7dim symbol in chord names

2015-10-16 Thread Yann
Hello all !

Is there a way to modify 7dim (e.g. print "C#7dim"  instead of default
"C#07") notation in chord names, like what can be done for maj7 with
majorSevenSymbol property ?

Thanks in advance !

lilypond-user mailing list

Specifying absolute MIDI start/end volume for crescendo/decrescendo

2014-08-26 Thread Yann
Hello :)

I have a situation similar to this one :

\relative c'{ c4\mp d\ e f |

g a b c |

b\ a g f |

e d c2\! |

c c |


(I don't know exactly how this one is rendered in midi, but this is to give
an idea).

What I mean with these dynamics is, the ending volume of the decresc is
more or less the same as starting volume of the cresc (so, mp) - I don't
know if it is clear only by seeing the score.

But what I get in the midi is that the volume at the end of the decresc is
a lot softer. My question is, is there a way to specify an absolute ending
volume for the decresc (or maybe with an invisible dynamic). Is someone
aware of a way to achieve this ?

Thanks a lot !

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problems with DC al Fine template

2014-05-24 Thread Yann
Hello !

(I don't include my previous post which can be seen here :

Just to say, I solved my issue #1, with the lines numbers, just by
removing the lines

\consists Mark_engraver
\consists Staff_collecting_engraver

\remove Mark_engraver
\remove Staff_collecting_engraver

I don't remember why I did put these, maybe I adapted a snippet I
found somewhere that had them.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problems with DC al Fine template

2014-05-24 Thread Yann
2014-05-24 18:20 GMT+02:00 Yann yann@free.fr:
 Hello !

 (I don't include my previous post which can be seen here :

 Just to say, I solved my issue #1, with the lines numbers, just by
 removing the lines

 \consists Mark_engraver
 \consists Staff_collecting_engraver

 \remove Mark_engraver
 \remove Staff_collecting_engraver

 I don't remember why I did put these, maybe I adapted a snippet I
 found somewhere that had them.


Ok, I was too quick to post, now I remember the reason for these
\consists and \remove statements. I have chords in my template, and I
wanted the Fine and DC marks to be printed just above the staff
(that is, between the chords and the staff). About this, where would
you put the marks ? Between chords and staff, or above chords ?

But I discovered it can be achieved by keeping the lines related to
Mark_engraver. the \removeStaff_collecting_engraver seems to be
the one messing with the measure number position.

so my (reduced) working example is as follows :
\version 2.18.0

\paper { #(set-paper-size a4) }

accords = \chordmode {
  c1 c2 f g c f g g1 c c2 c |

melody = \relative c' {
  c'4 c c b |
  c8 b a g f g a f |
  b a g f e f g e |
  a g f e d e f fis |
  g2 g |
  c4 c c d |
  e8 f e d c2\once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X =
#RIGHT \mark \markup { \tiny \italic D.C. al Fine } |

% Staves
basePart = 
  \new ChordNames { \accords }
  \new Staff \with {
\consists Mark_engraver
\new Voice = melody { \repeat volta 2 { \melody } }

\book {
  \score {
\layout {
  \context {
\remove Mark_engraver


lilypond-user mailing list

Problems with DC al Fine template

2014-05-16 Thread Yann
Hi all ! :)

I have several problems with a DC al Fine template (I use variants
of it both for lead sheet and SATB, and the problem appears on both).
I tried to reduce my code to a minimal example (had to fill it with
random music), and simplified it (no lyrics, no chords). I noticed it
recently, but it was present I think in 2.16 (so I presume my code is
at fault).

I put the code at end of mail (I hope it will pass correctly through).

The problems are :
1-measure numbers appear at left of staves/systems, ad not above left
as usual (so for choir scores, it collides with the choir bracket) -
this one, I have absolutely no idea where it comes from (but I don't
have this problem with other templates).

2-the other one is with the Fine marking (comes probably from my
definition, but I feel it might need more code to fix it, don't know
exactly how to approach it) :
2.1-if the Fine double bar comes at the end of a line and end of
measure, then it should be ok.
2.2-if it comes in the middle of a line, then Fine does not always
print (in the code example, it is possible to move it easily by
changing the durations in choirDuration and verseDuration
variables e.g. choirDuration = {s1*10} and verseDuration = {s1*6} ).
2.3-if it comes in the end of a line, but not at a measure's end, then
the measure get cut, and of course the measure number is not printed
at the beginning of next line (looks a bit weird, though maybe nicer
for lyrics).

It is a bit fuzzy for me, but I think I would like this behaviour :
2.1 is ok ;
2.2 - always print - it does so if I comment out the \once \override
Score.RehearsalMark.break-visibility = #end-of-line-visible but then
in case 2.1, the mark prints at the beginning of next line ;
2.3 - prevent from cutting on the double bar if not at a measure's end ?

