on these areas...

Sam Barnett-Cormack

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Re: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection compatible wit

2001-04-20 Thread Chloe Hoffman

In my view, an API is as much a collection of facts as your original message, as Stephen King's latest novel, etc. I think in most cases an API involves creative expression or at least some selection, arrangement or coordination of function names, parameter type(s) and return type(s) (of course I am not talking about the simple abstract concept of an API; I am talking about a set of developed APIs). Surely if an API is just one function then you have a de minimis problem. But let's take the Java API. Taking U.S. law as an example, I would think that after you take whatever material (functions, return types, parameter types, parameter names, etc.) that is not copyrightable (by virtue of, for example, the merger doctrine(the idea and expression merged into one and there is no other way of expressing it), the scenes a faire doctrine (only so many ways of expressing the idea) and being in the public domain) there would be a great deal of material left over that involved creative expression or at least serious selection, coordination, or arrangement. For copyright to attach only minimal originality is needed. I can't see the argument flying that the Java API is like a purely alphabetical white pages.
I think the real question is not whether an API is copyrightable but how an API is infringed and what is a derivative work of an API.

From: Forrest J Cavalier III<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection compatible wit 
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 07:50:06 -0400 
How can you copyright an API? Isn't it simply a 
collection of facts? 
Perhaps you could copyright the formal parameter 
names, and certainly the documentation in a header 
But the facts of 
 function name, 
 return type(s) 
 parameter type(s) 
are just facts. There is no creative expression involved. 
Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software Voice 570-992-8824 has over 30,000 links to 
source, libraries, functions, applications, and documentation. 
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Re: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection compatible wit

2001-04-20 Thread Chloe Hoffman

I am not sure I see how 102(b) should exclude APIs from copyrightable subject matter as an absolute matter. Surely some aspects of an API may fail because of various doctrines such as merger, scenes a faire, etc. (viz. sqrt()) but I am not sure I see how a full set of APIs should be excluded per se. I find it hard to distinguish an API from a computer program - if APIs fail under 102(b) then shouldn't computer programs in general fail also because they comprise an idea, process, method, etc.? I see both as expressions, not the idea themselves. I think the tougher issue is infringement/derivative works (leave alone implied/express licenses, estoppels, etc.). Just some thoughts 

From: Rod Dixon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: Angelo Schneider<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Re: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection compatible wit 
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 14:12:13 -0400 (EDT) 
This is the issue I was hinting at. I do not believe that as a general 
matter that APIs should be copyrightable under U.S. copyright law since 
section 102(b) of the Copyright Act should exclude APIs from copyright 
subject matter. Having said that, I admit the issue seems unresolved since 
both Microsoft and Sun Microsystems are two well known developers who 
claim copyright interests in APIs; Microsoft for Windows, and Sun for 
On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Angelo Schneider wrote: 
  In Europe APIs are not copyright able. 
  No idea about the US. 
  However if you publich them in a book, the book of course is 
  However you can not prevent anyone to write a software against a given 
  Same is true for data formats. (In Europe dataformats e.g. a flat file 
  format for a word processor are not copyright able) 
  Forrest J Cavalier III wrote: 
Von: Forrest J Cavalier III[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 20. April 2001 13:50:06 
Betreff: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection compatible wit 
Diese Nachricht wurde automatisch von einer Regel weitergeleitet. 

   How can you copyright an API? Isn't it simply a 
   collection of facts? 
   Perhaps you could copyright the formal parameter 
   names, and certainly the documentation in a header 
   But the facts of 
   function name, 
   return type(s) 
   parameter type(s) 
   are just facts. There is no creative expression involved. 
   Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software Voice 570-992-8824 has over 30,000 links to 
   source, libraries, functions, applications, and documentation. 
  Angelo Schneider OOAD/UML [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Putlitzstr. 24 Patterns/FrameWorks Fon: +49 721 9812465 
  76137 Karlsruhe C++/JAVA Fax: +49 721 9812467 
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Re: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection compa

2001-04-20 Thread Chloe Hoffman

From: "Forrest J Cavalier III" Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection compa Date: Fri, 20 Apr 
2001 15:05:12 -0400

"Chloe Hoffman" wrote

I think the real question is not whether an API is copyrightable
  but how an API is infringed and what is a derivative work of an  API.

You admit that some parts of the API would not qualify as original.

