Re: [Lightning-dev] Error Codes for LN

2021-07-06 Thread Rusty Russell
Carla Kirk-Cohen  writes:
> Hi all,

Hi Carla,

I apologize for not responding to this earlier, but it was
raised again in the recent spec meeting

I love the idea of more specific error codes, BTW!

Feedback interleaved:

> Since we shouldn’t have non-ascii values in the error string itself,
> this can most easily be achieved by adding TLV fields after the
> data field. In terms of supporting nodes that have not upgraded,
> we could either include the error code in the data field to cover
> our bases, or introduce a feature bit so that we know whether
> to backfill the data field. This gives upgraded nodes an improved
> quality of life, while leaving older nodes unaffected.

Older nodes should definitely ignore extra fields; it's in the spec and
we've relied on this to extend messages in the past, so this part is

Technically, all defined types are now assumed to have an optional TLV
appended, since f068dd0d (Bolt 1: Specify that extensions to existing
messages must use TLV (#754)).

> While we can’t enumerate every possible error, there are quite
> a few cases in the spec where we can introduce explicit error
> codes. For the sake of the skim-readers, I’ve left that list at
> the end of the email.
> Taking the example of our node receiving an invalid signature for
> a htlc, a new error would look like this:

I think this is both too much, and not enough.

Too much:
- Many of these errors are "your implementation is broken", which is
  really not something actionable by the recipient.
- A lot of work to fill in all these error cases, which will (because
  they're usually impossible) will be untested and broken.

Not enough:
- Look at the proposal for channel_types, where you would object to the
  channel_type if you don't like it.  This would be grouped under
  "Funding params unacceptable", which is actually 99% of errors at this
  point and does not say what the problem is with specificity.

I took a different approach with onion messages[1], where you (optionally)
specify the field number, even an optional suggested value:

1. type: 1 (`erroneous_field`)
2. data:
* [`tu64`:`tlv_fieldnum`]
1. type: 3 (`suggested_value`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`value`]
1. type: 5 (`error`)
2. data:
* [`...*utf8`:`msg`]

In our case, we need to refer to which message (if any) caused the
error, and we have non-tlv fields, so it can't simply use the tlv field

Here's my straw proposal:

1. `tlv_stream`: `error_tlvs`
2. types:
1. type: 1 (`erroneous_message`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`message`]
1. type: 3 (`erroneous_fieldnum`)
2. data:
* [`tu64`:`fieldnum`]
1. type: 5 (`suggested_value`)
2. data:
* [`...*byte`:`value`]

erroneous_message is the message we're complaining about (including
2-byte type), which may be truncated (but must be at least 2 bytes).

fieldnum is either the 0-based field number (for fixed fields), or the
number of fixed fields + the tlv type (for tlv fields).

suggested_value is the optional value if we have an idea if what we
expected / prefer.

> This new kind of error provides us with an error code that tells us
> exactly what has gone wrong, and metadata pointing to the htlc
> with an invalid sig. This information can be logged, or stored in a
> more permanent error store to help diagnose issues in the future.
> Right now, the spec is pretty strict on error handling [13], indicating
> that senders/recipients of errors `MUST` fail the channel referenced
> in the error.

> This isn’t very practical, and I believe that the majority
> of the impls don’t abide by this instruction.

This was inevitable eventually, but c-lightning deliberately treated
errors as fatal for a long time so people would *notice* and *report*
these issues.

To be fair, *LND* didn't treat them as fatal.  As so naturally your
engineers didn't *think* of them as a big deal (and testing didn't show
it up), so it would send errors for cases which it clearly didn't want
to close the channel (e.g. peer too slow to respond!).

Hence this PR, which makes these less fatal, and adds warning support:

(We should similarly add this TLV to warnings?)

> Candidates for error codes:

The vast majority of these are "contact your developer, peer says we did
something illegal".  Which is always nice to have more information
about, but not critital.

The exceptions are:

> Funding Process:
> * Funding process timeout [2]
> * Fees out of range [3]
> * Funding tx spent [11]
> * Funding params unacceptable (eg, channel too small)
> Channel State Machine:
> * HTLC timeout [4]
> Fee Updates
> * Update fee to low/high [9]

And BTW this one is misguided:

> * Feature bit required

If Alice says a feature bit is even (compulsory), and 

Re: [Lightning-dev] Turbo channels spec?

2021-07-06 Thread Rusty Russell
ZmnSCPxj  writes:
> Mostly nitpick on terminology below, but I think text substantially like the 
> above should exist in some kind of "rationale" section in the BOLT, so ---
> In light of dual-funding we should avoid "funder" and "fundee" in favor of 
> "initiator" and "acceptor".

Yes, Lisa has a patch for this in her spec PR :)

> So what matters for the above rationale is the "sender" of an HTLC and the 
> "receiver" of an HTLC, not really who is acceptor or initiator.
> * Risks for HTLC sender is that the channel never confirms, but it probably 
> ignores the risk because it can close onchain (annoying, and fee-heavy, but 
> not loss of funds caused by peer).
> * Risks for HTLC receiver is that the channel never confirms, so HTLC must 
> not be routed out to others or resolved locally if the receiver already knows 
> the preimage, UNLESS the HTLC receiver has some *other* reason to trust the 
> peer.

This misses an important case: even with the dual-funding prototol,
single-sided funding is more common.

  - if your peer hasn't contributed funds:
- You are in control, channel is safe (modulo your own conf issues)
  - if the peer has contributed funds:
- You can send, since cancellation just gives you a free refund (if
  you contributed anything at all).
- You should not route an incoming HTLCs (unless you trust peer)

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