I hope my mail is not too messy. Does anyone has some clues/tracks ?
Thanks in advance ! :)


\version 2.18.0

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size a4)

choirDuration = {

verseDuration = {

melody = \relative c' {
  c'4 c c b |
  c8 b a g f g a f |
  b a g f e f g e |
  a g f e d e f fis |
  g2 g |
  c'4 c c b |
  c8 b a g f g a f |
  b a g f e f g e |
  a g f e d e f fis |
  g2 g |

  e8 f e d c2 |
  r4 e8 f g e f g |
  f e d f e d c e |
  d4 g g a8 g |
  f e d e c4 e8 f |
  g f e d c2 |

nVerses = 4

% Applying marks
metaData = {
  \choirDuration \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.break-visibility
= #end-of-line-visible
  \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT \mark
\markup { \tiny \italic Fine } \bar ||
  \verseDuration \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.break-visibility
= #end-of-line-visible
  \once \override Score.RehearsalMark.self-alignment-X = #RIGHT \mark
\markup { \tiny \italic D.C. al Fine }

melody = {
  \repeat volta \nVerses {
 \metaData \melody 

% Staves
basePart = 
  \new Staff \with {
\consists Mark_engraver
\consists Staff_collecting_engraver
\new Voice = melody { \melody }

\book {
  \score {
\layout {
  \context {
\remove Mark_engraver
\remove Staff_collecting_engraver

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Best practice for dynamics position on SATB hymn with chords

2014-02-14 Thread Yann
My usual layout when typesetting hymns is a ChoirStaff, with SA-TB
voices, main lyrics printed between staves, ...
I was wondering, what is the best practice for positioning the
dynamics ? Above or below the staves ? Should them be printed only
once for all the ChoirStaff, or for each staff?

 Gould says (p 465, under Choral writing):
 _Dynamics, expression marks and technical instructions_: place these
 above each individual stave so that each singer can see them
 immediately (avoid a single instruction above the top stave, as this
 will most certainly be overlooked).

 and (p 468):
 Two-stave SATB layout
 Place dynamics and expression marks above the treble stave and below
 the bass stave, to apply to both voices on each stave.

 Brian Barker

Thank you for your detailed and documented answer. I guess the first
case is for 4 staves choral layout, so the dynamics don't collide or
interfere with lyrics.

I was thinking of doing something similar to what is described in the
second case. For the bass staff, I can place dynamics below, and hope
it won't be a problem if there are some echo lyrics (that will go
below the staff as well).
For the treble staff, I was wondering, won't it be confusing, as there
are chord names above it as well ?
Would it be enough if I put dynamics only once below the ChoirStaff ?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Best practice for dynamics position on SATB hymn with chords

2014-02-14 Thread Yann
 Why are there chord names above the vocal score?  As a singer, I would find
 that very unhelpful.  Why not just lose them for the vocal part?

 Phil Holmes

This is for a hymn book project; the hymns are harmonised 4 voices,
but a requirement is that chords should appear as well, so guitar
players that are used to it can play an accompaniment for the
assembly. So eventhough I produce a lead sheet (melody, lyrics and
chords) as well, I think it is a good thing to have the chords also on
the assembly score.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: New try with lyric extender

2014-02-13 Thread Yann
 I think the best solution for me now is to use the method described in
 the manual :
 and to manually build and tailor the NullVoice to have proper extenders.

 I prefer this method over the other (modifying associatedVoice within
 the lyrics).
 Now I wonder if by chance there is a possibility to automatically
 build the aligner voice, but I think it is quite complicated (too
 much for me now, at least !)

Hello again :)

I have a problem with the code below, lilypond gives me errors with
the two scheme expressions.

 \version 2.18.0

 correctionAlignement = ##t
 aligner = \relative c' { g'4. g8 c,4( c) | }
 lyrics = \lyricmode { Glo -- ri -- a __ }

   \new Staff 
 \new Voice = melodie \relative c'{ \voiceOne g'4. g8 c,2 | | }
 \new Voice = alto \relative c' { \voiceTwo c4 bes c2 | }
 #(cond ((eq? correctionAlignement #t)
   (#{ \new NullVoice = aligner \aligner #})))
   #(if (eq? correctionAlignement #t)
 (#{ \new Lyrics \lyricsto aligner $lyrics #})
 (#{ \new Lyrics \lyricsto melodie $lyrics #}))

Can someone tell me why ?
Thanks in advance ! :)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: New try with lyric extender

