
The Wiki example specification, which was previously specified using
JMock broke when we migrated to Scala 2.7.2 (compiler issue, couldn't
solve it).

However, the latest version of specs (1.4.4-SNAPSHOT) provides an
integration with Mockito which is even nicer when just doing stubbing.
So the Wiki Specification is now back on track and you can pull it
from git.

I want to note also one thing. The way the original example was
written wasn't very stub-friendly, so I had to change:

object WikiEntry extends WikiEntry with LongKeyedMetaMapper[WikiEntry]


object WikiEntry extends MetaWikiEntry // introduced the MetaWikiEntry
trait MetaWikiEntry extends WikiEntry with LongKeyedMetaMapper


class Wiki {
import WikiEntry._


// using the MetaWikiEntry trait to stub the database accesses
class Wiki extends MetaWikiEntry {

My hope is that Powermock (http://code.google.com/p/powermock) is
going to catchup with the latest version of Mockito and that we'll be
able to mock/stub any static method. In the meantime, I would advise
to avoid "static imports", like "import WikiEntry._" to facilitate



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