[Lift] Re: JPA w/Scala

2008-09-08 Thread Tim Perrett

Just been doing some more debugging on this - it appears that the
correct values are being passed through and are assigned to an entity
instance, but they blow up when trying to do the em.merge(author)

The stack trace I get is:

DEBUG - opened session at timestamp: 12208732519
DEBUG - begin
DEBUG - opening JDBC connection
DEBUG - total checked-out connections: 0
DEBUG - using pooled JDBC connection, pool size: 0
DEBUG - current autocommit status: true
DEBUG - disabling autocommit
DEBUG - after transaction begin
DEBUG - id unsaved-value: 0
DEBUG - transient instance of: com.foo.jpaweb.model.Author
DEBUG - merging transient instance
DEBUG - saving [com.foo.jpaweb.model.Author#null]
DEBUG - executing insertions
DEBUG - Wrapped collection in role: com.foo.jpaweb.model.Author.books
DEBUG - executing identity-insert immediately
DEBUG - Inserting entity: com.foo.jpaweb.model.Author (native id)
DEBUG - about to open PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 0,
globally: 0)
DEBUG - insert into authors (name, id) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into authors (name, id) values (?, ?)
DEBUG - preparing statement
DEBUG - Dehydrating entity: [com.foo.jpaweb.model.Author#null]
DEBUG - binding 'sdfsdssdfs' to parameter: 1
DEBUG - about to close PreparedStatement (open PreparedStatements: 1,
globally: 1)
DEBUG - closing statement
DEBUG - could not insert: [com.foo.jpaweb.model.Author] [insert into
authors (name, id) values (?, ?)]
java.sql.SQLException: Parameter #2 has not been set.

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[Lift] Re: JPA w/Scala

2008-09-08 Thread Oliver Lambert

You know I always forget those long winded archetype creation commands  
thinking about this I guess I would hope for something more. Something  
like specify
a set of tables (and stuff) and have LiftBuilder go and create  
mappings, validation and default html
for me. I haven't looked at it for a long time, but I believe Grails  
does something like this


On 08/09/2008, at 9:52 AM, Charles F. Munat wrote:

 Oh, hell yeah. Please!

 And down the road, when the mapper becomes agnostic, would there be an
 archetype that used JPA as the back end for the Lift mapper?


 Tim Perrett wrote:
 Ah cool - this is quite nice actually; good work Oliver!


 @Derek, what are your thoughts?

 It certainly strikes me that as time wears on and more people are
 using the lift/jpa stuff that we should really create an archetype  
 it would others find that useful?




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[Lift] Re: Scripting and Maven scala plugin

2008-09-08 Thread Jesse Eichar

Hi,  I sent you an email to your gmail account did you get it? It has
the patch oh.  I will try to find the maven-scala mailing list


On Sep 6, 7:16 pm, David Bernard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't known, but now I could access the site. You're goal is a great
 extension, and need to up the version to 2.8. If you don't know git or
 don't have time to prepare a patch send me the whole project, I'll do
 the merge.



 PS: could we switch the conversation to maven-and-scala mailing-list

 On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 4:58 PM, Jesse Eichar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Excuse my typing, my daughter is in one arm so I am working with one

  Odd I can access the site...  Although oddly if I add www it doesn't
  work.  Maybe make sure that your browser doesn't add it.

  Tell you what.  I will checkout the latest source, make a patch and
  send it to you.  You can look it over at your leisure.  Word of
  warning though.  I have a conference coming up that I am madly
  preparing for so I may not find time until Early October.  I will do
  what I can to get it to you earlier.


  On Sep 6, 4:46 pm, David Bernard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I can't accesshttp://pragmaticdesign.net/maven-scala-plugin-site/index.html

  On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 4:45 PM, David Bernard


   Contributions are welcome (send me a patch, if possible provide the
   doc for the feature).
   FYI :
   * the latest source are at
  http://github.com/davidB/maven-scala-plugin/tree/master(svnis no
   more used)
   * I started (today) a new mailing list about maven and scala


   On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 4:18 PM, David Pollak

   I don't speak for DavidB, the Maven Scala plugin maintainer, but I 
   think this is a feature I'd like to see. :-)



   On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 7:08 AM, Jesse Eichar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   Inspired by the GMaven plugin I have taken the maven-scala plugin and
   added a new Scripting Goal.  It allows you to inline scala directly
   into a pom or execute a scala script from another file.  In order to
   make it more applicable for the build process the MavenProject and Log
   can be optionally passed to the script.  For details and code examples
   you can look at the updated documentation for the plugin that I put
   online at:http://pragmaticdesign.net/maven-scala-plugin-site/index.html

   I would like to contribute the change to the main maven-scala plugin.
   I have now used it in three very different projects so I can say that
   it is fairly well used and I am willing to support the scripting
   portion of the plugin.