2014-02-13 Thread Yann
2014-02-13 15:36 GMT+01:00 David Nalesnik david.nales...@gmail.com:
 Hi Yann,

 Looks to be simply a problem with too many parentheses.
 Try this:

  \version 2.18.0
 correctionAlignement = ##t
 aligner = \relative c' { g'4. g8 c,4( c) | }
 lyric = \lyricmode { Glo -- ri -- a __ }

   \new Staff 
 \new Voice = melodie \relative c'{ \voiceOne g'4. g8 c,2 | | }
 \new Voice = alto \relative c' { \voiceTwo c4 bes c2 | }
 #(cond ((eq? correctionAlignement #t)
   #{ \new NullVoice = aligner \aligner #}))
   #(if (eq? correctionAlignement #t)
#{ \new Lyrics \lyricsto aligner $lyric #}
#{ \new Lyrics \lyricsto melodie $lyric #})


Hi David, thank you very much for your almost instant answer :)

Ah yes, it works. I didn't think too much parentheses could harm... Is
it because they have some special meaning in scheme (evaluate this
expression, or something like this) ?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: New try with lyric extender

2014-02-13 Thread Yann
 Ah yes, it works. I didn't think too much parentheses could harm... Is
 it because they have some special meaning in scheme (evaluate this
 expression, or something like this) ?

 Yes.  When an expression is read, () enclose a list.  When a list is
 evaluated, its first element is the function to call and the remaining
 elements (after evaluation for functions, before evaluation for macros)
 are the arguments.

 So + is a function, and (+) is 0, namely the addition function called on
 zero arguments.  And ((+)) tries calling 0 as a function, but since it
 is not a function, you get an error.

 David Kastrup

Aaah... Now I better understand. I'm more used to c-like languages
where parentheses have a more mathematical meaning.

Thanks for your explanations !


lilypond-user mailing list

Best practice for dynamics position on SATB hymn with chords

2014-02-13 Thread Yann
Good evening everybody,

My usual layout when typesetting hymns is a ChoirStaff, with SA-TB
voices, main lyrics printed between staves, and chord names printed
above the ChoirStaff. In some hymns that have some echo voice, if
lyrics differ for the echo, they are printed below the ChoirStaff.

I was wondering, what is the best practice for positioning the
dynamics ? Above or below the staves ? Should them be printed only
once for all the ChoirStaff, or for each staff ?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re:Weird behaviour of new NullVoice feature

2014-02-12 Thread Yann
 Is it a bug ?

 I think so and I've created
 for this

 thanks for reporting it!

Thanks for creating the issue on the tracker.
I was playing again with NullVoice, and I noticed some unpredictable
behaviour with the following example :

\version 2.18.0

  \new Staff 
\new Voice = melodie \relative c''{ \voiceOne c4. g8 c2 | }
\new Voice = alto \relative c' { \voiceTwo c4 b c( bes) | }
\new NullVoice = xyz \relative c' { c4 b c2 | }
  \lyricsto xyz \new Lyrics \lyricmode {Glo -- ri -- a __ }

Here, if I'm not mistaken, as the lyrics are associated with NullVoice
xyz, the extender should end before, but it acts as if it was
associated with alto voice instead. The extender looks the same if I
define xyz as :
\new NullVoice = xyz \relative c'' { c4. g8 c2 | }
(melodie notes)

I rather like this behaviour of having the lyric extender lasting to
match the melismata of other voices (was trying to do something like
this), but I don't understand why it does so here, as this behaviour
is not systematic.

Should I add it as a comment to the issue you created last time, or
report it as a new one ?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: New try with lyric extender

2014-02-12 Thread Yann
 Looking at the link though, it strikes me that automating this could be a 
 rather challenging problem, though, and involve  more labor than simply 
 tweaking Kieren's solution to fit different situations.

Hi again,

After some tries, as I'm not comfortable enough using scheme, I didn't
find a suitable approach to automatically solve this problem.

I think the best solution for me now is to use the method described in
the manual :
and to manually build and tailor the NullVoice to have proper extenders.

(example from the manual :)

soprano = \relative { b'8( c d c) d2 }
altoOne = \relative { g'2 b8( a b4) }
altoTwo = \relative { d'2 g4( fis8 g) }
aligner = \relative { b'8( c d c) d( d d d) }
words = \lyricmode { la __ la __ }

\new ChoirStaff 
  \new Staff 
\new NullVoice = aligner \aligner
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto aligner \words
  \new Staff \partcombine \altoOne \altoTwo

I prefer this method over the other (modifying associatedVoice within
the lyrics).
Now I wonder if by chance there is a possibility to automatically
build the aligner voice, but I think it is quite complicated (too
much for me now, at least !)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: New try with lyric extender

2014-02-11 Thread Yann
Hi David, sorry for replying so late.

