> > > How do I change the papersize?  Right now, the music is running off
> > > the bottom of my paper.
> > 
> > I think you need to explicitly load a font-setting file after setting
> > papersize. The info pages say:
> > 
> > <    To change the paper size, you must first set the `papersize'
> > < variable at top level.  Set it to the strings `a4', `letter', or
> > < `legal'.  After this specification, you must set the font as described
> > < above.  If you want the default font, then use the 20 point font.
> > < 
> > <              papersize = "a4"
> > <              \include "paper16.ly"
> > < 
> > <    The file `paper16.ly'  will now include a file named `a4.ly', which
> > < will set the paper variables `hsize' and `vsize' (used by `ly2dvi')
> > 
> > So try
> > 
> > papersize = "letter"
> > \include "paper20.ly"
> > 
> > for the default font size on letter paper.

Yes, that used to be true. However, there's been some restructuring
in the init files, so you now have to set papersize as a paper 
variable, not as a global variable:

  papersize = "letter"
\include "paper20.ly"

The solution suggested by Laura doesn't work that well, 
since it only adjusts for the height of the page (which is
handled by TeX), not the width of the score (which is 
handled by Lilypond).

> Ok, I'm still lost.  I have tried the following two things:
> papersize = "letter"
> \include "paper23.ly"
> OR
> papersize = "letter"
> \include "paper20.ly"
> With "paper23.ly", it puts six staves on the page, and the bottom gets
> cut off when I print.  With "paper20.ly", it puts only three staves on
> the page, then page breaks (at the end of the first movement).  Why might this 

We have added some tricks in the TeX header files to avoid 
page breaks between the headers and the first score line of 
a movement that starts at the bottom of a page. I don't 
understand why you get overfull pages from paper23, though.

> In a related question, can I have more than one \paper block?  If,
> after the above commands, I put
> \paper { indent =0.0\mm }
> will this simply have the additional effect of no indentation, or can
> this cause commands in other paperblocks to not happen?

As far as I can see, the settings in different \paper{} blocks


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