I don't believe that's what I said. I believe I said, with respect to U.S. 
law, that some parts may not qualify - just like some parts of any other 
work may not qualify - for copyright protection according to certain 
well-known doctrines.

Infringement would therefore depend on what portions of the API are 
"original enough" to qualify under copyright law.

Just like any other work.

These APIs get published so that they can be used.

To me that's not a statement against copyrightability - rather an issue of 

Once the software is written that provides the API, it becomes a physical 
object which can be studied.

Just as once a story is written or a house is built. It does not necessarily 
mean the story or design of the house can be infringed.

It is pretty hard to argue that the facts of that physical object, 
including the exported interface, can never be expressed without infringing 

As I suggested, infringement I think is the nub of the question - not 
copyrightability. In my view, there is certainly a significant difference 
from an infringement perspective, assuming no express or implied license or 
other kind of estoppel, between writing a program accessing an interface and 
implementing a set of APIs (such as the Java API) - in my mind the former 
being much further away from infringement than the latter.


(P.S. To Chloe Hoffman: If you must use MIME, can you at least post in 
text/plain? Thanks!)

I hope that's fixed. Sorry.

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Re: namespace protection compatible with the OSD?

2001-04-19 Thread Chloe Hoffman

In the U.S. at least, building a house from a blueprint is creating a copy of an architectural work - see the definition of an architectural work in s. 101 of the U.S. Copyright Act and other limitations in s. 120. If someone builds an unauthorized exact or substantially similar copy (i.e. a building according to the architectural work), it may be infringement (assuming access to the architectural work). The owner of an architectural work has the exclusive right to prepare derivative works (which of course can be licensed). As to the customs and conventions in the industry defining actual and implied licensing and ownershipthat's the story of extensive litigation (including numerous disputes between architects, home owners and builders).

From: John Cowan<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: Brian Behlendorf<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Re: namespace protection compatible with the OSD? 
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 16:38:31 -0400 
Brian Behlendorf wrote: 
Would you agree that if I took one of Shakespeare's plays and 
reworked it 
into a screenplay, or novel, that my work would be a derivative 
Throw in translating to Chinese for good measure. Throw in adding 
extra scenes and characters to really flesh out my work, or to 
adapt it to 
a new culture. 
All of those things are making a derivative work, clearly. 
I think the idea of implementing an API is the same thing. 
And I think this is a much closer analogy than using the tax advice 
by a tax book. 
The closest analogy is building a house from a blueprint. The house 
isn't a derivative work of the blueprint, or architects wouldn't 
to get paid for drawing them -- they could sue the contractor for 
I am not a lawyer, but I'm getting uncomfortably familiar with too 
things usually only lawyers have to worry about. 
Tell it, brother! 
There is / one art || John Cowan 
no more / no less || 
to do / all things || 
with art- / lessness \\ -- Piet Hein 
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Re: Wired Article on the GPL

2000-04-04 Thread Chloe Hoffman

From the U.S. Copyright Act:

"ยง 117. Limitations on exclusive rights: Computer programs

Notwithstanding the provisions of section 106, it is not an infringement for 
the owner of a copy of a computer program to make or authorize the making of 
another copy or adaptation of that computer program provided:

(1) that such a new copy or adaptation is created as an essential step in 
the utilization of the computer program in conjunction with a machine and 
that it is used in no other manner, or
(2) that such new copy or adaptation is for archival purposes only and that 
all archival copies are destroyed in the event that continued possession of 
the computer program should cease to be rightful.

Any exact copies prepared in accordance with the provisions of this section 
may be leased, sold, or otherwise transferred, along with the copy from 
which such copies were prepared, only as part of the lease, sale, or other 
transfer of all rights in the program. Adaptations so prepared may be 
transferred only with the authorization of the copyright owner."

Your mileage may vary in other countries.

From: Justin Wells [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Wired Article on the GPL
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 12:52:55 -0400

On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 02:57:34PM -0400, John Cowan wrote:

  Running the program is not part of the copyright rights-bundle: when you
  acquire the program sans EULA-style license, you are an owner of that 
  and you can run it because that is analogous to reading a book that you 

Usually, though, in order to run it you have to copy it into memory, and
without a specific grant, you don't have the right to make that copy. I
thought there was a court decision in the US which determined that copying
into RAM was "fixation" in copyright law.

It's not clear to me that you are entitled to copy a program into
RAM just because you are the owner and have ordinary copy rights. It
might be that there is some implicit right to copy a program into
RAM for the purpose of executing it, if you own the program.


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