Thanks a lot for your help. I'll try to see if I can do something on
this topic, and I'll keep the list updated if I get to something
working (or not working...)


lilypond-user mailing list

New try with lyric extender

2014-02-03 Thread Yann
Hello all :)

I wanted to try again to find a solution to adapt the length of a
lyric extender in order to take into account all voices in a SATB
hymn, as I described sometimes ago in
and following messages.

So I read some sections of the learning manual (about modifying
properties and tweaking, which I still don't fully understand). Using
the notation manual and internals reference, I found that lyric
extenders are object of the kind Lyrics.LyricExtender . Am I correct
till there ?

Then, I have the following questions :

-Is there a way to display (to console for example) the value of a
given property ?
I tried with #(Lyrics.LyricExtender.minimum-length) or \display
Lyrics.LyricExtender.minimum-length but I don't know where to place
such directive, should it be correct.
-If I'm not mistaken, I should be able to modify the properties of a
single object using for example \once \override
Lyrics.LyricExtender.minimum-length, placed somewhere before the
object I want to modify. Is it correct ?
-If so, is there a way to get the property of a particular single object ?

I've seen that there's a user settable property of the
lyric-extender-interface called next. How can I access this ? Could
it be of some help for my current problem ?

I'm sorry if my questions look somehow messy, and not rigorous (I may
be confused between different concepts, such as properties,


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: New try with lyric extender

2014-02-03 Thread Yann

 For example, there are several answers to

-Is there a way to display (to console for example) the value of a
given property ?

 but I hesitate to write a treatise :)

 I think this is a not working example for what he asked for:

 \version 2.18.0
   a a a a
 \addlyrics {
   A B C D
   % what should be written here instead?
   \display Lyrics.LyricExtender.minimum-length


Thank you both for your answers. Yes Joram, this is would be a not
working minimal example for my 1st question. I'm sorry, as I'm not
that comfortable with this, so I didn't know how I could design this

Sorry also, I didn't fully explained what is my final goal with all
this, but just cited a previous post. For next time, what is the best
way to do ? Repost all the background+example, or just give reference
to the previous post ?


lilypond-user mailing list

Weird behaviour of new NullVoice feature

2014-01-25 Thread Yann
Hello all :)

I was trying the new NullVoice feature (hoping to solve the issue I
described in
http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2013-11/msg00810.html - but
unfortunately I think my approach there is not good).

However, I discovered a weird behaviour using the following example :

\version 2.18.0

\paper { ragged-right = ##f }

global = {

\key f \major

\time 4/4


melodie = \relative c' {


g'4. g8 c,2 |

f4 g a bes |

a2 g |


alto = \relative c' {


c4 bes c2 |

c4 e f f |

f2 f4( e) |


tenor = \relative c' {


g4 f e2 |

f4 c' c bes |

c( b) c2 |


basse = \relative c {


e4 d c( bes) |

a4 c f8( e) d4 |

c2 c |


refrain = \lyricmode {

Glo -- ri -- a __ in ex -- cel -- sis De -- o, __


choirPart = \new ChoirStaff 

\new Staff \with {


\new Voice = melodie { \voiceOne \melodie }

\new Voice = alto { \voiceTwo \alto }

\new NullVoice = aligner \alto

\new Lyrics \lyricsto aligner \refrain

\new Staff \with {


\clef bass

\new Voice = tenor { \voiceOne \tenor }

\new Voice = basse { \voiceTwo \basse }

\book {

\score {


\layout { }



Unless I'm missing something, I think I should get the same result as if I
were using \new Lyrics \lyricsto alto \refrain, but in the first measure,
the Glo and ri are printed on the same note. The rest of the line looks ok

Is it a bug ?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Version control tools

2014-01-08 Thread Yann
Hello :)

I used to work with svn some years ago (I learned it for programming at
first). I mostly then used GUIs with it (TortoiseSVN on windows and kdesvn
on linux).

Then I moved to Mercurial (hg) after comparing between different softwares.
One of the main reason I chose it over git was the availability of a good
GUI on windows
 (TortoiseHG works very well and is integrated both with windows explorer
and nautilus under linux/gnome). I also sometime use the command line
directly, but mostly for administration tasks or scripting.

I frequently use an addon to hg called mercurial-queues (mq) that allow to
work on a patch queue. So most of the time, I use patches to try some new
things (in scores also), or can switch between different queues depending
on which project I work on (each change on patches can be versionned in a
secondary repository).

When things get a little more stable, I commit changes to the main
repository, and I can push to a server if I'm working on a shared project
(I guess hg and git are quite similar in term of possible workflows).

