Re: Get ready....

1999-04-14 Thread bruce

 Copyright was invented to cover literary work and protect the authors of
 literary work. Legal documents are not literary works. There are so many
 ways you can express the same contractual agreement. Thus, you may
 freely copy all portions of the GPL that are strictly legal clauses.

That might be true in Israel, but not here.

 The GPL is, however, subject to trademark restrictions

No, it is not. GPL is not a trademark. If you don't believe me, ask Richard


Re: Get ready....

1999-04-14 Thread Seth David Schoen

Derek J. Balling writes:

 Your position seems contradictory. You support "freedom for the people",
 but you don't support the right of people to pick the pieces of licenses
 that best suit their needs.
  The only true freedom you have is choice -- the choice of not using
  software if you cannot abide by its license agreement, or developing your
  own application using the license of your choice to compete with the
  offending product.
 Allowing someone to use portions of a license does NOT deny people freedom.
 It is simply not necessarily granting them privileges the same privileges
 as others choose to. Let's remember that any alteration of a copyrighted
 work is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. It is something which is granted by the
 owner of the copyrighted work, NOT something which you inherently have by
 being alive. Rights CANNOT be taken away, privileges can. I can say that
 "no future versions of my software will be released under the GPL", and you
 no longer have the privilege of copying the code.
 The sooner you stop confusing "rights" and "privileges", you'll be a lot
 better equipped for the discussion. :)

The author of the GPL, as far as I can infer from his writings and talking to
him, does not believe that "alteration of a copyrighted work is a PRIVILEGE,
not a right", because he does not believe that software should have any owners
at all.

Without understanding that, you can't understand the language of the GPL in
its proper context.  To put this another way, if copyright is not a real
right (or intellectual property is not real property), then "true freedom"
includes the choice to _ignore_ license restrictions altogether.  Since
copyright law does not provide this, Richard Stallman invented copyleft in an
attempt to emulate as far as possible what life would be like if that choice
were recognized as a right.

If you think it's obvious that intellectual property exists, you'd naturally
say that it's essential for software authors to have the choice of what
license to use.  If you think it's obvious that intellectual property doesn't
exist, you'd equally naturally say that it's essential for users to have the
freedom to copy (etc.), and that it's wrong to try to use licenses and
copyright law to deny these freedoms to users.  The philosophy of the GPL,
which you don't have to accept in order to use it, and which accounts for
Stallman's decision to copyright the GPL itself, presupposes that users have
the right to use and copy software, and that software owners do not have the
right to stop them: in other words, that IP does not exist.

As Martin Pool just wrote in another message:

 The text of the GPL is not licensed to you under the GPL: you may think
 that's inconsistent, but it makes sense in terms of the FSF's goals.

(And, of course, it doesn't make sense in terms of goals which are at odds
with the FSF's goals.)


Seth David Schoen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  They said look at the light we're giving you,  /  And the darkness
  that we're saving you from.   -- Dar Williams, "The Great Unknown"  (personal)  (CAF)

Re: Get ready....

1999-04-14 Thread Gabe Wachob

"R. L. Kleeberger" wrote:

 Quoting Derek J. Balling ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  At 11:29 PM 4/14/99 -0400, R. L. Kleeberger wrote:
  There is no reason anymore.  I was still unsure whether the GNU GPL was able
  to be legally modified into another license.  It seems it is legal,
  According to the license it is not. According to the instructions at the
  top, the license may be copied verbatim, but it may NOT be altered.
  Since excerption can be defined in terms of alteration, you cannot even
  excerpt 90% of it (with 9% being the part you don't want, and 1% being the
  title) since that's an alteration of both omission and change.

 Yes.  I would very much like for someone with legal experience who is
 familiar with the GPL to step in so we can come to a conclusion on the
 legality of copying/modifying the GNU GPL.  We have conflicting posts, and I
 can't proceed until this is cleared up.

OK -- with the caveat that I am not a licensed lawyer, I chose not to practice after
getting my law degree, so what i say can't be taken as legal advice.  And most of
what I say is based on U.S. law, though much copyright law is harmonized
internationally theseadays.

Copyright is best thought of as a "bag of sticks" where each "stick" is a "exclusive
right". These rights include the right to distribute, the right to copy, the right
to perform, the right to prepare derivative works, etc. (see the copyright act).

There are various standards for determining when these rights are infringed upon by
a party which does not have a license to do so and is not with an exception to these
exclusive rights called "fair use" (once again, see Title 17 for more details).
Generally, what is called "excerption" above would be considered at least copying --
the new work is at least substantially similar in many parts. It would also likely
be an unauthorized derivative work.

Assuming that copyright would indeed apply to the license (which in an earlier
message I state it might not -- depends on originality), it would probably be
infringement unless an infringer could show fair use. One of the criteria for fair
use is "substantiality" of the portion taken. If I take one sentence of a three page
license, that is likely to be at least fair use due to lack of "substantiality".

  therefore I don't have much of a buttress accept a philosophical one.  And
  this list is ot for philosophical discussion.
  Agreed, and we have to clearly define the direction we want to go. I think
  that licenses should be able to be copied in whole or part, which the
  current GPL explicitly forbid.

 I will have to think on this.  I am an extremely strong proponent of the GNU
 GPL, and would like to see all open source licenses created to be GPL
 compatible.  On the other hand, I believe a developer should have the
 freedom to create a license to fit his needs(with his user's freedoms in mind).

I suggested a "menu" approach which I think would allow companies to select which
terms (all of which are open source compatible to a certain degree) they like for
each issue dealt with in the contract.


Re: Get ready....

1999-04-14 Thread Derek J. Balling

The author of the GPL, as far as I can infer from his writings and talking to
him, does not believe that "alteration of a copyrighted work is a PRIVILEGE,
not a right", because he does not believe that software should have any owners
at all.
Without understanding that, you can't understand the language of the GPL in
its proper context.  To put this another way, if copyright is not a real
right (or intellectual property is not real property), then "true freedom"
includes the choice to _ignore_ license restrictions altogether.  Since
copyright law does not provide this, Richard Stallman invented copyleft in an
attempt to emulate as far as possible what life would be like if that choice
were recognized as a right.

The author can believe whatever he likes. Unfortunately, he's placed his
work under the laws of the US, where I'm forbidden because of his wording
from altering his writing. Ideologies aside, I cannot break the law.

If he wanted to grant freedom to people, he should not have explicitly gone
out of his way to remove those freedoms.

If you think it's obvious that intellectual property exists, you'd naturally
say that it's essential for software authors to have the choice of what
license to use.  If you think it's obvious that intellectual property doesn't
exist, you'd equally naturally say that it's essential for users to have the
freedom to copy (etc.), and that it's wrong to try to use licenses and
copyright law to deny these freedoms to users.  The philosophy of the GPL,
which you don't have to accept in order to use it, and which accounts for
Stallman's decision to copyright the GPL itself, presupposes that users have
the right to use and copy software, and that software owners do not have the
right to stop them: in other words, that IP does not exist.

Right, which means that for all intents and purposes, the GPL is not
practical, because very few commercial entities are going to be willing to
live strictly and without change within the GPL model.  And, since
alteration is verboten, a new license must be created which accomplishes
the same goals as the GPL, BUT allows alteration for the real-world
conditions which exist, so that the REST of the world can take the parts
that work for their business model and alter/delete the rest, but leaving
intact a "trail" so that users can be familiar with the "parent" license,
and look for changes between generations.

As Martin Pool just wrote in another message:
 The text of the GPL is not licensed to you under the GPL: you may think
 that's inconsistent, but it makes sense in terms of the FSF's goals.
(And, of course, it doesn't make sense in terms of goals which are at odds
with the FSF's goals.)

Agreed. Unfortunately, most of the rest of the commercial world is at odds
with the FSF's goals. *I*'m at odds with the FSF's goals.

Heck, after the GNU code got co-opt'ed out from under him to get used in
Linux [NOT GNU/Linux] I'm surprised that Stallman isn't against the FSF's
goals. :)  I bet he wishes, secretly deep down in his heart of hearts that
he had just a LITTLE say in how the code was used so that he could try and
get some recognition for all the work. :)  That's not bad, its a natural
thing - to want recognition for your work. FSF (and company) have put a lot
of effort into GNU, and their license allowed people to take all the work,
call it something else and package it up as Linux.


Re: Get ready....

1999-04-14 Thread Arkin

  Copyright was invented to cover literary work and protect the authors of
  literary work. Legal documents are not literary works. There are so many
  ways you can express the same contractual agreement. Thus, you may
  freely copy all portions of the GPL that are strictly legal clauses.
 That might be true in Israel, but not here.

This is true all over the world with only subtle differences. Copyright
laws are very similar between nations and automatically apply across
borders by international treaties.

  The GPL is, however, subject to trademark restrictions
 No, it is not. GPL is not a trademark. If you don't believe me, ask Richard

The GPL is a trademark. It is not a registered trademark because it was
never registered. However, the mere fact that it is associated with a
specific license and known in its field makes it a trademark. This is
true in the US, as trademark are not shared internationally.



Re: Get ready....

1999-04-14 Thread Jacques Vidrine

On 14 April 1999 at 20:52, "Derek J. Balling" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would FURTHER go so far as to allow alteration of the licenses, but that
 the "lineage" must be documented, so that people familiar with [for lack of
 a better term] the OSI-BSD license (whatever they come up with) can say,
 "Ah, this license from Acme is based on the BSD license, but they changed
 it somehow. How did they change it I wonder?" and then they'll find out via
 diff/etc.  They'll know all the rest of it as "tried and true" so to speak,
 and then dig down to the alterations that a particular company needed for
 their particular business model.
 Does ANYONE agree with me here?

In spirit, perhaps I do.  However, I don't think that it is very sound
law practice to review license documents using ``diff'' :-)

My thought was that if OSI had these two boiler plate licenses, then
organizations could start from one of them.  Just using one as the
base document would not mean that the derived document would
automatically earn an Open Source Certification mark.  However, it
would certainly make it easier for OSI to determine whether a license
meets the requirements of an Open Source Certification mark.

In other words, having good starting licenses (which should be
complete in their own right, as is the GPL) will encourage
organizations to adopt them because:

1. It is less trouble and less confusing than reviewing the large
   number of ``Open Source'' licenses of today: GPL, BSD, X, Apache,
   Artistic, NPL, MPL, APSL, IBM's Jikes license, et. al.

2. Because adopting one of these licenses makes it easier to get
   the Open Source Certification mark (as the licenses would be
   familiar to OSI).

The OSC is crucial.  One should not be able to modify an Open Source
(cm) license, and claim that the derivative is Open Source (cm).


Re: Copyright

1999-04-14 Thread Arkin

Copyright laws apply to the actual source code (and thus binary) of the
software because it is a literary work, see the test below. If I set on
the task of writing a spreadsheet and end up with Excel, what are the
chances that I was copying Excel one for one?

On the other hand, I might write it all anew, but attempt to mimick some
aspects, like the user interface. This issue is still not clearly
resolved, and is derived from laws protecting design, which are
different than text (the actual code).

Last, there are laws that protect an assembly of works, even if these
works are not protected by copyright. For example, if I publish a
collection of all the works of Shakespear finished on odd years, I can
claim copyright to this particular collection, but not the works

As far as algorithms go, neither is good enough. You cannot copyright
the source, because there might be a different way of writing the
algorithm which does not look alike. You cannot copyright the design,
because there is no recognition of algorithms as design. The only course
of action is patent. That is why so many software products are protected
by patent.

The change from literature to non-literature is subject to a very simple
test. Suppose the two of us set to write a story about a shared
experience. We would end up with completely different texts, unless one
of us copied. But if we attempted to write a shopping list for computer
parts, we would probably end up with a very similar list.

Im the first case, each one is contributing unique experience, knowledge
and skill, and thus creating a work that must be protected. In the
second case, there is nothing unique and there are so many ways of
writing the same shopping list.

  This is true all over the world with only subtle differences. Copyright
  laws are very similar between nations and automatically apply across
  borders by international treaties.
 In what way are legal documents different from programs (programs are,
 or were initially, covered by virtue of being literature)?  At what
 point does a piece of writing change from literature to non-literature
 under the scheme you have?
 Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

menu license

1999-04-14 Thread Gregory Martin Pfeil

OK, I'll open by stating that this is all very new to me, but fun and
interesting so far.  Thanks for the heavy discussions.

Here's my take:

Have a few complete licenses set up -- like OSI-restrictive,
OSI-public, and OSI-open, each one being progressively more open.

People can cut-paste entire sections only.  And there may be certain
rules that require sections to go hand-in-hand (i.e. Section 3 of
OSI-r may require Section 7 of OSI-r or OSI-p, but not OSI-o).  This
can all be scripted via CGI and done up on the Web.

Any license that can be created this way is automatically certified by
the OSI, and can be labeled a "restrictive", "public", or "open"
license by means of determining (with a script) which version the
weightiest sections are from.

Also, since each section must be copied in its entirety, each section
can be labeled "Section 4, from OSI-public license" or such, making it
easy for people who are familiar with that license to skim those

Also, people can take entire sections, and label them as such, to be
used in their own non-certified licenses.

I didn't say this would be easy, legalese is not my area, but how does
this sound?

Greg Pfeil --- Software Engineer --- (pfeilgm@|http://)
"PERL: The only language that looks the same before and after RSA
 encryption."   --Keith Bostic

testing due to mail failure

1999-04-14 Thread Paul Nathan Puri


Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

GPL context

1999-04-14 Thread Seth David Schoen

qmail seems to think this thread is too long, so I'll at least take a hint
and try to trim down my rejected message.

Derek J. Balling writes:

 The author of the GPL, as far as I can infer from his writings and talking to
 him, does not believe that "alteration of a copyrighted work is a PRIVILEGE,
 not a right", because he does not believe that software should have any owners
 at all.
 The author can believe whatever he likes. Unfortunately, he's placed his
 work under the laws of the US, where I'm forbidden because of his wording
 from altering his writing. Ideologies aside, I cannot break the law.

Since the purpose for which you want to alter his writing is also a purpose
of which he disapproves, it makes sense that he doesn't want to help you
that way. :-)

 If he wanted to grant freedom to people, he should not have explicitly gone
 out of his way to remove those freedoms.

He didn't go out of his way to remove freedoms, though:

- If intellectual property exists, then Stallman was perfectly entitled to
control the future use of his license by copyright. :-)

- If intellectual property doesn't exist, then Stallman's restrictions are
(with a few interesting exceptions) only statements of pre-existing facts,
and don't really add much in the way of new restrictions.  Stallman
basically forbids licensees under the GPL to claim any proprietary rights in
intellectual property -- because he doesn't think that anyone _has_ any
proprietary rights in intellectual property in the first place!

Stallman thinks the US law is unjust and restricts people's rights.  He found
a clever way (consistent with the law) to create a set of restrictions which
forbid people to do things that he thinks take away rights.  Obviously, you
and he have a pretty big difference in what you think are rights and what
you think are privileges.  Again, that doesn't mean that his position or
actions are inconsistent.

 The philosophy of the GPL,
 which you don't have to accept in order to use it, and which accounts for
 Stallman's decision to copyright the GPL itself, presupposes that users have
 the right to use and copy software, and that software owners do not have the
 right to stop them: in other words, that IP does not exist.
 Right, which means that for all intents and purposes, the GPL is not
 practical, because very few commercial entities are going to be willing to
 live strictly and without change within the GPL model.  And, since
 alteration is verboten, a new license must be created which accomplishes
 the same goals as the GPL, BUT allows alteration for the real-world
 conditions which exist, so that the REST of the world can take the parts
 that work for their business model and alter/delete the rest, but leaving
 intact a "trail" so that users can be familiar with the "parent" license,
 and look for changes between generations.

Well, you're right that the GPL isn't practical for everyone (though the GPL
was definitely not intended to be practical for everyone).

If you want to preserve some of the goals of the GPL, but make concessions
to other factors, you still have the problem of how to tell when you've
thrown away too much of the original sense of the GPL.  The OSI is one
attempt at that, as is license-discuss.

Everyone here has _some_ concept of what free software or Open Source software
is, or else they wouldn't be here to discuss it.  So there always remains a
question of how to be sure that "practical" licenses actually remain Open
Source, since there are no doubt people who'd like to be able to use the term
and associated interest and goodwill without retaining any of the freedom or
openness that it was supposed to connote.

The immutability of the GPL has a definite advantage in automatically
preventing people from excising its many good points; there is very little
danger of any kind of corruption or confusion.  This property isn't essential
(there are other free software licenses, including some that aren't immutable
this way), but it does provide some benefits.

 As Martin Pool just wrote in another message:
  The text of the GPL is not licensed to you under the GPL: you may think
  that's inconsistent, but it makes sense in terms of the FSF's goals.
 (And, of course, it doesn't make sense in terms of goals which are at odds
 with the FSF's goals.)
 Agreed. Unfortunately, most of the rest of the commercial world is at odds
 with the FSF's goals. *I*'m at odds with the FSF's goals.

So I see.  But given that, I think you might want to talk about how the GPL
and its terms are not useful for what you want to do, or not readily
acceptible to industry, rather than "inconsistent".

 Heck, after the GNU code got co-opt'ed out from under him to get used in
 Linux [NOT GNU/Linux] I'm surprised that Stallman isn't against the FSF's
 goals. :)  I bet he wishes, secretly deep down in his heart of hearts that
 he had just a LITTLE say in how the code was used so that he 

Re: menu license

1999-04-15 Thread Tom Gidden

It would be fun to write a grammar for all the licenses that could be
produced this way, though.  Then you could write a very concise definition
a particular license.

This has been lightly discussed on the web communities Slashdot and

The idea being that a license could be condensed to something akin to the
Geek Code, which could then be reexpanded to:

1. A formal definition in legalese
2. A plain english definition
3. A comparison with other licenses, eg. GPL, Apache, BSD

The full license would probably accompany the software for legal reasons,
but be prefixed by a preamble along the lines of:

"This software is licensed according to the Standardised Adaptable License
using the following definition:   (code here).   For an explanation on how
to interpret this code, consult RFC- or the website: (insert URL here).
The legal license for this software is listed below, and may be clarified by
the author."

Then a simple web form (that URL) would take you to a page where you could
derive the expanded forms as described above.

The site would also allow software authors to "roll their own" license using
tickboxes, building a license that suits them, but would do so in a
formalised standard way to prevent confusion.

