Re: dummy device to eth interface

2005-05-19 Thread Ferguson, Neale
resc011:~ # modprobe dummy
resc011:~ # ifconfig dummy0 netmask
resc011:~ # ifconfig
dummy0Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00
  inet addr:  Bcast:
  inet6 addr: fe80::200:ff:fe00:0/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:70 (70.0 b)
resc011:~ # ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=27.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=3.20 ms

-Original Message-
I am trying to define a dummy device so I can define a dummy eth
to it.
In the Intel world, I just modprobe dummy and then ifconfig dummy0.
Question is for the s390 world, do I need to do anything with qeth?

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Re: dummy device to eth interface

2005-05-19 Thread Ferguson, Neale
resc011:~ # ifconfig dummy1 netmask
resc011:~ # ifconfig
dummy0Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: fe80::200:ff:fe00:0/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:210 (210.0 b)

dummy1Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: fe80::200:ff:fe00:0/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:70 (70.0 b)
resc011:~ # ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.130 ms

-Original Message-
This is what I thought.  That is how I do it under Linux/Intel.
However, for some reason in our zLinux (under LPAR), when I looked into
/etc/sysconfig/networks/devices, there is nothing there (empty directory).
When I went to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts, there was a dummy0 with an
strange IP address.  I removed it (copied it to /tmp).
Then, in /etc/modprobe.conf, I found an alias for dummy0 to qeth - as for
eth0 and eth1.  I left it alone.
But when I reboot, the dummy0 device re-appeared in
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts.  Where is it getting the information?
Another question, how come I can't configure a dummy1  (ifconfig dummy1)?

Boca Raton, Florida
greetings / avec mes meilleures salutations / Cordialmente
mit freundlichen Grüßen / Med vänlig hälsning

  Ferguson, Neale 
  Sent by: Linux on 390   Subject:  Re: dummy 
device to eth interface  


  05/19/2005 02:03 PM   
  Please respond to Linux   
  on 390 Port   



resc011:~ # modprobe dummy
resc011:~ # ifconfig dummy0 netmask
resc011:~ # ifconfig
dummy0Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00
  inet addr:  Bcast:
  inet6 addr: fe80::200:ff:fe00:0/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:1 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:70 (70.0 b)
resc011:~ # ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=27.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=3.20 ms

-Original Message-
I am trying to define a dummy device so I can define a dummy eth
to it.
In the Intel world, I just modprobe dummy

Re: How to use X-Cygwin

2005-05-18 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Have you tried VNC? It's a much thinner beast. It's even usable over

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Re: Linux default permissions

2005-05-18 Thread Ferguson, Neale
In /etc/profile /etc/csh.login etc. change the umask from 022 to 026. On
SUSE the default is 022 which says the default permissions for creating
non-executable files is the exclusive or 022 against 666 - 644.
Changing it to 026 should give you 640 - rw-r-.

-Original Message-
I've asked a simular question before this and the concensus was to use
ACL instead of permissions, but...

The default permissions defined when a file is created, seems to be

This allows any Linux user to read the file, even the user isn't the
owner or isn't a member of the same group.  That's not too good.

I would like to change something, somewhere, so that for certain users,
any files they create have permissions set to something like +640, or
perhaps +600.

I can keep FTP users from changing to someone else's directory and
Samba and Putty users seem to have the unrestrictive ability to change
directories to other users.  If I can't keep them from changing to
someone elses directory, I would like to at least stop them with a
permission of zero for other users. 

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[no subject]

2005-05-17 Thread Ferguson, Neale

IBM has expanded a program to lure customers using Sun Microsystems
servers and software to Big Blue products running Red Hat's Linux, the
company plans to announce Tuesday. The company will offer qualified
customers a free service to assess the best way to migrate from Sun's
Solaris operating system to Linux.

The company will try to convince those customers they should then
purchase IBM's Migration Factory services, in which a team of IBM
specialists works with the client to make the transition. Since IBM
began its Linux program several years ago, about 3,000 of its 12,000
Linux customer engagements have been with customers moving from Solaris
to Linux, IBM said.

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Re: 64-bit Codepages on SLES8

2005-05-14 Thread Ferguson, Neale
rpm -q -f /usr/lib/gconv/ shows

-Original Message-
I have some users doing development, and they need the 64-bit versions
of, and  Does anyone know what RPM provides
these?  These should be located at

I think they should be from glibc-locale, but I'd like someone to verify

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[no subject]

2005-05-14 Thread Ferguson, Neale

IBM and Red Hat are broadening a partnership to promote Linux on Big
Blue's mainframe computers.

The two companies said this week they're packaging Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 4 with IBM's Integrated Facility for Linux, a feature Big Blue
sells to let customers run the open-source operating system within a
mainframe partition.

Customers didn't want to have to order the technology as two separate
items, said Scott Handy, vice president of worldwide Linux at IBM. In
addition, they can expect attractive pricing for this offer, he
said--though customers will have to contact IBM or a partner if they
want to find out how much of a discount they'll get.

On a mainframe, Linux is relatively expensive. An annual Red Hat
subscription costs $18,000 for round-the-clock support.

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Pro-SCO hits a new low

2005-05-10 Thread Ferguson, Neale
The journalist Maureen O'Gara has hit a new low in her pro-SCO
efforts. An article about Groklaw focused not on the content or the
intent of the site but got personal by providing information on how to
find the site's author's mother, even posting pictures of the house and
the number on the letterbox.

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Re: Different time between z/VM TOD and z/Linux.

2005-04-27 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Not behind - ahead.

-Original Message-
and set your operating system for an offset of -12 hours (I think
Japan is 12 hours behind the UK).

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Re: ooRexx

2005-04-14 Thread Ferguson, Neale

-Original Message-
Interesting.  When I did the make install-strip none of the man files
gzipped.  Did you tweak the spec file in any other way? 

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Re: Problems loading IBMtape into kernel

2005-04-14 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Because it's OCO and thus can't be tagged as GPL in the module.

-Original Message-
I read the hint a couple of times, and I think it is trying to tell you
that the IBMtape.o module is not tagged as being GPL compliant.  Modules
that are not GPL compliant cannot call some functions in the kernel.  I
don't know why IBMtape.o would not be GPL compliant. 

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2005-04-13 Thread Ferguson, Neale
OORexx is now available for download:

(Sourceforge download site:

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2005-04-13 Thread Ferguson, Neale
The source RPM builds cleanly on my SLES9 system with the following
update to the spec file:

--- oorexx.spec.old 2005-04-13 13:11:53.452401703 -0400
+++ oorexx.spec 2005-04-13 12:38:27.262401703 -0400
@@ -94,15 +94,15 @@

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OT: External Hard Drives - Respond off list

2005-03-24 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Please excuse the off-topic nature of this request. I am going through 
selection-paralysis trying to decide on an external hard-drive for my PCs. 

- USB 2.0 (my older PC has no Firewire connection)
- Use with Windows XP and Linux (SuSE 9.2)
- c. 160GB capacity
- Use as an archive as well as D/R

Please respond off-list: NealeFerguson at


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Re: How to determine if you are running on 31 or 64...

2005-03-24 Thread Ferguson, Neale
or use the tam instruction to determine your addressing mode. You can use 
inline assembler to issue this opcode.