To the question :
  Simon Bailey:
  so, my follow up question: why use git as a single user?

The main advantage I would see on using hg (but I think it is the same with
git) over svn, as a single user, is that :
in svn, you basically (if I'm not mistaken) need both the repository itself
(either local or distant) and a local checkout/working copy. If by any
chance by mistake you delete the repo folder, then all your history is lost
(er... yes, I did it once).

With hg, each clone of a repository IS a complete repository itself. So
your working copy is a repository itself (the main folder just contains a
hidden .hg folder with all the history data). I feel this is an advantage
over svn when working locally, as your data and the history are at the same

lilypond-user mailing list

LSR and convert-ly/updating

2014-01-08 Thread Yann
Hello all :)

I remember seeing somewhere that the snippets on the LSR were written for
Lilypond 2.14.

Should I update them with convert-ly when using them ?

By the way, thanks to all the contributors for the recent release of 2.18
!! :D

lilypond-user mailing list

smallCaps and accented letters

2013-12-20 Thread Yann
Hello everybody :)

I noticed in a score that I've recently typeset that smallCaps doesn't
support accented characters (which is indeed written in the manual).

Is there a plan to extend smallCaps to support accented letters in future
versions ?
For now, is there a workaround ?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Bug in the manuals ?

2013-12-11 Thread Yann

 See the link Automatic language selection in the footer of manuals.

 No bug :-)

 I think it _is_ a bug if the table-of-contents entries of the French
 documentation lead anywhere but to the French chapters.

 The automatic language selection should not come into play when
 navigating _inside_ of a particular language document.

 So when I click on 4. Retouche de partition in
 there should not be a link to
 but rather to

Hello !

Yes, I missed the automatic language selection feature, it works when
modifying Firefox settings. Thanks for pointing to this :)

What happens if the automatic language selection is set to English, is
that I get the French page when clicking French down the page, but
it will always go back to English whenever I change page (either from
the TOC, or by clicking on links within the manual page I'm viewing).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re:improving LilyPond useability

2013-12-10 Thread Yann
Hello everybody :)

I recently followed with great interest all the discussion about
improving Lilypond usability/Windows experience/extending with
packages. Sorry, I didn't reply on the fly, but here are a few
thought about these things (a bit mixed, sorry).

It has been a long time since I used Lilypond on windows (maybe since
2.12) and I almost never used Lilypad (at that time I was using
Rosegarden on Linux to type some scores, then exported to Lilypond,
then compile the score with Lilypond on windows because the windows
version was more recent than the one available through Linux package
But I remember the way it worked by default (drag and drop or double
clicking on the .ly) felt a bit weird. I think also maybe at that time
the behaviour regarding output path was also surprising (I don't
remember exactly, but I have some fuzzy memories of pdf files going to
different directories than the input one, and maybe to different
places depending whether your drag and drop or you double-click).

I think as some other have said that it would be more logical to open
the file in Lilypad when double-clicking on the .ly, and to give the
user the possibility to compile it from there (I don't remember if
there is a compile score menu item).

 Learning Manual is 200 pages.  10 times too long - noone except the
 most nerdy people would read it (no surprise that i'm using Lily - i'm
 a nerd ;P).  Even the Tutorial part of it is way too long (20 pages
 just to get the program running and another 20 pages to get very basic

 I've created a Quick-start tutorial some time ago - my choir
 colleagues used it when crowd-typesetting Dixit Dominus.  It's only
 6 pages long and covers nearly all basic notation elements than a
 beginner would need - but it's not just a cheat-sheet: it introduces
 and teaches how to use Lily.  Add to that 3 pages explaining how to
 write basic structure and we'd have something that gives an easy (but
 complete enough) introduction to LilyPond in half an hour (as opposed
 to 2 days of reading and heavy thinking for the Learning manual).

I agree with this statement of Janek Warchoł, I think a quick start
document would be nice. Maybe the user could be redirected to it when
first starting Lilypond (either a web page launched in the browser, or
a document open) ? Such a document would fall in-between the c d e f g
a b c example of Lilypad and the learning manual.

I really like as well the proposal about having some LaTeX like (I'm
not saying that it HAS to be similar to LaTeX behaviour here)
extension by packages capability. What I really came to like about
LaTeX is that you can really separate the form and the content, having
all your options and settings grouped for example in a preamble file.
I get the feeling (maybe I'm wrong here) that it is currently more
difficult to do with Lilypond, as you would need to insert statements
and overrides in various places (layout, staves options) to change the
score's look.
About this, I also like the fact in LaTeX that once I find the package
that does what I want, I can read the associated doc and use it. Most
of the time it is as simple as load this package, specify options
and use some new commands if provided. What I mean is that the
procedure is somewhat standard and unified.

