Re: Is this better for tomsrtbt?

2001-04-22 Thread Eric Jacobs


 What I don't like is other people just copying the *actual binary* 
 without giving any credit or acknoledgement that *they* don't want to 
 bother to compile it *themselves*.  As long as they mention where they 
 got it, I'm
 fine with it.
 So, in the case above, am I required not to add the 'give credit and 
 mention where you got it' clause to the binary object, even if I make 
 the source code available without any such restriction?

Yes. That would be in violation of Section 2b of the GPL.

 The GPL doesn't really clarify this, it is, after all, aiming at the 
 source code, and there is probably no consideration that anyone would
 *care* about a particular binary compile output.

Compiling a program into object code is certainly forming a derivative
work, and thus it falls under Section 2. The GPL does not need to
enumerate every different way to form derivative works in order for it
to apply to them.

Also, if you look at the language in the first line of Section 3, it
is clear that the GPL considers object code to fall under Section 2.

 Now, I can *definitely* apply this restriction to all the scripts and 
 Luas that I wrote from scratch, *maybe* apply it to the agglomeration 
 and the arrangement (such as using a very small gzipped root and bzip2ed 
 /usr, is that copyrightable?)

The idea of compressing filesystems? No, as copyright applies to
expressions and not ideas. The actual filesystems of course are
copyrightable, but then they are derivative of the works they contain,
and you will have to follow the GPL.

 and *maybe* apply it to my versions of the 
 documents and man pages.  It is *possible* that I can apply it to binary 
 objects where I am making the program *in source* available *without* 
 restriction, but I dunno from reading the licenses.

Are you talking about the GPL? The GPL states very explicitly in
Section 2b that derived works must be distributed under the terms of
the GPL. There is no provision for extra restrictions.

  But I can 
 *ABSOLUTELY* make it clear that this is my desire, want, and 
 expectation, to the fullest extent legally available to me.

Which, under the GPL, is nil, unless you can find a law requiring
attribution. Don't pretend that this "desire, want, and expectation"
is part of the license, though. IANAL.

 That is 
 what I'm getting at, in my license- "as far as legally possible, if you 
 reuse ANY of this, you must give credit to the source".


RE: namespace protection compatible with the OSD?

2001-04-19 Thread Eric Jacobs

"Lawrence E. Rosen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I was trying to point out that you CAN'T ALLOW someone to use your name 
 -- e.g., ALL uses, even friendly ones, are misuses -- because it is YOUR 
 trademark and not theirs.  If you allow a third party who creates a 
 derivative work to market that derivative work under your trademark, 
 without exercising control over the quality of his derivative works, you
 will lose your trademark.  It is okay for a third party to say his
 derivative work is "compatible with" Apache, or "equivalent in 
 functionality to" Apache, or "meets the specifications of" Apache, or 
 even that it is "better than" Apache, but it is NOT okay for him to 
 market his derivative work "as" Apache.  Apache should not allow anyone 
 else to adopt its trademark for their software!  (The word "should" in 
 that last sentence is as close as I'm going to come to giving 
 unsolicited legal advice to Apache.)

"OSI Certified" is a certification mark, a kind of trademark. Yet open
source software authors can claim their software to be "OSI Certified",
not just "equivalent to OSI Certified". This doesn't constitute
abandonment of the trademark -- does it?


Re: namespace protection compatible with the OSD?

2001-04-18 Thread Eric Jacobs

Brian Behlendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm saying two things: if you create a derivative work 
 from my code, then the license says if you change the behavior of the 
 functions or macros, etc., defined in my .h, that you must call it 
 something else. However, if you keep the same interface (keep the .h 
 consistant, but change the .c, though it's more accurate to say "API" 
 and "implementation") then you may continue to call it "mylibrary.h".

I'm having trouble with the interface/implementation distinction here.
Is "behavior" the same thing as "interface"?

 Secondarily, I'm saying even if you didn't implement my code, but 
 followed the published document that describes the spec (which I also 
 put under
 this license), you'd have to follow the same rules.

This cannot be accomplished with an open source copyright license. This
sounds like a job for trademarks.