-Original Message-
May be I need to use both of them, uname -m to tell me if the virtual
machine is running 64-bit or not and gconf to tell me if the applicaion
is running on 31 or 64 bit mode.

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Re: adding dasd sles9 different than sles8

2005-03-23 Thread Ferguson, Neale
On SLES9 to dynamically a device: chccwdev -e 0.0.

My zipl.conf has:
parameters = dasd=193,192,200,210,211 root=/dev/dasdb2 TERM=dumb

-Original Message-
On sles 9
I attached the dasd,
echo add device range=xxx-xxx   /proc/dasd/devices
But when I look at /proc/dasd/devices  I do not see the newly attached
Also in zipl.conf   I do not see a parameter for the dasd address range.

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Latest code drop

2005-03-23 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Regarding OSA layer 2: from the notes - 

qeth: Added OSA-Express Layer2 Switching
Using Layer 2 stops the OSA-Express adapter from stripping
the MAC addresses from incoming packets. Incoming and outgoing
packets are complete with an LLC header at all stages between the
Linux network stack and the LAN .
This layer 2 based forwarding requires unique MAC addresses
for all concerned Linux instances.

Another item of interest:

- Add support for FC Point-to-Point topology

What are the h/w  micrcode requirements here?

Neale Ferguson 

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News from Brainshare 2005

2005-03-23 Thread Ferguson, Neale

The salient paragraph:

 I also spoke with Senior Systems Administrator Steve Adams from the Oregon 
Department of Transportation. He told me how they had used open source 
development tools to rewrite a portion of the state's driver's license 
management system. The application now runs on an IBM z800 mainframe under SUSE 
LINUX Enterprise Server. He also said the migration of two other DOT systems to 
Linux is expected to be completed by year-end.

Neale Ferguson 

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Samba V3 on zSeries Redpiece

2005-03-21 Thread Ferguson, Neale

This document provides the reader with basic performance rules of thumb for 
Samba Version 3.0.5 on zSeries Linux and gives background information that can 
be used in configuring and tuning your Samba V3 environment. The data was 
developed using an IBM internal workload generator to simulate a heavy 
transaction load. It identifies the parameters for optimum performance of Samba 

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Re: CPINT Question

2005-03-18 Thread Ferguson, Neale
hcp will exit with a return code that can be checked if you are in a

sh -c hcp attach  user ;echo $?

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Re: CPINT Question

2005-03-18 Thread Ferguson, Neale
That's a potentially dangerous thing to do. You may want to put ATTACH in a new 
(additional) class by itself and then give the Linux user that class. 

-Original Message-
Thanks for quick responses.
Adding CLASS B to the linux guests did the trick.

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Re: cpint on 2.6 (rhel4/64-bit): Invalid module format

2005-03-18 Thread Ferguson, Neale
I'm in the process of building cpint-2.3.0 and making it GA (it fixes a problem 
with 32-bit programs on a 64-bit system). The build process requires that you 
use the kernel build method. The Makefile should now look like:

cpint_mod-objs := cpint.o cmdmain.o idmain.o monmain.o actmain.o

obj-m := cpint_mod.o

prefix =
bindir = /usr/sbin

COMMAND = hcp mongen monstat actgen diag0

tools: $(COMMAND)

hcp : hcp.o
$(CC) -o $@ $^

mongen : mongen.o
$(CC) -o $@ $^

actgen : actgen.o
$(CC) -o $@ $^

monstat : monstat.o sysinfo.o
$(CC) -o $@ $^

diag0   : diag0.o
$(CC) -o $@ $^

hcp.o : hcp.c
$(CC) -o $@ $(INCLUDEDIR) -I. -O2 -c hcp.c

mongen.o : mongen.c
$(CC) -o $@ $(INCLUDEDIR) -I. -O2 -c mongen.c

monstat.o : monstat.c
$(CC) -o $@ $(INCLUDEDIR) -I. -O2 -c monstat.c

sysinfo.o : sysinfo.c
$(CC) -o $@ $(INCLUDEDIR) -I. -O2 -c sysinfo.c

actgen.o : actgen.c
$(CC) -o $@ $(INCLUDEDIR) -I. -O2 -c actgen.c

diag0.o  : diag0.c
$(CC) -o $@ $(INCLUDEDIR) -I. -O2 -c diag0.c

install: $(TARGET)
install -c -m 750 cpint_load ${prefix}${bindir}
install -c -m 750 cpint_unload ${prefix}${bindir}
install -c -m 750 mongen ${prefix}${bindir}
install -c -m 750 monstat ${prefix}${bindir}
install -c -m 750 hcp ${prefix}${bindir}

rm -rf *.o *~ core mongen monstat actgen hcp diag0 *.ko *.cmd 

The build process is:

1. For the device driver - 

   make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=`pwd` SUBDIRS=`pwd` modules

   You need to have the kernel source installed and at last a make *config 
   This will generate cpint_mod.ko which can be installed via:

   make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=`pwd` SUBDIRS=`pwd` modules_install

   Issue - 
   depmod -a

   Then modprobe cpint_mod to load it. In SLES9 SUSE have decided that major no 
107 is 
   used for cpint so you could put an entry into /etc/modules.conf to get the 
   loaded automatically (i.e. sans cpint_load). 

2. For the utilities (hcp etc.)

   make tools

The 2.3 package should be available shortly. In addition to the ioctl fix it 
contains a 
fix for the diag0 driver on 64-bit systems.


-Original Message-
 I am trying to build cpint-2.2.0 on a RHEL4/64-bit system, everything
 builds ok, but when I try to load the module  I get:

 /sbin/insmod cpint.ko
  insmod: error inserting 'cpint.ko': -1 Invalid module format

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Re: cpint on 2.6 (rhel4/64-bit): Invalid module format

2005-03-18 Thread Ferguson, Neale
To quote Billy Joel: I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the 

Sister Theresa, if she were still alive, would be giving me a thorough 
thrashing at that blasphemy!

-Original Message-
Are you catholic?  Are you applying for sainthood?

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Google opens up

2005-03-18 Thread Ferguson, Neale

Google has launched a site that provides Google source code for free, 
along with discussion forums.

 We have derived a great amount of software from the open source 
community, so we felt it would be appropriate for us to interact more closely 
with those developers than we have done to date, said Chris DiBona, Google's 
open source program manager... 

I haven't looked at it closely but the coredumper utility looks interesting. It 
needs porting to s390 though.


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Re: CPINT Question

2005-03-18 Thread Ferguson, Neale
What happens with: chccwdev -e 0.0.0298

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Re: CPINT Question

2005-03-18 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Didn't you used to have echo add dasd=298 /proc/dasd/devices in SLES8?

With udev and hotplug a script could probably automate this for you.

-Original Message-
chccwdev -e 0.0.0298
Setting device 0.0.0298 online
lnx5:~ # cat /proc/dasd/devices
0.0.0292(ECKD) at ( 94: 0) is dasda   : active at blocksize: 4096, 90144
0 blocks, 3521 MB
0.0.0293(FBA ) at ( 94: 4) is dasdb   : active at blocksize: 512, 50
 blocks, 244 MB
0.0.0295(ECKD) at ( 94:12) is dasdd   : active at blocksize: 4096, 60084
0 blocks, 2347 MB
0.0.0298(ECKD) at ( 94:24) is dasdg   : basic

That seems to work.  Why do I have to do this in SLES9 when I didn't have to in 

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Re: FCP attached Shark

2005-03-14 Thread Ferguson, Neale
-Original Message-
We may be looking at attaching a part of a new Shark 800 as FCP attached
dasd for z/Linux.