However, I have a question : it has been suggested to use the package
capability to implement new features, that could be merged later on to
the main Lilypond release. If that happens, what is done with the
package ? Does it stays outside Lilypond core as an external package ?
or is it merged inside ? So do we still have to include/usepackage it
? (just bouncing ideas, it will surely depend on how all this
mechanism is implemented, if this work is done).

I came across several projects (Lalily, openlilylib, orchestralily, or
Nicolas Sceaux scores) that seemed to have very nice features (didn't
explore much though, sorry). Would be great if these could somehow
benefit of some standardised package like interface.

Sorry for such a long message - maybe useless :)


lilypond-user mailing list

Bug in the manuals ?

2013-12-10 Thread Yann
Hello again,

I never reported it before, but I come across this when using the manuals :
-by default, I land on the French page
http://lilypond.org/manuals.fr.html (in Firefox, or from Frescobaldi
-Then I load a manual (notation reference, or learning :
-All the links (in the table of contents on the left, or in the page)
direct me by default to the English pages :
instead of http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.16/Documentation/learning/tutorial.fr.html

This does more or less the same with the notation reference manual.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Extending lyric extender

2013-11-26 Thread Yann
 Two observations:
 1. The “\set associatedVoice” needs to before the syllable PRIOR to the one 
 you actually want to “switch” to the new voice — one of my least favourite 
 things in Lilypond.
 2. The X-offset tweak is to avoid the weird shift of the text (to match the 
 shift of the note in that voice), and thus may not be necessary in your 
 situation — comment it out to see the default output.

 Hope this helps!

Hello ! Thanks a lot for your help.

I vaguely thought of something like that, but I would have liked to
find a more generic or global solution, because usually (I mean in
my templates) the variable containing the lyrics is used in different
versions of the scores (lead sheet, choir). But I can do something
maybe using tags or something similar, if no other solution is

Here is an extract of the song I was trying to typeset :

\version 2.16.0

\paper { ragged-right = ##f }

global = {
  \key f \major
  \time 4/4

melodie = \relative c' {
  g'4. g8 c,2 |
  f4 g a bes |
  a2 g |

alto = \relative c' {
  c4 bes c2 |
  c4 e f f |
  f2 f4( e) |

tenor = \relative c' {
  g4 f e2 |
  f4 c' c bes |
  c( b) c2 |

basse = \relative c {
  e4 d c( bes) |
  a4 c f8( e) d4 |
  c2 c |

refrain = \lyricmode {
   Glo -- ri -- a __ in ex -- cel -- sis De -- o, __

choirPart = \new ChoirStaff 
  \new Staff \with {
\new Voice = melodie { \voiceOne \melodie }
\new Voice = alto { \voiceTwo \alto }
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto melodie \refrain
  \new Staff \with {
\clef bass
\new Voice = tenor { \voiceOne \tenor }
\new Voice = basse { \voiceTwo \basse }

\book {
  \score {
\layout { }

This is without modifying the voices assignment. My lyrics are in the
refrain variable.

Following your first advice, I tried :

refrain = \lyricmode {
  Glo -- \set associatedVoice = basse ri -- a __ in ex -- cel -- sis
\set associatedVoice = alto De -- o, __

However I get an error when compiling :
Interprétation en cours de la musique...
Test_extender.ly:47:43: Avertissement : trait d'union sans suite ; escamoté
  Glo -- \set associatedVoice = basse ri
   -- a __ in ex -- cel -- sis
\set associatedVoice = alto De -- o, __

Don't know how it is said in the english lilypond, something like
hyphen without sequel.

So I tried to move the directive next syllabe :

refrain = \lyricmode {
  Glo -- ri -- \set associatedVoice = basse a __ in ex -- cel -- sis
\set associatedVoice = alto De -- o, __

Lilypond doesn't complain, but then the extender never finishes till
the end of the song.

Doing only the second with alto voice :
refrain = \lyricmode {
  Glo -- ri -- a __ in ex -- cel -- sis \set associatedVoice = alto
De -- o, __
  in ex -- cel -- sis De -- o.

works perfectly fine (needs some offset tweaking like you did, but it
does its job).
Is it because the bass voice is on a different voice ?

Anyways, any idea on how I can get this working ?


lilypond-user mailing list

Extending lyric extender

2013-11-24 Thread Yann
Hello everybody !

I have the following situation in few hymns (SATB) I'm typesetting :

I chose to use the lyrics extender when for example, choir singers have to
hold a long note on a phrase ending, especially when, for example, one
voice sings a half note while some others sing 2 quarter notes.
I thus use the extender to remind all singers to hold their note till the
end, else the voices singing the two quarters will be heard alone.