Perhaps a better way to think about this whole issue is something like
this: "Permission is hereby granted to use the trademark 'mylibrary'
in connection with a computer program, provided the following conditions
are met: 1. The program include a file named 'mylibrary.h' which is
syntactically equivalent to the file 'mylibrary.h' of the reference
implementation available from somewhere"... (be more specific about
the meaning of "syntactically", mention standards, etc.)

  I'm not sure what "incompatible" means here? What if my new improved 
  version was intended as a replacement, but which added new features in 
  a way that necessitated a degree of incompatibility?
 If you make a change that introduces any degree of incompatibility, even 
 if it's "fixing a bug", then it would have to be renamed.  Hopefully I'm 
 reasonable enough to change my API should I be notified of bugs in it, 
 if I'm not, fork.

All changes potentially introduce incompatibility, even bug-fixes, because
old code can rely on the buggy behavior. Is your intent to prevent people
from adding new features and calling it the same?

  I don't know. In some cases I could see (if I have understood you 
  correctly), the restriction could be a way of preventing a fork of the
  code. IMO, the ability to fork is a necessary part of an open source
 It doesn't limit the right to fork at all, but it does somewhat carve 
 out an API namespace; the example of MS using something like this to 
 prevent Win32 reimplementation is probably a good example, where they'd 
 put a license like this on their Win32 spec.

This doesn't seem to be at all the same thing. Nobody has to execute
a license of Microsoft's in order to implement the same API's as Windows,
unless doing so involved creating a derivative work of some copyrighted

What you're proposing sounds like it could be accomplished using
trademark, and avoiding that whole sticky copyright-of-API's issue

  I'd be surprised if they 
 don't already have some sort of anti-reimplementation or 
 anti-reverse-engineering clauses in their click-through or shrink-wrap
 licenses, though.

They can have all kinds of clauses; that doesn't mean anything if nobody
executes the licenses. You can get people to execute the license by
granting them a right that they would not otherwise have: an exclusive
right under copyright, or the right to use a trademark. Because your
objectives seem to be aligned with the intentions of trademark law
(preventing consumer confusion from dilution of the name), it seems
that trademark would be a better fit.

Re: Subscription/Service Fees - OSD Intent

2001-03-28 Thread Eric Jacobs

Ian Lance Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  ) It may certainly be possible to have a [requirement that derivative 
  ) be licensed under the GPL] for Open Source software. I am not 
  ) that. However, until such a time as the [requirement that derivative
  ) works be licensed under the GPL] is [met], the software cannot be
  ) considered Open Source. If a [requirement that derivative works be
  ) licensed under the GPL] were allowed in an Open Source license, then
  ) if Andy has [met the requirement by distributing his derivative work
  ) under the GPL], then gives the software to Bob, Bob does not have to
  ) [meet the requirement to distribute derivative works under the GPL],
  ) since all the rights attached to the Andy's copy of the software
  ) transfer to Bob (#7).
  Plainly, this is not what #7 means.
 Argument by analogy is always tricky.  In this case, I don't think
 your analogy is correct.
 Your analogy presumes a scenario in which Andy has a legally obtained 
 copy of the source but is not under the requirement that derivative 
 works be licensed under the GPL.  That is implied by your statement that 
 Bob has all the rights which Andy has but does not have the
 requirement of distributing under the GPL.

There is no such implication. A "not" has slipped in there! I am 
considering the case where Andy is licensed under some condition
(whether it is a requirement that any derivative works be distributed
under the GPL, or perhaps a requirement to pay a fee.)

My statement that Bob has all the rights which Andy has but does not
have the requirement of distributing under the GPL is derived from
David Johnson's argument about OSD #7 -- namely, that a recipient of
Open Source software gains all of the rights that the distributor
had with regard to the software, _without_ having to meet any of the
requirements that the distributor did.

 Here is my interpretation of David Johnson's point.  If Andy has a copy 
 of a program under an open source license which requires paying a 
 license fee, and Andy pays that license fee, and Andy distributes the 
 program to Bob, then by OSD #7 Bob has all the rights that Andy has. If 
 Andy has the right to run the program, then Bob also has the right
 to run the program.

That's how I understood it also. But no Open Source licenses (that I can
think of) actually work that way.

If Andy gives Bob a copy of the software, that does not mean that Bob
should automatically be granted Andy's rights, _without_ meeting the
conditions under which Andy obtained them.

