Horizontal movement of SustainPedal

2006-10-04 Thread Michael J Millett

\version 2.8.4
Mac 10.39

I am trying without success to move the sustain pedal marking 
horizontally. Shouldn't this be doing it?

\once\override SustainPedal #'extra-offset = #'(-3.0 . 0.0)


\once\override Staff.SustainPedal #'extra-offset = #'(-3.0 . 0.0)

I see reference to this working: \override Staff.PianoPedalBracket 
#'extra-offset = #'(2 . -2),
but I am not getting it to work. I'm trying to move the symbol, not the 
bracket, anyway.

I've also tried without success:

\override SustainPedalLineSpanner #'padding = 1


\once \override Staff.SustainPedal #'self-alignment-X = 1

Thanks for your help,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond + LaTex (on Mac)

2006-09-16 Thread Michael J Millett
I know this doesn't help, but I have had the same problems trying to  
get LP to work with Mac TeXShop. I have read the manual over and over,  
searched other sites, and tried everything I can think of.  But I must  
be missing something because I haven't been able to get it to work,  
either. So, I am very curious about the solution. I'm glad you asked  
the question.


On Sep 16, 2006, at 6:38 AM, Peter O'Doherty wrote:

I have been using lilypond for some time now, much to my satisfaction  
and without problems.

Recently, I have also started using LaTex (on TeXShop) and have been  
trying to use lilypond-book, without succes.

My problem is really a beginner's one I guess as my experience with  
LaTex is limited. 

If I use the example given here:

and simply paste the following into an new empty LaTex document

     Documents for @command{lilypond-book} may freely mix music and  

     For example,
     \relative c' {
       c2 g'2 \times 2/3 { f8 e d } c'2 g4
     Options are put in brackets.
       c'4 f16

and click Typeset LaTex, I get the following error:
This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.30.4-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.5)
 \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e 2003/12/01
Babel v3.8d and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german,  
ngerman, d
utch, italian, norsk, portuges, spanish, swedish, nohyphenation,  

Document Class: article 2004/02/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class
! Undefined control sequence.
l.9      \relative
                   c' {
? loading : Context Support Macros / PDF (2004.03.26)

! LaTeX Error: Environment lilypond undefined.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H return  for immediate help.
l.8      \begin{lilypond}

Therefore, it's telling me that the lilypond environment is  
undefined. Can someone help me here? 

Secondly, I happend upon Nicola Vitacolonna's site where she provided  
the following information:

Lilypond is a very good music notation software, which can also be  
used with LaTeX. Put Lilypond.engine, Lilypond-LaTeX.engine and  
convert-ly.engine into your Library/TeXShop/Engines folder to run  
lilypond, lilypond-book and convert-ly, respectively, within TeXShop  
(you need to remove the .txt suffix, to make the scripts executable  
and to customize the LILYPONDFOLDER variable in the above files to  
match your Lilypond installation path). Unfortunately,  
pointing-and-clicking on a note will open your source file in the  
Lilypond application (point-and-click is not compatible with TeXShop).

However, this does not work, as I get the error:

/Users/peter/Library/TeXShop/Engines/Lilypond-LaTeX.engine does not  
have the executable bit set.

Does anyone have experience with the method?
Many thanks,

lilypond-user mailing list

Shortening ties

2006-08-17 Thread Michael J Millett
I have been attempting to get ties to stop short of the final notehead, 
but have been unsuccessful after several days of trying.  So I now have 
to ask for help.

 I am attempting to get the ties of a chord to stop well short of the 
second note.

Logic dictates, to me at least, that one of these should work:

\once\override Tie #'X-extent = #'(-10 . -10) b,, b,,, 4--~

\once\override Staff.Tie #'X-extent = #'(-10 . -10)  b,, b,,, 4--~

\once\override Voice.Tie #'X-extent = #'(-10 . -10)  b,, b,,, 4--~

But they don't. I am not getting error messages, but the ties are not 
moving, either.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Shortening ties

2006-08-17 Thread Michael J Millett

Mats Bengtsson wrote:

\override Tie #'details #'note-head-gap = #2.0

This worked!
\override Tie #'details #'note-head-gap = #13.0   b,,  b,,, 4--~
 s4. a,,8\rest  b,, b,,,  } 

If I'm not mistaken, #'X-extent represents the horizontal space 
APPARENTLY taken up by an object, not the actual width of the object. 
It's more like a padding value than a size value.