1.  Will a FCP attached Shark, running under z/VM 5.1, participate in
- If used as emulated FBA devices, yes. If used natively, no.

2.  Will a FCP attached Shark, running under z/VM 5.1, be able to do
- Using Copyservices utility (on another platform other than z/VM)
should allow you to do flashcopy (v1 or v2). I think you need a Lintel
box connected to the SAN to run Copyservices. I'm not sure there's one
for Linux on zSeries.

If not, that is a serious limitation to running FCP attached Sharks on
the mainframe.  But then, I still lean towards Ficon attachment anyway,
just because it is more familiar with less unknowns.
- If you would like to allocated a 100GB slab of disk space without
having to jump through the hoops of concatenating multiple 3390-27 units
via LVM then you have a good reason for using FCP.

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RPM problem

2005-03-10 Thread Ferguson, Neale
I'm having a strange problem with an rpmbuild -bb. Here's an extract of the 
spec file:

echo You must install libgdiplus separately.

%package -n mono-basic
Summary:Mono's VB runtime
Group:  Development/Tools
Requires:   mono-core = 1.1.4-1.ximian.6.1
Provides:   ximian-mono-basic = 

%description -n mono-basic
Mono's VB runtime

%files -n mono-basic
%defattr(-, root, root)

Here's the error message from rpmbuild:

error: line 177: Package does not exist: %description -n mono-basic

As you can see we do have a package mono-basic. Is there a means of getting rpm 
to dump the names of the packages it's encountered? (The %dump firective in the 
spec file doesn't show this info.)

Full spec file on request.

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Re: zLinux Wage Inquiry

2005-03-03 Thread Ferguson, Neale
While not zSeries specific, the following is from the latest IBM Linux Line:

According to Dice Inc., the leading job board for technology, engineering and 
security-cleared professionals, demand for Linux professionals remain strong. 
Listings for Linux opportunities climbed 21 percent in January alone, and were 
up 230 percent year-over-year. Moreover, tech professionals with Linux skills 
reported earning $70,200, 6.8 percent more than the U.S. average of $67,800. 
Systems administrators, software engineers and IT managers were the most common 
titles for respondents with Linux experience. They reported earning $63,600, 
$79,400 and $100,000, respectively.

-Original Message-
I would like to get an Inquiry from those who work with zLinux, and what their 
average wage is. Could you all please give me an average.

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Re: How do I add 1 new DASD ?

2005-02-11 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Then check that manual as it will give you the step-by-step guide you need.

-Original Message-
From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
José Raúl Barón Rodriguez
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [LINUX-390] How do I add 1 new DASD ?

Well, yes if I could. Is it possible to do it dynamically without having to
restart the SLES ?


José Raúl Barón
Dpto. Sistemas
Tel. 91 330 86 44

-Mensaje original-
De: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] nombre de
Ferguson, Neale
Enviado el: viernes, 11 de febrero de 2005 17:08
Asunto: Re: How do I add 1 new DASD ?

Did you add it to the dasd= portion of the parameters= entry in
/etc/zipl.conf? Did you want to do this without taking the SLES image down?

Check the Linux Device Drivers manual

-Original Message-
I am currently running out of space in my / filesystem and I would like to
add a new dasd. 
The thing is that I have added a new entry in the VM Directory but the SLES8
doesn't seem to recognize it when I start it up. How do I make it recognize
the new disk ?

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Re: Reconfiguring Network for SuSE 8 running in IFL

2005-02-11 Thread Ferguson, Neale
ed - a line mode editor. 
1,$l - list the file
s/original/new/g - change all occurrences of original to new
w - write the file
q - quit it

-Original Message-
I had originally installed SuSE 8 on our prodution VM, and just recently
decided to move it to the IFL.  I just shut down Linux, DDR'd the volumes
to volumes defined for our IFL, and brought it up there.  The only thing to
do now, is to change the Network Configuration.  The problem I am having is
that the only place I can login to my linux machine is via  3270 emulation,
since the network for Linux is still defined for the Production VM side, so
using vi to edit my config files isn't working.  Any ideas on getting my
config updated?

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Re: How do I add 1 new DASD ?

2005-02-11 Thread Ferguson, Neale
From the manual:

Adding devices:
echo add device range=devno-range  /proc/dasd/devices

To see what you now have:
cat /proc/dasd/devices 

Don't forget to add this device or these devices to your zipl.conf file to make 
them permanent.

-Original Message-
The link to that manual doesn't seem to work but thanks anyway

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Re: Init script for starting oracle 9i on sles8?

2005-02-11 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Of course, it's POETS day! 

-Original Message-
The users that know how apparently took the day off :)

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2005-02-11 Thread Ferguson, Neale
The next Hillgang meeting will take place on March 15 at CA's Herndon office. 
Check the brochure for details:

Hmm, March 15. St Patrick's Day. Irish/Aussie pub just down the road. Sounds 
like trouble ;-)

Neale Ferguson

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Re: Putty users

2005-02-08 Thread Ferguson, Neale
It's kept in the Windows directory. There are instructions on the Putty
site for extracting them and then importing them on the new system.

-Original Message-
How do I keep all my settings on putty
If I copy it to another machine..

Where is all the admin stuff kept for putty??

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Re: Linux task structure

2005-02-01 Thread Ferguson, Neale
The best option is to use SNMP. Configure and run the netsnmp or ucdsnmp 
packages and have an agent collect the appropriate MIBs. ESALPS does this very 
well. This option will also be the same for 2.4 or 2.6.

I had used the XASTOR package (I think available on the VM download site) and 
created a macro that was able to navigate through the control blocks of the 
Linux guest and produce some useful information. However, this is very 
sensitive to changes in the control blocks and quite hard to maintain.


-Original Message-
Hi, folks.

I need to be able to follow the running task structure of a Linux guest
from outside the virtual machine that hosts the Linux guest. I want to
be able, from a CMS guest with class E privs, discover what Linux is
running and how much resources the processes are taking.

Anybody got a clue, and I realize that the answer will be different for
the 2.4 and 2.6 level kernels.

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Re: Poll Results

2005-01-27 Thread Ferguson, Neale
How many responses?

-Original Message-
The results of the unofficial polling regarding SUSE vs RedHat are as 
follows :

75% SUSE
6.25 %  RedHat
18.75 % Debian

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Interesting z890/z990 enhancements

2005-01-26 Thread Ferguson, Neale
See: for January 25 announcements.