 If we apply your analogy to this, you are quite correct that if Andy has 
 a copy of a program under an open source license which does not require 
 redistribution under the GPL, and Andy distributes the program to Bob, 
 then Bob is not require to redistribute under the GPL.  But
 that argument proves nothing interesting.

That is not my analogy. I will be more explicit.

Scenario 1
  - Andy obtains a copy of a software program.
  - Andy reads the license. The license states, in part, that it will
grant him rights to copy, modify, distribute and prepare derivative
works, under certain conditions. The conditions include a requirement
to pay a fee.
  - Andy accepts the license. Andy is now granted those rights. Andy
has also now incurred an obligation to pay the fee.
  - Andy gives a copy of the program to Bob. (Legally, as Andy has
been granted that right.)
  - Bob reads the license. The license states, in part, that if he has
received his copy from somebody who was granted rights under this
license, Bob is also granted those rights.
  - Bob accepts (or doesn't accept) the license. In case he accepts, he
does not have to pay a fee to copy, modify, distribute, or prepare
derivative works.

Scenario 2
  - Andy obtains a copy of a software program.
  - Andy reads the license. The license states, in part, that it will
grant him rights to copy, modify, distribute and prepare derivative
works, under certain conditions. The conditions include a requirement
that any derivative works of the software that Andy creates must be
licensed under the GPL.
  - Andy accepts the license. Andy is now granted those rights. Andy
has also now incurred an obligation that any derivative work of the
software he should create must be licensed under the GPL.
  - Andy gives a copy of the program to Bob. (Legally, as Andy has
been granted that right.)
  - Bob reads the license. The license states, in part, that if he has
received his copy from somebody who was granted rights under this
license, Bob is also granted those rights.
[Note: This license is not the GNU GPL, obviously.]
  - Bob accepts (or doesn't accept) the license. In case he accepts, he
may prepare derivative works and license them under any license he

 A way to work around this is to provide a license which is an open 
 source license but which says that every time 

Re: Subscription/Service Fees

2001-03-27 Thread Eric Jacobs

"Karsten M. Self" [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  I wasn't thinking of any form of copying restriction, only having it 
  clearly stated in the license that if you continue to use the software
  you are required to pay $x to xyz inc.
 Violates #7:  "The rights attached to the program must apply to all to 
 whom the program is redistributed without the need for execution of an 
 additional license by those parties".

How is there an additional license required? A requirement to pay somebody
something does not imply that an additional license is required. I believe
the original poster is envisioning it simply as a clause in the (sole)
 You can charge for subscriptions to updates (Cf:  Red Hat).  You can't 
 charge for ongoing execution rights.

Of course not. "Execution rights" are not among the exclusive rights
listed in 17 USC 106 (assuming we are talking about a copyright license
in the US), so it makes no sense to talk about granting them. A shareware
style requirement to pay for use is not a matter of granting (or not
granting) specific rights, but of imposing obligations in return for the
rights which are granted. Clearly, #7 does not apply.


Re: What is Copyleft?

2001-02-22 Thread Eric Jacobs

"Ryan S. Dancey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 When you make a function call in compile-time linked code, you are 
 creating a derivative work, because the function code itself will be 
 compiled into the Program and inextricably combined with your code.  
 When the two are separated by a run-time linking, there can be no 
 derivative work.

Actually, this has nothing to do with the issue of compile-time vs.
run-time linking.

Here's an example: Suppose I take an ordinary, simple, statically
linked program that is licensed under the GPL. I want to add some
code to it and keep it secret, so I do something like obfuscate
the C source or hide the source altogether and distribute object
files only. This obviously goes against the "preferred form"
clause of the GPL. However, it would not be a violation under
your logic, as the proprietary modifications can easily be
"extricated" using diff or a similar utility. (Suppose that I
am not distributing the final binary, but the tarball containing
the original source and proprietary files.)

What differentiates this scenario from the "mere aggregation" that
the GPL specifically disclaims? The way in which the original files
and the proprietary files interact -- their function call prototypes,
their linker symbols, the "data being passed between two independent
pieces of code." It is not insignificant.


Re: Converting/Splitting Code - Open to Closed

2001-02-12 Thread Eric Jacobs


 Yes - but the previous versions licensed under the GPL remain GPLd and
 development can continue on the code.

