RE: Call for a README file

2000-01-22 Thread Adam Brinley Codd

> Anyone who wants to contribute to the project, but can't code, here is your
> chance. Don't worry about discussing in depth what the files should contain.
> Just write something and we will go from there.


What I think would be good is a file describing very basically how the kernel works,
what bits get executed in what order etc.

I'm intrested in ELKS for a number of reasons;

a-I want to learn more about the Linux kernel, and OSs in general
b-I want to hack my Psion 3c
c-I want to enhance my programming skills, and learn C/asm

The only thing I have found which helps with (a) is in the kernel hackers guide.  It
would be nice to have something directly applicable to ELKS.  That way people using
ELKS to learn (like me) could go through this file, and read the source code in the
order it is executed, and maybe, just maybe, cotton on to what's happening.

Maybe this is just a waste of time though.  What do others think?


Re: Call for a README file

2000-01-22 Thread David Murn

On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, Alistair Riddoch wrote:

> Anyone who wants to contribute to the project, but can't code, here is your
> chance. Don't worry about discussing in depth what the files should contain.

I was thinking this could also be a good place for an (almost) howto.  
If people try to install, then report on the methods they found to work,
and any problems they had.  Infact we could almost compile a list of
systems that are known to work, eg. V30 with 2 MFM drives and a single
720k floppy, etc. with contact details for someone who has done it,
willing to answer any questions.

Any thoughts?


Re: Call for a README file

2000-01-22 Thread Alistair Riddoch

On Fri, Jan 21, 2000 at 01:19:26PM -0800, iwishihadda realname wrote:
> How about this?  I read that slashdot article someone
> posted the link to.  I'm one of those types who
> doesn't know a whole lot about programming, but is
> learning, and is certainly interested in learning, and
> thus might be able to contribute in the documentation
> area.  I whipped up this real quick.  Its hardly
> complete, but its a start.  Take a look at it and tell
> me what you think.

I have read through the file and it is exactly what I was looking for in
style, if not in technical detail. I will go through and and correct the
details, and then post it back for further comments. Writing clear
documentation that novices can understand has never been my strong point.
Thanks very much for this valued contribution.


Re: Call for a README file

2000-01-22 Thread iwishihadda realname

How about this?  I read that slashdot article someone
posted the link to.  I'm one of those types who
doesn't know a whole lot about programming, but is
learning, and is certainly interested in learning, and
thus might be able to contribute in the documentation
area.  I whipped up this real quick.  Its hardly
complete, but its a start.  Take a look at it and tell
me what you think.

Things it still needs: 

1) an explanation of the benefits/problems with using
the combination boot/root disk instead of separate

2) where to find things like rawrite.exe and

3) a more complete section on installing under linux.

If you can't read the file here, I've also included it
as an attachment.  I'm not used to this cruddy yahoo
email setup.

-matt balaun

P.S. - Yeah, it probably won't look very clean this
way, I recommend looking at it as an attachment
instead.  Sorry.  I'll have to work on that.
ELKS - INSTALL.TXT - v0.0.1 - 21 January 2000
Original Author - Matt Balaun -

Here are basic instructions on installing ELKS, the
Embeddable Linux Kernel
Subset, onto one or more floppy disks for use on your

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction
2. Installation - DOS/Win3.x/Win9x/WinNT users
3. Installation - Linux users
4. Credits

If you have any questions about this document, please
email the author, 
Matt Balaun, at [EMAIL PROTECTED], or post your
question to the
linux-8086 discussion list.  Information on this list
is available at:

1.  Introduction

These are 1.44 MB disk images for ELKS, the Embeddable
Linux Kernel Subset,
as contained in the file IMAGES.ZIP and as of ELKS
version 0.0.82:

boot - disk image used in creating the boot disk
root - disk image used in creating the root disk
comb - disk image used in creating a combination boot
and root disk

As of right now, the author of this document does not
fully understand the
advantages and disadvantages of making separate boot
and root disks versus 
making a combination boot and root disk.  A future
version of this document
will contain a brief explanation of that.  For now,
the author recommends
doing whatever works for your system. :)

2.  Installation - Dos/Win3.x/9x/NT/2000 users

For those of you working on a DOS-based system (or a
system where you can access
a DOS prompt, such as Win9x/NT), you will need the
following to create your set
of ELKS disks:

IMAGES.ZIP (which presumably you've already
downloaded if you're
reading this document)
RAWRITE.EXE (a DOS-based tool used to write
disk images onto your floppies)

Two 1.44 HD floppy disks (or just one if you want to
make the combination
  boot and root disk)

If you are missing IMAGES.ZIP, you can get it from: 

If you are missing RAWRITE.EXE, you can get it from:
*NOTE: This probably isn't the best place to get
RAWRITE from, but its the first
 one that came to mind.  Someone suggest a better
place, please?

