[ACTIVITY] 22 - 26 May 2017

2017-05-26 Thread Yao Qi
# Progress #
* GDB 8.0 release.  TCWG-1050, [1/10]
  Blocked by one MingW build issue.  Should be the last one.

* gdb and objdump disassembler unification.  [3/10]
  Patches are approved.  Rebase them, re-test them, and push them in.
  Clean up some leftovers.

* GDB target description changes.  [5/10]
  Finish the design in GDBserver.  Finish the prototype of both GDB and
  GDBserver.  Re-org them to some extent.

* GDB crossbuild w/ docker.  [1/0]
  Inspired by QEMU build, take a look docker and think about how to use
  docker to build/test GDB for different targets.

# Plan #

* Holiday, and back to office on 6th June.
* Post RFC v2 on GDB target description changes.
* Upstream the patches of clean up to gdb and objdump disassembler

Yao Qi
linaro-toolchain mailing list

[ACTIVITY] 22 - 26 May 2017

2017-05-26 Thread Diana Picus
== Progress ==

* Bank holiday on Thursday [2/10]

* [ARM GlobalISel] Add support for struct / array args [TCWG-1033] [5/10]
  - The array stuff is ready to commit, but SVN was down this morning
so I'll commit next week

* [GlobalISel] Run precommit for Daniel's patch [TCWG-1142] [2/10]
  - Ran precommit both manually and in Jenkins
  - Had some trouble with Jenkins and with the patch (it was based on
the wrong revision)
  - In the end it was still too slow, so I'll probably get another
patch next week

* Misc [1/10]
  - Meetings, mailing lists, buildbots

== Plan ==

* [ARM GlobalISel] Add support for struct / array args [TCWG-1033]
  - Finally commit this thing!

* Add "push" capability to helper scripts [TCWG-1141]
  - This will be useful for working with Jenkins
linaro-toolchain mailing list