Microwindows version 0.87 is (finally) released.  Source code is available at:


Version 0.87 is fairly stable and seems to work well.  It's been a long time
in coming since the 0.86 release at the end of October, 1999.  The 0.87
release now runs on Linux framebuffer, Linux SVGAlib, X11, Solaris,
RTEMS, ELKS, MSDOS 32 bit with DJGPP, and MSDOS 16 bit
with MSC and PACIFIC C (free).  The X11 screen driver supports
emulating a target screen driver in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 32bpp, without
having to cross-compile and run the application on the target device.

The framebuffer screen drivers have been tested well, and now offer
support for 1 through 32 bits per pixel, as well as high speed (software)
blitting, and alpha blending.  1 though 8 bpp palettized modes, as well as
16, 24 and 32bpp truecolor modes are supported.  The framebuffer
drivers have been tuned for speed, although more enhancements are planned.

The new make system is completed, and a config file now controls all
options for specifying target architecture and features options.  Cross-
compilation support for x86, MIPS, ARM Linux, Solaris, ELKS,
DJGPP and RTEMS is included.  All demos and libraries are built at
once, so it's much easier to link Microwindows when developing an
application.  A C++ object frameworks has been added.  Support for
displaying JPEG and BMP file types has been added.

Thanks to everyone for the contributions - it was getting overwhelming for
a bit there, but almost all contributions have been added to this release.

I will now start work on getting the tree into CVS, as well as merging
contributions for Truetype font support, as well as some cleanups with
the screen device structure for speed.  In addition, as a result of the press
we've been getting, a number of folks are interested getting Microwindows
running with their hardware and software.

Following is the detailed ChangeLog:
Version 0.87 - 13th February 2000 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * added VTSWITCH in config to include virtual terminal switch code
 * added support for 24bpp, wrote 24bpp fb driver
 * fixed 8/8/8 color macros: RGB2PIXEL888, COLOR2PIXEL888, PIXEL888RED
 * fixed 32bpp fb bug with psd->ncolors, 32bpp alpha blit bugs
 * added fb driver support for FB_VISUAL_DIRECTCOLOR cards (ATI)
 * sped up 16, 32bpp blitters by using memcpy
 * added large font patches from Kyle
 * added PACIFIC C compiler support from Victor
 * default UPDATEREGIONS=N in config file for alpha blend demo
 * removed XORMOVE from config, requires only ERASEMOVE=N
 * wrote alpha blending demo (requires UPDATEREGIONS=N)
 * rewrote void *pixels in devdraw.c, won't compile on ansi compilers
 * fixed PF_TRUECOLOR0888 bug in GdArea
 * added DJGPP as config ARCH option, Victor's patches for DJGPP
 * finalized alpha blending blit routines for 8, 16, and 32bpp
 * added SetTimer/KillTimer api (single timer only)
 * added Chris' SetSysColor api, C++ object frameworks patch to mwin/
 * added Rosimildo's make patches for RTEMS
 * added Martin's make/configure patches


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