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FCP Access Control

2005-01-26 Thread Ferguson, Neale
One of the interesting items for SCSI users is the following:

Configuration Utility: The Configuration Utility for FCP LUN Access Control is 
designed to be a Linux user space application which may be used to configure 
the FCP LUN Access Control. 
To define and activate LUN Access Control, you would create an access control 
table that describes the access rights in XML format. In this table, you would 
define access rights to storage controllers and devices in the SAN and identify 
devices to be shared in read-only mode. 
The Configuration Utility for FCP LUN Access Control is required to process the 
access control table, verify proper specification of the rules, and activate 
the access control functions in the FCP channel. 
The Configuration Utility for FCP LUN Access Control is designed to be a 
package consisting of user documentation and sample files with a skeleton to 
help you generate an XML-format access control table, and the utility program 
itself. The program is intended to provide a command line interface (CLI) and 
be supported by Linux on zSeries. 
The Configuration Utility will be provided for download by registered users via 
Resource Link (TM) 
A user's guide for this function is available, and is named Configuration 
Utility for FCP LUN Access Control User's Guide, publication SC33-8280-00. 
FCP LUN Access Control will be supported by the FICON Express2 and FICON 
Express features when configured as CHPID type FCP, will be exclusive to z990 
and z890, and is planned to be available in the z/VM and Linux on zSeries 
environments. Refer to the Software requirements section for further 
information. This statement represents IBM's current intentions. IBM 
development plans are subject to change or withdrawal without further notice. 
To obtain the authorization code for downloading both the configuration tool 
and the user's manual via Resource Link, contact via e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
You must include your Resource Link ID, the customer name, the z990/z890 
machine serial number, and a short description of intended usage. In the 
subject line, place Requesting access to FCP LUN Access Configuration 
Utility. Once approved, you will be given access to download the tool. 

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Re: HTMLDOC install err. /s390-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lsocket

2005-01-21 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Contrary to what my wife tells me, I have a couple of ideas :-). Two options:
1. Have a look in configure and see if there are any --disable or --without 
options, you may be able to disable the part that requires png
2. Install the package that include libpng: libpng-devel-1.2.5-182.10 for 


-Original Message-
The  configurerc=0butif   I   continue with  make   it  ends
with error  :

  ..other msg.
Making all in zlib...
Making all in png...
Making all in htmldoc...
Linking htmldoc...
cannot find -lpng
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [htmldoc] Error 1

Here are the sw levels :

Linux SUSE SLES8  2.4.21

Do you have any  idea ?

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Re: Anyone hear of

2005-01-21 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Yes, I got one too. I liked it because I've been given the title of Dr. without 
all that silly thesis nonsense!

-Original Message-
I've never heard of this group before, and I just got an email from Prof.
Belkis Sánchez, of the Organizing Committee of The International Symposium
on Free/Open Source Software, Technologies and Content (FOSSTEC '05)
soliciting a paper.  Has anyone heard of them?  Are they a legit
organization?  They must not have much of a budget.  The symposium is
scheduled for Florida in the middle of July.  Yikes!!

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IBM Offers Support for Xen

2005-01-20 Thread Ferguson, Neale

Open source server virtualization got a boost this week with a new release 
from the Xen project and a new IBM commitment to help 'harden' it.

Xen is a virtual machine application that allows users to run multiple 
operating systems concurrently on the same physical box. Each OS gets its 
resource and partition allocation from Xen, which claims to have a low overhead 
by virtue of its 'para-virtualization' technique... 
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Linux on zSeries Library

2005-01-20 Thread Ferguson, Neale

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Re: RVA,ESS,performance

2005-01-14 Thread Ferguson, Neale
It should have been there with SLES8 SP3 I think. 


-Original Message-
Cool -- thanks! That one had slipped under my radar. Do you happen to
know if the patched driver has been included in any of the

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Re: Limiting Java RSS

2005-01-11 Thread Ferguson, Neale
rpm --erase IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.2-0.21


-Original Message-
Any other system tuning parameters to keep JVMs in check?

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Re: SLES 9 /etc/chandev.conf

2005-01-10 Thread Ferguson, Neale
The sysfs file system. Attrtibutes previously specified in the chandev.conf 
file are written to files within the sysfs tree. Take a look at /sys on a SLES9 
file system.

-Original Message-
File /etc/chandev.conf does not seem to exist in zLinux SLES9.
/etc/modules.conf was replaced by /etc/modprobe.conf

Any other changes?  What file replaced chandev.conf?


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Re: DMSACP112S T(152) device error normal for Linux mini disk?

2005-01-06 Thread Ferguson, Neale
If you use the DIAG device driver doesn't that use a CMS formatted/reserved 
device? This would be then accessible by CMS who'd see a single file. I haven't 
used this driver for some time so cannot recall but I thought this was the way 
it worked.

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Re: EVMS and reiserfs on SuSE 9.0 390x?

2005-01-04 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Would someone explain these barriers as I'm not sure what they're all about?

-Original Message-
There's a problem with the combo of EVMS and write barriers in SLES-9 -
try mounting the volume with barriers turned off:

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Re: Error on startup

2004-12-29 Thread Ferguson, Neale
^D (caret-D) and then enter. I think from that prompt exit will also work.

-Original Message-
Vm doesn't recognize ctrl-d... 

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Re: File system full

2004-12-28 Thread Ferguson, Neale
du -x -h --max-depth=1 /

It will then show you the space used by 1st level of directories. Then drill 
down using the same command with a different argument. Take a look in /var/log. 
I find /var/log/sa fills things up quite quickly (which is why I usually put it 
on a device of its own).

-Original Message-
What is the fastest way to find out what is filling up disk space? I've been 
searching directories
manually and can see nothing that big. It was 70% now it is 100%.

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Redbooks: Domino 6.5, CISCO MDS 9000

2004-12-27 Thread Ferguson, Neale
* IBM Lotus Domino 6.5 for Linux on zSeries Implementation


This IBM Redbook will help the reader plan for, install, and configure the new 
IBM Lotus Domino 6.5 product on an IBM  zSeries system running Linux. We 
discuss why you should consider running Domino for Linux on zSeries, and list 
the advantages of running Linux in a guest under z/VM .

We then describe the structure of running Domino for Linux on zSeries for those 
who are not familiar with all of those products, and review what is new in 
Domino 6.5, since this is the first release that is supported on Linux on 

We provide detailed technical information about planning, allocating, and 
managing disk space, network considerations, installing Linux and Domino, and 
administering Domino. We also discuss systems management, capacity planning and 
performance tuning, connectivity to DB2 , migration from previous Domino 
releases or Domino servers on other platforms, and troubleshooting.

This redbook is targeted to zSeries systems programmers, Domino administrators, 
consultants, and service technicians.

This updated version includes information from customer and IBM experiences. 


* Implementing the Cisco MDS 9000 in an Intermix FCP, FCIP, and FICON 


This IBM Redbook describes how to install and configure the Cisco MDS 9000 
family in an IBM Fibre Connection (FICON), Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP), and 
Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP) environment.

We have tried to consolidate as much of the critical information as possible 
while covering procedures and tasks that are likely to be encountered on a 
daily basis.

Each of the products described has much more functionality than we could ever 
hope to cover in just one redbook. The IBM/Cisco SAN portfolio is rich in 
quality products that bring a vast amount of technicality and vitality to the 
SAN world. Their inclusion and selection is based on a thorough understanding 
of the storage networking environment that positions Cisco and IBM, and 
therefore its customers and partners, in an ideal position to take advantage by 
their subsequent deployment.

