Re: Database Programming

1999-04-04 Thread Karl F. Larsen

On Sat, 3 Apr 1999, Tim - HOWTO Coordinator wrote:

} Hi,
} Thanks for your response Karl, it's greatly appreciated.
}  } Could someone recommend some documentation, sites/links, books or code
}  } snippets for database programming under C?
}  Hi Tim, I'm not clear what your in mind of doing. Do you want to
}  write a special database application, or do you want to write an
}  application "front end" to an existing data base. I use postgeSql, the
} Well, to make a long story short, I'm not sure what my options are, I just
} know that I'd like to be able to do it in C.  This is *not* to stir up a
} discussion of "what's best to use for different circumstances" like
} re-inventing the wheel when I could do the same thing in a few lines of
} Perl.  I just want to do it in C, so if you want to flame go for it, just
} do it privately, not to the list.

Don't be silly Tim. This list has several Tigers at C who will
make anyone trying to pontificate (flame) look like the ass they are.

} My curiosity was stirred when I found an old book at work called: C Data
} Base Development.  In short it claims to teach data base theory and design
} and provides a complete package of data base management software in C
} source (disks not provided). 

What a pity!

 The code has been tested with over ten
} different compilers, include Turbo C, Microsoft C, Lattice C, and Aztec
} C86.  I'm not sure my C is strong enough at this point to figure out what
} needs to be done with the source given in the book to get it to work under
} Linux if it's even possible.

This should not be a big problem. I am *Learning* C from a book
"New C Primer Plus", Sams and it is written assuming your using Unix or
Microsoft C or Borland Turbo C. I have had no problem with this book just
following the Unix way. 

Problems occur when you call the math library and write to the
screen and a few places like that. I think you can find these and fix

Aside. I made a serious blunder and was grilled for it by the
people giving us new libraries and compilers. They said I am stupid not to
get the latest compiler called "egc". I returned with " I am using the
very latest Red Hat version and it was written and compiled by the old
gcc. If it's good enough for that, it's good enough for me". That ended

} CDATA (The Cheap Data Base Management System) is mentioned, but I'm not
} even sure what this is and whether or not it's widely known or is
} something the author has come up with.  I haven't even begun reading the
} book, b/c I'm not sure if in the long run it's worth the time and/or
} effort.
Depends what you want from the data base. A flat data base is
simple but has limited use. From this kind of device you enter data  all
into one table. You can sort the table and like that depending on the
tools you write/borrow.

The SQL database has a lot of added features that allow it to hold
giant amounts of data and work with it. Many users and tight security.

}  The postgeSQL "front end" is pretty good and you learn to use it
}  to make your data base and then retrive specific data.
} I'm familiar with postgreSQL, but haven't used it very much as of yet.
}  Data base is not simple! They have a whole new set of jargon to
}  knock you off your feet...:-)
} I have no doubts about this comment.  I am green to programming in C as it
} is, which is why I turned to the list for some sort of guidance. ;)
Most programers I have known were old by today's standard but they
all wrote an editor at some point in their learning career. Since I have
been forever interested in writing code they all gave me their editors all
written for dos. I use joe in Linux for everything.

Using gcc is simple. I use a user login xterm window and make a
directory for my C stuff. Write the source code with joe naming it 
filename.c for straight C compile. GCC has lots of helpful error
messages. Getting the source code to do what you want it to do is not

} Best Regards,
} Tim
} --
} Linux HOWTO coordinator
} (Alpha Pager)
} D I P C
}The system that enables you to write distributed programs...the
}easy way!

Best wishes 

 - Karl F. Larsen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (505) 524-3303  -

Re: Database Programming

1999-04-03 Thread Karl F. Larsen

On Sat, 3 Apr 1999, Tim - HOWTO Coordinator wrote:

} Could someone recommend some documentation, sites/links, books or code
} snippets for database programming under C?

Hi Tim, I'm not clear what your in mind of doing. Do you want to
write a special database application, or do you want to write an
application "front end" to an existing data base. I use postgeSql, the
data base shipped with Red Hat 5.2 that is pretty well documented by
several .ps files that come with it. 

The postgeSQL "front end" is pretty good and you learn to use it
to make your data base and then retrive specific data.
Data base is not simple! They have a whole new set of jargon to
knock you off your feet...:-)

} I'm looking for something that will start off pretty slow and won't be too
} overwhelming if that's at all possible. ;)
} Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
} Best Regards,
} Tim
} --
} Linux HOWTO coordinator
} (Alpha Pager)
} D I P C
}The system that enables you to write distributed programs...the
}easy way!

Best wishes 

 - Karl F. Larsen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (505) 524-3303  -