If possible, the site would calculate which OSI certification marks the
license would comply with.  An author would thus be able to see what their
'only if your favorite color is blue' clause would do to the freedom of
their software.

It'd also stop the arguments about whether a license is Open Source or not.
It'd just start arguments (on this list!) about what clauses should be added
or modified in the database.

Standardised License Markup Language, anyone? =)


Tom Gidden,

Re: Platform limitations and GPL clause 3

1999-04-15 Thread J.H.M. Dassen

On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 18:32:32 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
 I've been wondering about the interactions between GPL clause 3
 (requirement to distribute source with modified redistributions) and
 non-free OSs.

gnu.misc.discuss is often viewed as the definitive forum for discussion the
GPL; you may want to consider posting there too.

 Suppose Charles wants to port the driver to non-free platform W. However,
 on platform W one can't write drivers using a normal compiler, linker,
 library, and so on: one has to pay $2000 for a developer's license for the
 "Device Driver Kit" from W's vendor.  Let's suppose for the time being
 there's no NDA involved, but that the DDK can't be redistributed.

OK. The DDK doesn't qualify as a "major component" then. This makes your
hypothetical example quite similar to the case of KDE, a GPLed piece of
software, that requires Qt, a library that's licensed under terms
incompatible with the GPL. See for
an analysis of that case.

 If Charles wants to redistribute his version of the driver under the
 GPL, he can't do so because there's no way to fulfil clause 3's
 requirement to include all the source necessary to work on the driver on
 platform W.

Clause 3 governs copying and distributing of the Program in object code or
executable form. Charles could distribute the driver in source form only.

 Charles isn't even allowed to make the port for his own use,

Charles is allowed to make the port for his own use. Clause 0:
"[...] Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. [...]". The GPL
explicitly doesn't cover use.

Tevens ben ik van mening dat Nederland overdekt dient te worden.

Re: SGI OpenVault

1999-04-27 Thread Gabe Wachob

Brian Behlendorf wrote:

 I think it's redundant for a license to specify things that the legal code
 of a given country already mandates, which is why things like export
 provisions are generally pretty silly.

 E.g., if I wrote a program that implemented a crypto algorithm, by
 (current) U.S. law I can't export that; however, I don't need to put that
 into my license at all.  It's up to me to distribute it only to other US
 citizens, and up to them to similarly make sure they don't violate US law
 by exporting it.  The question then becomes, do *I* have liability if
 someone *else* exports my code; and I'm not aware of any court case where
 that has been tested.

Well, it may not be legal liability or anything of that nature. It may be that your
main source of distribution (as a software provider) is CDs and the government is
going to block all software you sell across the border (open source and otherwise,
legal and otherwise) because you are not actively trying to prevent usage of some
illegal software (which may be open source). In other words, governments have ways of
putting pressure on large corporations that they don't have on smaller, more
traditional open source software authors. (Also, governments may refuse to buy
software from companies who they perceive as distributing illegal software in their
country). This could happen even in the United States. And I imagine there are some
countries where a government would directly go after a software producer in a criminal
context for "allowing use of" illegal software (yeah, it makes no sense...)

So, a large software company *may* have very real desires to put language in the
license which allows them to relatively easily yank the license if their software is
deemed "illegal".

  If this term wasn't in the license, then SGI might have to spend more money
  litigating (they might have to anyway, mind you) the issue -- they'd probably win
  anyway (who knows), but having the explicit term lays out the risk allocation so
  that the end user understands better what is going to happen.

 True; just as, if I put in my license on my crypto code, "you must not
 violate U.S. law by distributing this outside the U.S.", I would be laying
 out the risks; but it's redundant for me to make that a condition of the
 contract.  IMHO.

But don't forget, this isn't the Apache group we are talking about ;-) SGI, for
example, might sell machines and have consulting contracts with the government of New
Bad Country. And it may have assets which are reachable by that government..  Its
going to want to be able to say to that government that it is doing all it can to
comply with the laws of that country. I'm just trying to point out where SGI is coming
from. I'm not making a statement about whether or not this is a valid argument (though
I do think it has some merit).

  Now, this argument might be counter to the principles of the Open Source
  Definition, but we must remember that companies like SGI are doing this not for
  the public good (they could get sued for that), but because of the business case
  it makes for them. I would argue that a term like this reduces risks and makes
  that business case better and thus is beneficial for opensource (balancing, of
  course, against the increased restrictions on use of software it imposes).
  I'm not saying the wording is perfect, just that the intent of the term is

 I am also neutral on it; I don't think it violates the DFSG.  But I don't
 think it's necessary.  That's not a legal opinion though.

Well, the issue is whether its acceptable -- obviously, we'd all like it not there,
but is this an accomodation to the large corporate interests that is
acceptable? Worthwhile?

   The clause which requires people to follow "all export and import control
   laws" is ambiguous, and could be construed as a bizarre inclusion by
   reference of _all_ trade laws in the entire world.
  Actually, I think its straightforward and thats exactly what it intends to do.
  Its another case of SGI covering its rear end. These are fairly standard
  traditional license terms.

 I bet if you asked SGI if they intended for the laws of Saudi Arabia to
 apply to someone in the US giving the code to someone in the UK, they'd
 say no;

Thats not how I interpreted the paragraph I was responding to (see how language can be
twisted and interpreted in so many ways? No you know why there are so many lawyers --
language is very very imprecise). I took the only "sensical" interpretation (which is
what a court would do absent evidence of an understanding otherwise) of the language
which is the one you mention and the one most of us think would apply.

 7. Compliance with Laws; Non-Infringement. Recipient shall comply with
 all applicable laws and regulations in connection with use and
 distribution of the Subject Software, including but not limited to,
 all export and import control laws and regulations of the U.S.

Mailing list on ezmlm

1999-04-28 Thread Russell Nelson

By the way, the license-discuss mailing list is now fully managed by
ezmlm.  Back issues are now available -- ask the robot at -request for
help.  No, there's no archives on the web, cuz I haven't written the
software yet.  Any volunteers?  All you have to do is expose a
directory of directories containing email messages as HTML, with a
date index and thread index.

-russ nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crynwr supports Open Source(tm) Software| PGPok |   There is good evidence
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice |   that freedom is the
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   |   cause of world peace.

Re: GNU GPL and Open Source Definition

1999-04-28 Thread bruce

Yes, I agree with your point regarding the TIGER CDs. They were in the public
domain, but until I put them up on my FTP site, they may not really have been
Open Source simply becuase they were not available without an odious
distribution fee - even getting them on 5 CD-Writables cost $100 in handling
fees. Practice does indeed matter as much as licensing.

My DSL is no longer saturated (in fact nobody is downloading this morning)
but that 768K bit per second wire ran flat-out for three weeks.


Re: IBM's XML4C license (or a better alternative to termination)

1999-04-29 Thread Ean R . Schuessler

On Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 07:23:57PM -0500, Signal 11 wrote:
 Could you post a link or the original text?

Pardon the diabolical href:$file/xml4c_commercial_license.lictech=xml4c

Ean SchuesslerDirector of New Products and Technologies
Novare International Inc.The Unstoppable Fist of Digital Action
--- Some or all of the above signature may be a joke

code and design

1999-05-03 Thread Richard B. Dietz

can a distinction be made between the code that goes into an opensource
project under gnu gpl and the interface and/or artwork that comprises what
the user sees and interacts with.  if the code specifies a novel
interface, how can a gpl'd project protect the design from commercial
scavenging?  can it? should it?

Rick Dietz

 Richard B. Dietz . [EMAIL PROTECTED] . 
 The empires of the future are the empires of the mind . Winston Churchill 

Re: W3C needs help to defeat a patent!

1999-05-04 Thread J.H.M. Dassen

On Tue, May 04, 1999 at 01:04:23 -0700, Paul Nathan Puri wrote:
 See the, and check out it's problem with P3P technology.

See for media
coverage. (the most obvious place), unfortunately has no
details on it yet.

LEADERSHIP  A form of self-preservation exhibited by people with auto-
destructive imaginations in order to ensure that when it comes to the crunch 
it'll be someone else's bones which go crack and not their own.   
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan

Re: new license to review

1999-05-07 Thread Signal 11

Mark Rafn wrote:
 You _CAN_ probably demand that all versions including modified ones with a
 different name include a custom header like:
   X-Server-Copyright: Based on WebFoo (c) 1999 Foo Inc.
 This would be no different than the requirement that interactive programs
 display GNU copyright when the output format isn't a necessary part of the
 program.  Of course, it _IS_ an extra few dozen bytes with each request,
 and it's going to annoy some people.

Those same people probably have never seen how much garbage headers IE4 sends
out. ;)  Seriously though, why not just have it print a version number / info
line when you start the program?  Many (most?) GNU programs do this. 

Also, http headers send the server name/version by default.. so modifying
it to say (patched by [EMAIL PROTECTED]) after the version string wouldn't be
hard.  Would that break any programs?

I have no problems with putting the copyright..

a) in the headers of the source
b) short one-liners or "for licensing info, press F3"
c) auto-generated "version strings" attached to output files
d) message on startup.

I'm more concerned with seeing some kind of "shareware" virus coming
into the community.  Very concerned.

Signal 11

Re: new license to review

1999-05-07 Thread bruce

 No modifications to Server Identification Field. You agree not
 toremove or modify the Server Identification Field contained in the
 ResponseHeader as defined in Section 1.6 and 1.7.

I'm concerned about the _precedent_ here, which could be used to enforce a
more rigid adherence to some communications protocol or API in _another_
_license_.  For that reason, I'd suggest that OSI stay away from this form
of license clause.

From: Russell Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 IMHO it's no worse than the Artistic License, which requires you to
 change the name of the program if you break compatibility,

OSD #4, last sentence, explicitly allows that. It's different in that the
Artistic license would have you change the name to _anything_but_ one
protected name, essentially a trademark, that protects the public perception
of the author's version. This gives you a wide latitude for modification.
The "Foobar license", however, insists that you use one specific name in a
machine communications exchange, which is essentially a total prohibition on
one form of modification, and could affect the _function_ of the software,
not just its perception of its author.

 or the BSD License, which requires you to acknowledge original authorship.

Do you mean the obnoxious BSD advertising clause? "Acknowledge original
authorship" does not affect any client-server communication protocol, though,
and is coupled with distribution, not use.

 Any suggestions on which one [existing license]?

Their intentions seem closest to the NPL.



Re: new license to review

1999-05-07 Thread bruce

From: Russell Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Because it doesn't seem all that different from existing licenses, and
 because license proliferation inhibits code reuse.  The major effect
 of Open Source code is to reduce the transaction cost of using it.

Hear, Hear!

We are in danger of tying ourselves up in red tape as we are saddled with
more licenses, and their incompatibility, every day. The OSI should act
to discourage license proliferation when possible, lest it do itself and
its community a disservice. 



Re: new license to review

1999-05-07 Thread Clark Evans

 Hear, Hear!
 We are in danger of tying ourselves up in red tape as we are saddled with
 more licenses, and their incompatibility, every day. The OSI should act
 to discourage license proliferation when possible, lest it do itself and
 its community a disservice.

Just some thoughts...

Hurray.   What would be ideal, is to develop common 
set of underlying clauses and algebraic rules for
combining those clauses.  Say that a decomposition
lead to 26 clauses,  A..Z,

Then each OS license would be defined in
terms of these clauses.  So that 

Artistic =  A, B, C,F, G,   Y
BSD  =  A,C, D, F,  Y
GNU  = B D, F, G, H, I, 

And then you have rules which define how
the licenses combine (as you combine the
source code they are licensed with)

I started to do this about a year ago, 
it _could_ be done, provided many of the
groups participated in a more unified
licensing mechanism.  It seems OS would
be a good way to do this.



Re: new license to review

1999-05-07 Thread Creed Erickson

Hurray.   What would be ideal, is to develop common 
set of underlying clauses and algebraic rules for
combining those clauses.  Say that a decomposition
lead to 26 clauses,  A..Z,

Then each OS license would be defined in
terms of these clauses.  So that 

Artistic =  A, B, C,F, G,   Y
BSD  =  A,C, D, F,  Y
GNU  = B D, F, G, H, I, 

And then you have rules which define how
the licenses combine (as you combine the
source code they are licensed with)

I started to do this about a year ago, 
it _could_ be done, provided many of the
groups participated in a more unified
licensing mechanism.  It seems OS would
be a good way to do this.

I like the concept--plug and play licensing. Alas, my view is too jaded and cynical to 
see it as a workable solution. Corporate counsel would react to this how? I suspect 
some--perhaps many--would feel threatened by a lack of 'value-add' on their part and 
dismiss C, H and W yielding "alternate language", superfluous changes, and YAOSL. (Yet 

Creed Erickson (mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Deckhand, H.M.S. Beagle

Re: A new open source license

1999-05-11 Thread Russell Nelson

[ an anonymized license -russ ]


These notes do not form part of the license.
Preamble.  This explains why we have created a new license.  The license is
based on the NPL version 1.1, with some definitions from the GNU LGPL.  The
preamble will be included in the license.

Section 1.4.  We've used Apple's definition of "Deployment" instead of
Netscape's definition of "Commercial Use", because it seems more complete.

Section 1.7A.  This definition is the key to making the library usable by
application developers without restriction.  The definition is taken from
the GNU LGPL, apart from the last clause, which is covering a possible
loophole in the GNU definition.

Section 1.7B.  This definition is ours.  It uses the phrase "any other
work" to ensure that all Larger Works are covered by these two definitions.

Section 1.8.  This definition is from the GNU LGPL. 

Section 1.11C.  The intention here is to cover any modifications, provided
that they are part of the library itself rather than an application to
which it is linked.  If Contributors find this clause too restrictive, they
can put new files into a new library of their own.

Sections 3.2 and 3.6.  The key differences from the NPL 1.1 are in the
opening sentences of these paragraphs.

Version 1.0


This license permits the use and distribution of the source code for
certain XXX libraries under terms intended to satisfy the Open Source
Definition (

This license sets the terms and conditions for distribution of these
libraries either:
- as source code, or
- as compiled libraries for use with programs such as development tools.

These terms and conditions require, among other things, that any such
distribution involve the preservation of the copyright notice and license
terms, identification of all modifications, and a declaration of no
warranty.  They also provide for use of XXX's trade names and trade marks
in any distribution and govern their use in any advertising, publicity, or
other such public use.

This license allows the distribution of these libraries in binary form
without requiring the distribution of source code, provided such libraries
are distributed as part of a larger application, other than development
tools, as further set forth below.  In this respect it is unlike most open
source agreements, which require that the source be made available with all
binary distributions.

You are not required to accept this license, since you have not signed it.
However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute any
code, library, or any derivative works thereof. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this license. Therefore, by using,
modifying or distributing any code, library (or any work based on the
code), you indicate your acceptance of the License set forth below, and all
its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying such Code,
library, or works based on them.

1. Definitions. 

1.1. ``Contributor'' means each entity that creates or contributes to the
creation of Modifications. 

1.2. ``Contributor Version'' means the combination of the Original Code,
prior Modifications used by a Contributor, and the Modifications made by
that particular Contributor. 

1.3. ``Covered Code'' means the Original Code or Modifications or the
combination of the Original Code and Modifications, in each case including
portions thereof.

1.4.  ``Deploy" means to use, sublicense or distribute Covered Code other
than for Your internal research and development (RD), and includes without
limitation, any and all internal use or distribution of Covered Code within
Your business or organization except for RD use, as well as direct or
indirect sublicensing or distribution of Covered Code by You to any third
party in any form or manner.

1.5. ``Developer'' means XXX, or its affiliates or licensors, as applicable. 

1.6. ``Electronic Distribution Mechanism'' means a mechanism generally
accepted in the software development community for the electronic transfer
of data. 

1.7. ``Executable'' means Covered Code in any form other than Source Code. 

1.8. ``Larger Work'' means a work which combines Covered Code or portions
thereof with code not governed by the terms of this License. There are two
forms of Larger Work relevant to this license:

A. A work that Uses Covered Code means software that contains no derivative
of any portion of the Covered Code, but is designed to work with the
Covered Code by being compiled or linked with it, and is not and has no
ability to link to other application programs.

B. A work that Includes Covered Code means any other work, including, but
not limited to, one that is intended to make Covered Code available as a
Library to users of the Larger Work, whether by aggregation, re-export of
functionality, or any other method.


Re: A new open source license

1999-05-11 Thread Ken Arromdee

Perhaps this is a bit of an odd objection, since I'm objecting to something
taken verbatim from the GPL, but I've argued about this clause in the GPL

On 11 May 1999, Russell Nelson wrote:
 You are not required to accept this license, since you have not signed it.
 However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute any
 code, library, or any derivative works thereof. These actions are
 prohibited by law if you do not accept this license.

The logical consequence of this is not "somebody who distributes has accepted
the license".  It is "somebody who distributes either has accepted the
license, or is illegally pirating the Code".

This is not trivial, since a distributor might decide that they are better off
being a pirate than having accepted the license; for instance, consider what
happened to MOSIX, where if the author accepted the GPL he might be violating
Israeli export restrictions.  I would imagine that violating those would lead
to punishment rather more severe than the punishment for pirating software.

 Therefore, by using,
 modifying or distributing any code, library (or any work based on the
 code), you indicate your acceptance of the License set forth below, and all
 its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying such Code,
 library, or works based on them.

The clause following the "Therefore" doesn't logically follow from the clauses
that it is supposed to logically follow from.  Someone who copies the code
doesn't _automatically_ accept the conditions.  If they distribute but don't
accept the conditions, then they're a software pirate and you can sue them...
but you can't act as if the license has been accepted and can't, for instance,
copy the modifications.

RE: A new open source license

1999-05-17 Thread Matj Cepl

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Crowley [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, May 15, 1999 4:14 AM
 To:   Ken Arromdee
 Subject:  Re: A new open source license
  The clause following the "Therefore" doesn't logically follow from
  clauses that it is supposed to logically follow from.  Someone who
  copies the code doesn't _automatically_ accept the conditions.  If
  they distribute but don't accept the conditions, then they're a
  software pirate and you can sue them...  but you can't act as if the
  license has been accepted and can't, for instance, copy the
 It sounds to me like you're right.  What should GPL v3 say instead?
[MCepl]  I am not sure, that you are correct. What clause five
actually says is, that GNU GPL is accepted by conduct rather than by
giving notice of acceptance to offerror (in this case author of
software). It is not saying, that you accepted, but rather that you are
deemed to accept it. In other words, you cannot do any listed action
without permission from author (due to Copyright Act).