In this redbook we cover the latest announcements related to the IBM/Cisco SAN 
family. We show how these announcements and the products can be implemented in 
both a mainframe and an open systems environment. We address some of the key 
concepts that they bring to the market, and in each case, we give an overview 
of those functions that are essential to building a robust SAN environment in 
an effective and concise manner.

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Re: SSH via putty to RH AS 3.0

2004-12-17 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Check the ssh config in /etc/ssh/sshd.config and make sure:
PasswordAuthentication yes

-Original Message-
I'm going insane.

I have a Red Hat AS 3.0 running under z/VM 5.1.  I can ssh in from my Intel
Linux fine.  I can use putty to ssh from another Win2K box fine.  On my
laptop, however when I use putty, I get 'access denied'.  I can't find any
logging of the error whatsoever, either on the server or on the PC.  It
doesn't matter whether I'm trying to logon to root or another user.   I can
use the same putty on my laptop to five other Linux systems here with no
problem.  I've done the usual Googles on this, and there are dozens of
instances of the same problem, but no one ever posts the solution.  I hate
it when that happens.  Has anyone had the same problem?  I promise to post
the SOLUTION when I have one.

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Redpaper on cloning FCP disks

2004-12-13 Thread Ferguson, Neale

This Redpaper describes a procedure to clone a root filesystem residing on an 
SCSI disk. Cloning SCSI disks that act as a Linux root filesystem requires 
special processing
(compared to cloning ECKD DASD). An initial ramdisk containing the zfcp device 
driver is
required to IPL from SCSI. The ramdisk also contains the FCP device mapping 
needed to
access the root filesystem on the SCSI disk. When the filesystem is copied, a 
new initial
ramdisk must be created on the cloned disk. This ramdisk must map the cloned 
SCSI disk as
the root filesystem (and not the filesystem on the original master SCSI disk).
We illustrate the steps using a SUSE SLES9 Linux distribution running as a 
guest under
z/VM. The procedure also applies to Linux running in an LPAR on zSeries. 
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Mono packages for SLES8

2004-12-13 Thread Ferguson, Neale
The mono 1.1.3 (.NET) packages for SLES8 are now available at:

The SLES9 apache2 module that allows the serving of .aspx etc. is also uploaded 

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Re: vncserver/vncclient

2004-12-10 Thread Ferguson, Neale
What happens if you try the rpmbuild command?

-Original Message-
We tried both:

RPM version 4.0.3
Copyright (C) 1998-2000 - Red Hat, Inc.
This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL

Usage: rpm {--help}
   rpm {--version}
[EMAIL PROTECTED] SPECS]# rpm -bb -clean tightvnc.spec
tightvnc.spec: No such file or directory

Use rebuild

[EMAIL PROTECTED] download]# ls
tightvnc-1.2.9-1.src.rpm  vnc-3[1].3.3r1-2.src.rpm  vnc-3.3.3r2-18.6.src.rpm
[EMAIL PROTECTED] download]# rpm -rebuild --clean tightvnc-1.2.9-1.src.rpm
tightvnc-1.2.9-1.src.rpm: No such file or directory
[EMAIL PROTECTED] download]#


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Re: vncserver/vncclient

2004-12-10 Thread Ferguson, Neale
What level of RPM (in later versions there's now an rpmbuild command)? Did you 
do a rpm -i srcrpm (if not do rpm[build] --rebuild --clean srcrpm? Are you 
in /usr/src/packages/SPECS? 

-Original Message-
We tried the newest rpm source from both tightvnc and realvnc. They had the
same problem after we got the spec file from the source RPM.

rpm -bb tightvnc.spec
tightvnc.spec: No such file or directory

Any reason?

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Re: Dynamically adding DASD...

2004-12-09 Thread Ferguson, Neale
insmod dasd_mod dasd=...

-Original Message-
I had the same problem. I tried to detect using 'insmod dasd dasd=0158'
but it could not find the 'dasd' module.

But when I used yast, dasd, it showed up and I activated it

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mono 1.1.3 for SLES9 (.NET for zSeries)

2004-12-09 Thread Ferguson, Neale
The 1.1.3 version of Mono (the .NET infrastructure for Open Systems) is 
available at This has been built for SLES9 
(it uses the new pthread library). This drop includes the Just In Time (JIT) 
compiler. If you decide to install mono-web-1.1.3-1.ximian.0.1.s390.rpm then 
use --nodeps as I made a mistake with the spec file. 

In addition to all the mono_ RPMS there is mod_mono which allows you to serve 
.aspx etc. from Apache. 

I am attempting to build RPMs for SLES8 when I get some spare time. Note, 
however, you need to be on a z8xx or z9xx to use the JIT as it uses the long 
relative instructions (e.g. LARL). I'm not sure if Hercules or FLEX support 
these instructions though I suspect they do.


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Re: VIPA and hot standby

2004-12-08 Thread Ferguson, Neale
FORCE may require you to give too many privileges to the virtual machine. You 
could use SIGNAL SHUTDOWN which is class C (it's class A also I know). You can 
also change the class of the command to restrict it to a class of its own that 
the stonith guy belongs to.

-Original Message-

You'd need to modify heartbeat-stonith's source to execute hcp FORCE
user WITHIN interval but it shouldn't be hard.  I don't remember
whether the actual shoot the other node code is modular, but I'd
think it must be, because pulling the plug must have a bunch of
different interfaces.  Maybe you just need to write a VM plugin for it.

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OSA Express Implementation Guide

2004-12-06 Thread Ferguson, Neale
A draft redbook is available:

This IBM Redbook discusses how to install, tailor, and configure the Open 
System Adapter-Express features that are available on the zSeries Servers 
(z800, z900, z890, and z990). It focuses on the hardware installation as well 
as the software definitions needed to provide connectivity to various LAN 
This book provides information for planning purposes and system setup. Also 
included are helpful utilities and commands for monitoring and managing the 
OSA-Express features.

Table of Contents 

Chapter 1. Overview 
Chapter 2. Quick start
Chapter 3. Hardware configuration definitions
Chapter 4. Setting up and using OSA/SF 
Chapter 5. QDIO mode 
Chapter 6. TCP/IP Passthru (non-QDIO mode) 
Chapter 7. Mixed TCP/IP and SNA (non-QDIO mode) 
Chapter 8. ATM HPDT native (non-QDIO mode) 
Chapter 9. ATM LAN Emulation (non-QDIO mode) 
Chapter 10. Enterprise Extender (EE) 
Chapter 11. VLAN support 
Chapter 12. Layer 2 support 
Chapter 13. IPv6 support 
Appendix A. Commands 
Appendix B. HMC and SE tasks for OSA-Express 
Appendix C. RMF in an OSA-Express environment 
Appendix D. Using the OSA/SF REXX interface
Appendix E. Sample definitions 
Appendix F. HiperSockets Accelerator
Appendix G. ARP Takeover

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Re: SLES9 Install hang

2004-12-06 Thread Ferguson, Neale
For the install and when using NFS I had my vstor at 512M or 768M (I
can't recall). You only need it for the install, you can set your
machine back down to what you prefer after.


-Original Message-

I don't think that was my problem.

I upped the virtual size from 256MB to 300MBs and I'm currently
installing software from CD2.  If this turns out to be the solution,
then I guess in my particular setup, 256MBs just don't cut it.