Can you explain why this is the case?

  In reality, the code would most likely *fork,* leaving one strand open 
  and the other proprietary.
 That's exactly what would happen and that's why the GPL is there in the 
 first place. The copyright owner retains copyright, therefore can make 
 changes. You cannot retroactively change licenses under the GPL. People 
 retain their original rights under the GPL.

How can licensees retain their rights against the copyright owner's
will? Is there something in the GPL that requires this?

Re: IPL as a burden

2001-01-17 Thread Eric Jacobs


 I believe OSD section 7 may cover that:
 7. Distribution of License.
 The rights attached to the program must apply to all to whom the 
 program is redistributed without the need for execution of an
 additional license by those parties. which case, the requirement for an additional runtime license by 
 the initial licensee would be incompatible with 7.  In other words:  all 
 rights associate with copying, modification, distribution, *or use* of 
 the program must be granted in the OSD-conformant license.
 Still, it's interesting that this is an imputed, not an explicit, 
 property of the OSD.  Possible loophole?

It could be. I think you mentioned the answer in a different post:

 The short explanation:

The GNU GPL (as with most free software licenses) grants rights to
_non authors_ (or copyrightholders) of a work _which they wouldn't
have, independently of the license_.

My question is: Is there any good reason that an Open Source license
should not consist solely of these kinds of rights?

Is there a reason why an Open Source license should prohibit or
conditionalize something that I already have the right to do (such as
execute code, given that I have obtained a copy of the code)?

Running the program is not a right that an Open Source license need
grant; it's a right that everyone already has. And while section 7
of the OSD specifies that the rights granted be universal without
the need for an additional license, it says nothing about the rights
taken away.

I'm wondering if we could eliminate these kinds of loopholes by
outlawing licenses that take rights away altogether.

RE: AFPL vs. GPL-like licenses?

2001-01-15 Thread Eric Jacobs

"Lionello Lunesu" [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 It reminds of something I did in my childhood (I must have been 12 years 
 old or so). Somebody gave me a collection of comics that he knew I 
 liked. I read most but when I got tired of them I try to sell them in a 
 yard sale. Then my brother pointed out to me that I shouldn't sell 
 anything that I got as a present. I understood the mistake I made and 
 waived from selling them.
 Now that I have my own 'present' to give to 'the software society', I'm 
 afraid that some people might _willingly_ make the same 'mistake' I 
 made. They are allowed to do so under the GPL.

It seems to me that designing a license like the AFPL means spending
a lot of time and frustration trying to exclude something that doesn't
impact your software's freedom in any sense.

For instance, one of the major reasons I signed up with my ISP is to
download high-quality free software. That's a commercial interest. I
just checked the AFPL, and sure enough, because a commercial ISP is
not an "information storage and retrieval system" nor a "removable
computer-readable" medium, it would appear to prohibit downloading
AFPL'd software.

Adding special exceptions for these "harmless" cases of commercial
interest adds needless complexity to an open source license.

Re: Qt/Embedded

2000-11-17 Thread Eric Jacobs

On Fri, 17 Nov 2000, David Johnson wrote:
 On Friday 17 November 2000 01:20 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The idea is that, if a program is a work, and if (as the courts have
  held, in Mai v. Peak) a program in memory meets the fixed and tangible
  requirements of copyright law, and is therefore a copy under copyright
  law, then a program linked to a library at runtime is a derivative

I don't see how this follows.

 I've heard this before, but I've always dismissed it as hearsay. I will
 to look up Mai v Peak. The implications of this are mind-boggling! Does 
 Stephen King have rights to my brain because I've read his books and
 now in my memory?

If that is what the license requires, then yes.

Mai v Peak establishes that because a computer program has to be copied
to memory to be used, one can be guilty of copyright infringement merely
by using the work. The court did not seem to cover Section 117 of
Title 17 very thoroughly and it seems to me that similar cases could
argue under 117(a)(1) especially.

Even under the conclusion of Mai v Peak, the effect on the GPL would
be to require users to proliferate "written offers" (or copies of the
source code) and "prominent notices" of modifications (if the program
is modified) throughout their computer's RAM and other temporary
storage locations as they are operating a GPL'd program.

Whether "a program linked to a library at runtime is a derivative
work" is a different question.