Re: barNumberCheck breaks multi-measure rests?

2017-07-13 Thread Andrew Bromage

On 13/7/17 4:57 pm, Robert Schmaus wrote:

It's not the bar number check that breaks the MM rest, it's the separation of 
s1. * 17 into pieces of 9 and 8 measures that does.

Okay, that makes sense, if a bit unexpected.

Why don't you insert the check at bar 18 and keep use s1. * 17 - that should be 
ok also.

Obviously this is a cut-down example. The context is that the engraving
that this is cribbed from splits the timeline into phrases I can work out
where to put rehearsal marks.

The solution is to keep it the way it is until that job is done, and fix it
at the end.

Andrew Bromage

lilypond-user mailing list

barNumberCheck breaks multi-measure rests?

2017-07-12 Thread Andrew Bromage


Is there a reason why \barNumberCheck breaks multi-measure rests?
Or is this a bug?

Andrew Bromage

% Example follows

\version "2.19.60"

Timeline = {
\time 3/2

s1. * 9 \barNumberCheck #10
s1. * 8 \bar "|."

ViolinOne =  \relative c'' { R1. * 15 | r1 g2 | c1. }

\score {
\new Staff
\context Voice = "Violin 1" {
\clef treble \ViolinOne

\layout { \context { \Staff \compressFullBarRests } }

lilypond-user mailing list


2017-04-20 Thread Andrew Bromage


On 21/4/17 12:16 pm, Andrew Bernard wrote:
The other way to discourage the offending behaviour is simply to laugh 
at him. There is no more powerful thing than Satire! :-)
We could always keep it on topic and turn the discussion to notating 
church music...

Andrew Bromage

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vocal scores with extra staves

2017-02-27 Thread Andrew Bromage

On 28/2/17 3:23 pm, David Wright wrote:

Sorry. I was labouring under the misapprehension that you _wanted_
staves starting mid-page (as in your OP, but placed correctly between
the upper voices and the piano), and that Klaus was advocating
frenching the score instead.

Not really. What I want is to bring a staff into existence for a small
amount of time, and that case is solved, but I was also interested
in the general case.

The general case is that you have a complex score with many varying
combinations of parts in unison on occasions, and you need to
reduce it down to a size such that the singers and the rehearsal
pianist have a fighting chance without turning a page every two seconds.

Thankfully not something I have to do...

Andrew Bromage

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vocal scores with extra staves

2017-02-27 Thread Andrew Bromage

On 28/2/17 1:21 pm, David Wright wrote:

Well I'm looking at the finale of Pinafore¹ (I picked p99/108 at random
and hit the spot!) and I don't see staves starting and stopping mid-page.
No, what I mean is the solution of using different staves and just 

ones that have nothing.

I see an example of almost precisely my situation at the top of page 102.

On page 101, you have one staff alternating between male chorus and a
soloist. At the start of page 102 the tenors and basses are divided onto
separate staves.

In the first bar on page 102, the bass voices are in the top staff at the
start of the bar and the bottom staff at the end of the bar.


Andrew Bromage

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vocal scores with extra staves

2017-02-27 Thread Andrew Bromage


On 27/2/17 10:27 pm, Klaus Blum wrote:

welcome to the List!  :-)

Thanks! It's actually a rejoin after many years.

It will be easier to align the lyrics to a voice that exists from the very
beginning. In your example, I've put the unison part into the same voice as
the soprano part.

That will work for this case, thanks. I'm not sure how well this would scale
to, say, a Gilbert and Sullivan act finale.

I'm curious what is actually happening. Is the behaviour that I was seeing
a bug, or is it technically correct but counter-intuitive?

In such cases, it's better to explicitely start a new staff instead of
having LilyPond do that automatically. Now you can control positions with
alignAboveContext or alignBelowContext.

Thanks for this and also to the kind person who told me this off-list.

As you can see, this can get pretty complicated.

Believe me, it's not as complicated as the non-cut-down example.

  With your "real" verses
being longer than just two bars, maybe it's easier to start all staves from
the beginning and just working with \RemoveEmptyStaves.

I considered this option. The trouble is, if the place where the unison ends
and the divisi begins turns out not to be the best place to break a 
line, this

would be incorrect, because it would appear as if the male chorus should
not sing during the unison part. Spaces rather than rests would be even
more confusing.

Thanks once again.

Andrew Bromage

lilypond-user mailing list

Vocal scores with extra staves

2017-02-26 Thread Andrew Bromage


I'm trying to typeset a work where one of the outputs is a vocal score.
One of the pieces involves the chorus singing in unison and then in

This is a cut-down version of my current attempt. There are two problems
here: First, the new staff isn't where I expect it to be; I'd like it to 
be part of
the ChoirStaff. Second, the lyrics for verse 2 don't start on the 
correct beat.

Any ideas?

The real example is much more complicated than this, obviously, but this
illustrates the problems.

Andrew Bromage

\version "2.18.2"

timeline = {
 \time 4/4
 { s1*2 } \bar "||"
 { s1*2 } \bar "|."

choirVerseI = { \relative c'' { c4 c c c c c c c } }
sopranoVerseII = { \relative c'' { c4 c c c c c c c } }
altoVerseII = { \relative e' { e4 e e e e e e e } }
tenorVerseII = { \relative g { g4 g g g g g g g } }
bassVerseII = { \relative c { c4 c c c c c c c } }
pianoRH = { \relative c' { 1} }
pianoLH = { \relative c { 1} }
lyricsVerseI = \lyricmode { la la la la la la la la }
lyricsVerseII = \lyricmode { lu lu lu lu lu lu lu lu }

\book {
 \new ChoirStaff {
 \clef treble \key c \major
   \new Voice = "chorus" { \choirVerseI }
 \new Voice = "sopranoChorus" { \voiceOne \sopranoVerseII }
 \new Voice = "altoChorus" { \voiceTwo \altoVerseII }

 \new Staff {
   \clef bass \key c \major
   \new Voice = "tenorChorus" { \voiceOne \tenorVerseII }
   \new Voice = "bassChorus" { \voiceTwo \bassVerseII }

 \new Lyrics = "chorusLyrics"

 \context Lyrics = "chorusLyrics" {
 \lyricsto "chorus" { \lyricsVerseI }
 \lyricsto "altoChorus" { \lyricsVerseII }

 \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff { \clef treble \key c \major << \timeline \new Voice 
{ \pianoRH } >> }
   \new Staff { \clef bass \key c \major << \timeline \new Voice { 
\pianoLH } >> }


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