Re: [OCLUG-Tech] February Meeting: 2017-02-02 @ 19:00

2017-02-02 Thread Rob Echlin
Hi Stephen, 
(Phone or Desktop? "Desktop" - I forgot there was a real live Ubuntu phone out 
there, or is it 2 now?)
Yes, it remembers the SSID and password and logs in to the network - after I 
login to the computer.
The trouble is, I want to run server software on my second laptop.Currently, I 
have to login to that server laptop in order for the network to start up.
Please, SSH to your WiFi-only computer before you log in to the windowing 
system.Just to save you time in case you haven't installed an ssh server on 
that laptop yet, the package I installed is openssh-server.
I am using 16.04 LTS, Xubuntu.

All my very best,Rob -- Rob Echlin, B. Eng. 613-266-8311 -  Ottawa, 
ON -

  From: Stephen M. Webb <>
 To: Rob Echlin <>; Ottawa Linux Users Group 
 Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2017 3:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [OCLUG-Tech] February Meeting: 2017-02-02 @ 19:00

On 2017-02-02 03:28 PM, Rob Echlin wrote:
> Anyone know how to tell Ubuntu to turn on a network on bootup, before anyone 
> logs in?(Yeah, that's easy.)But the kicker is, it has to be a WiFi network, 
> instead of wired Ethernet.

Phone or desktop?

Either way, you should just be able to pull down the network indicator 
and select the SSID (and possible enter the password).  If it's been 
authenticated once, it should be remembered and autoconnect on the next 
boot.  I've never had a problem with that, but there's no working around 
the fact that you have to select the SSID at least once and enter the 
password (if any) at least once.

Linux mailing list

Re: [OCLUG-Tech] February Meeting: 2017-02-02 @ 19:00

2017-02-02 Thread Stephen M. Webb

On 2017-02-02 03:28 PM, Rob Echlin wrote:

Anyone know how to tell Ubuntu to turn on a network on bootup, before anyone 
logs in?(Yeah, that's easy.)But the kicker is, it has to be a WiFi network, 
instead of wired Ethernet.

Phone or desktop?

Either way, you should just be able to pull down the network indicator 
and select the SSID (and possible enter the password).  If it's been 
authenticated once, it should be remembered and autoconnect on the next 
boot.  I've never had a problem with that, but there's no working around 
the fact that you have to select the SSID at least once and enter the 
password (if any) at least once.

Linux mailing list

Re: [OCLUG-Tech] February Meeting: 2017-02-02 @ 19:00

2017-02-02 Thread Rob Echlin
Hi!See you guys tonight!
Anyone know how to tell Ubuntu to turn on a network on bootup, before anyone 
logs in?(Yeah, that's easy.)But the kicker is, it has to be a WiFi network, 
instead of wired Ethernet.
All my very best,Rob
(Sorry for the double-send, Scott)
 -- Rob Echlin, B. Eng. 613-266-8311 -  Ottawa, 
ON -

  From: Scott Murphy <>
 To: Ottawa Linux Users Group <> 
 Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 9:23 PM
 Subject: [OCLUG-Tech] February Meeting: 2017-02-02 @ 19:00
Location: Woodroffe Campus, Algonquin College - Building P, Room P-213a ***NOTE 

Note: Building P is just south of lots 8 and 9 and south-west of lot 12

Tonight we will have two sessions, one on deep neural networking and the other 
will be a lightning talk on GalliumOS on chromebooks.

There will be a one hour pre-meeting item from 18:00 to 19:00 for people who 
are new to Linux, have general questions, or wish to help out with people who 
are just getting started.

After the meeting, there will be a social event at one of the nearby pubs or 
restaurants. A short discussion and vote as to location will be taken then.

After the talks, there will be the opportunity for a GPG key signing. This is a 
monthly offering, just look for Scott after the talk and we can go from there. 
Bring some kind of photo ID and some keyslips if you expect people to sign your 
key.If you need some method of creating pages of keyslips, there is an [online 
slip generator]( 
<>) available.

Note: We are always soliciting speakers for future meetings. If anyone wants to 
get up and cover a favourite project, solution, etc. feel free to contact the 
board with an outline.

Linux mailing list

Linux mailing list

[OCLUG-Tech] February Meeting: 2017-02-02 @ 19:00

2017-01-30 Thread Scott Murphy
Location: Woodroffe Campus, Algonquin College - Building P, Room P-213a ***NOTE 

Note: Building P is just south of lots 8 and 9 and south-west of lot 12

Tonight we will have two sessions, one on deep neural networking and the other 
will be a lightning talk on GalliumOS on chromebooks.

There will be a one hour pre-meeting item from 18:00 to 19:00 for people who 
are new to Linux, have general questions, or wish to help out with people who 
are just getting started.

After the meeting, there will be a social event at one of the nearby pubs or 
restaurants. A short discussion and vote as to location will be taken then.

After the talks, there will be the opportunity for a GPG key signing. This is a 
monthly offering, just look for Scott after the talk and we can go from there. 
Bring some kind of photo ID and some keyslips if you expect people to sign your 
key.If you need some method of creating pages of keyslips, there is an [online 
slip generator]( 
) available.

Note: We are always soliciting speakers for future meetings. If anyone wants to 
get up and cover a favourite project, solution, etc. feel free to contact the 
board with an outline.

Linux mailing list