In my generic setup, I'm attaching the lyrics to the soprano voice.
Everything is fine when the soprano have the 2 quarters.
But when the soprano sings the half, and alto sings the 2 quarters, then
the extender is too short.
It is only slightly wider than the half note, instead of being as wide as
the 2 quarter notes of the alto voice.

Is this behaviour normal ?
If so, is there a way to extend the extender so it takes the full
duration of the half note ?

I'm not sure everything is well explained, if needed I'll try to make a
minimal example.

Thanks !
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Question about autocompile bash script

2013-09-10 Thread Yann
Hello all :)

Just my 2cts contribution : I also had the same kind of requirement
(for an hymnbook project), only difference is I use a mercurial
repository instead of dropbox. When pushing changes to the repository,
it launches a command in bash (with a hook) running make in every
directory where a makefile exists.

The command for this is quite simple and just :
find path_to_directory -type f -name 'Makefile' -execdir make \;

Then I have a series of makefiles tailored to do what I want. Most of
the dependencies are deduced directly from the \include directives in
the main files (plus some other fixed depending on hymn template).
File structure is also scattered (different versions with common
parts, lyrics, melody, chords, voices...)

So what happens is that every time changes are pushed on the server,
make is called for each song, but exits quickly when no changes are
found and only launches lilypond if necessary.

I can give those makefiles if one is interested.


 Message: 7
 Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 11:22:24 +0200
 From: immanuel litzroth ilitzr...@gmail.com
 To: Jacques Menu jacques.m...@tvtmail.ch
 Cc: ArnoldTheresius arnold.we...@siemens.com, lilypond-user
 Subject: Re: Question about autocompile bash script
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 If there were some kind of make-dep for lilypond it could even generate
 these dependencies
 automaticaly, like it happens for C (the compiler generates dependencies
 when passed the
 correct flags). This should not be too hard to brew up?

 On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Jacques Menu jacques.m...@tvtmail.chwrote:

  Hello Carl,
  An approach could be to create a makefile containing:
  - the rules to compile LP files to PDF (fixed part);
  - the dependencies among LP files reflecting the presence of
  \include in them (variable part).
  Producing the makefile could be done by a script when your dropbox
  changes, and you could then call make to compile whatever needs to be.
  Le 10 sept. 2013 ? 10:04:54, ArnoldTheresius arnold.we...@siemens.com a
  ?crit :
   Carl Peterson-2 wrote
   Question for those who are familiar with linux bash shell scripting...
   The question I have is whether it is possible to set up a similar script
   trace a file's inclusion in other lilypond files and then compile
   whenever an upstream file is loaded. My template/framework for hymn
   settings uses discrete levels of file inclusions.
   lilypond-user mailing list
   I allready made a C program for Windows, which does a limited 'follow the
   \include files' to examine the file dates. Finally it starts lilypond
   (command line) if one of the source files found is newer than the
   PDF, otherwise it prompts for the question 'compile or not?'.
   This program is limited to
   - only files (source and result) in the current working directory are
   - the \include command must be the only one in the line (white space only
   allowed at the left), exactly one space to the string start '' character
   - \include commands inside a comment block ( '%{' to '%}' ) will be
   examined, too.
   Unfortunately, this program is specialized for my use. I did try (but not
   complete) to implement some special features. There is very little
   documentation in the source code.
   Only if you have some experiance in C programming the source code can
  help -
   but an experianced C programmer might be faster to build his own
   command line program form scratch than by extending my program.
   Feel free to ask for the C source code, if you are still interested.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond source and music sheet database

2013-04-06 Thread Yann

 2013/4/6 Stjepan Horvat zvanste...@gmail.com:
 Hey guys .. what would you prefer using as a lilypond database. I have bunch
 of files in bunch of folders laying around my pc with diferent versions of
 the same song, 20 same/diffrent config files, unsorted and some of them
 already are lost or can't find. Call it as a local publishing thing. I was
 using git but they say it is not good for binary (pdf) files..it is for
 programming..i want something where i can look for something i made 2 years
 ago. What are your solutions..?!

 I am using git and i'm *very* happy about it.  Git can be used for
 everything, binary files too.  Of course, the problem with pdfs is
 that they cannot be easily diffed, but that's not particular to git -
 i don't think other VCS do better in this regard.

 The things is, use git for tracking source files, not pdfs.  If you
 put \version statements in all your .ly files, you can always recreate
 a pdf with appropriate LilyPond version.

