After digging into some sample Lift apps, I can smell the awesomeness
and really want to jump in right away.  Now that the Scala book has
been printed, I feel that Scala in general and Lift in particular will
both attract many more curious people.  I don't mean this as a
criticism of Lift (which is impressive), but the documentation is
severely lacking.  Needing to troll through undocumented APIs will
certainly turn people off and could perhaps squander some natural
momentum that seems to be building around Scala.  I know there are two
books in the works, but I don't think the community can afford to

I'd like to challenge each committer to take responsibility for a
portion of the API and fully document it in Scaladocs by year's end.
I think there are 6-12 of you and 14 packages, so I don't see it as
being a lot of work.  Once there are glimpses of better documentation,
I'm certain people who aren't Scala/Lift experts will begin writing
tutorials and contributing documentation and sample projects of their
own.  Right now, it's like walking into an Egyptian tomb and trying to
decipher hieroglyphics without a Rosetta stone.  We all know writing
documentation is a chore, but perhaps you can find inspiration in
thinking that once your APIs are documented, thousands of people will
use your creation and sing your praises at conferences around the

I'm sure we all can think of similarly awesome technologies which
weren't widely adopted, perhaps because they were just too advanced
for the current state of the market.  Smalltalk comes to mind, as do
early versions of WebObjects.  BeOS anyone?  I'd hate for Lift to not
enjoy its moment in the sun simply for lack of documentation.


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