Hold a note the length of a cadenza

2023-12-26 Thread John Burt
Dear list,
While one part is singing a cadenza another part is holding a long note. I
know how to make a rest or a skip the length of a cadenza bu not how to
make a held note the length of the cadenza.
John Burt

Alternative beginnings

2023-04-01 Thread John Burt
I know how to use \repeat volta to produce alternative endings. I'm trying
to set a song in which the music for verses 2 and 3 is different from the
music for verse 1. Is there something like \repeat volta for alternative

Like \bendAfter but before a note

2020-11-06 Thread John Burt
I'm trying to render a vocal call in which the singer swoops up to the note
and then swoops down. I know I can do the swooping down part with
\bendAfter. How can I handle the swooping up part?
with thanks
John Burt

Making a click track on midi output

2020-09-13 Thread John Burt
I'm making a score for a virtual choir. In addition to the pdf of the
score, I'd like to send along a midi file which includes a "click track" to
guide the singers. I know how to make the midi file. But I don't know how
to include a click track. Can anyone help me with this?

Strange behavior with grace notes

2020-07-24 Thread John Burt
When the first notes of a piece are grace notes, if there are other voices,
or other staves in the piece, the grace note is set in a separate bar, and
then the time signature and key are printed again. I notice the same thing
with appoggiatura and accacciatura. I tried to make this example as minimal
as i could.

\version "2.18.2"
global = {
  \key f \minor
  \time 3/4

tenorI = \relative c' {

tenorII = \relative c' {
   \grace {c16  des16} c4 des8 des8 c8

baritone = \relative c {

\score {
  \new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff \with {\clef "treble_8"
} <<
  \new Voice = "tenorI" { \voiceOne \tenorI }
  \new Voice = "tenorII" { \voiceTwo \tenorII }

\new Staff \with {
} <<
  \clef bass
  \new Voice = "baritone" { \voiceOne \baritone }

  \layout { }

if I comment out the tenorI voice and the baritone voice the grace note
works fine. But if I uncomment either the problem returns.

Any light anyone can cast on this would be much appreciated!

Drone over a cadenza

2020-07-23 Thread John Burt
While the second tenor part is singing a cadenza, the first tenor and the
baritone parts are holding a note as long as the cadenza. I now how to make
a rest a long as a cadenza -- #(mmrest-of-length MyCadenza) but I don't
know how to do this with a note. Is there a way?

Re: How to code a glide?

2020-02-08 Thread John Burt
Yes, \bendAfter is just what I was looking for. Thank you very much!

On Sat, Feb 8, 2020 at 5:52 PM Thomas Morley 

> Am Sa., 8. Feb. 2020 um 23:47 Uhr schrieb John Burt :
> >
> > I'm sorry to say that I don't even know the proper term for what I am
> trying to do. I am setting some Georgian folksongs. Sometimes they end with
> a descending glide on the last note (like an engine running down). On the
> handwritten sheet music I have been using this is represented as a squiggly
> descending line after the last note. I'd like to put that in my score, but
> I have no idea how to code it. Does anyone have an idea?
> > John Burt
> Look for bendAfter. Does it already help?
> Cheers,
>   Harm

How to code a glide?

2020-02-08 Thread John Burt
I'm sorry to say that I don't even know the proper term for what I am
trying to do. I am setting some Georgian folksongs. Sometimes they end with
a descending glide on the last note (like an engine running down). On the
handwritten sheet music I have been using this is represented as a squiggly
descending line after the last note. I'd like to put that in my score, but
I have no idea how to code it. Does anyone have an idea?
John Burt

Re: Instructions to install lilypond onto Raspberry Pi

2020-01-17 Thread John Burt
Thank you for your help. I solved the problem in a stupidly easy way, or
rather discovered that I had caused the problem in a stupid way. It struck
me as strange that I could launch Denemo but not Lilypond, and it occured to
me that when I installed Denemo from the add/remove software tab on the
preferences pane I might have installed a version of Lilypond that was
conflicting with the one I had downloaded separately. So I deleted both
programs and started over, installing both of them from the add/remove
software tab on the preferences pane.. Now Denemo runs, and Lilypad runs
also. It should have occurred to me that if the repository maintainers
included Denemo that they would have made sure that the Lilypad they had was
compatible with it.

Sent from: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/User-f3.html

Re: Instructions to install lilypond onto Raspberry Pi

2020-01-17 Thread John Burt
I downloaded the deb-file for lilypond from
http://partitura.org/index.php/lilypond/. It installed smoothly. But I had
trouble getting it to run because of the required dependency on guile 1.8 (I
have guile 2 something). I followed the instructions on the partitura page
for downloading guile 1.8, but when I update my apt program it tells me that
the apt archive for jessie is no longer available. Is there another way that
you know of to install guile 1.8? 

I also downloaded the source for lilypond to see whether I could compile it.
But I'm new at that. Do you have an idea how hard it would be for me to
modify the lilypond sources so that they would work with the guile I have?

Sent from: http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/User-f3.html