. . .
\once \override NoteColumn #'X-extent = #'(0 . 20) c
However, it's important to realise that I haven't changed the physical 
(visual) width of the object itself -- I've only made Lilypond THINK 
the note is wider than it actually is, and therefore Lilypond leaves 
more room (padding) around it.

Make sense?
Best regards,

This makes perfect sense. Interestingly, when a tie is added, the tie 
is unaffected. It just gets longer to accommodate the extra space. So 
NoteColumn seems to affect only the space between noteheads, and not 
the space between the notehead and other objects such as a tie. Perhaps 
this means that TieColumn or Voice.TieColumn would affect the padding 
between ties, not between ties and the notehead. But I'm guessing.

[From Stuart}
Is that of any use? You can use LaissezVibrerTieColumn #'X-extent to 
lengthen them to your desired length.

For some reason, perhaps the reason above, I was not able to tap into 
this with either:
 \override LaissezVibrerTieColumn #'extra-Y-extent = #'(5.0 . 3.0)  
b,,  b,,, 4--\laissezVibrer

 \override Voice.LaissezVibrerTieColumn #'extra-Y-extent = #'(5.0 . 
3.0)  b,,  b,,, 4--\laissezVibrer
I have a note that somehow I managed a while back to increase the 
vertical padding of the LV tie, but not the horizontal padding.

(Unfortunately, this isn't documented. To find this setting, I had to
look into the source code. )


I really appreciate your time and efforts. We all do. Just letting you 
know that I am trying very hard to figure things out on my own.

For anyone interested, the excerpt in question was from Debussy: Ce 
qu'a vu le vent d'Ouest.


lilypond-user mailing list

Markup text through transparent barline

2006-08-13 Thread Michael J Millett

\version 2.8.4

Is there a way to write a text markup that causes part of the barline 
to be transparent?

I am attempting to put a word in the center of a piano staff, in the 
middle of a right-handed repeat barline, such that the word shows 
through, and only that part of the barline becomes transparent.

I have tried using \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t in a lot of 
different ways, but so far haven't gotten it to do what I am seeking.

Thanks again ahead of time for your help.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Markup text through transparent barline

2006-08-13 Thread Michael J Millett

It works! And quite well! Thank you.

Now I have to ask: How did you learn this one? I haven't seen it 
documented or in the archives. :)


On Aug 13, 2006, at 9:34 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:

\version 2.9.14

stuff = \relative
\override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -2)
c'2^\markup { test }
c2^\markup { \whiteout test }
c2^\markup { \whiteout test }


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: pasting lilypond output into a Word document

2006-08-09 Thread Michael J Millett
If I'm not mistaken, I believe that Word, while accepting Postscript 
information into a file, then translates all graphics information  into 
BitMap before printing. I'm not sure about Publisher, but I'm guessing 
it does print in PS. So you might try it. Or try combining the files 
into an Acrobat file if you have Acrobat.


On Aug 9, 2006, at 5:48 PM, Jon Wild wrote:

I'm in a Windows environment at the moment, and I'm adding music 
examples rendered by Lilypond to a Word document. I'm getting quite 
low printout quality.

lilypond-user mailing list

Fingerings for piano chords with slurs

2006-08-08 Thread Michael J Millett

\version 2.8.4
mac 10.3.9

I see in the archives that there has been a lot of discussion about the 
placement of fingerings. But I didn't see a solution for what I am 
trying to do. I was wondering if anyone had found a solution.

I need to put the fingerings for all notes of the chord, above the 
staff, and inside the slur, stacked in a neat row. The problem, as is 
documented in the archives, is that, when a slur is involved, LP puts 
one or both of the fingerings way up. And the numbers can be quite far 
from one another, instead of stacked in a row like I need them.

In trying to move the placement with something like
\once \override Fingering #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . -5.5)
\once \override Voice.Fingering #'padding =#3
the fingerings of the chord move together instead of separately, 
exasperating the problem. There does not seem to be a way of adjusting 
them individually. The wide distance between the numbers remains. 
Padding will not accept a negative number, which is what I would need. 
When fingerings are added below the note, padding still increases the 
distance from the notehead. There doesn't seem to be a way of 
decreasing the distance.