You would need executing a contract with author, where he would
permitt you to do so. However, author is so nice, that he is offering
you just this contract, and he says in such contract, that you are
deemed to accept the licence when doing any statutorily forbidden action
-- distribution, modification or copying.

The only problem I have (under the Czech law, I am not sure what
is the prevailing doctrine under US law -- I forgott a lot from my
Contract clases on USF) is, that contract is valid since the
notification about acceptance (by any means -- either actuall promise to
accept by offeree or information about acceptance by conduct) is
received by offerror. Therefore, GNU GPL is valid for both parties only
after that (offerree is bound in the moment he dispatches notice of
acceptance or moment of executing the conduct, unless beforce executing
a contract he receives a revocation of offerr from offerror -- these are
under European law only, Anglo-saxon legal systems -- with exception of
Big State of California -- has their mailbox rule).

What's wrong with this wording (maybe, that there is something
screwed up in my mind -- I am a lawyer and I am used to this

Have a nice day

Matthew Cepl

Re: GPL and LGPL question

1999-05-18 Thread Seth David Schoen

Bruce Perens writes:

 I don't agree. It's just like the public-domain to GPL case. You have the
 option to distribute the program under the LGPL. You choose the GPL. You
 re-distribute that. The person to whom you redistribute it has the option to
 use the GPL, just as you did.

Sure, but the current version of OSD 7 doesn't say that.  It says that
anyone who gets a copy has to have the same legal rights that were
originally granted.

I don't personally think there's any problem left here, except that OSD 7
is unclear.  There are a few possible approaches to fixing it for greater

Anyone who thinks that LGPL 3 is broken is certainly welcome to e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and say so.  I don't think there's any problem in it from
the perspective of the OSD: the LGPL _allows_ redistribution under the
same terms as the software was originally distributed, and developers who
write under the LGPL choose to do so, with the knowledge (hopefully) that
their efforts could possibly be distributed under the GPL.  If they don't
like that, they could write a new library public license that did most of
what the LGPL does but didn't allow the license of the covered code to
be changed.

As I see it, license-discuss is intended for discussions of whether the
Open Source Initiative should approve or disapprove of licenses under the
OSD (and whether it should make improvements and revisions to the OSD).
It's not really for discussions about whether particular licenses are
wise or unwise, although that's not an unimportant discussion.

Seth David Schoen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  They said look at the light we're giving you,  /  And the darkness
  that we're saving you from.   -- Dar Williams, "The Great Unknown"  (personal)  (CAF)

Re: GPL and LGPL question

1999-05-18 Thread Seth David Schoen

Wilfredo Sanchez writes:

   So this linking business is RMS's interpretation, but is not in  
 the license text.  I know certain other licenses get heavily  
 critiqued for being vague, but I don't see the same scrutiny applied  
 to the GPL here.

Well, that sort of scrutiny _has_ been applied to the GPL on many lists for
many years, so that many people are sick of it. :-)  Take a look at
gnu.misc.discuss, and you should find such a thread fairly quickly.

I personally have seen an interpretation-and-merits-of-GPL thread show
up on three mailing lists and two newsgroups, none of which were
license-related.  That debate has been going on for years, and it's
pretty easy to be tired of it already.

Since the OSD hasn't existed for as long as the GPL, it's a new opportunity
to try to harmonize the GPL with something or something with the GPL; most
other GPL topics have already been done to death.

Version 3 of the GPL is being written and supposedly close to release.
Many people have provided input, and there have been some _huge_
debates about what GPL v3 should contain.  I'm very optimistic that
it will fix some outstanding problems and ambiguities.

 The lack of clarity here is the biggest reason I know of why some
 companies prefer to avoid dealing with the GPL at all costs, even when
 they are open to the idea of open source in general.

There are some very solid arguments for that decision.  On the other
side, the GPL has been used with tremendous success in the past as the
license for a number of projects.  One reason that many people trust
that GPL is that it has such a long track record in comparison with
some other free software licenses.

This proves that the developers who worked on those projects, at least,
had enough confidence in the GPL to make it useful to them.  A particular
concern for companies, I know, is whether a license would stand up in
court, and whether it can be interpreted easily and clearly.  At LinuxWorld,
I talked with some license enthusiasts about whether _any_ free software
license has ever been an issue in a lawsuit.  Apparently, the answer is
no.  The current version was written with the assistance of a law professor,
but it would be an appeal to authority to say that this means that it would
hold up.  In the absence of litigation over the GPL (o si sic omnes!), each
company needs to decide for itself whether the current GPL is enforceable
and whether it contains loopholes or ambiguous wording.

 If you have some proprietary code which may ship alongside  
 GPL'ed code, you may accidentally fall into the "derived work"  
 category.  Certainly, it is reasonable to be wary of this.
   I realize that this is intentional; after all, proprietary code is  
 inherently evil in the eyes of the GPL's authors.  But I would argue  
 that this hardly represents freedom.  Protecting one's right to  
 share code by removing one's right not to doesn't seem like a Good  
 Thing to me.

It's a question of emulation, an extremely old tradition in computing.

Seth David Schoen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  They said look at the light we're giving you,  /  And the darkness
  that we're saving you from.   -- Dar Williams, "The Great Unknown"  (personal)  (CAF)

Re: GPL and LGPL question

1999-05-18 Thread Bruce Perens

 Protecting one's right to  
 share code by removing one's right not to doesn't seem like a Good  
 Thing to me.  

You're not considering the unpaid contributor. If my only choice was
a license like the BSD, I would contribute a lot less. The protective
provisions of the GPL are what make the difference between my putting
in work for the community and my being the unpaid patsy of anyone who
wants to take advantage of my work and not give a thing back to the
public or me. There's no sensible reason for me to be a contributor
to Apple, Netscape, or Red Hat. The reason I do it is because the GPL
guarantees that my work is for the _public_.

Think about how different the world would have been if Mosaic had been
under the GPL.



Re: GPL and LGPL question

1999-05-19 Thread Pat St. Jean

On Tue, 18 May 1999, Seth David Schoen wrote:
Wilfredo Sanchez writes:

Well, that sort of scrutiny _has_ been applied to the GPL on many lists for
many years, so that many people are sick of it. :-)  Take a look at
gnu.misc.discuss, and you should find such a thread fairly quickly.

Yeah, and it wasn't my intention.  I'm trying to figure out how some
clauses in the (L)GPL and the OSD work together.

 The lack of clarity here is the biggest reason I know of why some
 companies prefer to avoid dealing with the GPL at all costs, even when
 they are open to the idea of open source in general.

Yep.  We're one of them.

There are some very solid arguments for that decision.  On the other
side, the GPL has been used with tremendous success in the past as the
license for a number of projects.  One reason that many people trust
that GPL is that it has such a long track record in comparison with
some other free software licenses.

How much of that track record is in court.  I'm not trying to sound
snippy, but most of these licenses don't seem to have had a legal
challenge yet.  THAT is a HUGE fear for corporate open sourcers.  Really,
who cares what a license says if it won't hold up in court?  Other than
the NPL and QPL, most of these documents were drawn up years ago, and case
law has grown with different precedents since then.

This proves that the developers who worked on those projects, at least,
had enough confidence in the GPL to make it useful to them.  A particular
concern for companies, I know, is whether a license would stand up in
court, and whether it can be interpreted easily and clearly.  At LinuxWorld,
I talked with some license enthusiasts about whether _any_ free software
license has ever been an issue in a lawsuit.  Apparently, the answer is
no.  The current version was written with the assistance of a law professor,
but it would be an appeal to authority to say that this means that it would
hold up.  In the absence of litigation over the GPL (o si sic omnes!), each
company needs to decide for itself whether the current GPL is enforceable
and whether it contains loopholes or ambiguous wording.

It's not just the GPL, I don't recall reading about litigation involving
any of them.  That's too much of a risk for most companies, and it's quite
understandable.  Which is why you're seeing a proliferation of licenses.

 If you have some proprietary code which may ship alongside  
 GPL'ed code, you may accidentally fall into the "derived work"  
 category.  Certainly, it is reasonable to be wary of this.

Yup.  You decide to give away a library that you use in other software
that is proprietary.  No GPL, no LGPL because some competitor of yours
could invoke clause 3 and release whiz bang improvements under it.

Also, other than the QPL and NPL, I don't think that any of them have been
written with international use in mind.  The BSD and X licenses are
probably exceptions because they say so little...

A company, trying to protect its rights to the software that it created,
but still benefit the community at large seems forced to draw up YAOSL
because every case IS different.

I think that some clarification of OSD #3 and #7 would help this
immensely.  It would be nice to put a non-infecting clause in there.  By
that I mean that a OS'd chunk of code cannot infect the work it is
incorporated into with its license.  That is my big gripe with the FSF's
licenses, because they're using it to further a political agenda, not help
the programming community at large.  Leave politics to politicians.


Patrick St. Jean  '97 XLH 883[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programmer  Systems Administrator+1 713-977-4177 x115
Larson Software Technology

Re: GPL and LGPL question

1999-05-19 Thread Pat St. Jean

On Tue, 18 May 1999, Bruce Perens wrote:

Re: the GPL standing up in court: a law student mailed me a 100+ page thesis
on that topic. He said it would stand up in court. I have not yet had time to
study his arguments thoroughly, too much travel. Hopefully I can do this next 

Did that law student take a look at some of the federal circuit court
rulings concerning shrink-wrap licenses?  The gist of them is that unless
there is a signature on a document, they're pretty much worthless.  That
means that the legal remedies would amount to copyright infringement.


Patrick St. Jean  '97 XLH 883[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programmer  Systems Administrator+1 713-977-4177 x115
Larson Software Technology

making money off your GPL-ed code

1999-05-19 Thread Bruce Perens

From: "Pat St. Jean" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I gave up BECAUSE of the GPL.  I can't make any money off of
 that code with programs that I DON'T want to release the source for.

No, you have been given wrong information. You may apply any number of
licenses, in parallel, to your own work. You can apply a proprietary
license and the GPL to the work at the same time, and distribute them
to different customers. If you create a new version under a proprietary
license only, the GPL recepients have no right to that version.

It is _only_ in the case where you are distributing the work of _other_people_
that you must heed the GPL on the code. You can do anything you want with
software for which you own the copyright, except for one thing: if a GPL
recepient aswks for source, you must give them source for the _version_they_

This is a common misconception. Go back to work on the GPL code and make as
much money as you want on it with other licenses at the same time. You will
not be violating the GPL.



Re: making money off your GPL-ed code

1999-05-19 Thread Clark Evans

Seth David Schoen wrote:
 Clark Evans writes:
  I feel that if anyone is trying to make money from
  software that is GPL'd, then they obviously do not
  believe in the GPL, thus they really should not be
  using the GPL.
 I think you should amend this to "to make money from applying a proprietary
 license to software that is GPL'd".  I've made money from software that
 was GPL'd -- just not by trying to put it under a proprietary license.
 With that addition, it's still imaginable that someone believes in the
 practical benefits of the GPL, but not in the activist program it implements. 

Quite Right.

 And so I'm not sure about this point:
  Personally, I think that practices
  that have a "basic" version GPL'd, but the "advanced"
  version proprietary are worse for open source than
  if you just stayed 100% proprietary.
 While this does have a "bait and switch" feel to it, it's really only a
 major problem if the original developer is the _only_ person capable of
 maintaining the package or adding those features.  Otherwise, you have
 some nice new GPL code that you can use for whatever purposes you like,
 including purposes unrelated to the original package.

Well, it is the user community's mind share that counts.  And
if the trademark is kept by the developer and not made "open"
as well, then they can just as well use it to switch
from an open-source license to a proprietary license.
 And someone else can come along and implement the "advanced" features
 anew under the GPL.  While this is a duplication of effort, the
 possibility is still present.

The only problem is that the new GPL product won't have the 
trademark of older GPL product.  And this loss of mind-share
is signifiant and costly.

 Some of your other points provide other circumstances where the release
 of software under multiple licenses is problematic, but it would
 probably be more trouble than it's worth for the GPL to try to preclude
 people from releasing their code under any other license.

I would only suggest that the a requirement for opensource be
the addition of provisions for trademark/domain name usage 
to make it "open" as well.  (God knows how to do this).

 [Distributed Copyright stuff snipped; I'll try to look at the web page

That would be cool.  :)  Clark Evans

Re: GPL and LGPL question - legal

1999-05-19 Thread John Muller

At 09:09 AM 5/19/99 -0500, Patrick St. Jean wrote:
On Tue, 18 May 1999, Bruce Perens wrote:
Did that law student take a look at some of the federal circuit court
rulings concerning shrink-wrap licenses?  The gist of them is that unless
there is a signature on a document, they're pretty much worthless.  That
means that the legal remedies would amount to copyright infringement.

This statement might have been correct a few years ago, but the strong
recent trend is to uphold the validity of shrinkwrap and clickwrap
licenses.  The leading case is ProCD v. Zeidenberg in the 7th Circuit,, but there are other recent
decisions from the Illinois U.S. District court,, the Washington State
Court of Appeals,, and the
New York Appellate Division in Brower v. Gateway 2000.

John Muller
"The ladder of law has no top and no bottom"

Re: License certification request

1999-07-06 Thread bruce

You could reduce this to the BSD license, an added attribution sentence,
and a separate trademark statement, and thus save us from the evils of
"license proliferation" - one more license in the world for programmers
to figure out, one more license that is not compatible with other pre-existing
licenses. Since the BSD license is already "certified", if you used the
straight BSD you'd be able to claim certification right away. Please consider



From: Kevin Kelm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 /* ===
  * Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Boulder Software Foundry.  All rights reserved.
  * Trademark rights claimed in "Boulder Software Foundry" and "Flashpoint
  * Application Server".
  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
  * are met:
  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
  *notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
  *notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
  *the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
  * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
  *software must display the following acknowledgment:
  *"This product includes software developed by the Boulder Software Foundry
  *for the Flashpoint Application Server project
  * 4. The names "Flashpoint Application Server Technology" and "Boulder
  *Software Foundry" must not be used to  endorse or promote products
  *derived from this software without prior written permission. For
  *written permission, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paragraph 4 should exclude the use required in paragraph 3 as something
requiring prior written permission.

  * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Flashpoint"
  *nor may "Flashpoint" appear in their names.
  * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
  *"This product includes software developed by the Boulder Software
  *Foundry for the Flashpoint Application Server project

Is this redundant with paragraph 1? Paragraph 1 requires that the license and
copyright statement be included. If the license and copyright statement contain
the acknowledgement sentence above, paragraph 6 is redundant - unless you want
us to put the attribution somewhere else.

  * 7. We request (but do not require) that bug fixes, enhancements, and
  *new features of interest to the general public made in the Flashpoint
  *Application Server code be submitted free of licensing and in source
  *form to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
  * individuals on behalf of the Boulder Software Foundry and was
  * originally designed and written by Kevin Kelm and Jonah Safar.
  * For more information on the Boulder Software Foundry and the
  * Flashpoint Application Server project, please see

Re: New Licensing Model?

1999-07-06 Thread Clark Evans


You are trying to create an open source license for 
a technology which is protected by patent and trademark.
You are tying the patent use to the trademark?

"Charles A. Jolley" wrote:
 This technology exists as a specification, a set of rules, that we want
 to license to people and then certify the use of this technology in their

Will people be able to freely implement use specification without
reference to your trademark?

 Basically, we are working on a license for the technology that gives
 people free license (as protected by our patents, copyrights, and
 trademarks) to use the technology in their products and limited use of the
 technology's name in relation to their product, unless they sell it for
 commercial use.  If they sell the product, then they must get their product
 certified to be compliant by us.

The above sounds like a restriction on the trademark only.  Correct?

 This license will be "viral" in that any derivatives of a product based
 on this license must also carry it and so on and so forth, as long as the
 product is still compliant with our technology.  Also, we will allow people
 to charge for the cost of burning CDs, etc. without needing to get certified
 and we will allow certain people to be exempted from the certification
 requirement, such as those who are selling shareware.

Those making money don't have to be certified?  this is not clear.

 Now, this license only covers use of the technology and its associated
 name.  It will work such that it will go **along-side** any other license
 for the actual software/hardware.  For example, the open-source software
 that we release will be licensed under our license for use of our
 technology, but will also be released under a BSD or GPL license for the
 software itself.

GPL seems to be incompatible with any kind of patent license.

 My concern here is that such a license cannot be combined with GPL,
 which obviously could be a problem since there is so much software out there
 based on the GPL and I would want these people to be able to make their
 products communicate using our technology if they should so choose.
 So what do you think?  Is this a viable strategy as far as creating an
 open-source compatible license is concerned?  Would there be open-source
 licenses that this technology license could go along-side of?

It's traditional for people to be able to implement the specification
without regard for any licensing restrictions, is this included?



Re: New Licensing Model?

1999-07-06 Thread bruce

 Basically, we are working on a license for the technology that gives
 people free license (as protected by our patents, copyrights, and
 trademarks) to use the technology in their products and limited use of the
 technology's name in relation to their product, unless they sell it for
 commercial use.  If they sell the product, then they must get their product
 certified to be compliant by us.

Good intention, but there are a few problems I'd like you to work on.

If you are explicitly restricting your patents in a way that would constitute
a prohibition on sale of the software, that would fail paragraph 1 of the Open
Source Definition.

You would also run awry of the GPL's language about patents. Please read that.

I suggest you blanket-license your patents for use by any program that is
licensed entirely under the GPL (I mean a program that has no non-GPL
components). Anyone who wants to write proprietary code will have to go
to you for a patent license, and thus your revenue stream will be protected
while you will also have your system entirely in Open Source and your patents
licensed in an OSD and GPL-compliant manner.

I'm confident that you can work out a way to do that protects your profits
and is OSD and GPL-compliant. If you'd like to have a talk about it, feel
free to call me at 510-526-1165.



Re: Zeratec Public License

1999-07-13 Thread Mark Wells

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, Pat St. Jean wrote:

 On 13 Jul 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My main criticism is that some of the language is _oblique_ and should be
 phrased as a "permission" rather than an "understanding". The license is meant
 to be executed by programmers, not attorneys, and thus should be as clear and
 unambiguous as possible.
 I must disagree here.  It isn't the programmer in the court room defending
 your rights from someone violating the license.  Clear and unambiguous is
 a good thing, but in my opinion that should be from a legal standpoint,
 not necessarily an end user's.  If you're in doubt as to what is said, you
 should contact your attorney and have hir clarify it.

