[ACtiVITY] 18 - 22 March 2019

2019-03-22 Thread Diana Picus
== Progress ==

* LLVM 8.0.0 Release for ARM & AArch64 [LLVM-526]
  - LLVM 8.0.0 is out!

* [Thumb GlobalISel] Bugfixes [LLVM-544]
  - Patch for alignment issues ready to commit next week
  - With the patch, we can build clang successfully, but it fails some
of its tests
  - Investigated one of the tests, it's failing because we end up
representing 'true' as '-1'. Going to prepare a patch for that next

* IR SVE Reviews [LLVM-545]
  - Reviewed D32530 - Scalable Vector IR Type

* Buildbot babysitting
  - Reported some failures upstream
  - Complained about non-deterministic libfuzzer tests

== Plan ==

* LLVM-544, LLVM-545
linaro-toolchain mailing list

[ACTIVITY] 18-22 March 2019

2019-03-22 Thread Christophe Lyon
== Progress ==
- Setting up new stm32f429-disc1 board. Still not working with recent kernel

* GCC upstream validation:
- reported a few regressions

* GCC:
- (GNU-99) ubsan / bare-metal. No progress.

* misc (conf-calls, meetings, emails, )
- reviewing infra script patches
- added qemu as a toolchain component supported by ABE.
- merged tcwg_bmk branch into master

== Next ==
- GCC: handle feedback on v4 patches
- GDB: update patches
- uclibc-ng: look at how to test fdpic mode with openadk
- complete board setup

- benchmarking jobs update
linaro-toolchain mailing list