I tried using \markup, but without success. There is reference in the 
archives to \rows, though no reference in the manual. That might solve 
my problem. But I couldn't find a syntax that worked.

The only other solution I can think of is to enter fingerings as 
Lyrics, entered as verses so I get rows, change the font, and put the 
lyrics above the staff. But if I'm not mistaken, this will also put the 
fingerings outside the slurs instead of inside.

So, I was hoping someone had a solution to offer.

In case it matters, this is a piano method book written by someone else 
that I might be asked to typeset. So fingering placement would be 


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: triangle chord notation

2006-08-08 Thread Michael J Millett
Here is how I understand it: Jazz/pop chord symbols are to be 
considered literal. That means, the key signature is Not Ever to be 
considered. A 6 is always a major sixth. A seventh is always a minor 
seventh. A 9 is always a major ninth. An 11 is always a P11, and a 13 
is always a major 13.

When alterations are made, the literal accidental should be used. But . 
. .

But, at least in usage, this is where the system breaks down. 
Sometimes, # means raised, b means lowered, from the conventions listed 
above. Figuring out which is which, is usually a matter of common 
sense. Though, I have run across a few that have not been clear.

Consider the following (difficult to typeset in normal text) Ab (b9).  
Spelled Ab C Eb Gb Bbb (or A). b9 refers to the fact that the ninth is 
not a major ninth, but is lowered from the conventional. The other 
possibility is Ab {bb9). This is messy, and not appropriate for chord 
symbols, which, ironically, are probably designed to simplify matters.

In regards to the Cm#7: I have always seen this written as Cm (maj 7), 
making it clear that the 7th is not the conventional minor 7th. The 
other possibility is Cm (♮7). However, #7 makes perfect sense when 
considered with the convention. It means the seventh is raised from 
the conventional. Key signatures don't count when using chord symbols.

I hope this helps :)


On Aug 8, 2006, at 2:01 PM, Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:

No, the #7 notation is only valid for chords based on the melodic minor
scale.  In the USA we would typically call this for example CmM7 in 
they may call it Cm#7 in both cases the note stack is the same c ef g 
Speaking it, it's called the minor major seventh chord, check out 
the song

When You Wish Upon A Star for an example.

Of course #7 makes no sense at all on major chords, because #7 is the 

View this message in context: 

Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at Nabble.com.

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: triangle chord notation

2006-08-08 Thread Michael J Millett
We seem to be in agreement except for one concept: The idea of a 
jazz/pop chord symbol being based on a melodic minor scale, or any 
other scale for that matter, is irrelevant. There is no way for a 
person reading the chords to guess what form of minor mode is being 
invoked. Scores do not say up front: I am in melodic minor. And, it 
would defeat the purpose of the system anyway, that being, to be simple 
and practical.

Those who play chord symbols tend to know some basic concepts. They can 
play a major chord on any note. They can make any of those chords a 
dominant 7th chord (E7).  They know how to add a sixth as a whole step 
above the fifth. They know how to add a second or ninth a whole step 
above the root .

Anything other than this is considered an alteration from those basics. 
In fact, it isn't even necessary to read the chord symbols very 
carefully. For instance, if the 6th (or 13th) is altered in any way, 
it's lowered. If the 7th is altered in any way, it's raised. If the 4th 
or 11th is altered in any way, it's raised. After the basics, the 
system used to explain the alterations shouldn't make a difference. 
After all, the alterations from these basics, can only go one 

Jazz/Pop chord symbol readers simply know these things without 
thinking. As theorists, we are capable of figuring out and explaining 
why these alterations are the way they are. The chord reader, however, 
does not need to care about the key or type of minor scale.

I still maintain that neither the concept of key or mode matters when 
reading jazz/pop chord symbols.  There exists the basic chords, with 
7th always referring to a dominant 7th, the standard additions of the 
major ninth, perfect fourth, major sixth; and then everything else is 
an alteration of one of those, with any alteration being only capable 
of going one common-sense direction.


lilypond-user mailing list

LaTex and LP (undefined environment)

2006-07-28 Thread Michael J Millett
I am attempting to write a file in TexShop 1.43 that includes Lilypond 
code. But I keep getting the error message:

! LaTeX Error: Environment LilyPond  undefined.

