Enable the use of zero-copy even if the AAD and/or Auth Tag are in different
buffers than the actual data, as long as each of them individually satisfies
the zero-copy conditions (i.e. the entire buffer is either in low-mem or
within a single high-mem page).

Signed-off-by: Junaid Shahid <juna...@google.com>
 arch/x86/crypto/aesni-intel_glue.c | 121 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 89 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/x86/crypto/aesni-intel_glue.c 
index 03892dd80a12..2a44285ed66c 100644
--- a/arch/x86/crypto/aesni-intel_glue.c
+++ b/arch/x86/crypto/aesni-intel_glue.c
@@ -756,42 +756,91 @@ static u8 *map_buffer(struct scatterlist *sgl)
- * Maps the sglist buffer and returns a pointer to the mapped buffer in
- * data_buf.
+ * Maps the sglist buffer and returns pointers to the mapped buffers in assoc,
+ * data and (optionally) auth_tag.
  * If direct mapping is not feasible, then allocates a bounce buffer if one
- * isn't already available in bounce_buf, and returns a pointer to the bounce
- * buffer in data_buf.
+ * isn't already available in bounce_buf, and returns pointers within the 
+ * buffer in assoc, data and auth_tag.
- * When the buffer is no longer needed, put_request_buffer() should be called 
- * the data_buf and the bounce_buf should be freed using kfree().
+ * When the buffers are no longer needed, put_request_buffers() should be 
+ * and the bounce_buf should be freed using kfree().
-static int get_request_buffer(struct scatterlist *sgl,
-                             unsigned long bounce_buf_size,
-                             u8 **data_buf, u8 **bounce_buf, bool *mapped)
+static int get_request_buffers(struct scatterlist *sgl,
+                              unsigned long assoc_len, unsigned long data_len,
+                              unsigned long auth_tag_len,
+                              u8 **assoc, u8 **data, u8 **auth_tag,
+                              u8 **bounce_buf, bool *mapped)
-       if (sg_is_last(sgl) && is_mappable(sgl, sgl->length)) {
+       struct scatterlist sgl_data_chain[2], sgl_auth_tag_chain[2];
+       struct scatterlist *sgl_data, *sgl_auth_tag;
+       sgl_data = scatterwalk_ffwd(sgl_data_chain, sgl, assoc_len);
+       sgl_auth_tag = scatterwalk_ffwd(sgl_auth_tag_chain, sgl,
+                                       assoc_len + data_len);
+       if (is_mappable(sgl, assoc_len) && is_mappable(sgl_data, data_len) &&
+           (auth_tag == NULL || is_mappable(sgl_auth_tag, auth_tag_len))) {
                *mapped = true;
-               *data_buf = map_buffer(sgl);
+               *assoc = map_buffer(sgl);
+               if (sgl->length >= assoc_len + data_len)
+                       *data = *assoc + assoc_len;
+               else
+                       *data = map_buffer(sgl_data);
+               if (auth_tag != NULL) {
+                       if (sgl_data->length >= data_len + auth_tag_len)
+                               *auth_tag = *data + data_len;
+                       else
+                               *auth_tag = map_buffer(sgl_auth_tag);
+               }
                return 0;
        *mapped = false;
        if (*bounce_buf == NULL) {
-               *bounce_buf = kmalloc(bounce_buf_size, GFP_ATOMIC);
+               *bounce_buf = kmalloc(assoc_len + data_len + auth_tag_len,
+                                     GFP_ATOMIC);
                if (unlikely(*bounce_buf == NULL))
                        return -ENOMEM;
-       *data_buf = *bounce_buf;
+       *assoc = *bounce_buf;
+       *data = *assoc + assoc_len;
+       if (auth_tag != NULL)
+               *auth_tag = *data + data_len;
        return 0;
-static void put_request_buffer(u8 *data_buf, bool mapped)
+static void put_request_buffers(struct scatterlist *sgl, bool mapped,
+                               u8 *assoc, u8 *data, u8 *auth_tag,
+                               unsigned long assoc_len,