I think Bruce mis-stated his point to some extent, but he's right.  A 
license written in terms of 'understandings' rather than specific
assignment of permissions to the licensee is ambiguous.  This makes it
both harder for the end user (as opposed to the lawyers) to understand
*and* harder to enforce.  When Bruce said that "the license is meant to be
executed by programmers, not attorneys", I think he meant that attorneys
would know the legal significance of an 'understanding' in a contract,
but programmers wouldn't, so to be safe they'd have to hire an attorney.
It's one of the effects of ambiguity.

Another effect is that the contract may be harder to enforce.  It seems
that you'd have a hard time proving that someone had the same
'understanding' that you had about the terms of the license.  Of course,
I'm not a lawyer, so I can't speak with certainty here.  See?  It really
*is* hard for non-attorneys to understand.

 What, you don't have an attorney?  And you're entering in to a legally
 binding business relationship with someone?

I didn't have to have my attorney read the GPL before I agreed to it,
because the GPL is unambiguous.  It says, "You are allowed to use, modify,
and redistribute in original or modified form."  It doesn't say anything
is 'understood'.  It assumes the end user understands nothing at all, and
then proceeds to spell it out.

 Note, I do not practice law.  Through my folks I've met quite a few, in
 many different areas of specialization, usually by working on their
 networks. This is the one consistent piece of advice I've always gotten:
 "Always read before you sign.  If you don't understand it, have someone
 who does advise you."

That's why it's important for the license to be unambiguous.  You don't
want the individual programmer who downloads your code and thinks of a new
feature to add to have to hire an attorney at $200 per hour to read the
license and make sure it would be legal for him to redistribute his
modifications under the GPL.
Version: GnuPG v0.9.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: PGPEnvelope -


Re: Zeratec Public License

1999-07-13 Thread Pat St. Jean

On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, Mark Wells wrote:

I think Bruce mis-stated his point to some extent, but he's right.  A 
license written in terms of 'understandings' rather than specific
assignment of permissions to the licensee is ambiguous.  This makes it
both harder for the end user (as opposed to the lawyers) to understand
*and* harder to enforce.  When Bruce said that "the license is meant to be
executed by programmers, not attorneys", I think he meant that attorneys
would know the legal significance of an 'understanding' in a contract,
but programmers wouldn't, so to be safe they'd have to hire an attorney.
It's one of the effects of ambiguity.

Ahhh...  That helps, it makes more sense now...

I didn't have to have my attorney read the GPL before I agreed to it,
because the GPL is unambiguous.  It says, "You are allowed to use, modify,
and redistribute in original or modified form."  It doesn't say anything
is 'understood'.  It assumes the end user understands nothing at all, and
then proceeds to spell it out.

Yep, definitely a well written license.  I don't agree with some of it,
but that's a MUCH different discussion...

That's why it's important for the license to be unambiguous.  You don't
want the individual programmer who downloads your code and thinks of a new
feature to add to have to hire an attorney at $200 per hour to read the
license and make sure it would be legal for him to redistribute his
modifications under the GPL.

$200/hr?!?!?!  You're getting off cheap!  Seriously.

But look at it this way.  If there is doubt, even $400 an hour is better
than the judgement you're likely to have to pay if you do violate the

I agree with what Bruce said earlier, a LEGALLY clear and unabiguous
license SHOULD be easy for a normal person to read.  That's the best of
all worlds, and working to get that is a Good Thing.  But if you're in
doubt, communicate with the other party.  In writing, e-mail isn't
admissable everywhere.  It never hurts to ask questions.


Patrick St. Jean  '97 XLH 883[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programmer  Systems Administrator+1 713-977-4177 x115
Larson Software Technology

Re: Zeratec Public License

1999-07-13 Thread John Cowan

Forrest J. Cavalier III wrote:

 fact, could you GPL it, and include a notice along the lines of "if you
 want to use our trademarks, certification marks, etc. contact
 us for a different agreement." That would clean up the open
 source license a great deal, I think.

The point is that Zeratec has a *patented algorithm*, not a piece
of code.  (Whether patented algorithms are a Good Thing is out of
scope here.)  Zeratec's intent, as I understand it, is to license people
to use the *patent* when creating software that is covered by the
GPL or similar open-source license.  Closed-source software
creators have to negotiate a separate patent license.

So this license is not parallel to the GPL or any existing
*copyright* license; it's another thing altogether.

Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis um dies! / Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau,
Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau / Und trank die Milch vom Paradies.
-- Coleridge / Politzer

Re: Zeratec Public License

1999-07-14 Thread bruce

 Splitting this into two license would simplify the free component, but it
 would also mean that people buying and using products would have to get to
 know two separate license...

I think that's to your advantage. It helps reinforce the destinction
between Degas-certified products and non-certified ones. Also, if you
ever go to court about a license, you have less text for the court to



gpl backlash?

1999-07-24 Thread Signal 11

Thought I'd mention that the licensing has changed for "php4" aka zend.
It was under the GPL, but now it appears to be under the QPL (just like

Seems to be a backlash against the GPL lately - slashdot has posted numerous
articles on freebsd, which invariably say that "the gpl is evil (blah blah),
and use freebsd because it's better.  insert holy war here".

Anybody else noticed this (and care to comment on it)?

Signal 11

Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-25 Thread Jacques Chester

Hi all;

 ... a maiden poster here. Trust me to pick a holy war to start
with, eh?

Seems to be a backlash against the GPL lately - slashdot has posted 
articles on freebsd, which invariably say that "the gpl is evil (blah 
and use freebsd because it's better.  insert holy war here".

Anybody else noticed this (and care to comment on it)?

I've noticed it, yes. To me the issue that invariably crops up is the
viral nature of the GPL. Specifically, that inclusion of GPL'd code
means that the larger work must in turn be GPL'd.

This has pros and cons, which are both monetary *and* ideological.
And when money and belief meet head on ... well ... things get messy.
Ask the Crusaders.

Pros of viral GPL:

Ideological: It enforces freedom. User freedom is wholly ensured. The
author of the code also has legal resourse if his code is taken for use
without his permission (this could be *vaguely* hidden in a compiled

Monetary: It ensures that GPL'd code will always be available for the
cost of a download - essentially free (as in free beer). The low opp.
cost of GPL'd code makes it very attractive to purchasers. Some
businesses are nervous at the possibility of their code been opened,
but may soon realise that it levels the playing field in an absolute 
way -
nobody gains advantage in a GPL'd world.

Cons of a viral GPL:

Ideological: There are some the GPL is not free at all, that is in fact
enforced, top-down "Freedom by Command", not unlike being liberated
by the Red Army. Others feel that it is too ideological, full stop.

Monetary: Some companies and people may balk at their expensively
developed code being made available in an environment where it
cannot be sold. They may also feel that they are performing free RD
for competitors.

The above list is not comprehensive, by any means. I begin to think
that this list might wish to work towards a License HOW-TO, which
sets out several aspects of the common licenses and how to choose
your best choice. For maximum interoperability with the GNU project
and low hacker objection, for example, the GPL is the only choice.

Signal 11

Be well;


Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-26 Thread Wilfredo Sanchez

| For the software I personally write, there really isn't much  
choice but the
| GPL. That's because I donate my time to increase the amount of  
| free software, _not_ non-free software. I absolutely will not  
tolerate being
| treated as an unpaid employee by someone who takes my contribution and 
| incorporates it into non-free software, without returning the same  
value to
| the community that I put into it when I made my contribution.  
Thus, I would
| not contribute my time to writing free software without the  
_protection_ of
| the GPL.

  That's a fairly narrow view, Bruce.

  NeXT used GPL'ed code for years without adding much value to the  
GNU Project because they made lots of NeXT-specific changes and  
didn't care at all whether they got folded into the FSF source base.   
Sure the software remaind "free", but none of it ever made it into  
the FSF sources and was therefore generally useless to the Community.  
 Had it not been GPL'ed and had they made it "proprietary," there  
would have been little difference to anyone.  What did this  
"protection" buy you?

  On the other hand, Apple has contributed a fair bit (not a  
terrifically great bit, but certainly something) to NetBSD and Apache  
despite the lack of any requirements to do so.  And we're finally  
getting our act together and submitting a large body of work to gdb.   
I just met with a pile of gdb developers at a Cygnus-sponsored gdb  
party, and they were quite exited to be getting this code.  The fact  
that it's been available for years never helped anyone.  The fact  
that we are now actively trying to merge it in upstream is what  
counts, and the GPL isn't going to get you that.

  Which isn't to say that "the GPL is evil";  that's yet another  
narrow view.  I'm just saying that you're not looking at the bigger  
picture.  I would say that the GPL isn't necessary, but I just want  
better software, not some notion of code virtue.

  I want to be able to run an open system on my computer, and I want  
it to be the best open system it can possibly be.  So I'll write  
open software to contribute to the value of that system, and I'll  
hope that lots of other people will use it and see the value in  
improving it in the same way.  If someone else takes it and decides  
not to contribute, I don't really care.  I'm not anyone's "unpaid  
employee" because they use my code.  My belief is that people who  
take open source and diverge on their own at in the long-term going  
to lose.  I don't have any doubts about the security of open source,  
and don't need to force my view onto others.  I'd rather welcome them  
and wait for them to get a clue if they don't already have it.   
Poo-poo-ing them because they don't share my view isn't going to make  
my software better if it means they go work on something else  
instead.  So if the GPL limits my audience, I see that as a bug, not  
a feature.

| Have you looked at lately? At least half of the program
| announcements there have "GPL" as their license. That's a lot more than
| it used to be.

  The GPL has momentum.  So does MS Windows.  That doesn't  
necessarily make it The Best Thing.


#include std_disclaimer.h /* opinion(Fred) != opinion(Apple) */

   Wilfredo Sanchez, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apple Computer, Inc., Core Operating Systems / BSD
  Technical Lead, Darwin Project
   1 Infinite Loop, 302-4K, Cupertino, CA 95014

Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-26 Thread Derek J. Balling

 1 Infinite Loop, 302-4K, Cupertino, CA

This has got to be a joke...?

No. It is a circular road in Cupertino which, IIRC, surrounds one of 
Apple's campuses. (or something like that).

The NAMING of the road was certainly a joke, but :)


Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-26 Thread Wilfredo Sanchez

|NeXT used GPL'ed code for years without adding much value to the   
|  GNU Project because they made lots of NeXT-specific changes and   
|  didn't care at all whether they got folded into the FSF source  
|  Sure the software remaind "free", but none of it ever made it into   
|  the FSF sources and was therefore generally useless to the  
| Except the *NeXT* community.

  OK, that's fair.

| Well, different people have different objectives for opening  
systems up (or
| making open systems in the first place), of course.  My objective is to 
| benefit the user, and make the user's life nice.

  OK, I like that objective.

| For some things, that means simply ensuring that no one can do  
anything to
| the code without letting other people see those changes; the GPL  
is nice
| here.  From past experience this seems to include compilers, since few 
| people can expend the resources to a) write a whole compiler to  
introduce a
| new feature or b) write that feature to be portable across every  
| the original compiler works for.  So the GPL helps to keep people from 
| wimping out, and writing in new features for just one platform.   
However, it
| also provides the incentive that you don't have to write the rest  
of the
| compiler.

  Certainly the GPL has worked well here.  Writing a compiler is  
enough of a pain in the ass that dealing with the GPL, regardless of  
your objections, is likely worthwhile.

  And I'll grant you that the GPL has done great things for free  
software.  In times when nobody in business thought free software was  
interesting, it kept things moving.  To that end, the GPL is a  
wonderful thing.  On the other hand, people are starting to see real  
economic benefit (resource management, compatibility,  
standardization) to open source.

  The GPL's major flaw is its unbounded viral nature.  That scares  
(quite reasonable) people away from it, and I think that's a real  
bummer.  I don't mind the "keep this free" sentiment.  (In fact,  
Apple's license, which I had some input on, has a similar requirement  
to keep derivative works under the same terms, and I think that's  
fair.)  But you have to at least specify what you mean by derivative  
works, and allow for the possibility of integration of open code with  
closed code.  And yes, you can probably find ways to change the code  
such that you don't have to contribute anything of value if you  
dance around the license enough, but I can accept that.

  With the GNU license, there is no telling whether if I write a  
10,000 line program, which has one line:


and oops, /bin/ls is from GNU fileutils.  Well, crap, is my program  
infected by the GPL?  Does that means I can't run my program on  
Linux?  Well of course not, you say.  But the license doesn't say,  
and that's just plain silly.  On the other hand, this sort of  
confusion might just render the GPL useless in court, and out goes  
the "protection" that you're after.  Lucky it's never been tried in  
court; I'm quite curious about it.

| For other things, the most important thing for the end user is
| compatibility; internet servers, for instance.  In those cases,  
it's more
| important that *absolutely everything* come from a commnon code base, 
| period.

  Well, it's important that things interoperate, not that they use  
the same code, though sharing code does tend to help that a lot.

| 1 Infinite Loop, 302-4K, Cupertino, CA
| This has got to be a joke...?

  Yes and no.


   Wilfredo Sanchez, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apple Computer, Inc., Core Operating Systems / BSD
  Technical Lead, Darwin Project
   1 Infinite Loop, 302-4K, Cupertino, CA 95014

Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-26 Thread Matthew C. Weigel

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Wilfredo Sanchez wrote:

[for readability I've reformatted some comments]

 | Except the *NeXT* community.
   OK, that's fair.

 | making open systems in the first place), of course.  My objective
 | is to benefit the user, and make the user's life nice.
   OK, I like that objective.



   Certainly the GPL has worked well here.  Writing a compiler is
 enough of a pain in the ass that dealing with the GPL, regardless of
 your objections, is likely worthwhile.

   And I'll grant you that the GPL has done great things for free
 software.  In times when nobody in business thought free software was
 interesting, it kept things moving.  To that end, the GPL is a
 wonderful thing.  On the other hand, people are starting to see real
 economic benefit (resource management, compatibility,
 standardization) to open source.

I disagree -- it looks like people are starting to see the benefits of
getting their end users to fix bugs.  Which can be a different animal
from open source entirely.

[note: I'm not sure if I agree with the APSL but I'm not flaming it
here; I'm trying to push the idea that there are different degrees of
freedom to software, and I happen to like the highest degree possible]

Of course, the fastest way to open software up is to provide lots of
endearing and attractive open source options, that strongly encourages
more open software.  The GPL in some cases is overkill (there's a
strong encouragement in the BSD family for proprietary vendors to give
back), but in some cases its necessary.

   The GPL's major flaw is its unbounded viral nature.  
 But you have to at least specify what you mean by derivative
 works, and allow for the possibility of integration of open code with
 closed code.

Do you mean by this that if the GPL were more specific in its
allowances and prohibitions, it would make for more acceptance and a
better license?  I can agree with that.  It's important to put people
at ease that their use of a license is doing what they think it's
doing, and clear language is important there.

   And yes, you can probably find ways to change the code  
 such that you don't have to contribute anything of value if you  
 dance around the license enough, but I can accept that.

As can I.  It would be difficult to add proprietary extensions to gcc,
for instance, without making a clearly derivative work (as opposed to
the below).

 the "protection" that you're after.  Lucky it's never been tried in
 court; I'm quite curious about it.

As am I.  For the rest of it, see above.

 | For other things, the most important thing for the end user is
 | compatibility; internet servers, for instance.  In those cases,  
 it's more
 | important that *absolutely everything* come from a commnon code base, 
 | period.
   Well, it's important that things interoperate, not that they use  
 the same code, though sharing code does tend to help that a lot.

The fastest way to push a standard out is to give people the code to
implement the standard, so that it will work with some minor tweaks and
studying.  It looks to me like X won this way, as well as a lot of BSD
stuff (I'm almost certain OS/2 uses some BSD code for its networking
stuff, for example).

 | 1 Infinite Loop, 302-4K, Cupertino, CA
 | This has got to be a joke...?
   Yes and no.

Those Crazy Californians again, I guess.  Yes, my roots go to
California too :)

On a side note, has anyone been receiving multiple copies of messages?  I
received the message I'm responding to *thrice*.

 Matthew Weigel   Programmer/Sysadmin
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Operating Systems Advocate

Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-26 Thread Wilfredo Sanchez

| I disagree -- it looks like people are starting to see the benefits of 
| getting their end users to fix bugs.  Which can be a different animal 
| from open source entirely.

  Not entirely.  I don't mind paying for software.  What kills me is  
"that damned bug that's been there forever and why don't they fix it  
it's so easy if only I could get the code".  There is nothing wrong  
with end users being able to fix bugs, and there is nothing wrong  
with a business realizing that this can be mutually beneficial.

| [note: I'm not sure if I agree with the APSL but I'm not flaming it 
| here; I'm trying to push the idea that there are different degrees of 
| freedom to software, and I happen to like the highest degree possible] 

  The APSL is new.  I personally think it will need to evolve  
further, but it's pretty good for where we are today.

| Do you mean by this that if the GPL were more specific in its
| allowances and prohibitions, it would make for more acceptance and a 
| better license?

  Most certainly.  For starters, it should define "derived work" if  
it's going to use that term in its requirements.

| The fastest way to push a standard out is to give people the code to 
| implement the standard, so that it will work with some minor tweaks and 
| studying.  It looks to me like X won this way

  Yeah, sometimes this backfires.

| On a side note, has anyone been receiving multiple copies of  
messages?  I
| received the message I'm responding to *thrice*.

  Not I.


#include std_disclaimer.h /* opinion(Fred) != opinion(Apple) */

   Wilfredo Sanchez, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apple Computer, Inc., Core Operating Systems / BSD
  Technical Lead, Darwin Project
   1 Infinite Loop, 302-4K, Cupertino, CA 95014

Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-27 Thread Jacques Chester

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Wilfredo Sanchez wrote:
   Certainly the GPL has worked well here.  Writing a compiler is
 enough of a pain in the ass that dealing with the GPL, regardless of
 your objections, is likely worthwhile.

The GPL has had many areas of success. I wonder, out of sheer
curiousity, whether there will emerge a *technical* or *quantitative*
case for any of the licenses.