Here are some things I've tried:

Cut and pasted directly from the LP manual.
	Have tried spelling LP as LilyPond, lilypond, Lilypond, LilyPond.app, 
	Have used the entire path to the application, such as: 
	Made sure that the the TexShop file I was creating was in the the same 
folder as the Lilypond application.

Have tried adding: \usepackage {lilypond}
Have tried adding to the preamble: \newenvironment (lilypond).
Have checked the archives.

I still get the same error message.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Here is an example from TexShop:



Documents for @command{lilypond-book} may freely mix music and text.
For example,

\begin{LilyPond }
\relative c' {
c2 g'2 \times 2/3 { f8 e d } c'2 g4

Options are put in brackets.

\begin[fragment,quote,staffsize=26,verbatim] {lilypond}
c'4 f16


\end {document}

I am hoping eventually to create tests and handouts using TexShop with 

Thanks for your help.


lilypond-user mailing list

Lyrics and centering

2006-07-24 Thread Michael J Millett
I am having a problem with the centering of lyrics, for which I was 
hoping to get some help.

I cannot get the words to center underneath the proper note when a tie 
is involved. For instance, if a note is tied, the word is centering 
underneath the Two notes, and not underneath only the first note of the 
tie, as it should. I've tried both \set ignoreMelismata = ##t and  \set 
melismaBusyProperties = #'(), but to no effect.

I am also getting the word not centered on the first beat of the second 
measure, where the first beat is part a slur.

One question in particular: Is it absolutely necessary use Lyricsto 
instead of the other lyric modes in order to get the centering I am 
trying to get?

So far, I haven't found any examples of this.

Thanks again for your help. This has certainly been the nicest user 
group I can remember being a part of :) That helps!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyrics and centering

2006-07-24 Thread Michael J Millett
In regards to lyric placement, you now have me highly intrigued. So I 
surveyed a number of sources. Sorry about the length.

G Schirmer/AMP Manual of Style and Usage (pages 88 - 89)

There is no discussion of this topic. However, in most of the examples, 
the first note of a measure is aligned with the word such that the 
approximately the second letter of the word is directly underneath the 
note-head. This seems to be regardless of the presence of a slur or 
tie. This also includes a hyphenation that starts a measure; the hyphen 
precedes the first letter, as it would be two spaces to the left of the 
note-head. For all other notes, except those involving hyphens or 
extensions, the word is centered underneath the note-head. In the case 
of hyphenated words, page 82 shows an example where each part of the 
word except the first is aligned flush left. But, the example on page 
89 shows the last word of the hyphen as centered. I'm not sure if there 
is a convention here, or it is just made to fit. I did not find an 
example of an extension that did not involve the beginning of a 
measure. In the case of ties, the word is not centered under the two 
notes; it is aligned only with the first note of the tie.

Gardner Read (pages 287 - 299)

There is no discussion of this topic. However, in every example except 
17-8, the first word of a measure is centered underneath the note-head. 
It looks to me like the first note of the measures have been moved to 
the right to accommodate the centering of the word. In the case of 
hyphens, the words are still centered. In the case of extensions, some 
examples show the first word centered, and some show alignment of the 
note-head with approximately the second letter (page 292). In the case 
of ties, the word is not centered under the two notes; it is aligned 
only with the first note of the tie.

FJ Haydn: Creation, Dover reprint from CF Peters edition

The usage is inconsistent. The word for the first note of measures 
sometimes aligns with the first, second, or even third letter of the 
word. Sometimes, the first word is centered. It just seems to be 
designed to fit. There are some interesting examples on pages 156 - 
157. In the case of hyphens and extensions, again, I am finding no 
great consistency. In the case of ties: same thing as said earlier:  
The word is not centered under the two notes; it is aligned only with 
the first note of the tie.

My current issue with LP is that it is centering words underneath both 
notes of the tie instead of just the first. Thank you for the 
suggestions on how to fix that.

Conclusion: I do not find any great consistencies. However, in a very 
general way:

First words of measures are often aligned with note-heads such that 
approximately the second letter is aligned with the note-head.

Hyphenated words are often aligned in the same way as above, but 
certainly not always. The first syllables, however, tend to be 
centered, unless it is the beginning of a measure.

The first syllable of melismas are often aligned with note-heads such 
that approximately the second letter is aligned with the note-head. 
But, are also often aligned flush left.

Words involving tied notes are aligned in some way to only the first 
note of the tie, and never to both notes of the tie.