   As for my credentials.  I am Jesse Eichar and am the technical lead
   for the uDig (http://udig.refractions.net/) open source project, a
   module maintainer for two modules in the GeoTools (http://
   docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTOOLS/Home) open source project.  I have
   contributed to the GeoAdminSuite (http://geojava.camptocamp.net/gas/)
   project, the GeoServer (http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/Welcome)
   project, the Sextante (http://www.sextantegis.com/) project and am
   working on a project that will see code contributed to the GeoNetwork
   (http://geonetwork-opensource.org/) project.

   I mention these projects because I think demonstrates that I
   understand the philosophy of open source projects and the requirements
   to work with them.

   Please let me know how and when I can contribute the code.  My changes
   are based on the latest from trunk.


   Lift, the simply functional web frameworkhttp://liftweb.net
   Collaborative Task Managementhttp://much4.us
   Follow me:http://twitter.com/dpp
   Git some:http://github.com/dpp

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[Lift] Re: Missing Scala class?

2008-09-08 Thread Jorge Ortiz

What version of Lift and what version of Scala are you using?

(The version of Scala that you use must match the version of Scala
that was used to compile your version of Lift.)


On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Kris Nuttycombe

 Hi, all,

 I'm not sure whether this is a Lift issue or a Scala issue, but in
 running the Glassfish verifier over my Lift war I saw a couple of
 suspect failures:

 Failed to find following classes:

 referenced in the following call stack :

  at scala.Stream$cons$
  at scala.Stream$$anonfun$apply$1
  at scala.Stream$
  at scala.Stream$class
  at scala.RandomAccessSeq$$anon$6
  at scala.RandomAccessSeq$class
  at scala.RandomAccessSeq$Projection$$anon$7
  at scala.RandomAccessSeq$Projection$class
  at scala.Array$Projection$$anon$2
  at scala.Array$Projection$class
  at scala.Array$
  at scala.runtime.BoxedObjectArray
  at scala.runtime.StringAdd
  at scala.Predef
  at scala.Predef$$anon$2
  at scala.Predef$
  at scala.Iterator$$anon$3
  at scala.Iterator$
  at scala.Iterator$$anon$15
  at scala.Iterator$class
  at scala.BufferedIterator$Advanced$$anon$3
  at scala.BufferedIterator$Advanced$class
  at scala.BufferedIterator$Default
  at scala.Iterator$PredicatedIterator
  at scala.Iterator$TakeWhileIterator
  at scala.Iterator
  at scala.collection.mutable.Buffer
  at scala.Iterable
  at scala.Collection
  at scala.RandomAccessSeq$Projection$MapProjection
  at scala.RandomAccessSeq$Projection
  at scala.RandomAccessSeq
  at scala.collection.mutable.ResizableArray
  at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
  at scala.collection.mutable.Script
  at scala.collection.mutable.Buffer$class
  at scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
  at scala.List$$anonfun$flatten$1
  at scala.List
  at scala.Stream
  at scala.runtime.BoxedArray
  at scala.StringBuilder
  at scala.Tuple2
  at scala.Iterable$class
  at scala.Seq$Projection$ComputeSize
  at scala.Seq$Projection
  at scala.Seq$Projection$class
  at scala.Seq$
  at scala.Either$RightProjection
  at scala.Either
  at scala.Left
  at scala.Option
  at scala.Seq
  at scala.runtime.BoxedDoubleArray
  at scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime$
  at net.liftweb.http.ParsePath
  at net.liftweb.http.LiftFilter

 Any ideas?




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[Lift] Re: JPA w/Scala

2008-09-08 Thread Oliver Lambert
I think sql server uses  
You could try this instead of GenerationType.AUTO (though this should  
translate to the above)

On 09/09/2008, at 12:43 AM, Tim Perrett wrote:

 Hmmm, I've tried:

  @GeneratedValue(){val strategy = GenerationType.AUTO}
  @Column(){val insertable = false}
  var id : Long = _

 But yet its still being included in the query, any ideas?

