Re: Multiple Endings Problem

2015-01-01 Thread Thomas Morley
2015-01-02 2:36 GMT+01:00 William Marchant
 I am using the code below to set up two different endings for a song.  The
 code shown automatically puts
 a Repeat Start bar line at the beginning of  of Bar 29.  I would like to
 suppress it but can only do so with a Tick Bar Line.  This looks a bit odd.
 No other Bar Line seems to work.  Is there a method for what I want to do?

  \repeat volta 2 {bf'8~ bf a a g4( f)| } %Bar 29
   \alternative{ { c2 e4( g4) |f1 |  r2 r4 g8( f) \bar :|.} %Bar 30 31  32
 {c2 e4( d' | c1) |c4( c bf) a( |
  c4. bf8 a4 bf)} %Bar 33 34 35 36

After inserteing statements for version, language and relative c' i've
got the attached output.
Can't see a problem


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Suppress metronome marks but not tempo marks

2015-01-01 Thread Robert Schmaus
Hi Davide,

If you have a single tempo for the whole \layout block, you could leave the 
\tempo Allegro in the printed score and write

\midi{ \tempo 4= 120}

That should work as well. 

Best, Robert 


In religion, faith is a virtue. In science, faith is a vice.
-- Jerry Coyne

 On 1 Jan 2015, at 11:46, Davide Liessi wrote:
 Hi all.
 I have some tempo+metronome marks in a file
 (e.g. \tempo Allegro 4 = 120)
 I need to print only the tempo marks (Allegro) in PDF but I cannot delete 
 the metronome parts of the commands, since I still need them in MIDI.
 Is there a way to suppress the metronome marks but not the tempo marks 
 without changing the \tempo commands?
 Happy new year to all!
 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Rallentando and accelerando in MIDI

2015-01-01 Thread Peter Chubb
 David == David Sumbler writes:

David Which brings me back now to my other question: how do I get
David midi (specifically, the script) to recognize my
David rits and ralls?  I have tried entering them with \tempo, with
David \mark and just as markup, but nothing seems to work.

This used to work, but it's possible that changes in Lily have made it
stop working.

Last time it worked, \tempo rit wasn't available, so the syntax was:


or similar.

Dr Peter Chubb  peter.chubb AT  Software Systems Research Group/NICTA

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Suppress metronome marks but not tempo marks

2015-01-01 Thread Pierre Perol-Schneider
Hi Davide and best wishes for 2015,

Try :

\version 2.18.2

\relative c' {
  \tempo Allegro
  \set Score.tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 120/4)
  c d e f g a b c


2015-01-01 11:46 GMT+01:00 Davide Liessi

 Hi all.

 I have some tempo+metronome marks in a file
 (e.g. \tempo Allegro 4 = 120)
 I need to print only the tempo marks (Allegro) in PDF but I cannot
 delete the metronome parts of the commands, since I still need them in MIDI.
 Is there a way to suppress the metronome marks but not the tempo marks
 without changing the \tempo commands?

 Happy new year to all!

 lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Suppress metronome marks but not tempo marks

2015-01-01 Thread Phil Holmes
- Original Message - 
From: Davide Liessi

Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2015 10:46 AM
Subject: Suppress metronome marks but not tempo marks

Hi all.

I have some tempo+metronome marks in a file
(e.g. \tempo Allegro 4 = 120)
I need to print only the tempo marks (Allegro) in PDF but I cannot 
delete the metronome parts of the commands, since I still need them in 
Is there a way to suppress the metronome marks but not the tempo marks 
without changing the \tempo commands?

As well as the other suggestions, \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t should do 
what you want.

Phil Holmes

lilypond-user mailing list

Multiple Endings Problem

2015-01-01 Thread William Marchant
I am using the code below to set up two different endings for a song.  
The code shown automatically puts
a Repeat Start bar line at the beginning of  of Bar 29.  I would like to 
suppress it but can only do so with a Tick Bar Line.  This looks a bit 
odd. No other Bar Line seems to work.  Is there a method for what I want 
to do?


 \repeat volta 2 {bf'8~ bf a a g4( f)| } %Bar 29
  \alternative{ { c2 e4( g4) |f1 |  r2 r4 g8( f) \bar :|.} %Bar 30 31  32
{c2 e4( d' | c1) |c4( c bf) a( |
 c4. bf8 a4 bf)} %Bar 33 34 35 36

lilypond-user mailing list

Crescendo too small

2015-01-01 Thread Urs Liska

Hi all,

I'll investigate into this some more but I'd like to ask one question up 
Sometimes I get the warning: crescendo too small. It often happens 
when there is a rather wide DynamicText in front of the hairpin, and the 
hairpins can be extremely short - up to a vertical line as shown in the 
attached image (in case of doubt: it's the line between the \p and the 
\f ;-) )

I wonder why LilyPond can warn me about this but doesn't simply make the 
crescendo longer instead.