However, as I pointed out in an earlier posting, selection of a license 
is an
act with both monetary/business/financial *and* ideological
implications. The two are joined at the waist. I think it would be
foolish to try and consider the money and the beliefs seperately;
the two are now irreversibly entangled. Tread carefully, dear 

An interesting point arises from the quote, however. I'd never really
though about how a person choosing among competing software
is affected by the license. I've always looked from the licensor's
view, not the licensee's.

Obviously, the GPL is aimed at being "user-protective" rather than
"business-protective". It distinctly expempts the author from 
and enforces their ownership, but it essentially throws *control* of
that code out to the community.

In economics, *ownership* and *control* are very different
propositions. In the Galbraithian world-view, they are the basis of
economic Power ... and I'm wandering. Pardon me.

   And I'll grant you that the GPL has done great things for free
 software.  In times when nobody in business thought free software 
 interesting, it kept things moving.  To that end, the GPL is a
 wonderful thing.  On the other hand, people are starting to see real
 economic benefit (resource management, compatibility,
 standardization) to open source.

The business case. "The marketing campaign", which I believe is
one of the descriptions that ESR gave the whole "open source"

I disagree -- it looks like people are starting to see the benefits of
getting their end users to fix bugs.  Which can be a different animal
from open source entirely.

They'll just as quickly discover that customers can honestly tell
how shitty their software is. Relying on your customer to fix bugs is
like a car company expecting customers to repair the faulty seat-belt
designs on a new model. It's not going to last: companies with shitty
source will lose both rep. and business if they go open source.

[note: I'm not sure if I agree with the APSL but I'm not flaming it
here; I'm trying to push the idea that there are different degrees of
freedom to software, and I happen to like the highest degree possible]

That's why a plurality of licenses exist. Diversity is healthy. But 
wonder if the GPL's virality is really a play at a kind of monopoly;
dominance over the licensing ecosystem. One of the principle reasons
for choosing the GPL in my brief review was being "approved for use"
with the vast body of already GPL'd code. This is very much like buying
Microsoft Word because ... well ... everyone else uses it. So much
easier to conform than to choose another option.

Of course, the fastest way to open software up is to provide lots of
endearing and attractive open source options, that strongly encourages
more open software.  The GPL in some cases is overkill (there's a
strong encouragement in the BSD family for proprietary vendors to give
back), but in some cases its necessary.

The GPL is a good license. The viral clause is like an ideological
agreement button: "By selecting this license, you agree that the FSF is 
in protecting user freedom ..."

   The GPL's major flaw is its unbounded viral nature.  
 But you have to at least specify what you mean by derivative
 works, and allow for the possibility of integration of open code 
 closed code.

This will be where the license fails in court. A new version - a 2.1 - 
to *explicitly* define the limits of the viral clause, or there will be 
to pay. Microsoft could kill business interest in the GPL by deliberate
infringement, followed by a huge, protracted courtcase during which
time all GPL'd code enters legal limbo in the eyes of the business
community. The GPL needs more fire-proofing, in my view.

Do you mean by this that if the GPL were more specific in its
allowances and prohibitions, it would make for more acceptance and a
better license?  I can agree with that.  It's important to put people
at ease that their use of a license is doing what they think it's
doing, and clear language is important there.

The clear language is good. I suspect the GPL is popular partially
because it is *simple*. The MPL is complex. The APSL is complex.
The SCSL is complex. But the GPL and the BSDL and XL are all
simple non-legalistic licenses. Hackers don't have time to be lawyers.

   And yes, you can probably find ways to change the code  
 such that you don't have to contribute anything of value if you  
 dance around the license enough, but I can accept that.

If people want 

Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-27 Thread Wilfredo Sanchez

| Obviously, the GPL is aimed at being "user-protective" rather than 
| "business-protective".

  No.  It's "author-protective".  You write software.  You want  
people to use it (for whatever reasons), but you have certain  
restrictions you use on usage to protect you as the author.  This is  
that case with pretty much every license.  In the GPL's case, the  
restriction is that derivative works are also GPL'ed.

  Now I'm the user, and I want to write some software which maybe  
uses a snippet of code from bash.  For example, maybe I want to use  
readline.  Well, now I'm forced to GPL my work.  That's not  
protecting me as the user; that's "protecting" the authors of  
readline.  Even so, it's hardly "protecting" the author: his code  
remains free no matter what I do with it.

  It's more of a trade.  I use that code in exchange for making my  
code GPL'ed as well.  For some code I may be willing to do that.  On  
the other hand, for some code, maybe I'm not.  This is not tied to me  
being a business.  Maybe I don't agree with that philosophy, and  
would rather write and use code that is less restrictive, and  
although I think software should be open, I don't feel the need to  
impose that view on my users.  So maybe the GPL doesn't work for me.


   Wilfredo Sanchez, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apple Computer, Inc., Core Operating Systems / BSD
  Technical Lead, Darwin Project
   1 Infinite Loop, 302-4K, Cupertino, CA 95014

Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-27 Thread Ian Lance Taylor

   Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 20:13:25 -0700
   From: Wilfredo Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   | Do you mean by this that if the GPL were more specific in its
   | allowances and prohibitions, it would make for more acceptance and a 
   | better license?

 Most certainly.  For starters, it should define "derived work" if  
   it's going to use that term in its requirements.

My understanding is that ``derived work'' has a defined legal meaning
in the context of copyrights.  There is no pressing need for the GPL
to define it.  You can find more information by poking around under, e.g.,
(Of course this only applies to U.S. law.)

It's certainly true that the notion of derived work becomes very murky
when it comes to computer programs, just as it does in other fields
such as music.  But that is not a fault of the GPL.  It is reasonable
and, I think, correct for the GPL to defer to copyright law and the
federal courts when it comes to the meaning of ``derived work.''  It
leaves us confused right now, but it avoids creating a definition
which may become meaningless or invalid as programming technology


Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-27 Thread John Cowan

 For example, I'd submit that _reference_ is derivation where software is
 concerned. If you call into my library from your program, it's a derived

Then in your view, only GPL-compatible programs can be run under Linux?

   I am a member of a civilization. --David Brin

Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-27 Thread John Cowan

Kyle Rose scripsit:

 [T]he LGPL, the license under which the major libraries are
 released, specifically allows non-free programs to link to binaries
 under that license.

The kernel, however (which is just another library), is under the GPL.
I know that Linus explicitly states that the GPL's viral properties
do not spread from the kernel to user-mode code, but I don't see how that
can be made consistent with the GPL's claim that "changing it [the GPL]
is not allowed."

   I am a member of a civilization. --David Brin

Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-27 Thread Seth David Schoen

John Cowan writes:

 Kyle Rose scripsit:
  [T]he LGPL, the license under which the major libraries are
  released, specifically allows non-free programs to link to binaries
  under that license.
 The kernel, however (which is just another library), is under the GPL.
 I know that Linus explicitly states that the GPL's viral properties
 do not spread from the kernel to user-mode code, but I don't see how that
 can be made consistent with the GPL's claim that "changing it [the GPL]
 is not allowed."

It could be viewed as an additional permission, making Linux dual-licensed,
except that Linus doesn't have authority to grant that permission on behalf
of all of the other developers -- who presumably have the right to assert
that this is either

(1) merely Linus's personal opinion, and factually incorrect; or

(2) merely Linus's personal decision to dual-license _his own_ code, and
therefore not applicable to their own code, which, in compliance with
the terms of the GPL, was released under the GPL (so that Linus lacks
the authority to unilaterally re-license their work); or

(3) a copyright violation on Linus's part, because he made an unauthorized
derived work from the GPL, which is copyrighted by the Free Software
Foundation; or

(4) a mistake on Richard Stallman's part, because Linus's change to the
GPL is fair use, and not a copyright violation.

(I think most, if not all, people who contribute to the kernel are willing
to accept Linus's judgment on this point, but that doesn't mean that it
might not be an issue in the future.)

Seth David Schoen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  They said look at the light we're giving you,  /  And the darkness
  that we're saving you from.   -- Dar Williams, "The Great Unknown"  (personal)  (CAF)

Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-27 Thread Seth David Schoen

Matthew C. Weigel writes:

 On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Seth David Schoen wrote:
  It could be viewed as an additional permission, making Linux
  dual-licensed, except that Linus doesn't have authority to grant that
  permission on behalf of all of the other developers -- who presumably have
  the right to assert that this is either
 No, he only has the authority to grant that on the code he originally wrote
 -- but that is part of the license, which by the GPL's viral nature ensures
 that all code distributed which is a derivative work of the kernel is, then,
 under the same license.

_If_ Linus is allowed to modify the GPL, and actually did so (or if he
modified it despite being forbidden to do so).

It's not totally obvious that the sentence there is intended to be "part
of the license", as opposed to a non-binding observation by Linus, or an
expression of his wishes.

  (2) merely Linus's personal decision to dual-license _his own_ code, and
  therefore not applicable to their own code, which, in compliance with
  the terms of the GPL, was released under the GPL (so that Linus lacks
  the authority to unilaterally re-license their work); or
 But it wasn't released under the pristine GPL.

_If_ Linus is allowed to modify the GPL, and actually did so (or if he
modified it despite being forbidden to do so).

  (3) a copyright violation on Linus's part, because he made an unauthorized
  derived work from the GPL, which is copyrighted by the Free Software
  Foundation; or
 Except that such additions are authorized -- hence it's not "
 unauthorized derived work..."

They're not authorized, so far as we can tell from what's stated in

Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. [...]
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

It's possible that the FSF explicitly gave Linus permission to modify
the GPL, but we don't have any way of knowing that.

  (4) a mistake on Richard Stallman's part, because Linus's change to the
  GPL is fair use, and not a copyright violation.
 ???  How is it a mistake on RMS' part, even given that your above statements
 are true?

Each of these possibilities, (1) through (4), is meant to be mutually
exclusive with all the others.

The "mistake" would be if fair use allows Linus to modify the GPL by
adding to it (as opposed to "mere aggregation" with another, separate
license :-) additional terms or permissions, since Stallman certainly
did _not_ want people to be able to do so as a general rule.  In that
case, Stallman's claim that "changing it is not allowed" is not
correct, and this would be the "mistake" to which (4) refers.

Seth David Schoen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  They said look at the light we're giving you,  /  And the darkness
  that we're saving you from.   -- Dar Williams, "The Great Unknown"  (personal)  (CAF)

Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-27 Thread Wilfredo Sanchez

| For example, I'd submit that _reference_ is derivation where  
software is
| concerned. If you call into my library from your program, it's a  
| work. However, copyright law doesn't take that into account and is only 
| concerned with copying.

  And therein lies a serious problem, because I think your assertion  
is a load of hooey.  Just becuase I have code that make calls to a  
certain API, which you happen to have implemented, doesn't mean that  
I'm deriving from your code.

  I might write code against the POSIX foobar() API, and maybe  
someone drops a GPL'ed implementation of libfoobar in place of the  
dylib (with a free implementation) that I was using, doesn't make my  
code derived.

  And it doesn't matter who is right here; my point is we can't know.


   Wilfredo Sanchez, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apple Computer, Inc., Core Operating Systems / BSD
  Technical Lead, Darwin Project
   1 Infinite Loop, 302-4K, Cupertino, CA 95014

Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-27 Thread Kyle Rose

Hash: SHA1

 Postulate that you write an application that works with a library full of
 no-op stubs. That library just happens to match the interface of a GPL-ed
 product I've written, and with that library it is a functioning product. Then
 you ship that application with the _intent_ that the user combine it with my
 library to run it, which is demonstrated by the fact that it doesn't do useful
 work any other way or you haven't shipped an alternative library to that same
 user. I think I'd have a legitimate complaint.

Unfortunately, as much as I love the GPL, I don't think this is
enforcable.  Remember that the GPL covers only distribution, not use;
hence, if the distribution of a work linked against a library
interface (even that for which only a GPL'ed implementation exists)
does not contain any actual code from that library, it cannot be
considered a derived work.  Although IANAL, it would be like suing
critics for reviews which contain "hooks" into the book (e.g.,
character names, chapter and/or event references, etc.)


- -- 
Kyle R. Rose  "They can try to bind our arms,
Laboratory for Computer ScienceBut they cannot chain our minds
MIT NE43-309, 617-253-5883 or hearts..."   Stratovarius
Version: GnuPG v0.9.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-27 Thread bruce

 Unfortunately, as much as I love the GPL, I don't think this is
 enforcable.  Remember that the GPL covers only distribution, not use;
 hence, if the distribution of a work linked against a library
 interface (even that for which only a GPL'ed implementation exists)
 does not contain any actual code from that library, it cannot be
 considered a derived work.

Remember, we're talking about how the concept of a derived product has not
kept up with software. So, I agree that this may not be enforcable today,
but I might work toward making it enforcable. In the meantime, I'd hope that
good citizens would comply with the intent of my license even if the
possibility for successful enforcement is low.

 Although IANAL, it would be like suing critics for reviews which contain
 "hooks" into the book (e.g., character names, chapter and/or event
 references, etc.)

A closer metaphor might be cross-linking of web sites. For example, say I took
the site that you spent a lot to produce, and presented it inside of a frame
with all of my own ads around the border. You'd have a right to object. This
is another area where copyright law _has_not_kept_up_.



Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-27 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 Postulate that you write an application that works with a library full of
 no-op stubs. That library just happens to match the interface of a GPL-ed
 product I've written, and with that library it is a functioning product. Then
 you ship that application with the _intent_ that the user combine it with my
 library to run it, which is demonstrated by the fact that it doesn't do useful
 work any other way or you haven't shipped an alternative library to that same
 user. I think I'd have a legitimate complaint.

If the application was created without ever using the GPL-ed code, 
it is clearly not a derivative work until the end user combines it
with the GPL-ed code.

Even if the GPL-ed code was used for testing purposes, I believe
the courts consider that "fair use" and not creating a derivative 

Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software  Voice 570-992-8824 
The Reuse RKT: Efficient awareness for software reuse: Free WWW site
lists over 6000 of the most popular open source libraries, functions,
and applications.  

Re: gpl backlash?

1999-07-28 Thread Ian Lance Taylor

   Date:Wed, 28 Jul 1999 12:01:12 +0200 (CEST)
   From: Martin Konold [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   On 28 Jul 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

1. If an alternate implementation from mine exists
2. and is available for the user to run with your application on that platform
3. and the user actually has to have it to run your application.

Postulate that you write an application that works with a library full of
no-op stubs. That library just happens to match the interface of a GPL-ed
product I've written, and with that library it is a functioning product. Then
you ship that application with the _intent_ that the user combine it with my
library to run it, which is demonstrated by the fact that it doesn't do useful
work any other way or you haven't shipped an alternative library to that same
user. I think I'd have a legitimate complaint.

   Bruce: Are you shure that "intent" has any legal meaning?

In U.S. law, ``intent'' has a legal meaning in a number of contexts.
For example, the difference between manslaughter and homicide is one
of intent.

I believe that in the copyright arena, intent goes by names such as
``contributory infringement.''


keeping patentable algorithm free

1999-07-29 Thread jeff

I have a basic patent question that is possibly license related. I
apologize in advance if this is the wrong forum.

I wrote some software in my free time. I think one of the algorithms
is patentable. It's not earth shattering by any means, but that
hardly seems to be a requirement these days.

Here's the scenario:

1) I don't want to spend a lot of money or do a lot of work.
   (i.e. I don't want to go through the hassle of applying for a 
   patent myself.)

2) I don't care if other people use the algorithm.

3) Somebody, somewhere else may re-invent the algorithm and try to
   patent it, and then perhaps keep me and others from using it. I'm
   afraid of this and don't want it to happen.

Why should I do? Forget about the whole thing? Wait for someone to sue
me? Stick the source on my website and it will automatically become
prior art? Release the source under a free software license (which
one?)  and stick an announcement on freshmeat?  Do I contact some
organization with a name like "Patents in the Public Interest?"

Basically, I want to know how to keep this "invention" free.

Thank you,

PS Not that it matters, but the algorithm is the automatic list
sorting routine used at, which is a web service I
run. Apparently, license-discuss is one of the users of this service.

Revised Degas License

1999-07-29 Thread Charles A. Jolley

Hi all:
Well, we've finally got people back in town long enough to revise the
license for "Degas".  I have posted the revised version below.

You will notice that we did not split this license into two licenses (or
a license + commercial addendum).  This was done for several reasons:

1.  The total amount of the license that could be pulled consists of maybe
one or two sections plus Annex B (which is just some sample text).  The
"verbiage needed to make it legally enforceable" actually constitutes most
of the document, sections 3-8 to be precise, which could not be taken out of
the license anyway.

2.  There are really three ways that this license can be used:
non-commercially and uncertified, non-commercially and certified, and
commercially and certified.  The only thing we could pull out would be that
which deals with the last case.  In order to do this, we would still have to
add some verbiage to "link" to the additional addendum that would need to be
signed when used commercially, so the overall complexity of the license
would go up in doing this.

3.  We've already spent more money on this license than we had initially
planned and at this stage we just can't justify the cost of restructuring
the whole thing.

We did, however, add a provision near the end of the license giving us
the ability to revise it later on.  If there is sufficient demand from users
of our technology (and this license) to split it into two licenses or to
make any other changes in an effort to make is more user-friendly, then we
will be able to do so.

A few other changes:  We added headers to each section to make it easier
to identify what each portion of the license is discussing.  We also added
some definitions to the Grant of License section and we adjusted some of the
language to make it more precise.

So without further ado:

(Names have been changed to protect the innocent... :)


DOCUMENTATION:  This following Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions
under which you will have Zeratec¹s permission to implement or make use of
Zeratec¹s Degas Architecture and Specification, more fully described later
in this License Agreement.  In order to obtain or use Zeratec¹s Degas
Architecture and Specification, you must accept each and every term and
condition of this License Agreement, which is a binding legal contract
between you (either as an individual or entity) and Zeratec, Inc.  By
clicking on the "I  Accept" button, installing, copying, modifying,
redistributing, or otherwise using Zeratec¹s Degas Architecture and
Specification, you agree to be  bound by the contractual terms of this
License Agreement.  If you do not agree to the terms of this License
Agreement, click on the "I Do Not Accept" button and/or do not download,
copy or install the Degas Architecture, Specification and/or Documentation.