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2004-12-03 Thread Ferguson, Neale
If NOLIMIT is set then it's possible for the share leftover when everyone has 
had their SHARE satisfied can be consumed by a single virtual machine. Using 
LIMITSOFT means this leftover will be shared according to the value set. 
Imagine an apple pie. After everyone has had 1 slice and there's some left 
over, then with NOLIMIT a greedy individual can gobble the whole lot. However, 
with a soft limit they have to be nice and share it with the other hungry souls 
(if there are still hungry people).

-Original Message-
Our current workload consists of a dozen Linux Oracle servers in a 1-cpu LPAR.
CPU usage stays around 50% with very occasional spikes to 100%. I feel we have
good resource allocation for these servers via SHARE REL. Default MAX is NOLIMIT
and my question is whether LIMITSOFT would be of any benefit. Documentation I
have read so far indicate that CPU will be limited unless unused resources are
available, which seems to be the same as NOLIMIT, where other servers are 
their allocated minimums satisfied first. I'm sure its more involved - can 
expand on this?

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Slack again

2004-12-03 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Any one seen this before using a lcs device?

Pinging the gateway 
PING ( 56 data bytes 
lcs_fix_multicast_list failed to add multicast entry e001 multicast address 
table possibly full.

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss 

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Re: 127 device limitation for hipersockets

2004-12-02 Thread Ferguson, Neale
I'd use a VSWITCH for the small packet traffic. The OSAs would internally 
switch things between partitions. I'd use real hipersockets for the big packet 
stuff to directly connect partitions/machines. That way you're not relying on a 
single machine being up and acting as a router as well as eliminating the 
router overhead. This way you'd half the real hardware requirements and allow 
growth until the limit is addressed.

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Re: Which Suse 9.0 CD?

2004-11-30 Thread Ferguson, Neale
s390 = 32-bit arch
s390x = 64-bit

RC5a is an updated RC5.

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Re: z/VM Virtual Switch Controller define problem

2004-11-27 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Somehow the user you are using is a class A user and the first/only one on the 
system. As such VM has made your user the system operator and your console mode 
defaults to CP - all commands go straight to CP and not to the operating system 
within your virtual machine. You need to:

1. Logoff
2. Get the true operator logged on
3. Change the user's configuration to eliminate class A 

If you really want this situation you can enter TERM MODE VM and CP will pass 
the input to your virtual machine rather than intercepting them.


-Original Message-
We are in the early stages of setting up z/VM for our Linux guests.

I am trying to add a virtual switch controller while following Getting
Started with Linux on zSeries on page 71. We are not licensed for dirmaint
so I did not use the procedures on the preceding pages. However, I did
create user VSWCTRL1 successfully. Anyway, I can logon to VSWCTRL1 and all
seems fine. While doing step 4, I receive the following:

12:54:38 z/VM Version 5 Release 1.0, Service Level 0401 (64-bit),
12:54:38 built on IBM Virtualization Technology
12:54:38 There is no logmsg data
12:54:38 FILES:   NO RDR, 0006 PRT,   NO PUN
12:54:38 LOGON AT 12:54:38 EST SATURDAY 11/27/04
z/VM V5.1.02004-11-10 08:32
access 591 z
DMSACP723I Z (591) R/O
Ready; T=0.01/0.01 12:55:03
12:55:26 HCPCMD001E Unknown CP command: COPY
12:59:55 Q DISK
12:59:55 HCPCQV003E Invalid option  DISK
13:00:55 L *
13:00:55 HCPCMD001E Unknown CP command: L

It seems I am allowed one command. Any subsequent command does not seem to
be recognized. I am a z/VM newbie so be kind. Thanks to for any insight
anyone can give.


Re: z/VM Virtual Switch Controller define problem

2004-11-27 Thread Ferguson, Neale
OPERATOR is generally automatically logged on by the system at startup.

-Original Message-
Thank you. Removing the A corrected my problem. I do not know if it is
necessary or not. We have no users logged on to z/VM. We just installed it
and are trying to become somewhat familiar with it.

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Re: Problems with SLES 9 and guest lan

2004-11-23 Thread Ferguson, Neale
I ran into this problem when I installed the SLES9 beta. I didn't have
the problem when I upgraded using the GA level. It appears to me that
qdio is not being started early enough (i.e. before qeth is attempted to
be started). I wrote the following script that I used to bring up the
eth connection:

insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/s390/cio/ccwgroup.ko
insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/s390/net/qeth.ko
echo 0.0.0900,0.0.0901,0.0.0902 /sys/bus/ccwgroup/drivers/qeth/group
echo VOSASW  /sys/bus/ccwgroup/drivers/qeth/0.0.0900/portname
echo 1  /sys/bus/ccwgroup/drivers/qeth/0.0.0900/online
ifup eth0

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Re: Problems with SLES 9 and guest lan

2004-11-23 Thread Ferguson, Neale
try and load the qdio prior to the others and see what happens...

-Original Message-
From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Martha McConaghy
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: [LINUX-390] Problems with SLES 9 and guest lan


Thanks very much for the script.  I've tried the commands out and got
interesting results.  When I ran the second line, I received the

insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/s390/net/qeth.ko
dules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/s390/net/qeth.ko

qeth: Unknown symbol qdio_synchronize
qeth: Unknown symbol do_QDIO
qeth: Unknown symbol qdio_initialize
qeth: Unknown symbol qdio_cleanup
qeth: Unknown symbol qdio_activate
Nov 23 08:57:19 lsuse964 kernel: qeth: Unknown symbol qdio_synchronize
insmod: error inserting
qeth.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module
Nov 23 08:57:19 lsuse964 kernel: qeth: Unknown symbol do_QDIO
Nov 23 08:57:19 lsuse964 kernel: qeth: Unknown symbol qdio_initialize
Nov 23 08:57:19 lsuse964 kernel: qeth: Unknown symbol qdio_cleanup
Nov 23 08:57:19 lsuse964 kernel: qeth: Unknown symbol qdio_activate

The other lines failed because there are no subdirectories (or anything
in /sys/bus/ccwgroup/drivers/.

I guess the question is, should I give on this system and just
Is it too screwed up to save?


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Re: Problems with SLES 9 and guest lan

2004-11-23 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Because in my situation qdio was being loaded by the scsi driver load.
The qeth was occuring before scsi.

-Original Message-
The qdio.ko module needs to be loaded before qeth.ko one.  Don't know
Neale's script didn't do that first.  (This is why I always try to use
modprobe instead of insmod, it figures these things out for me.)

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db2 v8.1 problem

2004-11-23 Thread Ferguson, Neale
I just installed the trial version of DB2 UDB v8.1. I installed FP7a and now 
when trying to run db2start I get:

db2start: Symbol `g_sqltCompTraceFlags' has different size in shared object, 
consider re-linking   

I have considered but have respectfully declined. Anyone run into this before?

Also, the initial install had this problem which someone on another list said 
was addressed by a fixpak:


ERROR:An error occurred while updating the configuration parameter DASADM_GRP 
to dasadm1 for the DB2 Administration Server. The return value is -8050.

