Re: Clearing the 3270 terminal

2002-05-29 Thread Dougie G Lawson/UK/Contr/IBM

 IF you are using 3270 support (ie: that contributed by UTSGlobal)
 then you might be able to effect a 3270 clear screen operation
 by feeding the right 3270 program down the 3270 side of that driver.

Sending this  X'C71140C13C404000'  should clear any 3270, any mode,
primary or alt screen size.

C7  - wcc
1140C1  - sba row 1 col 2
3C404000- repeat to addr row 1 col 1 char x'00'

Regards, Dougie Lawson

ITS Technical Support
SupportLine for IMS, DB2  Linux

Re: SLES 7.2 out-of-space

2002-05-29 Thread Dougie G Lawson/UK/Contr/IBM

 And see that you install / configure 'logrotate'  I think
 it is easy left out with SuSE (unlike the provider.rpm
 that lists the dial-up Internet providers in Germany ;-)

SuSE don't use logrotate, they have their own scheme based on options in
/etc/rc.config and /etc/logfiles. It runs out of a cron job.
Change the value for MAX_DAYS_FOR_LOG_FILES=nnn in rc.config.

Regards, Dougie Lawson

ITS Technical Support
SupportLine for IMS, DB2  Linux

3270 Consoles (was MQ Server for L/390

2002-05-17 Thread Dougie G Lawson/UK/Contr/IBM

 No. You need to get a 3x74, 2074 or equivalent OEM controller.

There is an excellent redbook about 2074

Regards, Dougie Lawson

ITS Technical Support
SupportLine for IMS, DB2  Linux

Re: Remove my Name from Distribution List and Re: Unsubscribe

2002-04-19 Thread Dougie G Lawson/UK/Contr/IBM

Folks who want to sign off from LINUX-390 need to direct their mail to the
listproc not to the list.

The simple way to achieve this is to use the web interface at:
[Scroll to the bottom of the page, there is a magic HTML form for it.]

Regards, Dougie

Re: Backup possibilities under the 2.2.x kernel

2002-04-19 Thread Dougie G Lawson/UK/Contr/IBM

Excuse me being pedantic here, but those instructions seem to be for cdl
formatted (2.4 kernel) not ldl formatted (2.2 kernel) dasd.
The subject of this thread was for 2.2.x kernels, so isn't the only option
in this case the OFFLINDR stuff or OEM utilities, again.

I agree with Mark, for folks with a 2.4 kernel they are excellent.

Regards, Dougie