Any comments?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ego autem non intellego (translatum googlum)

2015-01-01 Thread Noeck
Hi François and Pierre,

 So I'd suggest to use \tweak instead of\once\overrride to be more efficient.

I missed the - (as in -\tweak) that’s why I switched to \override. Your
solution is better.

Reading the docs a bit more, I would suggest to use \melisma …
\melismaEnd inside \[ and \]. This saves you from using _ in the lyrics
all the time. I don’t know why \[ and \] are not producing melismas
automatically – I thought that’s the idea behind such a combined neume.


lilypond-user mailing list

Issue Including fingering indications on fret-diagram-terse string

2015-01-01 Thread Ryan Clarin
This should be as simple as adding a hyphen with the finger number, but they 
are not showing up. For example, when I try to place a f chord fret diagram 
above a melody note:

c,^markup { \fret-diagram-terse #2-2;o;1-1;o; }

It prints a f chord chart but with no fingerings :( help!

lilypond-user mailing list

Suppress metronome marks but not tempo marks

2015-01-01 Thread Davide Liessi

Hi all.

I have some tempo+metronome marks in a file
(e.g. \tempo Allegro 4 = 120)
I need to print only the tempo marks (Allegro) in PDF but I cannot 
delete the metronome parts of the commands, since I still need them in MIDI.
Is there a way to suppress the metronome marks but not the tempo marks 
without changing the \tempo commands?

Happy new year to all!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ego autem non intellego (translatum googlum)

2015-01-01 Thread Pierre Perol-Schneider
Hi François, Hi Joram

As Joram already says, LilyPond has some limitation here and you'll
probably have to tweak numerous objects.
So I'd suggest to use \tweak instead of \once\overrride to be more
I've also add 2 options for the star:

\version 2.18.2
\score {
\new VaticanaVoice = cantus {
  \clef vaticana-do3
  \[ g \pes a \] a
% star option 1:
-\tweak extra-offset #'(1 . -1) _*
-\tweak Y-offset #-.1 \ictus
d' c'
  \[ c' \flexa
\tweak Accidental.X-offset #-3.3 bes
\] a
  \[ a
-\tweak Y-offset #1.2 \episemInitium
\flexa g \episemFinis \]
  s a bes a
  \[ g \flexa f \] e
  \[ f \flexa e \] \augmentum d
\new Lyrics
\with {
  %\override LyricHyphen.minimum-X-extent = #'(2 . 2) %% Joram settings
  \override LyricHyphen.minimum-distance = #.7
\lyricsto cantus {
  % star option 2:
  %Ro -- ra -- _ te * coe -- li de -- _ su -- per _
  Ro -- ra -- _ te coe -- li de -- _ su -- per _
  et nu -- bes plu -- _ ant Jus -- _ tum.

Meilleurs vœux pour 2015,

2015-01-01 2:22 GMT+01:00 Alicuota618

 Dear Joram,

 thanks first, this look much better this way.

 About your question about hyphening, I just took it from the example
 given in the manual and tried and failed...

 Best thanks and happy new year!


 2014-12-31 20:11 GMT-05:00, Noeck
  Hi again François,
  there two limiting factors to my answer: 1) I did not write many
  gregorian chants and 2) Lilypond has some limitations in this area.
  But there are a few things I know how to improve and I have a few
  questions for you:
  Is it a convention in gregorian chants to have the hyphens left aligned
  to the previous syllable (output: Ro-  ra-  te) and not centered like it
  is usually done in LilyPond (output: Ro - ra - te)? Or is it just a
  shortcoming of many programs that they can not handle lyric hyphens in
  such a way? In the example below, I used the LilyPond default way to
  separate syllables: Ro -- ra -- te (output: Ro - ra - te).
  I am not happy with the first b-flat (too close to the flexus),
  I don’t know any systematic help. The override fixes it in this case.
  the episema (too close to the flexa, maybe the ictus, too far from note.
  Again, an override can move it.
  And about usage:
  in the sanctus example mentionned above, the hyphens are simple and
  lily interprets them as: jump to the next neuma
  In my example it seems to be a wait to the next note but the hyphens
  I had to insert are colliding with the text.
  The hyphens you used are just text as any other text so you could also
  space the notes with A’s or .’s – what you want is to skip a note using
  a _ in your file (see the example below).
  \version 2.18.2
  \paper {
ragged-right = ##t
  \score {