ERROR:An error occurred while updating the DB2 Administration Server's  
configuration with the specified administration group. Please ensure the
DASADM_GRP setting is correct by using the GET ADMIN CONFIGURATION command. To  
modify the value of any DB2 Administration Server configuration parameter, use  


Is the db2admin command used to do this? If so, from what user? 

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SLES9 Evaulation Download

2004-11-18 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Check out this free 30-day evaluation of SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 
complete with free Installation Support and upgrade protection for 30 days. To 
access the software  Upgrade Protection and installation assistance, please 
follow the two-step process outlined below..

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Re: subversion

2004-11-17 Thread Ferguson, Neale
There were a number:
1. The SUSE packages had so many pre-reqs it became a nightmare to manage (over 
30 many of which needed building from source)
2. One of the Fedora s390 pre-reqs wouldn't build cleanly
I ended up using the tarball from the svn site and got it working (but not 
before some bizarre symptoms involving relinking a library during make install 
that introduced an unresolved extern).

Neale, what exactly was the problem with rebuiling the 386 source package?

with kind regards
Carsten Otte

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Re: Shutdown by Operations

2004-11-17 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Are you running under VM? If so, what level. What level of Linux?

For most modern kernels and z/VM systems you can use the VM command:
SIGNAL SHUTDOWN linux guest WITHIN nn from a privileged virtual
machine (like the operator). Use HELP CP SIGNAL from CMS to get details
on the command and its options.

-Original Message-
Newbie question: Is there a way to allow Operations to shutdown without
giving them root's password?

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Re: ILC for signal handlers

2004-11-15 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Excellent news. Many thanks Uli.

Changing ucontext would cause significant ABI issues, so we like to
avoid that if at all possible ;-)

In any case, for those signals where the PSW address points after the
faulting instruction, the siginfo_t always contains a field si_addr
which holds the address of the faulting insn itself.  This can be used
for purposes like the one you describe.

There has been a little bit of confusion about just when the PSW points
to or after the current instruction in the past, but the rule (that
current 2.6 kernels enforce) is: SIGILL/SIGFPE/SIGTRAP point after the
instruction, every other signal points to the instruction.

For an example of how to handle your very problem (analysing SIGFPEs
resulting from divide), you may have a look at
  libjava/include/s390-signal.h (HANDLE_DIVIDE_OVERFLOW)
residing in current GCC sources.

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ILC for signal handlers

2004-11-14 Thread Ferguson, Neale
When a signal like SIGSEGV or SIGFPE is intercepted by a signal handler that 
receives signal no., siginfo_t, and ucontext the PSW is that of the program old 
PSW. However, the instruction length code (ILC) is not passed anywhere nor can 
is it accessible (nor could it be relied upon) from low-core. This makes 
writing signal handlers that inspect the problem difficult. For example, I want 
to distinguish between a zero divide exception and other fixed point exceptions 
(both PROG 009). I'd like to inspect the opcode to see if it was a divide 
operations and then check the operands to see if the divisor was 0. The divide 
instruction could be 2, 4, or 6 bytes long (RR, RX, RXY format) but because the 
PSW address is pointing to the instruction following and there's no ILC I 
cannot write a foolproof method of finding the opcode (having 1d20 could be the 
opcode for DR but it might be part of the displacement field of the D, DL 
instructions). I'd like to suggest that the ucontext structure be enhanced to 
include the ILC information. (Changing the current behavior of the PSW address 
would probably cause massive breakage.) 

Neale Ferguson 

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Re: RHAS 3 (s390x) path to ld-2.?.?.so ???

2004-11-12 Thread Ferguson, Neale
ls /lib64/ld*:

-Original Message-
Would there be anyone out there with an installed RHAS 3 s390x (64-bit)
server that could kindly provide me with the full pathname to the
'standard' (64-bit, NOT the 32-bit compatibility version) runtime ELF
interpreter/loader? There should be a symlink in either /lib64 or /lib
called that points to this file  readelf -a run against any
64-bit shared object should also return the symlink's path as INTERP in
the program header section.

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2004-11-10 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Does anyone have subversion running on SUSE for s390? I tried building it from 
SUSE source RPMS I found on their i386 distro. I tried using the Fedora s390 
package but it's pre-reqs were for all sorts of different levels of libraries 
than we have on SLES9. 

Neale Ferguson 

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Re: cpint throws unresolved symbol errors?

2004-11-04 Thread Ferguson, Neale
depmod -e

-Original Message-
Howdy all -

I've built cpint on a RHEL 3 guest running kernel 2.4.21-15.0.3.EL.  When I run depmod 
-a I get:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# depmod -a
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.21-15.0.3.EL/misc/cpint.o

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Re: FW: Cloneing Linux Guests on FCP SCSI

2004-10-26 Thread Ferguson, Neale
SLES9 uses sysfs:

echo 0x5005076300cfa20a /sys/devices/css0/0.0.0012/0.0.d008/port_add
echo 0x5403 
echo 1 /sys/devices/css0/0.0.0012/0.0.d008/online

-Original Message-
so this is very tricky for SuSE 9 then. do you know of an easier way.

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Re: signal command for shutdown - Howto?

2004-10-25 Thread Ferguson, Neale
/etc/inittab needs an entry to handle the signal:

# CTLR-ALT-DEL (signal shutdown on S/390)
ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -h -t 4 now

-Original Message-
Is there something within linux that you have to do to tell it what you
expect it to do when it gets that signal?

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2004-10-25 Thread Ferguson, Neale
   Users of Transaction Processing Facility (TPF), IBM's mainframe operating system, 
seem to have both pride in the OS and an inferiority complex, often referring to it as 
'IBM's unknown operating system.' Even IBM called it 'little known' in a press release 
for its latest version of the system, zTPF.

IBM in early October announced that it was taking a step toward bringing zTPF to 
the attention of the next generation of IT workers. With a planned release date of 
September 30, 2005, zTPF adds features such as 64-bit addressing capability on zSeries 
servers, but what is most significant is the system's compatibility with Linux. This 
feature opens the door for many more programmers and administrators who may want to 
work with it. 

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Re: CAN-2004-0887

2004-10-22 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Check the code drop of 2004-10-21. I think it may be related to this. 


-Original Message-
Can't find any info on this but it is mentioned here:

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Linux on Kernel Management Style

2004-10-06 Thread Ferguson, Neale

First off, I'd suggest buying Seven Habits of Highly Successful
People, and NOT read it.  Burn it, it's a great symbolic gesture. 
Thus the key to avoiding big decisions becomes to just avoiding to do
things that can't be undone.  Don't get ushered into a corner from which
you cannot escape.  A cornered rat may be dangerous - a cornered manager
is just pitiful. 
While it turns out that most people are idiots, the corollary to that is
sadly that you are one too, and that while we can all bask in the secure
knowledge that we're better than the average person (let's face it,
nobody ever believes that they're average or below-average), we should
also admit that we're not the sharpest knife around, and there will be
other people that are less of an idiot that you are. 

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Re: Search script

2004-10-01 Thread Ferguson, Neale
grep -n virtual *.conf

-Original Message-
Does some have a script they could share that would do the following
Search through a list of filesie.   *.conf
Look for a particular string   ie.  'virtual'
If the string is found I would like to display the line and filename that
contained that line.

I can do part of that by doing   cat *.conf |grep stringbut that only
displays the line, not the file in which it was found.
Can someone help me out with the file name part?