 Subject to the provisions of this License Agreement, Zeratec hereby grants
you permission under the terms of the following, world-wide, royalty free,
non-exclusive license, to the extent of Zeratec¹s own present and/or future
statutory and/or common law rights associated with patents and patent
applications, works of authorship including copyrights, copyright
applications and/or registration or "moral rights," and confidential
information including industrial and/or trade secrets ("Intellectual
Property Rights"), to use, implement, distribute and/or redistribute any
product, specification, or any derivatives of any products ("Licensed
Product") implementing and/or utilizing the proprietary Zeratec Degas
algorithm defined in any version of Zeratec¹s Degas Architecture
Specification ("Degas Architecture").


 The permission and rights granted to you under Section 1 above are
conditioned upon your express consent and agreement to comply with the
following terms.

2.1 CAVEAT: This license does not give you permission or cover any right to
use Zeratec¹s  trademarks, service marks and/or the words "Zeratec,"
"Degas," "Degas Certified,"  "Degas Compliant" or similar in connection with
Licensed Product.

2.2 PERMISSIONS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL USE :  This license grants you permission
to conduct research and development utilizing Zeratec¹s Degas Architecture,
and to redistribute Licensed Product at (a) no cost to the recipient, (b)
only reasonable costs associated with the physical act of transferring a
copy and for the media involved, or (c) under a GNU General Public 

Re: keeping patentable algorithm free

1999-07-29 Thread Ian Lance Taylor

   From: John Cowan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 08:29:54 -0400 (EDT)

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] scripsit:

1) I don't want to spend a lot of money or do a lot of work.
   (i.e. I don't want to go through the hassle of applying for a 
   patent myself.)

2) I don't care if other people use the algorithm.

3) Somebody, somewhere else may re-invent the algorithm and try to
   patent it, and then perhaps keep me and others from using it. I'm
   afraid of this and don't want it to happen.

   Publish a description of the algorithm, openly dedicating it to the
   public domain.  Make sure the publication is dated. That won't help you
   if a patent is already pending, but otherwise it makes the algorithm
   prior art.

One easy and relatively inexpensive way to publish an algorithm with a
legally verifiable date in the U.S. is to register it with the
U.S. copyright office.  You can send them a program listing, and they
will basically file it with a timestamp.  (Note that you are not
required to register in order to obtain copyright--these days
everything you write is automatically copyrighted--but it can help
settle any legal disputes).  You can then invoke the registration if
you ever need to.  The details should be somewhere under
(I first looked into this over 20 years ago--wow).


Re: Notes on a license how-to

1999-07-30 Thread J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)

On Wed, Jul 28, 1999 at 20:07:40 -0600, Jacques Chester wrote:
 I got to thinking some about the license how-to thing. I *do* believe
 that a guide to selecting licenses *would* be useful.

Have you taken a look at
Mark Koek, "Free Software Licensing"?

PATRIOTISM  A great British writer once said that if he had to choose 
between betraying his country and betraying a friend he hoped he would
have the decency to betray his country.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: keeping patentable algorithm free

1999-07-30 Thread John Cowan

Ian Lance Taylor wrote:

 One easy and relatively inexpensive way to publish an algorithm with a
 legally verifiable date in the U.S. is to register it with the
 U.S. copyright office.  You can send them a program listing, and they
 will basically file it with a timestamp.

Sorry, not enough.  For patent purposes, the invention must be
described in openly available literature.  Registration with a
government agency doesn't cut it, as nobody (in practice) can obtain
the listing.  Publication on Usenet or the Web serves the necessary
purposes: the algorithm must be *available* to persons learned in
the art.

Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis um dies! / Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau,
Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau / Und trank die Milch vom Paradies.
-- Coleridge / Politzer

Re: keeping patentable algorithm free

1999-07-30 Thread Ian Lance Taylor

   Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 09:43:04 -0400
   From: John Cowan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Ian Lance Taylor wrote:

One easy and relatively inexpensive way to publish an algorithm with a
legally verifiable date in the U.S. is to register it with the
U.S. copyright office.  You can send them a program listing, and they
will basically file it with a timestamp.

   Sorry, not enough.  For patent purposes, the invention must be
   described in openly available literature.  Registration with a
   government agency doesn't cut it, as nobody (in practice) can obtain
   the listing.  Publication on Usenet or the Web serves the necessary
   purposes: the algorithm must be *available* to persons learned in
   the art.

Yes, you do need to do more than merely register it with the copyright
office, and you are correct to point that out.  I assumed that that
had already been taken care of in this case since the algorithm in
question is part of a free software package.

However, as far as I know, publication on Usenet or the Web rarely
provides a legally verifiable date.  It's not like an appearance in a
published magazine.  I suppose you could try subpoenaing the records
of or


Re: keeping patentable algorithm free

1999-07-30 Thread Jean-Paul Smets

Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 09:43:04 -0400
From: John Cowan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
 One easy and relatively inexpensive way to publish an algorithm with a
 legally verifiable date in the U.S. is to register it with the
 U.S. copyright office.  You can send them a program listing, and they
 will basically file it with a timestamp.
Sorry, not enough.  For patent purposes, the invention must be
described in openly available literature.  Registration with a
government agency doesn't cut it, as nobody (in practice) can obtain
the listing.  Publication on Usenet or the Web serves the necessary
purposes: the algorithm must be *available* to persons learned in
the art.
 Yes, you do need to do more than merely register it with the copyright
 office, and you are correct to point that out.  I assumed that that
 had already been taken care of in this case since the algorithm in
 question is part of a free software package.
 However, as far as I know, publication on Usenet or the Web rarely
 provides a legally verifiable date.  It's not like an appearance in a
 published magazine.  I suppose you could try subpoenaing the records
 of or

Here is the answers from what I understand

There are 2 problems

1- Prove that you are the first inventor

In order to do so, you need something which gives you an official date.
A simple way to do that is to register with any kind of copyrigh office.
There are other protections. In France, you can send some kind of sealed
envelope (enveloppe Soleau) to the Patent office. They will make a whole
in the middle and never open it. It can be used as a very strong proof
in case of trial.

There are other ways to get the same result. This has been used by ATT.
Take an article describing your invention. Compute an MD5 code from it.
Then publish a list of MD5 codes in any newspaper. Even better : compute
a big MD5 code from a list of MD5 codes and publish it as a classified
(that's really cheap).

Being the first inventor in the US enables to cancel a patent filed by
someone else later (first to invent principle)
Being the first inventor in Europe anables to use the process in case
someone else files a patent later but does not allow to cancel it (first
to file principle)

2- Make a document public

Well, this is much easier actually. Just print the document and go to
your local library. Give it to them and get some paper to prove later
that you gave the document to your local library. If the title of the
document includes some MD5 number, it makes it easier to proove that the
content was what is is intended to be in case the local library loses
the document.

This trick is used quite often by multinational companies which go to
Senegal (Africa) and put some kind of book, which looks normal outside
but actually includes some secret patentable process, in very small
libraries. The intent of such behavior is to keep things secret (patents
force to publish), while still being protected in case someone gets a
patent later. Because the document is public (a library is public), the
process it decsribes will be considered as public prior art and any
patent filed on the process will be cancelled in case of trial.

There is a famous story saying that one day, Sony, Philips and Thomson
representatives went the same day at a local library in the belgian
countryside to ask the librart manager to certify that a certain article
was displayed in the library a certain day.

webmaster of and other sites

PS. MD5 is a coding technique which generates a big number from a long
article. It is very hard to generated a different article with same MD5

tel;cell:+33-(0)662 05 76 14
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Jean-Paul Smets

List archives

1999-07-30 Thread J C Lawrence

Are there any archives for this list?

I'm particularly interested in discussion of not-quite-free licenses
such as the BitKeeper license.

J C Lawrence  Life:   Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-(*)Work (Linux/IA64): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ... Beware of cromagnons wearing chewing gum and palm pilots ...

Re: Notes on a license how-to

1999-07-30 Thread Alejandro Forero Cuervo

  I got to thinking some about the license how-to thing. I *do* believe
  that a guide to selecting licenses *would* be useful.

I was planning on writing that document.  The following is the table of
contents I thought it should have, as I wrote it two days ago:

1 Introduction
Just stating the reasons for writing the HOWTO and some other metainfo.
Stating that the author personally preffers to use GPL but tried to
be completely unbiased and objective in this document.

2 What is free software?
This section attempts to define free software. Being gratis and being
free are different things.  The typical stuff.

2.1 Debian Free Software Guidelines
Just a short mention of DFSG.  Links provided to Debian's web site.

2.2 Open Source Initiative
Explaining that Open Source and free software are the very same thing,
and telling the motivations and history behind OSI.  Links to OSI's site.

2.3 Free Software Foundation
Covering the FSF and explaining their views and motivations.  Links to
FSF's site.

2.4 Freeware and Public Domain software
Mentioning how being freeware and public domain is not the same as being

2.5 Why Free Software?
Just a short section explaining both the ethical and practical reasons
why free software is superior.  Links to The Cathedral and the Bazaar,
The Magic Cauldron and similar essays (send me suggestions).

3   Free Software Licenses
This section attempts to explain popular licenses.  It also provides
examples of the most popular programs that use a given license.

3.1 GNU General Public License
Explains the GPL.  After that, mentions common arguments used against
it: linking with non GPL software, is it really freedom, it is a virus,
it does not define derivative works clearly (or: will it hold in court?).

3.3 BSDish licenses
Explaining them.  Mentioning the problems with the advertising clauses
and the usual `anyone can fork and go propietary' problem.

3.4 Other licenses
Covering briefly the Perl Artistic License.  What other licenses should
we include?

4   Comercial free software
A common topic of discussion.  Using/developing/supporting free software
for monetary gain.  Also mentioning cases and the licenses used when
free software has been used comercially.  What other Licenses should we

4.1 Netscape Public License
Explaining their license and problems with it.

4.2 Apple Public Source License
Same as 4.1 for Apple's case.

4.3 Comercial software around the GPL
Mentioning the classical cases such a Linux distributions or Cygnus.

5.  Practical considerations
Just some suggestions for people choosing licenses. The conclusions of
the HOWTO. What else would you add here?

5.1 Problems with the GPL
Just a short note so people avoid problems with it. This could mention
the situation with KDE.

5.2 Don't create your own license
Just asking people to try to use an already existing license instead of
creating their own.

That is it. Did I leave any important things out?

 * "Ranking": popularity in terms of percentage representation in 

I believe this would be hard to measure. All I can think about is checking
those percentages in Freshmeat, but I am not sure how representative it would
be. Besides, that is information that is constantly changing. In my opinion,
the HOWTO should not include such information. I believe it would be very
interesting to have it, but I think it belongs more to independent studies
than to the License HOWTO.

Is someone currently working on the HOWTO? I will continue working on it
unless someone else is doing it already. Please let me know.


The mere formulation of a problem is far more essential than its solution.
  -- Albert Einstein.

Put it in laymen's terms

1999-07-31 Thread Nate

Hello all!

Would someone be so kind as to make clear for me what the difference is
between a system call, and the use of a function in a program.

These terms are used to describe when something is or isn't a derived work
for purposes of copyright.  

Bruce has stated that copyright law recognizes this distinction.  I haven't
read this in any cases.  After you all have defined what these terms mean,
can someone point me to case law that makes this distinction?  Thank you.

NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
UIN: 43504034 
IRC: #ompages

 PGP signature

Re: Put it in laymen's terms

1999-07-31 Thread Forrest J. Cavalier III

 Would someone be so kind as to make clear for me what the difference is
 between a system call, and the use of a function in a program.
 These terms are used to describe when something is or isn't a derived work
 for purposes of copyright.  
 Bruce has stated that copyright law recognizes this distinction.  I haven't
 read this in any cases.  After you all have defined what these terms mean,
 can someone point me to case law that makes this distinction?  Thank you.

Layman's terms are inadequate to express legal realities.  Surely
you know that (based on your sig.)

Maybe I can explain the basic aspects...

   Copyright law concerns distributing copies of published works
   in portion or entirety.

   Cutting and pasting a function (or even retyping from a book)
   when writing a program creates a "derived work."

   The GPL says, "this license lets you use the software only if
   you agree to place the GPL on all derived works."

That's all pretty sinple and clear.  As Bruce replied in one of the
Slashdot responses, it is possible to take copyrighted, GPL'ed source
material, put it into a "library", and then create a program which 
makes use of that library. (By "makes use" meaning "calls functions
in that library.")  This creates unclear, debatable issues legally and

Frankly, I'm interested in learning more about the ethical opinions 
of Bruce, because we can debate the legal issues a long time before
any court system will render a stable opinionAnd most members of
civilization should be making decisions on ethical grounds, not
legal ones...

the application making calls into the GPL'ed library 
may or may not be a derived work, depending on how it was
developed.  If you copied any software from the GPL'ed software,
from a legal standpoint, it is clearly a derived work.  It is
illegal and unethical to not comply with the terms of the GPL.

But, if you did not copy the GPL'ed software, and further, even
if you did not even touch or see the GPL'ed software when developling
your application, then legally it is clearly not a derived work.
This is sometimes called "cleanroom" development.

There is some legal fuzziness if you used the GPL'ed software for
testing purposes.  Then it may or may not be seen by the courts
as a derived work.

there are some issues for cleanroom developed software, even if 
there are no legal onesAnd I posed some ethical questions to
Bruce in a message to this list several days ago, in the "gpl 
backlash" thread.  

Bruce's opinions are very well respected, and I want to
know how he thinks about the situations I posed.

Then he was rudely :-) interrupted by the Ask Slashdot activity,
and having his servers slashdotted...  Nothing like trial by
fire to keep programmers on their toes  :-)

Hopefully, he will get a chance to get back to my questions.
I'll repost them next week if I don't see a reply.

Re: Put it in laymen's terms

1999-07-31 Thread Nate

Copyright law concerns distributing copies of published works
in portion or entirety.

Thanks for the lesson ;).

Cutting and pasting a function (or even retyping from a book)
when writing a program creates a "derived work."

You haven't answered my question.  What is a function?

The GPL says, "this license lets you use the software only if
you agree to place the GPL on all derived works."

You're telling me about law again.  What is a function? What is a system

Thank you.

NatePuri ("natedawg") 
Certified Law Student
McGeorge School of Law
Sacramento, CA  
UIN: 43504034 
IRC: #ompages

 PGP signature

Re: keeping patentable algorithm free

1999-07-31 Thread Doug Hudson

If you want to ensure the algorithm is prior art against any future patents,
the strongest (but more expensive) solution is to use something called a
"statutory invention registry" provided by the patent office.  Its
essentially a purely defensive patent--look at the PTO web site for a bit
more information.  You can't use it to sue, but can use it to invalidate or
prevent anyone else from getting a patent on the same or similar subject

You need to make sure there isn't a patent out there that already covers it,
but you can do that free at the IBM site ( or at the PTO
web site (
Otherwise, its (relatively) cheap and self-enforcing.

This may be useful for other underlying patentable algorithms still out
there in GNUland.  (I know they --shouldn't-- be patentable, but its
happening whether we like it or not.)  There is a more serious concern that
the algorithms everyone thought were free could start popping up as patents
over the next few years given recent changes in the law, and that could
spell big trouble for free licensing.


Student, The George Washington Univ. Law School

Re: Put it in laymen's terms

1999-07-31 Thread Robert Levin

On Sat, 31 Jul 1999, Nate wrote:

 You're telling me about law again.  What is a function? What is a system
 Thank you.

Sorry about that.  Sometimes people do miss the question.  A function is a
contained piece of code called by some other piece of code.  A system call
is a request made to the operating system to perform some action.  It may
ultimately call a function inside the operating system, but system call
"functionality" is generally hidden from the user.

Rob Levin
Head of operations, Open Projects

"Open Source, Open Technology, Open Information"

Re: Notes on a license how-to

1999-07-31 Thread Thunda

Hello all;

 I got to thinking some about the license how-to thing. I 
 *do* believe   that a guide to selecting licenses 
 *would* be useful.

It's a reasonable thing to look at. As I've said before:
there's no reason why hackers should *have* to be
lawyers too. Of course, some of us enjoy the fiddly
grey technicalities that are the very soul of the Law,
as this list demonstrates. But I doubt that all
hackers would.

 I was planning on writing that document.

Good to see.

  The following is the table of contents I thought it 
 should have, as I wrote it two days ago:

Two days ago?

 1 Introduction
Just stating the reasons for writing the HOWTO and some

 other metainfo.

There is a standard, generally accepted format for
HOW-TOs which is expected by the LDP. I note that
metainfo is usually top of most HOW-TOs (whereas
I would have put them at the bottom ... oh well ...
hackers thinking that readers are computers :).

Alas, I do not know sweet buckley about SGML or
the LinuxDoc/Thingamajig DTD that is used. 

 Stating that the author personally preffers to use GPL

 but tried to be completely unbiased and objective in this 

Fair enough.

 2 What is free software?
This section attempts to define free software. Being 
 gratis and being free are different things.  The typical 

I don't think this absolutely necessary. Might be better
to include "more information" links right up the top in
the intro, along the lines of "if you are a suit or
lawyer unfamiliar with the history, philosophy or
general hackishness of Free Software and Open source,
press 2 now ..."

A HOW-TO is (IMHO!) *meant* to be a pared-down source
of information. It presents a set of information
aimed at informing the reader on how to achieve no
more than a very small handful of goals (connect to
the net, set up printing, etc).

I think we need to avoid bloat and vision erosion
by asking ourselves: "What *exactly* does a License
HOW-TO do?". And I venture the opinion that it
might well be that a License HOW-TO would be a
sharp, concise guide to the issues of licensing
to openness/freedom and to the licenses themselves.

 2.1 Debian Free Software Guidelines
 Just a short mention of DFSG.  Links provided to
 Debian's web site.

Again, this can be moved into an introduction or just
cut out altogether.

 2.2 Open Source Initiative
 2.3 Free Software Foundation

A sure way to attract the licking toungues of flame,
I suspect ... again, these might be better as references
than as entire subjects. Remember, we are striving
to assist hackers chose the ideal license for their
code. We can partially assume that they are aware of
the ideological landscape of the hacker world. If they
are not, some carefully-selected references will
enlighten them. This is the web - think reference,
not replication.

 2.4 Freeware and Public Domain software
Mentioning how being freeware and public domain is not 
 the same as being free.

This can be folded into a larger section on the legal
underpinnings of OSS licenses (into OSS I fold Free
Software from herein, apologies to purists). The FSF
has some excellent (if somewhat GPL-centric) material
on the many *wares and how they relate to Stallmanist
capital-F Free Software.

 2.5 Why Free Software?
 Just a short section explaining both the ethical and 
 practical reasons why free software is superior.  Links to

 The Cathedral and the Bazaar, The Magic Cauldron and 
 similar essays (send me suggestions).

