Re: OSL 2.0 and linking of libraries

2004-04-01 Thread Roy T. Fielding
That only means it is not separately protected under copyright.
The owner of the source code copyright retains control over all
copying of the work, including copies that involve mechanical
transformation and later copying of that transformation.
You forgot 17 USC 117.  See comments below...
It would take a pretty extreme court to say that making necessary
copies for personal use has any applicability to copying for
redistribution to others, which is the only sort of copying
controlled by open source licenses.

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Re: OSL 2.0 and linking of libraries

2004-04-01 Thread Roy T. Fielding
My take on this definition is that most statically linked programs
include a relocation table and symbol tables which are annotations
of the source code.
These annotations are not particularly original, but if you declare
that your statically linked program is not an original work of
authorship, then it is not protected under copyright law.
That only means it is not separately protected under copyright.
The owner of the source code copyright retains control over all
copying of the work, including copies that involve mechanical
transformation and later copying of that transformation.
Otherwise, copyright would not be maintained when a modern
digital copier is used to copy an art print, which is clearly
not the case.  Likewise, printing a document using PostScript
does not create a separately copyrighted document even though
the raw script "looks" nothing like the WYSIWYG editor window.
I agree with Larry Rosen's view, but confusion in regards to
this issue is so rampant that failure to state it explicitly
in the license leads to an endless stream of FAQs.

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Re: apache license 2.0 for consideration

2004-02-23 Thread Roy T. Fielding
I would point out that ASL2's clause 3 does not mention derivative
works at all: it provides a patent license only for the Work, not for
anyu Derivative Works licensed (under the terms of clause 4) under a
different license.
On a side note, since software patent law is applied to the "method"
of something and not to the particular expression, a patent license
for doing that something remains in force regardless of the software
that is later used to do it.  The license is from the owner of the
method to the legal entity using that method.
In other words, it is a blanket permission -- once you have the
permission, you can use whatever tool you like (even one not derived
from the ASL2 work) up until the permission is revoked.
If a company sues for infringement on the basis of a patent
being included in XY, where XY consists of X (non-infringing) and
Y (infringing), then that will be brought up by the defense and
the company will have to claim Y infringes as well (or drop
the case entirely).  As such, there is no need for the patent license
to talk about derivative works. Nor would it be safe to do so,
since derivative work is a concept of copyright law, not patent law.
IANAL, so I'm not sure if that is codified somewhere or simply the
collective experience of those I've talked to.

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Re: apache license 2.0 for consideration

2004-02-23 Thread Roy T. Fielding
g from that broad license are also willing to
license their patents in the same work (or at least agree not
to enforce them on that work).  I believe that is the same
spirit in which the GPL says that one cannot distribute as GPL
a Program or Derived Work that is covered by a patent with terms
more restrictive than the GPL.
I hope that helps,

Roy T. Fielding, co-founder, The Apache Software Foundation
license-discuss archive is at

Re: apache license 2.0 for consideration

2004-02-20 Thread Roy T. Fielding
Are you saying that your license allows GPL-forking?
No, I am saying that the Apache License says:

You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
Note that our license applies to the Work, not the copyright on the
derivative work, and thus any GPL code combined with Apache License
code will remain under the GPL.

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Re: apache license 2.0 for consideration

2004-02-19 Thread Roy T. Fielding
I think you're using the term "non-free" to mean two different things 
two different sentences.

Let me reword:  :-)

| The GPL prohibits distribution of a work that is
| covered by patents not distributable under GPL terms.  The Apache
| License says that any patent
| licenses granted to you by virtue of it being contributed to Apache
| go away if you claim there exists a patent in the work that's not
| distributable under Apache license terms.
If "patents not distributable under GPL terms" == "patents not
distributable under Apache license terms", then I would agree that the
Apache license doesn't add a restriction not already in the GPL.
Try "software not distributable under GPL terms".  Talking about
distributing the patent doesn't make any sense, which is why you
are getting confused over the permissions.
However, I claim that if there exist Apache-licensed patents that are
not also GPL-licensed, then the Apache license is not universally
No, that is reversed logic.  If there exist GPL-licensed software that
would somehow be restricted by the Apache License restrictions, then
they would not be compatible.  I don't think it is reasonable to invent
new definitions of compatibility.
I also claim that since the Apache license can retract
Apache-patent-licenses for people making patent infringement claims,
that that retraction would have to apply to people using Apache->GPL'd
Then, since the retraction applies to someone using GPL'd code, it
breaks GPL licensing for everyone using that GPL'd code.
As it would if the code was entirely GPL'd.  The GPL says that you
cannot redistribute software that is covered by a patent wherein
the patent is not licensed free for everyone.  The Apache License
says that if you claim the Apache software contains something that
is not licensed free for everyone (i.e., specifically, you accuse
someone of infringing your patent which implies that your patent
is not free for everyone), then you can't use the Apache License
as a defense against your own infringements.  In contrast, the GPL
says you cannot redistribute the software at all.  Therefore, the
Apache License is less restrictive than the GPL.  Furthermore,
since the Apache License's patent grant does not apply to the
GPL'd code in any way (only the Work which is licensed under the
Apache License) and has no impact on distribution whatsoever,
whether or not such licenses disappear has no influence on the code
covered by the GPL.
In other words, any GPL code that is combined with Apache License code
remains under the GPL, which is the sole requirement for 
If someone can pull back a patent license via the Apache license
"through" an Apache->GPL'd work, looks to me like Apache
requirements are still holding, and that the work is not just limited 
GPL requirements.
GPL is a copyright license.  It cannot prevent the possibility of
a patent, and does not try to.  It merely states that, if a patent
is being enforced, then the code cannot be distributed as GPL.
That is true regardless of what license covers the original code
that was later combined with the GPL work.
The Apache License does not state, or even imply, that a
non-GPL-compliant patent exists on the code.  Nor does a GPL
Derived Work have to be free of any patents (such is impossible if
you look at what has been patented in the US); it merely has to be free
of patents that restrict distribution to anything other than GPL terms.
If such a patent exists, the GPL's own restrictions override any
patent license granted by the Apache License -- whether or not you
are the one suing someone is not relevant to the GPL.