 Cheers, Tim

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[Lift] Re: JPA w/Scala

2008-09-08 Thread Oliver Lambert
or, you could try

 @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO, generator =  
 @GenericGenerator(name = system-guid, strategy = guid)

with or without the Microsoft driver
property name=driverClassName


and the pom entry

On 09/09/2008, at 4:05 AM, Oliver Lambert wrote:

 I think sql server uses  
 You could try this instead of GenerationType.AUTO (though this  
 should translate to the above)

 On 09/09/2008, at 12:43 AM, Tim Perrett wrote:

 Hmmm, I've tried:

  @GeneratedValue(){val strategy = GenerationType.AUTO}
  @Column(){val insertable = false}
  var id : Long = _

 But yet its still being included in the query, any ideas?

 Cheers, Tim

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[Lift] Re: JPA w/Scala

2008-09-08 Thread Tim Perrett

Hey all,

Very strange, I re-wrote the classes in Java and I still see the same

What on earth could be going on here? I tried calling persist rather
than merge, but it appeared to have no impact.



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[Lift] Re: One further: JPA + JTA + Lift

2008-09-08 Thread Oliver
It looks a little like the RequestVar has had its lifecycle closing hook
called by the time you call getSubscriptions
Try touch/get the subscriptions before you pass them into the bind.


On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 7:31 AM, Kris Nuttycombe

 I've been following the advancement of the JPA/Lift tutorial with
 great interest, and have managed to get my app working, but I'm now
 struggling with a problem that occurs whenever I try to retrieve a
 collection that is mapped as a lazy association:

 Exception occured while processing /orders/list

 Message: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily
 initialize a collection of role:
 com.gaiam.gcsi.entities.subscription.Order.subscriptions, no session
 or session was closed



sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

 I took the simplest-possible route of encapsulating the EntityManager
 in a RequestVar per Derek's suggestion as such:

 object EM {
  def entityManager() = (new


 class Orders {
  object em extends RequestVar(entityManager())

  def list(xhtml: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq = {
val orders = em.createQuery(from
orders.flatMap(order =
  bind(order, xhtml,
   id -- Text(order.getId().toString),
   count -- Text(order.getSubscriptions().size().toString)))

 The issue appears to be that the transaction that the the query ran in
 is no longer active by the time of the call to
 order.getSubscriptions(). Has anyone else been using JTA and
 encountered this? I'm running the latest stable Glassfish (2.1 UR2)
 and using Hibernate for the persistence layer.




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[Lift] Re: JPA w/Scala

2008-09-08 Thread Oliver
Doesn't look right. The id is the primary key - it could now be inserted
with a value of 100, always.
I can do an insert here with
 @GeneratedValue(){val strategy = GenerationType.AUTO}

Still works without GeneratedValue being present. My pom dependencies are

Properties in persistance.xml
  property name=hibernate.dialect
  property name=hibernate.connection.driver_class
  property name=hibernate.connection.username value=xx/
  property name=hibernate.connection.password value=xx/
  property name=hibernate.connection.url
  property name=hibernate.max_fetch_depth value=3/
  property name=hibernate.show_sql value=true/

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 9:37 AM, Tim Perrett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I managed to fix it in the end by reading some really really old post
 in the hibernate archive.

 Effectively, if you define something, a class property that has no
 initial value (in our case, _ ) then it bones the inserting for some
 reason. Quite knows what it does that but it does.. and with very
 little error as well :-(

 For completeness sake, here is the final Author class:

 @Table(){val name=authors, val schema=dbo}
 class Author {
  @GeneratedValue(){val strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY}
  @Column(){val insertable = false, val unique = true}
  var id : Long = 100

  var name : String = 

  @OneToMany(){val mappedBy = author, val targetEntity =
  var books : java.util.Set[Book] = new java.util.HashSet[Book]()


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[Lift] Maven Issue

2008-09-08 Thread lloy0076

Hi There,

I'm following the instructions here:


...and I can build the liftone application.

However...when I do this:

^Cbash-3.00$ mvn jetty:run -U

[removed let's download the Internet]


...and it can't find that. I can't ping cvs.apache.org org or contact

I don't understand enough about Maven to be able to figure out how to
get the jar into the right place, nor to know whether I've given
enough information. I've looked at the Maven FAQs about how to do it
but I have no idea what an artifact-id is or the structure of my Maven

Has anyone got any pointers as to what I might do or for a simple hand-
holding tutorial?


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