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Patent Office Rejects Microsoft's FAT Patent

2004-09-30 Thread Ferguson, Neale

In the reexamination proceeding initiated earlier this year by the Public Patent 
Foundation ('PUBPAT'), the United States Patent and Trademark Office has rejected all 
of the claims of Microsoft's patent on the FAT file system, which Microsoft describes 
as 'the ubiquitous format used for interchange of media between computers, and, since 
the advent of inexpensive, removable flash memory, also between digital devices.' 

Relying predominantly on evidence provided by PUBPAT when the reexamination was 
requested, the Patent Office made multiple rejections of the Redmond, WA based 
software giant's patent. Microsoft has the opportunity to respond to the Patent 
Office's rejection, but third party requests for reexamination, like the one filed by 
PUBPAT, are successful in having the subject patent either narrowed or completely 
revoked roughly 70% of the time... 

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Re: New to Linux

2004-09-29 Thread Ferguson, Neale
You cannot move binaries from DOS to Linux especially on different hardware platforms. 
You need to rebuild from source.

-Original Message-
Hi. We are new to Linux and trying to move workload from a DOS
pc to a Linux lpar on a MP3000. I created a /home directory and a user,
copied (via binary ftp) a .exe to this linux directory. I could not
execute it so I did a chmod 111 on the file. On a tera term session I
type /home/richl/RLBL253.EXE and press enter and receive message
bash: /home/richl/RLBL253.EXE: cannot execute binary file 

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Re: New to Linux

2004-09-29 Thread Ferguson, Neale
I've used and liked Microfocus COBOL.

-Original Message-
Thank you for the quick responses. I will search the web but does anyone
have a personal recommendation for a COBOL compiler on Linux?

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Re: Documentation for User Process Faults

2004-09-29 Thread Ferguson, Neale
The Principles of Operation manual (SA22-7832-03 chapter 6) describes all the program 
interruption types.

-Original Message-
 knowing how to interpret the User process fault: interruption code
 messages that get generated.  Is there a pointer to a document that
 contains explanations for these that anyone knows about?

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Re: Documentation for User Process Faults

2004-09-29 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Can you forward the user oops output?

-Original Message-
So, when I see a 0x40001 or 0x020001 error, how do I map that to something
in the POP?

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Re: Documentation for User Process Faults

2004-09-29 Thread Ferguson, Neale
interruption code 0x6 = specification exception (which is why the invalid PSW message 
is there - the user PSW has an odd address which is invalid)

Where is the 0x40001 or 0x020001 error you refer to?


-Original Message-
I was trying to _not_ do that, since what I'm really looking for is
documentation that I can use to figure it out myself.  But, here it is:
User process fault: interruption code 0x6
CPU:0Not tainted
Process nm (pid: 3273, task: 00c44000, ksp: 00c47e80)
User PSW : 0705d0018000 
User GPRS: 012f  
   010b5604 01fff8f8 01fff6e8
   01fff700 01fff700 01fff6e8
   011f2198 40012b18 010b5544
User ACRS:  400122b0  
User Code:  Bad PSW.

Mark Post

-Original Message-
So, when I see a 0x40001 or 0x020001 error, how do I map that to something
in the POP?

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Re: 2004-09-23 Recommended Linux for zSeries code docu drop to developerWorks

2004-09-23 Thread Ferguson, Neale
I like sounds of the new vmconvert command that converts a VMDUMP to lkcd format so 
that it can be analyzed by the linux dump tools.

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Re: OpenSSH?

2004-09-20 Thread Ferguson, Neale
It comes with SLES8/SLES9.


-Original Message-
Does OpenSSH comes with RHEL 3 or SLES8/SLES9? If not, can it be
built on these systems?

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Re: Securing VM using LDAP?

2004-09-20 Thread Ferguson, Neale
That client comes from the port of LDAP 1.2 I did for

-Original Message-
Hmmm.  I know that Princeton has a VM LDAP client interface.  I do not,
however, know whether Melinda distributes it.

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Re: TCP/IP response time

2004-09-14 Thread Ferguson, Neale
What does:
#CP Q SRM report?
How big are the Linux guests?

-Original Message-
We have a handful on Linux guests (20 or so) running in our z/VM 4.4
environment.  Yesterday, for some strange reason, 4 of them started
having terrible response times.  Here are some of the ping times.  These
were issued from another guest.

BAD one:
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=993.377 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=1000.203 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=1000.878 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=1000.145 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=1000.123 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=255 time=1000.093 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=255 time=1000.155 ms
--- ping statistics ---
8 packets transmitted, 7 packets received, 12% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 993.377/999.282/1000.878 ms

GOOD one:
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.885 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.127 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.111 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=0.157 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=0.184 ms
--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.111/0.292/0.885 ms

Any ideas what to look for? The CPU on all the servers is relatively


Eric Biggs

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Re: shmmax

2004-09-08 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Add it to /etc/sysctl.conf and then use the Yast to have boot.sysctl
invoked at startup (I think you use the runlevel editor component of
Yast for this).

-Original Message-
I increased my machine from 32M to 128M.  I used the echo 134359738368
 Everytime I reboot, the value returns back to 32M. How do I make this
permanent on a SLES8 machine ?

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Re: SuSE 8 upgrade to SuSE 9

2004-09-08 Thread Ferguson, Neale
There is and it worked fine (at least during the beta).

-Original Message-
I upgraded to SuSE 8 shortly after installing version 7 and I was told that
I had to do a new install to version 8.  I don't care if that was/is true,
but can someone tell me if there is an upgrade migration path from version
8 to version 9 and how effective is it?

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Centrelink to Migrate 450 Windows Systems to Linux

2004-09-07 Thread Ferguson, Neale
As part of a $312 million infrastructure refresh project, Centrelink will migrate at 
least 450 Windows servers over to Linux and join the small number of enterprises 
running the open source operating system on the mainframe. 

Centrelink infrastructure planner David Oram said the bulk of the department's 
infrastructure consists of about 1400 Intel servers and 300 Sun servers, with the 
Intel systems 'roughly' split between Windows and NetWare... 

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HERT Interviews Kismet's Author, Mike Kershaw

2004-08-22 Thread Ferguson, Neale
Is this our Mike Kershaw?

Kismet is simply the best war driving tool out there plus it's free as in GPL. It 
runs on linux, *BSD, Mac OS X and even on your little linux PDA. The brain and guts 
driving its development is Mike Kershaw alias Dragorn, works during the day on IBM 
mainframes and hack kismet code at night. Mike graciously agreed to a HERT interview 
to tell us a little bit more about himself, his view on WiFi security and the future 
of Kismet.

What is your background?

I've been running Linux for about 10 years now, and programming since I was a wee 
larva on a TI-99a console... 

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IBM's Mainframe Momentum Continues

2004-08-11 Thread Ferguson, Neale

In another sign the mainframe computer is coming back to life, 
IBM plans to announce on Wednesday that a customer is using its 
zSeries machines and Linux for a major consolidation of business 

Endress+Hauser, which makes measuring devices for industrial 
process engineering, is migrating its 19 SAP applications into one 
primary data center in Germany using two z990 mainframes, according 
to IBM... 

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