Hi all,

I spent some time trying to understand why LilyPond fails to build with
Clang and how a possible fix might look like. TLDR, I've posted a patch
in https://sourceforge.net/p/testlilyissues/issues/5600/ which works on

Please find attached another reduced test case: The approach with
'using' (currently in LilyPond's code) only works with GCC, whereas my
proposed solution of re-declaring the base template member compiles
with both GCC and Clang (on Linux).
I'm planning to also test on FreeBSD (which defaults to Clang
nowadays), just don't have time right now. However I don't own Apple
products, so it would be great if somebody could test on macOS...

For context, here are the prior discussions:
 * http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/cfe-users/2018-November/001417.html
 * https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39581


P.S.: Werner is too fast in discovering new patches 😄
struct Base {
	void f() { }

	template <void (Base::* p)()>
	static void t() {}

struct Derived : public Base {
#ifndef FIXED
	using Base::t;
	template <void (Base::* p)()>
	static void t() {}

	template <void (Derived::* p)()>
	static void t() {}

void foo() {

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