Again, cull this and fold a link or two into the intro.
I note in passing that I will soon publish an essay
that does a very rough quantitative examination of
ESR's largely qualitative claim.

 3   Free Software Licenses
This section attempts to explain popular licenses.  It 
 also provides examples of the most popular programs that 
 use a given license.

Yes ... no problems with introducing the licenses. But
remember that *all* of the licenses are written with
one eye on a particular strain of hacker ideology, and
another one on The Law. Really, every license that is
Wholly-Incompatible-With-Uhm-Er-The-GPL-Say has just
found a combination of ideology and legal laxity or
strength that suited the author(s).

That means it may be worth introducing these things
briefly. Ideology can be referenced out, as I have
already noted. There exists hacker ideology in
volumes that would level several mid-sized forests
in its printing.

But the legal stuff is trickier, and less easy to
find material on. A License HOW-TO might be just
the document of most use in defining these legal
issues and explaining them to the Need-To-Know

As an aside, a matrix-style classification of licenses
may be more effective than multiple lists. Put on one
axis Ideology (from "Free, dammit" to "Microsoft") and on
the other, Legal Principles (Copyleft to EULA). It's
not quantitative, but it might give a feel for the

Re: Put it in laymen's terms

1999-08-01 Thread Ken Arromdee

On 1 Aug 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 However, you can also take Linus' note as an interpretation of the scope of the
 GPL and not an exception at all.

If you accept that another person can reinterpret phrases like "dervived work",
and you also accept that this reinterpretation can apply to code written by
other people, then the GPL is for all practical purposes nonexistent.  If
someone wants to violate it, they just have to redefine "redistribution",
"derived work", etc. so that their violation is not really a violation.

It doesn't make sense that one person can reinterpret what a phrase in
someone else's license means.

Is this license open source?

1999-08-01 Thread David Starner

I've been thinking about a license I've been tempted to use:

This program is under the GPL, v2. You may also use it under the XFree
license as long as you aren't Theo de Raadt or Tom Christianson. *

I would guess that it's non-free, which leads me to the weird conclusion
that adding further permissions to a free license can make it non-free.

* Yes, I've stopped reading gnu.misc.discuss. And I'm better now. Mostly.
David Starner - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (alternately [EMAIL PROTECTED])
"I would weep, but my tears have been stolen; I would shout, but my voice
has been taken. Thus, I write." - Tragic Poet

Re: Is this license open source?

1999-08-01 Thread Mark Wells

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 1 Aug 1999, David Starner wrote:

 I've been thinking about a license I've been tempted to use:
 This program is under the GPL, v2. You may also use it under the XFree
 license as long as you aren't Theo de Raadt or Tom Christianson. *
 I would guess that it's non-free, which leads me to the weird conclusion
 that adding further permissions to a free license can make it non-free.

The GPL is a free software license, so if you can use it under the GPL, it
*is* free.  Restricting who can use it under the XFree license doesn't
diminish any of the permissions granted under the GPL.

The interesting thing is that this license is *not* an open source
license.  (The OSD specifically prohibits discrimination against
individuals or groups.)  So the set of open-source licenses is not quite a
superset of the set of free software licenses.
Version: GnuPG v0.9.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: PGPEnvelope -


Re: Is this license open source?

1999-08-01 Thread bruce

From: Mark Wells [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The interesting thing is that this license is *not* an open source
 license.  (The OSD specifically prohibits discrimination against
 individuals or groups.)  So the set of open-source licenses is not quite a
 superset of the set of free software licenses.

No, sorry. Although the Open Source campaign differs from the ideals of free
software, the Open Source _Definition_ defines a free software license.

The Open Source Definition was written as the "Debian Free Software
Guidelines" (DFSG).  The DFSG was part of Debian's social contract
with the free software community, which was drafted by me and refined
with the help of the Debian developers until it was voted their project
policy. We had decided that Debian would be 100% free software, so we
needed a definition of free software. OSI was formed 8 months after this.

Once you say "You may use this software under the terms of the GPL.", you
have an Open Source license, the GPL. Any additional text is part of another
license entirely, a modified BSD license that is not compliant with the Open
Source definition. But we allow any number of licenses, it only matters that
_one_ of them is an Open Source license.



RFC soon on essay Does Free Software Production in a Bazaar obey the Law of Diminishing Returns?

1999-08-10 Thread Jacques Chester

Hello there;

I'm sending this email to a number of people. The majority of you
have already been asked in the past about what I am going to
describe. Namely, I have asked most of you to perform a
peer review of an essay about economics and free software.

Some of you have *not* been asked before. This may have
been because I have not thought before to contact you, because
I have been unable to reach you, or because you are receiving
this message on a public forum. If this irks you or if you feel I
have unnecessarily wasted your time, I would like to apologise,
and invite you to email me saying "don't email again, dammit!" :)

As a student in the International Baccalaureate program, I am
required to complete an "Extended Essay"; a mini-thesis of sorts.
The body of this essay is limited to 4000 words. I dithered around
with a number of topics in planning for this essay, many of them
wishy-washy and poorly defined. I've arrived at a point where I
am combining two of my great interests - Economics and Free
Software - into a clearly defined, quantitative research paper.

The topic of this essay is "Does Free Software Production in a Bazaar
obey the Law of Diminishing Returns?". Essentially, the essay seeks to
establish a chain of reasoning that links some of Eric S. Raymond's
qualitative hypotheses with standard Economic theory to allow
for quantitative testing.

First, Brook's Law is introduced. Through comparison of statements,
analogical comparison and graphical comparison, Brook's Law is
taken to be *equivalent* to the Law of Diminishing Returns. In
Economics, the LODR has a very specific meaning, and has been
thoroughly analysed. There are key traits which are easy to identify
in appropriate sourse of data, which makes it an ideal subject of
study in relation to OSS.

Secondly, Raymond's Bazaar hypothesis is introduced. The Bazaar
itself is outlined, a list of "signature traits" (which may be
incomplete or incorrect) was extracted from the CB paper. Raymond's
assertion that a project following a Bazaar methodology can break
Brook's Law is introduced. It is explicitly reasoned that this means,
in turn, that Raymond's hypothesis implies that Bazaar projects can
break the LODR.

Thirdly, the GNOME project is identified as the source of data. It is
established as being a large-scale Bazaar-style project.

Fourthly, data extracted from GNOME's CVS system is used to generate
a series of graphs for analysis. These graphs can help to demonstrate 
the possible conclusions.

Fifthly, the possible conclusions so far are:
* That ESR is completely correct, that Free Software *does* break the 
  LODR and that it represents a new economic phenomenon in production
* That ESR is completely wrong, that Free Software *does* obey the
  LODR, it just happens to be far more 'scaleable' than the traditional
* That ESR, unaware of the economic framework in which this can be
  viewed, does not realise that Brook's Law is the same as the LODR;
  and has therefore failed to distinguish between production in the
  Short Run (where the LODR applies) and the Long Run (where it does

On a preliminary viewing of the data, there is significant ambiguity.
As I complete my set of graphs in the next few days, I may find that
one or the other alternatives is true (or indeed, come to a completely
unexpected conclusion), but I suspect that the ambiguity will remain
because the GNOME project is too small to test the limits of
Bazaar scalability.

My own personal view - and this cannot yet be backed by numbers, so
caveat emptor - is that the second and third conclusions are true. This
is because marginal costs *do* exist in Free Software, because they
*do* rise steadily. Also, the LODR does not apply in Long-Run
situations, but frankly, defining the difference between the Short and
Long Run in Free Software is difficult, as it relies on the mapping
of the Economic categories of Land, Labour, Capital and Enterprise
to the resources being manipulated. These issues will be shunted into
an appendix for deeper discussion, in order to help reinforce the
necessary economic framework.

So what does this have to do with *you*?

Well, if you've read *this* far without snoozing, thanks :).
I feel that as well as helping me complete my course, this
paper will act as a first step towards more rigorous, solid and
dependable research into the free software movement. In
particular, it will do a first, rudimentary test of ESR's
wholly qualitative theories. Several of those assisting me
or who have agreed to review this work expressed interest on
those grounds alone!

What I have done so far is to brief you on the essay itself.
You now know what to expect, so hopefully you will have some
time for the core ideas to bounce back and forth in your
heads. I also suspect that you will be prepared to answer
many of my claims and chains of reason with good critiques.

I am hoping that, when you receive my "beta draft" next
week, you will be 

RFC soon posting

1999-08-10 Thread Jacques Chester

Hello all;

So far, license-discuss has yielded my best
response. I've posted to several newsgroups,
but usenet being as it is I don't expect too
many timely responses.

To answer a mild criticism, which has already
arisen; namely, "such a paper is off-topic to
this list".

I emailed the RFC notice from a list I have
been compiling over the lifetime of the paper.
On reflection, I believe license-discuss was
added primarily because there are sections of
the essay that try to explain the legal
foundations of Free Software licensing. These
sections need to be complete and concise, and
I know of no better forum to vet those sections.

As for other components, my profuse apologies
for being a bad list-citizen. I didn't fully
grok the consequences of posting to the wrong
forum, so if I have wasted anybody's time I'm
sorry for doing so.

Thanks to everyone who has written so far;


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The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

RFC soon posting

1999-08-10 Thread Jacques Chester

Hello all;

So far, license-discuss has yielded my best
response. I've posted to several newsgroups,
but usenet being as it is I don't expect too
many timely responses.

To answer a mild criticism, which has already
arisen; namely, "such a paper is off-topic to
this list".

I emailed the RFC notice from a list I have
been compiling over the lifetime of the paper.
On reflection, I believe license-discuss was
added primarily because there are sections of
the essay that try to explain the legal
foundations of Free Software licensing. These
sections need to be complete and concise, and
I know of no better forum to vet those sections.

As for other components, my profuse apologies
for being a bad list-citizen. I didn't fully
grok the consequences of posting to the wrong
forum, so if I have wasted anybody's time I'm
sorry for doing so.

Thanks to everyone who has written so far;


Sent using ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html )
The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-15 Thread Jacques Chester

Hello again;

As it happens, I have been unable to meet my goal of
delivering the completed essay this weekend. This was
a result of classic scheduling errors - the time-vacuum
and the job underestimation.

Instead of the complete essay, I have instead included
those sections which *are* ready for critique and
review. Please note that these are not the *meat* of
the essay. They are merely the qualititative framework
from which the quantitative will hang.

I will strive to deliver the rest of the essay this
week. As my programming skills are poor to minimal,
I cannot predict when I will work out the means by
which the needed data will be coaxed into a usable
form. I am currently punting on the "sleep on the
problem" approach to some currently intractable
problems. Of course, they are of the "one step
forward, two steps back" variety.

In any case, enjoy and review.

Thankyou all again;

Title: Does Free Software Production in a Bazaar Obey the Law of Diminishing Returns?


Free Software is defined. Brook's Law is introduced as a limiting factor in
software production. A parallel is drawn between Brook's Law and the Law of
Diminishing Returns. Eric S. Raymond's "Bazaar" model is introduced as a possible
exception to the rule. Statistics gathered from an existing Free Software project are
used to demonstrate the nonadherence of "Bazaars" to the law of diminishing
returns. A possible flaw in Raymond's hypothesis is identified, and an economic
alternative is offered. 

Those items with an asterisk next to them are included in this copy
of the essay.

  Abstract *
  Contents *
  Introduction *
Free Software Defined *
  Brook's Law and The Law of Diminishing Returns *
  The "Bazaar" Introduced *
  The GNOME Project *
  Examination and Discussion of GNOME Data
  Endnotes *
Acknowledgements and Thanks
The Opensource Definition
Economic Principles in Free Software



This essay seeks to examine the rapidly emerging production method
of "Free Software" or "Opensource Software". It outlines analogues
between Economic theory and Software Engineering in order to bring
economic analysis to bear on the area.

Specifically, it aims to provide a quantitative analysis of what has
until now been primarily examined in a qualititative way. Free
Software has existed in one form or another since the very early days
of computing, but very little attention has been paid to it until
recently. Many Free Software projects have achieved significant or
even dominant positions in their marketplace, and more firms are starting
to utilise or release Free Software.

Free Software Defined

Definitions of Free Software (also know as "OSS", for Open Source
Software) are typically framed in two perspectives: Ideological and 

The two major ideological principles underlying Free Software are
the protection of user/programmer choice, and the belief that 
the best solutions must be shared.

The first principle arose from
Richard M. Stallman's dismay at the rise of proprietary software
as the dominant format. Stallman believes that proprietary (also
known as closed-source) software is a violation of the individual's
right to choose other packages. He argues that access to the
sourcecode grants freedoms to modify and augment without being
"locked in" to one company's whims. Further, he argues that sourcecode
access gives users a choice to go their own way, in defiance
of the company's wishes should they be detrimental.

The second principle, that good solutions should be shared, arises
from the so-called "Hacker Culture". Within this culture, brainpower
is seen as a limited resource, which should not be wasted on
unnecessarily reinventing the wheel. It is reasonable, therefore,
that all solutions (embodied in sourcecode) should be available
for anyone to use. The corrollary is that withholding solutions (or
source) is effectively evil, inasmuch as it is wasteful
of resources.

The legal foundations of Free Software stem from a careful blend of
Contract and Copyright laws. Free Software Licenses use the principles
of Contract law to create their terms. Typically, these ensure that
an author's version of the source is always available and that any
modification made by anyone is likewise available under the same terms.
Some licenses go so far as to impose these terms onto software where
opensource code has been added as an external source.

If the user doesn't agree to the License, the law of Contract renders
the terms of the License effectively powerless without punitive terms.
However, at this point, standard Copyright laws take effect, and the
user is granted no rights whatsoever. There is significant coercion,
then, to accept the terms of the License on a contractual basis.

To place Free Software in an economic framework is considerably more
difficult, but quite 

Re: RFC soon on essay Does Free Software Production in a Bazaarobey the Law of Diminishing Returns?

1999-08-17 Thread Jacques Chester

On Sun, 15 Aug 1999, Eric S. Raymond wrote:

 2. Brooks's Law is not precisely *equivalent* to LODR, but is rather 
a special
case of it involving *particular* nonlinear scaling phenomena.  
one may assert that the bazaar mode repeals Brooks's Law without 
any commitment about the applicability of the LODR in general.

One interesting implication of Brooks's Law is that as N (the number 
developers) gets sufficiently large, the cost of management and 
coordination (which is a function of N^2) ends up exceeding the
productivity of the developers (which is a function of N) and nobody
produces anything.  I suppose the developers spend all their time 
in meetings trying to explain Brooks's Law to their boss.

The issue of quadratic paths of communications. It's one of the
suggested causes of Brook's Law.

If we look at the real-world experience of bazaar-style projects, this
doesn't happen.  Adding more developers, or even more end users, *
benefits the project--if nothing else, they'll find bugs faster.  This
suggests three possibilities:

'Always' is a dangerous word. 'So far' might be a safer bet
for now. So far the favoured solution is the Bazaar being a
highly scalable means of production. This means it has limits;
but where one goes after creating entire operating systems
is beyond me.

1.  Bazaar-style projects really are immune to Brooks's Law, because
someone sprinkled pixie dust over them or something.

I seriously doubt this. Seems akin to saying that "Friends"
gets higher ratings for happy peppy reasons; which is
patently rubbish. "Friends" gets high ratings because it
has highly attractive people behaving like children.

2.  Bazaar-style development is so scaleable that we've never even
approached the kind of 'critical mass' that it would take for the cost 
management to exceed the productivity of development.  Internet
technologies make the bazaar scale even better.  We'd need millions of
developers to start to notice the management overhead that Brooks

I don't know about *millions*. But this seems to be
the best bet at the moment. It may well be that true
Bazaar projects will never reach this point: pressures
of organisational overhead will cause fragmentation
into smaller projects. Rather than everything being
subsumed by the GNU project as a single hierarchy,
for example, a typical linux distro is the result of
endless autonomous units. The pressure to subdivide
spontaneously creates a structure that seems not
unlike a mandelbrot fractal.

3.  It's so easy for a bazaar project to divide up the labor involved 
in a
project that the largest bazaars tend to break up into smaller
task-oriented teams.  (For example, instead of porting Linux to the
PowerPC chip by having Linus say "OK, all you kernel hackers out 
there, I
want you all to buy a PowerPC and start porting the kernel", the Linux
developers handed the task off to a team that had PowerPC experience.)

Well, there you go. If I got ESR right, the labour-division
thing is handled by independent action and the parallel
handling of vertical problems.

a large bazaar never reaches critical mass; it recognizes, in an
adaptive-system way, that it's trying to do too much, and breaks up.  
disadvantage of this process is that if the pre-breakup stresses in 
group are aligned the wrong way, it may lead to forking.

Forking is important and healthy, in my view. Indeed,
if nanotechnology delivers on its promises, forking offers
a glimpse of how future society will work. Don't like
your government's laws? Space colonies are cheap. Fork
off from your current one to a new one.

Enough dreaming.


Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-17 Thread Jacques Chester

Oh, and btw:

As wild as this sounds, I am starting to get ground
into the dirt by the programming involved in getting
this project to Just Work, dammit. If anyone can help
me, email me, quick! :)


Re: RFC soon on essay Does Free Software Production in a Bazaar obey the Law of Diminishing Returns?

1999-08-17 Thread Jacques Chester

X-Eric-Conspiracy: There is no conspiracy

*Coughs politely*

Jacques Chester [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Fifthly, the possible conclusions so far are:
 * That ESR is completely correct, that Free Software *does* break 
   LODR and that it represents a new economic phenomenon in 
 * That ESR is completely wrong, that Free Software *does* obey the
   LODR, it just happens to be far more 'scaleable' than the 
 * That ESR, unaware of the economic framework in which this can be
   viewed, does not realise that Brook's Law is the same as the LODR;
   and has therefore failed to distinguish between production in the
   Short Run (where the LODR applies) and the Long Run (where it does

My take on the situation differs from any of these three :-).

I was wondering how you'd view an outsider's slant of your
specialty. Those possible conclusions were, of course,
*possible*. The caveat still stands that they may be wholly
incorrect (for several reasons).

I'm not familiar enough with the technical literature on LODR to form
a firm judgement on whether Brooks's Law is equivalent to LODR.  My
gut reaction is one of skepticism.

