[ACTIVITY] 19 -23 June

2017-06-26 Thread Yao Qi
# Progress #
* TCWG-1159, New design of GDB/GDBserver target description.  [3/10]
  Update patches to address review comments.  Commit three patches.
  Need to post V3.

* TCWG-561, Handle unavailable memory during frame unwinding.  [2/10]
  Think about the plan.

* Upstream patches review.  [3/10]
  ** Review IBM kernel-awareness patches.
  ** Review sparc64 adi patch.
  ** Review Alan's patch on removing MAX_REGISTER_SIZE.  Evaluate other
  better but expensive approach.

* Misc, [2/10]
  Write a STL container allocator which uses stack instead of heap.
  Underestimate the complexity of C++.  Need to replace some std::vector
  with my vector with stack_allocator in GDB.  It should be also useful
  to Alan.

# Plan #

* TCWG-1159, send v3.
* TCWG-561, Handle unavailable memory during frame unwinding.

Yao Qi
linaro-toolchain mailing list

[ACTIVITY] 19 - 23 June 2017

2017-06-26 Thread Peter Smith
[TCWG-614] Range extension thunks
- No progress on upstream reviews from maintainers this week
I have received some interest on IRC and on at least one of the
reviews from other people wanting the feature so I'm hoping that this
may speed up the process.
- I've committed to rebasing and posting the full patch-set for review
so that interested people can take it and test.

PR31159 Tracked down why LLD wasn't correctly linking ARM BSD port
- lld only provides a dummy absolute value for _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
- llvm-mc doesn't transform .word _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ - . into
R_ARM_BASE_PREL like GNU as does, this relocation doesn't use the
value of _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ . Instead we get R_ARM_REL32 which
needs _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ to be set correctly. PR335511
- Patch accepted upstream will commit today

- lld consultancy for Android
- Help to fix build error on clang for ARM colleague
- Query on lld behaviour with respect to .ARM.extab, I think lld
behaviour is within spec, but it may be producing larger files so
probably enough to argue the case for a small patch.
-No time to spend on compiler-rt this week

- Post all the range-thunk patches for the people interested in it.
- Commit patches accepted last week
linaro-toolchain mailing list

[ACTIVITY] 19 - 23 June 2017

2017-06-26 Thread Diana Picus
== Progress ==

* Out of office on Friday [2/10]

* TCWG-1155 - Move ASAN 39bit bot to GlobalISel [1/10]
  - Committed a quick fix and started seeing green builds on this, we
can probably move it upstream soon

* TCWG-836 - Replace D01s by Scaleway boards [2/10]
  - Set up a selfhost buildbot on one of the Scaleway boards
  - It is very, very slow, I did some performance experiments but
there's probably more that can be attempted here

* TCWG-1172 - [ARM GlobalISel] Support G_FCMP [2/10]
  - The hard float part is implemented, fiddling with the soft float now
  - Forked some of that work into a different story for supporting G_SELECT

* TCWG-1174 - [ARM GlobalISel] Support G_SELECT [1/10]
  - In progress

* Misc [2/10]
  - Mailing lists, code reviews
  - TCWG-1136 - LLVM 4.0.1 - Spun up and uploaded the final release candidate
  - TCWG-1177 - Investigate failure on clang-cmake-aarch64-lld -
Bisected and reverted a commit upstream

== Plan ==

* More GlobalISel
* More buildbots
* More code reviews
linaro-toolchain mailing list

[ACTIVITY] Week 25

2017-06-26 Thread Yvan Roux
== Progress ==
o Linaro GCC/Validation (7/10)
* Prepared a fix for libgomp/mingw build issue. Submitted upstream
* Analysed ubuntu bug report on unsupported relocations:
  - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1695093
  - Identified it as upstream PR 79041
  - Fix submitted upstream
* Following upstream discussions on stack clash CVE
  - Releases re-spins will done once the issue will be fixed upstream

o Misc (3/10)
   * Various meetings and discussions.

== Plan ==
o CVE, on-going patches and infra
linaro-toolchain mailing list