 Actually, it might make sense to track some pdfs as well, but i'd say
 only the versions that are somewhat final, and i'd create two
 repositories: one with sources, in which all pdfs would be ignored,
 and another one with finished (published) versions of pdfs - ones
 that are supposed to change rarely.

 hope this helps you,

 PS depending on your experience with VCSes (and your OS) Mercurial
 might be a better choice sometimes.


I don't know if this will be useful, but this is just a small comment
(somewhat off topic) on my (small) experience with this kind of
For a project I currently work on (a set of songs and hymns that we
are still heavily modifying and arranging), I did set up a mercurial
repository, to keep track of all the changes in the ly files.

I decided not to track the pdf and midi files, but I did some
makefiles and shell scripts to ease the compiling of the whole project
(this part is easier on linux-like systems I guess).
With this system set up on a server, I can have the relevant pdf and
midi files compiled and published to a www folder whenever a
contributor pushes some changes on the repository (thanks to some
mercurial hooks, that can run a script on a given event).

I chose mercurial mainly because it works well on win systems, with a
gui, so it can be easier to use in our team, for non-technical users
that are unlikely to use linux. Second reason was the possibility to
set up hooks to manage the automatic compilation thing.
(then I discovered several fancies extensions that were adding useful features).

Anyways, even if this is probably too complicated for most uses,
managing source versions of scores with a version control system is
really helpful even for day to day use (though it implies a bit of
learning at the beginning). I would say makefiles are really useful as
well when working on multi instrumental scores (managing instruments
parts ans so on).

Good night !
If the system described is interesting someone, I can give more details on it.


lilypond-user mailing list

Mediawiki extension

2007-11-04 Thread Yann Forget

I have some problems on a setup with Debian + Mediawiki + Lilypond.
I installed it according to http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:LilyPond
I have Debian stable (Etch), Lilypond 2.8.7.
Then I had to upgrade Lilypond to 2.10.29 (Debian testing) and guile to
1.8.2 (Debian unstable).

I copied some Lilypond files from some other sites, including
lilypond.org, but they do not work out of the box.
Simple examples work, but complex ones do not.
There are many syntax errors.


Help very much appreciated.

However the result is quite nice when it works:

Seeing the difficulties I have to set up Lilypond with Mediawiki, I
understand why the developers of the Wikimedia Foundation refuse to
enable it on Wikipedia and related projects. That's quite a pity,
because it would be very useful there.


http://www.non-violence.org/ | Site collaboratif sur la non-violence
http://www.forget-me.net/ | Alternatives sur le Net
http://fr.wikipedia.org/ | Encyclopédie libre
http://fr.wikisource.org/ | Bibliothèque libre
http://wikilivres.info | Documents libres

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Object get position color

2004-04-05 Thread Yann Davin
 --- Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit
 Yann Davin wrote:
  i am a new user, and i have two questions :)
  1. I would like to know if there is a way
  to do a function like get-object (x y) returns
  lilypond object at (x,y) position.
 ??? Why would you want to do that? What kind of
 coordinate system
 do you have in mind? The absolute placement on the
 paper will typically
 change as soon as you change anything in your score,
 so the only thing
 that would make sense is the rhythmical position
 (what beat in what

I am agree for printouts you don't need to have
absolute placement. But i would like to do a
micro-fontend like denemo for fun, and i need to find
object under the mouse position. So it can be great to
access to the absolute position of an object without
need to do ugly reverse calculus. 

I am looking with the denemo source...but if there is
a simple solution i heed :)


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Lilypond-user mailing list

Object get position color

2004-04-04 Thread Yann Davin

i am a new user, and i have two questions :)
1. I would like to know if there is a way
to do a function like get-object (x y) returns
lilypond object at (x,y) position.

2. and : Is it possible to output note with color ?

Thanks you.

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Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Where do I save .ly files so that the lilypond program can findit and read it?

2003-01-29 Thread Yann Morin
Have you installed Cygwin on your Windows ? Lilypond needs Cygwin to run. .ly files 
are localized in your user directory which is in the c:\cygwin\home\ directory.

I hope that helps you.

Yann Morin
Noisy le Grand (93), France

- Message d'origine - 
De : D'Armous Boone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : mercredi 22 janvier 2003 22:28
Objet : Where do I save .ly files so that the lilypond program can find it and read it?

 I just downloaded Lilypond for Windows and tried to run the
 test program as stated in the Tutorial.  Everytime I run the
 program, it states that it cannot find the 'test' file.  I
 am assuming that I have to save it in a particular space.
 Where do I need to save the file, or do I need to specify
 where to find the file when running the ly2dvi statement?
 Once again, I am brand spanking new with this program;
 thanks in advance for any help towards answering this
 D'Armous Boone
 Lilypond-user mailing list

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