I'm afraid that, having delivered a sermon on quantitatively
testing your qualitative assertions, my own attempt to draw
approximation between Brook's Law and the LODR is itself
qualititative. Hypocrisy of the highest level, and great fodder
for the Caveats appendix.

I also want to point out that I do not assert anywhere in my writings
that open-source development is immune to LODR -- for the very good 
that I would coinsider any such claim patently ridiculous!

So would I, and so would any economist. That's why, if a
relationship between Brook's Law and the LODR is established,
the subject ought to be investigated. Even if the answer
is deadly dull, it's worth checking anyway :)

I'll put the case more positively.  I strongly suspect the following 

1. Bazaar-mode development *is* susceptible to LODR effects, but (in 
   own words) "happens to be far more 'scaleable' than the traditional
   cathedral".  This, in fact, is almost exactly how I would have 
   my own answer if the question had come up before.

The preliminary Total Programmers vs Average Total Output
seems to concur with the "highly scalable" conclusion. To
the naked eye, it seems to be a slight curve upwards, and
this curve itself seems to match the beginnings of a
stock-standard LODR curve.

But the gotcha is simple to pick. We cannot say at all that
it *is* the beginning of an LODR graph, because for all we
know it could be any of an infinite set of graphs with that
beginning. It is just that we *expect* to see what we are
seeing. And that's all I can say.

Despite the selection of GNOME as a data source, I am afraid
that my conclusions will be tentative, at best. While some
elementary guesses might be hazarded, the data set is just
too small to make any concrete statements.

Alas, GNOME is one of the largest community-based OSS projects
that uses CVS. I would have liked to have used GNU or Linux data,
but such data is not available in the high resolution of a
CVS logfile.

2. Brooks's Law is not precisely *equivalent* to LODR, but is rather a 
   case of it involving *particular* nonlinear scaling phenomena.  
   one may assert that the bazaar mode repeals Brooks's Law without 
   any commitment about the applicability of the LODR in general.

And, conscious of the theory of knowledge, I too would suspect
that Brook's Law is a special case. In an earlier draft, I said
so. For simplicity, however, such a reference is removed from the
main body of the essay and into the Caveats section.

This is for efficiency of reason. Logic, of course, is the act
of creating perfect structures from imperfect ones, which
implies a certain degree of fitting fuzzy cubes into velcro
circles. It doesn't always work cleanly, and stuff sticks
where it shouldn't. For convenience, and in a conscious
decision, we choose to carve off the edges so that the basics

With the essay, I seek to create an equivalency between the
LODR and Brook's Law. While I do think Brook's Law is one
special instance of the LODR, I also think it inherits
enough of the core function to be "approaching equivalence".

No, it is not the same. But, for the purposes of the main
body of the essay, it will be. Why? Because this allows us
to bring to bear some of the economic analysis that we
use when dealing with the LODR. I am only a student of the
most elementary and fundamental economic theories, but
even I have a toolkit that seems to fit the problem at

This issue will most certainly be addressed in the
Caveats. Indeed, the Caveats might be more numerous than
any other part of the essay.

Thanks again;


Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-17 Thread John Cowan

Jacques Chester wrote:

 [...] Brook's Law [...]

BTW, it's Brooks's law (not Brook's law or Brooks' law); the
current draft consistently gets this wrong.

 So what are projects, and what are their factors?  Brooks
 example can be characterised as a project with two factors,
 being programmers and managers.  If we hold managers constant,
 and increase programmers, LODR tells us that productivity
 will increase less each time another programmer is added.

Actually, Brooks's law says that productivity will *decrease*
after a certain point, not just increase less.  With the n**2
communications costs, eventually you reach a point where
adding resources is bad not just relatively but absolutely.

Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis um dies! / Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau,
Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau / Und trank die Milch vom Paradies.
-- Coleridge / Politzer

Re: RFC soon on essay Does Free Software Production in a Bazaarobey the Law of Diminishing Returns?

1999-08-17 Thread John Cowan

Jacques Chester wrote:

 Forking is important and healthy, in my view.

The trouble with forking is that it divides attention, which is
the true scarce resource.  The World Wide Web Consortium, for
example, is fiddling around with its structure now, experimenting
with subdividing and re-merging, but the fact is that it can only
do so much with the available minds.  (The fact that other minds
aren't available is a separate problem).

Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis um dies! / Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau,
Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau / Und trank die Milch vom Paradies.
-- Coleridge / Politzer

Re: RFC soon on essay Does Free Software Production in a Bazaarobeythe Law of Diminishing Returns?

1999-08-17 Thread mark

On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, Jacques Chester wrote:

 The issue of quadratic paths of communications. It's one of the
 suggested causes of Brook's Law.

Mathematically, N^2-N is only the number of *two-ended* communication
paths.  I could see several situations in which what would matter would be
the number of possible *subsets* of the number of developers, which would
be a much scarier 2^N.

One extremely important effect we're not considering is the collaborative
amplification of creativity: when people work on a project together
instead of breaking it into pieces and taking one piece each, they share
ideas that would otherwise never be implemented.  As someone else who's
name I don't remember said, "If I give you my idea and you give me your
idea, we each have two ideas, and together we have four."  This could turn
out to be an even more significant contributor to bazaar-style development
than the scaleability issue.

 'Always' is a dangerous word. 'So far' might be a safer bet
 for now. So far the favoured solution is the Bazaar being a

What I meant was that adding more people will never slow down development.  
(My interesting observation about Brooks's Law was specifically that for
sufficiently high values of N, the developers will produce *nothing at
all*.)  The new people might turn out to be totally useless, but the
additional cost per new person is so small that the free-rider problem is
negligible.  If one out of a hundred people on the project's mailing list
actually contributes anything to the project, the mailing list is doing
its job.

The only cases in which this becomes a problem are those in which the free
riders actively interfere with development by, for example, starting flame
wars on the mailing list, spamming the newsgroup, wasting bandwidth on the
FTP site, etc.  In that case, the core development group (once it realizes
it can't restore order) will typically adapt to the situation by moving to
a new mailing list, for example.

 3.  It's so easy for a bazaar project to divide up the labor involved 
 in a
 project that the largest bazaars tend to break up into smaller
 task-oriented teams.  (For example, instead of porting Linux to the
 PowerPC chip by having Linus say "OK, all you kernel hackers out 
 there, I
 want you all to buy a PowerPC and start porting the kernel", the Linux
 developers handed the task off to a team that had PowerPC experience.)
 Well, there you go. If I got ESR right, the labour-division
 thing is handled by independent action and the parallel
 handling of vertical problems.

I didn't know ESR said that.  I was thinking that in a group that's not
being forced (by a phalanx of whip-cracking PHBs) to build an entire
project from the ground up, it would be natural to build it in pieces that
communicate with well-defined APIs.

The *interpersonal* communication paths only exist within each subgroup.  
So if N developers break into M subgroups, they go from N^2 two-ended
paths to N^2/M paths.  The communication between groups is handled by the
APIs in their respective projects, as well as some higher-level
coordination through Freshmeat-style shared resources.

 Forking is important and healthy, in my view. Indeed,
 if nanotechnology delivers on its promises, forking offers
 a glimpse of how future society will work. Don't like
 your government's laws? Space colonies are cheap. Fork
 off from your current one to a new one.

Or, as Heinlein said, "The best thing about space travel is that it made
it possible to go elsewhere."

Re: RFC soon on essay Does Free Software Production in a Bazaarobey the Law of Diminishing Returns?

1999-08-17 Thread John Cowan

Richard Stallman wrote:

 Some of us have other goals.  My principal goal in writing GNU Emacs,
 GCC and various other programs was to produce a complete free
 operating system, so that we could have the freedom to form a

A complete free operating system *of sufficiently high quality*
(not the highest possible quality, but better than Windows, anyway).
Otherwise, any old hack would have done the job.
Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis um dies! / Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau,
Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau / Und trank die Milch vom Paradies.
-- Coleridge / Politzer

Re: RFC soon on essay Does Free Software Production in a Bazaarobeythe Law of Diminishing Returns?

1999-08-18 Thread Jacques Chester

Back to it!

Mark wrote:
On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, Jacques Chester wrote:

 The issue of quadratic paths of communications. It's one of the
 suggested causes of Brook's Law.

Mathematically, N^2-N is only the number of *two-ended* communication
paths.  I could see several situations in which what would matter 
would be
the number of possible *subsets* of the number of developers, which 
be a much scarier 2^N.

It gets hairy and fast. Hello, Chinese Whispers. But on
the other hand, network systems work better than
hierarchical systems in many situations. While they
are not as (apparently) transparent or (apparently)
efficient, they are inherently more effective. Think
market versus command economy, think open source
project versus command-system corporations, think
Bazaar versus Cathedral.

A general lesson that may be learned from Bazaar
projects is that the blurring of Enterprise and
Labour is healthy. Deferral to a Greater Vision is
still necessary, but so is everyone having a chance
to contribute themselves to it.

One extremely important effect we're not considering is the 
amplification of creativity: when people work on a project together
instead of breaking it into pieces and taking one piece each, they 
ideas that would otherwise never be implemented.  As someone else 
name I don't remember said, "If I give you my idea and you give me 
idea, we each have two ideas, and together we have four."  This could 
out to be an even more significant contributor to bazaar-style 
than the scaleability issue.

Ahhh, now I am reminded of the corpses of the endless
Theory of Knowledge essays I have churned out.

An useful method of classifying laws is to divide them into
"Predictive" and "Descriptive" laws. In short, some laws are
more about How things will behave, some are more about Why
they behave as they do.

Consider Newtonian physics. It is largely "How". It allows
you to fairly accurately predict how an apple will fall
when it falls off of a tree. But as far *why* the apple
falls, it only goes as far as saying "because there is an
attractive force between the apple in the ground".

Enter relativity. Einstein created a set of theories that
gave a "Why" basis to Newton's how. As well as predictive
powers (how much energy in an atom? why, e = mc^2 of
course) it provided a description of spacetime which helped
to explain Why gravity happened.

The Law of Diminishing Returns is a How law. The causes
of the effect are really beyond the scope of this essay
and my own current course of study. Here is a summary of
possible reasons that have been generated *so far* for
free software alone:

* Pixie dust
* Lack of 'target date'
* The drive to produce good code
* Stallmanist ideology
* Creative idea flows

And so on. BTW, "Stallmanist" will be a legit '-ist' word
some day, I'm betting: remember, you saw it here first! :)

The point is that my scope does not cover "Why". If I
were to try and investigate "Whys" I could be at it
forever. Indeed, I *do* nod in the direction of "Whys",
but only in the summary of CB which I provided.

BTW, ESR, CB is all over the place. A great speech, but
it took a few readings to get what I wanted from it. Any
chance of a companion paper ("Faces of the Bazaar", say?)
in the future? CB is to serious attempts at understanding
what the bible is to plain english: technically there
but it takes a few passes to get what is being said.

 'Always' is a dangerous word. 'So far' might be a safer bet
 for now. So far the favoured solution is the Bazaar being a

What I meant was that adding more people will never slow down 

Again - *never*?

(My interesting observation about Brooks's Law was specifically that 
sufficiently high values of N, the developers will produce *nothing at
all*.)  The new people might turn out to be totally useless, but the
additional cost per new person is so small that the free-rider problem 
negligible.  If one out of a hundred people on the project's mailing 
actually contributes anything to the project, the mailing list is 
its job.

That's an interesting point. It's hard to phrase, so I'll fiddle with
it for the Caveats section.

The only cases in which this becomes a problem are those in which the 
riders actively interfere with development by, for example, starting 
wars on the mailing list, spamming the newsgroup, wasting bandwidth on 
FTP site, etc.  In that case, the core development group (once it 
it can't restore order) will typically adapt to the situation by 
moving to
a new mailing list, for example.

*never*, wasn't it?

 Well, there you go. If I got ESR right, the labour-division
 thing is handled by independent action and the parallel
 handling of vertical problems.

I didn't know ESR said that.  I was thinking that in a group that's 
being forced (by a phalanx of whip-cracking PHBs) to build an entire
project from the ground up, it would be 

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-18 Thread Jacques Chester

Hello all, again.

Jacques Chester wrote:

 [...] Brook's Law [...]

BTW, it's Brooks's law (not Brook's law or Brooks' law); the
current draft consistently gets this wrong.

Bugger. I spotted this myself at one point, whereupon it
was promptly forgotten. It's rude for me to do so, as the
same rule of grammar applies to my name (Jacques/Jacques').

 So what are projects, and what are their factors?  Brooks
 example can be characterised as a project with two factors,
 being programmers and managers.  If we hold managers constant,
 and increase programmers, LODR tells us that productivity
 will increase less each time another programmer is added.

Actually, Brooks's law says that productivity will *decrease*
after a certain point, not just increase less.  With the n**2
communications costs, eventually you reach a point where
adding resources is bad not just relatively but absolutely.

I no longer have Mythical Man-Month on me, so what follows
may be wrong.

But what you have described is the same as the LODR. After
certain point, not only does the marginal output become
negative, but the average total output noses over and
begins to fall. Indeed, a better (and rarely-used) name for
the LODR is "the Law of Increasing Costs".


Re: RFC soon on essay Does Free Software Production in a Bazaarobey the Law of Diminishing Returns?

1999-08-18 Thread Miguel de Icaza

 There was a time that the GNU/Linux system was not of "sufficiently high 
 quality" to do much of anything useful. If that had been the deciding factor
 we would have never made it to this point.

Speak for yourself.  I have been using GNU software and Linux since
its very early ages to do useful work.  7 years so far of using free software.


License certification question

1999-08-18 Thread Samuel Reynolds

I'm getting frustrated. I'm hoping someone here
can help me out.
On 7/16, I sent an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
about an Artistic License variant I wanted to get
certified. That's where the OSI Certification Mark
page said to send it.
A week or so later, I discovered that the page had
been changed, and now said I should send it to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], so I re-sent it.
When I returned from vacation at the beginning of
August, I subscribed to this list to see if there
was any discussion of it. I have yet to hear so
much as a "got-your-message" acknowledgement from
anyone at
Is there something else I need to do to get the
license reviewed?
- Sam

Samuel Reynolds
Frontier Scripting:
Reynolds Virtual Workshop:

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-18 Thread Richard Stallman

How do Open Source projects differ from the above?
In two very important ways.  Firstly, OSPs have no
time-bound.  That is, there is no deadline whereby
the next version of GNOME has to be delivered, "or

I agree entirely with your argument, but the words raise a background
issue so important I have to make a correction.

GNOME is part of the GNU Project, and we are part of the Free Software
movement, not the Open Source movement.  We and they do similar
things, and we can work together in practice, but our philosophical
reasons are as different as could be.

Could you kindly cite GNOME as an example of the Free Software
movement, not one of the Open Source movement?  Please don't
spread the idea that the latter one includes all of us.

for more explanation of the difference between the two movements.

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-18 Thread Derek J. Balling

Or alternatively, simply list another project so as not to confuse the 
issue midstream. As Richard points out, the FSF doesn't want the terms 
"Open Source" and "Free Software" lumped together. Rather than switching to 
a different terminology mid-stream, it would make more sense to simply 
select a non-FSF project there to avoid confusion to the reader.

At 01:04 PM 8/18/99 -0600, Richard Stallman wrote:
 How do Open Source projects differ from the above?
 In two very important ways.  Firstly, OSPs have no
 time-bound.  That is, there is no deadline whereby
 the next version of GNOME has to be delivered, "or

I agree entirely with your argument, but the words raise a background
issue so important I have to make a correction.

GNOME is part of the GNU Project, and we are part of the Free Software
movement, not the Open Source movement.  We and they do similar
things, and we can work together in practice, but our philosophical
reasons are as different as could be.

Could you kindly cite GNOME as an example of the Free Software
movement, not one of the Open Source movement?  Please don't
spread the idea that the latter one includes all of us.

for more explanation of the difference between the two movements.

Re: RFC soon on essay Does Free Software Production in a Bazaarobey the Law of Diminishing Returns?

1999-08-19 Thread Csaba Szigetvari

 Speak for yourself.  I have been using GNU software and Linux since
 its very early ages to do useful work.  7 years so far of using free software.

This really depends on what you want to use the computer for. Not
everybody does kernel development. For a lot of people useful work
depends on certain types of software to be available. Otherwise we
wouldn't need (for example) GNOME ;) 


Fw: remove

1999-08-19 Thread Ali Assam

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, August 01, 1999 7:24 PM
Subject: remove

 please remove me from the dist list

Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-19 Thread Brian Behlendorf

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, NotZed wrote:
 It just happens to be a little difficult to talk about another project
 in this case, because Gnome is the project under study.
 I would have to agree with Richard, it is part of the free software
 movement, not the "open source" one.  Although the means are often
 identical, the goals are not the same at all.

If anything, GNOME is part of the "GNOME movement" - any other group
trying to take credit for it or call it their own, should reconsider
their position. 

Not that this has anything to do with license-discuss.


Re: Essay RFC delayed.

1999-08-19 Thread Ean R . Schuessler

On Wed, Aug 18, 1999 at 03:50:54PM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
 Richard, you should be careful what you wish for; you might get it.
 In your zeal to distance your doctrinal purity from the OSI's filthy
 but effective pragmatism, you are mainly succeeding in marginalizing
 both the FSF and yourself.  If you keep this up, you're going to end
 up ranting to an audience of one, in the mirror.
 I would not view this as a happy outcome; you have given far too much
 to our community, and have far too much more to give in the future.
 Can't you learn to accept your victory and your allies more gracefully?

Frankly Richard, I agree. You should be more of a sport. Think of the
benefits you would recieve. Look at all your other colleagues that
grew rich while you were splitting these philosophical hairs. Its not
too late! If you "play ball" the establishment can probably still
arrange for a retainer of some type, or maybe even an equity position
in some hot "Open Source" IPO!

Stop torturing yourself with these troublesome ideological positions!
What if a few companies get rich at the expense of the people? It's
inevitable anyway. Capitalize on your "brand name recognition" before
its hopelessly marginalized. Maybe Eric could be your agent! He has
certainly proven himself an adept promoter. Just look at what he has
done for his own reputation. Why, he invented "Open Source"!

 In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to
 liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses
 in return for protection to his own.
   -- Thomas Jefferson, 1814


Ean SchuesslerNovare International Inc.

"He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do
it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells 
lies without attending to it, and truths without the world's believing 
him.  This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in 
time depraves all its good dispositions." 
--  Thomas Jefferson

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