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Re: apache license 2.0 for consideration

2004-02-19 Thread Roy T. Fielding
Because the MIT license is a blanket grant of permission, almost 
That is completely irrelevant.  Unlike copyright, a patent does not
move along with the work.  The patent may be owned by a completely
separate company of which the author is totally unaware at the time
of distribution.
Aside from that, there are no implied licenses to third parties.
Just because a person has received software from one company, indicating
that the company wished that person to use the software (an implied 
does not imply that the person can give the same software to a third
person and the implied license along with it.  The GPL has a stronger
restriction here in order to prevent the first person from receiving
the software as GPL in the first place; no such restriction is true
of any other license.  If you argue that such a restriction is
necessary for compatibility with the GPL, then no license is compatible
with the GPL (including itself, because the patent may be approved
after the initial GPL distributions).

The point I am making is that the Apache License does not have any
additional restrictions over the GPL.  A derivative work that is
distributed under only the GPL license does satisfy every single
condition or restriction in the Apache License.  If a patent does show
up and a lawsuit ensues, then for those people the Apache License
becomes no more permissive than the GPL.

license-discuss archive is at

Re: apache license 2.0 for consideration

2004-02-19 Thread Roy T. Fielding
Why, then, is the MIT license compatible with the GPL?
Because the MIT license is silent about patents; in and of itself,
it can't do anything to require you to breach the GPL's licensing
terms.  (It may be that the word "use" provides an implied patent
license.)  A specific MIT-licensed program may be GPL-incompatible,
but MIT-licensed programs as a class are not, because they don't
impose any requirements incompatible with the GPL's.
Neither does the Apache License.  Please read the terms carefully:

   3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
  this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
  worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
  (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have 
  use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
  where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
  by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
  Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
  with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
  institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
  cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
  or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
  or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
  granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
  as of the date such litigation is filed.

Under no circumstance does this add a restriction that does not already
exist within the GPL.  The GPL prohibits distribution of a work that is
covered by non-free patents.  The Apache License says that any patent
licenses granted to you by virtue of it being contributed to Apache
go away if you claim there exists a non-free patent in the work.
  Section 4:

  You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
  may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
  for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
  for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
  reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
  the conditions stated in this License.
In other words, any GPL code that is combined with Apache License code
remains under the GPL, which is the sole requirement for compatibility.
I have not seen Eben's analysis of the approved version of the
Apache License, so I have no idea why the FSF site claims they are
incompatible.  It is simply claimed on the site that it adds an
additional restriction, as if nobody bothered to read the terms.

Roy T. Fielding<>
Chief Scientist, Day Software  <>
license-discuss archive is at

Re: apache license 2.0 for consideration

2004-02-18 Thread Roy T. Fielding
On Wednesday, February 18, 2004, at 03:22  PM, Mark Shewmaker wrote:
On Tue, 2004-02-17 at 20:20, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
No, the patent (if there was one) would be an additional restriction
on the GPL.  The Apache License itself is not the patent and does not
restrict the GPL any more than the GPL would have been restricted by
the patent absent the Apache License.
Let me make a more limited, but far more convoluted, claim:

"Code incorporating patents (when the code and contributors' patents 
licensed solely under the Apache License Version 2.0) cannot be
(safely?) incorporated into a derivative work distributed under GPLv2,
because any recipient who receives a copy of such a derivative work is
required to refrain from alleging infringement of any of his own 
incorporated into the original Apache-License-only code.  (That
requirement is more strict than the GPL's requirement to license the
patent for GPL use.)"
Allow me to make a less convoluted translation:

"Code incorporating patents, when the code and contributors' patents are
licensed solely under the MIT license, cannot be incorporated into a
derivative work distributed under GPLv2, because any recipient who
receives a copy of such a derivative work has no rights to use any of
the patents incorporated into the original MIT code."
Why, then, is the MIT license compatible with the GPL?


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Re: apache license 2.0 for consideration

2004-02-17 Thread Roy T. Fielding
On Tuesday, February 17, 2004, at 04:04  PM, Mark Shewmaker wrote:

On Sun, 2004-02-08 at 14:19, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
it is our belief that this new licence is just as osi-compliant
as the 1.1 version, and is more clearly compatible with the gpl
to boot.
Is the patent grant section GPL compatible?

From the Apache License, Version 2.0:
| If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
| cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a
| Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or
| contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to
| You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date
| such litigation is filed.
From the GPLv2:
| For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free
| redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies 
| or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both 
| and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of 
| Program.

To me it looks like the patent grant is an additional restriction
beyond the bare GPL when a program licensed under the Apache License
Version 2.0 is then distributed under the GPL.
No, the patent (if there was one) would be an additional restriction
on the GPL.  The Apache License itself is not the patent and does not
restrict the GPL any more than the GPL would have been restricted by
the patent absent the Apache License.

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