
I'm trying to notate a slide such that what I see is how I play it and I can't figure out how to do it. Right now I have this:

  e'8 g' b' e'' e' g' b' e'' |
\grace{ e'8 \glissando } fs'8 _\markup { \italic { Rubato } } g' b' e'' fs' g' b' e'' |

What I want is for the slide symbol to be much longer, about the distance from one eighth note to another so that it is quite visible ad obvious that the slide is audible and deliberate and not, really, a typical \grace (which I'm using here not knowing another way to do this).

What I've tried:

1. I know how to create space between the grace note and the f-sharp,
   but the technique uses either an s4 or r4 and that breaks the
   \glissando.  I added \once \override NoteColumn.glissando-skip = ##t

\grace{ e'8\glissando s4 } fs'8 _\markup { \italic { Rubato } } g' b' e'' fs' g' b'

-\markup \hspace #6
I've tried using "\once \override Glissando#'gap = #x.x" but that appears to change nothing.

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