In regards to the quoted comment: 
Another help in reading a melisma is the proper alignment of the lyric.

The word or syllable, instead of being centered under the note,
should be aligned flush left with the left edge of the note-head.

The only consistent example of flush left alignment in the Schirmer I 
can find involves hyphenation (page 82), and not a melisma. Melismas 
are not aligned flush left here. In the Haydn, the opposite seems to be 
true. Often the syllable that begins the melisma is aligned flush left, 
while the second syllable of hyphenated words is aligned to near the 
second letter.  See page 107 for some interesting comparisons between 
melismas and hyphenated words.

Overall, the words are just made to fit and made to be easily read. 
I do not see how an ideal algorithm could ever be designed to 
accommodate all this.

Congratulations to the programmers of LP for doing so well with this!


lilypond-user mailing list

Update on changing header fonts

2006-07-20 Thread Michael J Millett
I wanted to post an update of my attempt at changing the fonts in the 
headers, since it might be helpful to other non-programmers like 
myself. It's been a real education!

Writing this code into the header part of an LP file, then running it 
in LP, produced a long list of fonts that are available to LP:


Here is a short example of what it looked like:

family AppleGothic
family Osaka
family Century Schoolbook L
 Century Schoolbook L:style=Bold
family Century Schoolbook L
 Century Schoolbook L:style=Italic
family Helvetica CY
com˙n,Almindelig,Texto Normal

Not all the fonts on my system got listed or seem to be available. I 
don't know why that is or what to do about it; That will have to be a 
project for later. The font I really wanted to use, Goudy, was not one 
that was listed as being available.

Cutting and pasting from the list into an LP file miraculously produced 
a font change. The name from the list that LP wanted was the word after 
family. Here is the code for an absurd but working example:

\header {
  title= \markup { \override #'(font-name . F u t u r a  ) 
composer = \markup { \override #'(font-name . A m e r i c a n   T y p 
e w r i t e r ) JS Bach } }

Here is the oddity: Notice that in the font names, a space  exists 
between each later. I would never have guessed this as a possibility.

Thanks to everyone for your help and leading me in the right direction.

And now for my next act: Getting midi2ly to work in the Terminal. 
Please stay tuned . . .


lilypond-user mailing list

Changing fonts in headers

2006-07-13 Thread Michael J Millett
This is a request for help in changing the font of the title to Goudy. Based on what I read in the manual, this is my best guess for how to do it, but is not working (unexpected override). Thanks ahead of time for any help provided.

Michael Millett

\version 2.8.0

\header {
\override header.title #'font-name = #Goudy title = FEUILLET D'ALBUM
composer = A. Scriabine, Op. 45 No 1 
subtitle = [Album Leaf] }

global = {
\key ees \major
\time 3/4 
lilypond-user mailing list

Changing fonts in headers

2006-07-13 Thread Michael J Millett
I am sorry to report that I have still not been successful in changing 
the font of the headers, and request some suggestions. LP ignored the 

\header {
  title= \markup { \override #'(font-name . Goudy) FEUILLET 


\header {
   title= \markup { \override #'(font-name . Goudy) FEUILLET 

Other combinations I've tried also have not worked.

I now wonder if LP contains a vehicle for changing the header fonts. 
Does anyone know?

Thanks again for your efforts.


lilypond-user mailing list

First time running, cannot get to work. Request help

2006-06-13 Thread Michael J Millett
I have not yet been able to get LilyPond to work. For even the test 
file, I get: parser error. braces don't match. This happens even though 
I have directly cut and pasted from .ly  files available on your web 
site. I have tried numerous ways of adjusting the curly braces, but 
still can't get it to work. I have tried other files available from the 
website, but yet no success.

Here is the test file I have used:

{ c'4 e' g' }

Here is the response I get from Terminal:

lilypond test.ly
lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.2.5
Running lilypond-bin...
Now processing `test.ly'

/Users/michaelm/test.ly:1:1: error: parse error:
  c'4 e' g' }

/Users/michaelm/test.ly:1:9: warning: Braces don't match:
{ c'4 e'
 g' }
Failed files: test.ly

lilypond: error: LilyPond failed on input file test (exit status 1)
lilypond: warning: Running LilyPond failed. Rerun with --verbose for a 

Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Thank you for your help.


lilypond-user mailing list