Re: [LINK] The Hidden Costs of Automated Thinking

2019-10-08 Thread Jevan Pipitone
In response to your comment about new medication development.


"But researchers are working on a new technique to help bridge that gap: 
microchips that simulate the activities and mechanics of entire organs and 
organ systems. These “organs on a chip,” as they are called, are typically 
glass slides coated with human cells that have been configured to mimic a 
particular tissue or interface between tissues. Developers hope they could 
bring drugs to market more quickly and, in some circumstances, perhaps even 
eliminate the need for animal testing."


"A newly discovered type of stem cell could help provide a model for early 
human development—and, eventually, allow human organs to be grown in large 
animals such as pigs or cows for research or therapeutic purposes."


On Tue, 8 Oct 2019 13:36:00 +1100
Kim Holburn  wrote:

> > ike many medications, the wakefulness drug modafinil, which is marketed 
> > under the trade name Provigil, comes with a small, tightly folded paper 
> > pamphlet. For the most part, its contents—lists of instructions and 
> > precautions, a diagram of the drug’s molecular structure—make for anodyne 
> > reading. The subsection called “Mechanism of Action,” however, contains a 
> > sentence that might induce sleeplessness by itself: “The mechanism(s) 
> > through which modafinil promotes wakefulness is unknown.”
> > 
> > Provigil isn’t uniquely mysterious. Many drugs receive regulatory approval, 
> > and are widely prescribed, even though no one knows exactly how they work. 
> > This mystery is built into the process of drug discovery, which often 
> > proceeds by trial and error. Each year, any number of new substances are 
> > tested in cultured cells or animals; the best and safest of those are tried 
> > out in people. In some cases, the success of a drug promptly inspires new 
> > research that ends up explaining how it works—but not always. Aspirin was 
> > discovered in 1897, and yet no one convincingly explained how it worked 
> > until 1995. The same phenomenon exists elsewhere in medicine. Deep-brain 
> > stimulation involves the implantation of electrodes in the brains of people 
> > who suffer from specific movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease; 
> > it’s been in widespread use for more than twenty years, and some think it 
> > should be employed for other purposes, including general cognitive 
> > enhancement. No one can!
  say how 
 it works.
> > 
> > This approach to discovery—answers first, explanations later—accrues what I 
> > call intellectual debt. It’s possible to discover what works without 
> > knowing why it works, and then to put that insight to use immediately, 
> > assuming that the underlying mechanism will be figured out later. In some 
> > cases, we pay off this intellectual debt quickly. But, in others, we let it 
> > compound, relying, for decades, on knowledge that’s not fully known.
> > 
> > In the past, intellectual debt has been confined to a few areas amenable to 
> > trial-and-error discovery, such as medicine. But that may be changing, as 
> > new techniques in artificial intelligence—specifically, machine 
> > learning—increase our collective intellectual credit line. Machine-learning 
> > systems work by identifying patterns in oceans of data. Using those 
> > patterns, they hazard answers to fuzzy, open-ended questions. Provide a 
> > neural network with labelled pictures of cats and other, non-feline 
> > objects, and it will learn to distinguish cats from everything else; give 
> > it access to medical records, and it can attempt to predict a new hospital 
> > patient’s likelihood of dying. And yet, most machine-learning systems don’t 
> > uncover causal mechanisms. They are statistical-correlation engines. They 
> > can’t explain why they think some patients are more likely to die, because 
> > they don’t “think” in any colloquial sense of the word—they only answer. As 
> > we begin to integra!
 te their 
 insights into our lives, we will, collectively, begin to rack up more and more 
intellectual debt.
> > 
> > Theory-free advances in pharmaceuticals show us that, in some cases, 
> > intellectual debt can be indispensable. Millions of lives have been saved 
> > on the basis of interventions that we fundamentally do not understand, and 
> > we are the better for it. Few would refuse to take a life-saving drug—or, 
> > for that matter, aspirin—simply because no one knows how it works. But the 
> > accrual of intellectual debt has downsides. As drugs with unknown 
> > mechanisms of action proliferate, the number of tests required to uncover 
> > untoward interactions must scale exponentially. (If the principles by which 
> > the drugs worked were 

Re: [LINK] [EFA-Privacy] And so it begins....

2019-10-08 Thread JLWhitaker

On 8/10/2019 4:20 PM, Roger Clarke wrote:

On 8/10/19 4:09 pm, JLWhitaker wrote: 
Suelette Dreyfus and Thomas Drake dropped from cybersecurity 
conference program. No explanation given. I guess someone leaned on 
the organisers, supposedly one of the 'partners', but no one's talking.

So will the members of the 'professional body', the AISA, take this 
lying down?

Very probably, because it would cost them money and connections if 
they stood up for principles.

And so fascism takes hold.

Please forward this to people who are active in AISA. 

"The Australian Information Security Association advised them of the 
cancellation, but it is understood it came after pressure from the event 
partner, Australian Cyber Security Centre, the Australian government’s 
peak cyber security agency."

So the "free speech uber alles" government rethinks

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Twitter: @JL_Whitaker

Sooner or later, I hate to break it to you, you're gonna die, so how do you 
fill in the space between here and there? It's yours. Seize your space.
~Margaret Atwood, writer

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