  \new VaticanaVoice = cantus {
\override Lyrics.LyricHyphen #'minimum-X-extent = #'( 2 . 2)
\clef vaticana-do3
\[ g \pes a \]
\once\override Script.extra-offset = #'(0 . 0.9)
d' c'
\[ c'
\once\override Accidental.extra-offset = #'(-0.3 . 0)
\flexa  bes \]
\once \override Episema.extra-offset = #'(0 . 0.2)
\[ a \episemInitium \flexa g \episemFinis \]
s a bes a
\[ g \flexa f \] e
\[ f \flexa e \] \augmentum d
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto cantus {
%% Use the next line to force hyphens:
\override Lyrics.LyricHyphen #'minimum-distance = 0.7
Ro -- ra -- _ te coe -- li de -- _ su -- per _
et nu -- bes plu -- _ ant Jus -- _ tum.

  lilypond-user mailing list

 lilypond-user mailing list

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Re: vertical justification of fret-diagram

2015-01-01 Thread Anton Curl

Hi Jinsong!

Is this what you want?

I've separated the chord diagrams into an other staff.

Anton Curl

On 31/12/2014 00:00, Jinsong Zhao wrote:

Hi there,

In the following snippet, I want to vertical justification of the 
three fret-diagram.

\version 2.19.15
fret-ees =  \markup {
  \fret-diagram #s:0.5;6-x;5-x;4-5;3-3;2-4;1-3;c:2-1-2;

\relative c'' {
  \key ees \major
  bes8 ^\fret-ees ees bes ees, g4 ^\fret-ees f ^\fret-ees

I can do that by \tweak extra-offset #'(x . y). However, it's not easy 
to determine the exact values of x and y. Is there a convenient way to 
keep them with same base-line?

By the way, how to make the mute symbol x at the same line of the 

I appreciate you for any suggestions.

Best regards,

lilypond-user mailing list


\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode { ees }

myChord = \chordmode {
  ees2 ees4 ees

myNotes = \relative c'' {
  \key ees \major
  bes8 ees bes ees, g4 f

  \new FretBoards { \myChord }
  \new Staff { \myNotes }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Multiple Endings Problem

2015-01-01 Thread Thomas Morley
2015-01-02 3:30 GMT+01:00 Thomas Morley
 2015-01-02 2:36 GMT+01:00 William Marchant
 I am using the code below to set up two different endings for a song.  The
 code shown automatically puts
 a Repeat Start bar line at the beginning of  of Bar 29.  I would like to
 suppress it but can only do so with a Tick Bar Line.  This looks a bit odd.
 No other Bar Line seems to work.  Is there a method for what I want to do?

  \repeat volta 2 {bf'8~ bf a a g4( f)| } %Bar 29
   \alternative{ { c2 e4( g4) |f1 |  r2 r4 g8( f) \bar :|.} %Bar 30 31  32
 {c2 e4( d' | c1) |c4( c bf) a( |
  c4. bf8 a4 bf)} %Bar 33 34 35 36

 After inserteing statements for version, language and relative c' i've
 got the attached output.
 Can't see a problem


forgot the attachment
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Rallentando and accelerando in MIDI

2015-01-01 Thread David Sumbler
On Thu, 2015-01-01 at 20:57 +1100, Peter Chubb wrote:
  David == David Sumbler writes:
 David Which brings me back now to my other question: how do I get
 David midi (specifically, the script) to recognize my
 David rits and ralls?  I have tried entering them with \tempo, with
 David \mark and just as markup, but nothing seems to work.
 This used to work, but it's possible that changes in Lily have made it
 stop working.
 Last time it worked, \tempo rit wasn't available, so the syntax was:
 or similar.
 Dr Peter Chubbpeter.chubb AT

Yes, thank you, this worked.

Or rather, it didn't work!  What it revealed is that does
not do ralls and accels at all: what it does instead is sudden
reductions/increases in tempo.

However, having realised that, I have now found an alternative.  I have
effectively disabled the rall and accel recognition in,
and have added an extra stave to my file.  This contains nothing but
rests and tempo markings, and is only referenced in the 'midi' block.  I
have found that I can produce very effective ralls, accels, pauses etc.
in this way (using repeated adjustments to the tempo).  Meanwhile the
visible markings in the score do not affect the midi output.

Thanks to all for your help.


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