If you are missing two 1.44 HD floppy disks, buy them
from just about any computer
or office supply store on the planet.

Once you have all these items, you are ready to start
making your ELKS disk set.

First, unzip IMAGES.ZIP into a directory on your hard
drive.  If you don't know how
to do this, or if you haven't the tools to do this,
download PKZ204G.EXE from (where
the heck can a guy get PKZ204G.EXE from these days,
anyway?), install it, and read
the documentation included with it.  

Example:  C:\> md elks
  C:\> copy c:\elks\
  C:\> cd elks
  C:\ELKS> pkunzip

Second, put a copy of RAWRITE.EXE to that same

Example:  C:\ELKS\> cd ..
  C:\> copy rawrite.exe c:\elks\
  C:\> cd elks

Third, decide whether you want to make separate boot
and root disks or just the
combination boot/root disk.  Then make them.  The
format for RAWRITE.EXE is
RAWRITE [image name] [drive letter].  You can also
just type RAWRITE, and the
program will prompt you for the information it needs.

Example (for separate boot and root disks):
  (put a 1.44 HD floppy into drive A:)
  C:\ELKS\> rawrite boot a:
  (wait for rawrite to finish writing to drive A:)

  (remove 1.44 HD floppy from drive A:, label as
"ELKS boot" or some
   other logical name)

  (put a new 1.44 HD floppy into drive A:)

  C:\ELKS\> rawrite root a:

  (wait for rawrite to finish writing to drive A:)

  (remove 1.44 HD floppy from drive A:, label as
"ELKS root" or some
   other logical name)

  (congratulate yourself o

Re: Call for a README file

2000-01-21 Thread Greg Haerr

: So I decided I need to put a README and an INSTALL file with the distribution
: in future releases, but that I am not really qualified to write them.

Not to disagree with you, but I think that it's important that the actually
useful Real Technical Information (tm) be included in an INSTALL.
This information should state exactly what a user should do to get from to a running ELKS installation.  Brief technical descriptions of
what root, comb etc are are necessary, IMHO, and you're the perfect person
to write that.

Having said that, then, someone less technical might massage the message 
to help users less technical...

My $.02


RE: Call for a README file - ELKSibo

2000-01-21 Thread Simon Wood

I've already written a basic 'install' procedure for the Psion which is on
my web site. This covers how to program a SSD (given the image) and how to
install the Kernel.

I don't feel I know enough about the PC stuff, but am happy to contribute
more on the Psion specific stuff.

Simon Wood

Hardware Engineer 
Pace Micro Technology plc
Victoria Road, Saltaire, Shipley
West Yorkshire, BD18 3LF
Tel : +44(0)1274 532000  Fax: +44(0)1274 532029

This E-Mail and any attachments hereto are strictly confidential and
intended solely for the addressee. If you are not the intended addressee
please notify the sender by return and delete the message. You must not
disclose, forward or copy this E-mail or attachments to any third party
without the prior consent of the sender.

Call for a README file

2000-01-21 Thread Alistair Riddoch

I was looking at my release procedure with a view to making sure each
release of ELKS is accessible as possible to users, and I realised
that the lack of any kind of immediate documentation with the
binary images is a serious flaw. I also realised that many things that I take
for granted are not at all obvious to a novice user.

So I decided I need to put a README and an INSTALL file with the distribution
in future releases, but that I am not really qualified to write them.

Is there anyone who could write these files? All they need to contain is
brief information that a basic Linux user can understand on how to use
the files in to create the apropriate disk image for their
machine with some pointers to the FAQ for how to deal with all the source
level stuff.

It would also be useful if in the future the same file could contain
information on how to boot ELKS on a Psion 3.

Anyone who wants to contribute to the project, but can't code, here is your
chance. Don't worry about discussing in depth what the files should contain.
Just write something and we will go from there.