+                               unsigned long data_len,
+                               unsigned long auth_tag_len)
-       if (mapped)
-               kunmap_atomic(data_buf);
+       struct scatterlist sgl_data_chain[2];
+       struct scatterlist *sgl_data;
+       if (!mapped)
+               return;
+       sgl_data = scatterwalk_ffwd(sgl_data_chain, sgl, assoc_len);
+       /* The unmaps need to be done in reverse order of the maps. */
+       if (auth_tag != NULL && sgl_data->length < data_len + auth_tag_len)
+               kunmap_atomic(auth_tag);
+       if (sgl->length < assoc_len + data_len)
+               kunmap_atomic(data);
+       kunmap_atomic(assoc);
@@ -803,34 +852,38 @@ static void put_request_buffer(u8 *data_buf, bool mapped)
 static int gcmaes_crypt(struct aead_request *req, unsigned int assoclen,
                        u8 *hash_subkey, u8 *iv, void *aes_ctx, bool decrypt)
-       u8 *src, *dst, *assoc, *bounce_buf = NULL;
+       u8 *src, *src_assoc;
+       u8 *dst, *dst_assoc;
+       u8 *auth_tag;
+       u8 *bounce_buf = NULL;
        bool src_mapped = false, dst_mapped = false;
        struct crypto_aead *tfm = crypto_aead_reqtfm(req);
        unsigned long auth_tag_len = crypto_aead_authsize(tfm);
        unsigned long data_len = req->cryptlen - (decrypt ? auth_tag_len : 0);
        int retval = 0;
-       unsigned long bounce_buf_size = data_len + auth_tag_len + req->assoclen;
        if (auth_tag_len > 16)
                return -EINVAL;
-       retval = get_request_buffer(req->src, bounce_buf_size, &assoc,
-                                   &bounce_buf, &src_mapped);
+       retval = get_request_buffers(req->src, req->assoclen, data_len,
+                                    auth_tag_len, &src_assoc, &src,
+                                    (decrypt || req->src == req->dst)
+                                    ? &auth_tag : NULL,
+                                    &bounce_buf, &src_mapped);
        if (retval)
                goto exit;
-       src = assoc + req->assoclen;
        if (req->src == req->dst) {
+               dst_assoc = src_assoc;
                dst = src;
                dst_mapped = src_mapped;
        } else {
-               retval = get_request_buffer(req->dst, bounce_buf_size, &dst,
-                                           &bounce_buf, &dst_mapped);
+               retval = get_request_buffers(req->dst, req->assoclen, data_len,
+                                            auth_tag_len, &dst_assoc, &dst,
+                                            decrypt ? NULL : &auth_tag,
+                                            &bounce_buf, &dst_mapped);
                if (retval)
                        goto exit;
-               dst += req->assoclen;
        if (!src_mapped)
@@ -843,16 +896,16 @@ static int gcmaes_crypt(struct aead_request *req, 
unsigned int assoclen,
                u8 gen_auth_tag[16];
                aesni_gcm_dec_tfm(aes_ctx, dst, src, data_len, iv,
-                                 hash_subkey, assoc, assoclen,
+                                 hash_subkey, src_assoc, assoclen,
                                  gen_auth_tag, auth_tag_len);
                /* Compare generated tag with passed in tag. */
-               if (crypto_memneq(src + data_len, gen_auth_tag, auth_tag_len))
+               if (crypto_memneq(auth_tag, gen_auth_tag, auth_tag_len))
                        retval = -EBADMSG;
        } else
                aesni_gcm_enc_tfm(aes_ctx, dst, src, data_len, iv,
-                                 hash_subkey, assoc, assoclen,
-                                 dst + data_len, auth_tag_len);
+                                 hash_subkey, src_assoc, assoclen,
+                                 auth_tag, auth_tag_len);
@@ -862,9 +915,13 @@ static int gcmaes_crypt(struct aead_request *req, unsigned 
int assoclen,
        if (req->dst != req->src)
-               put_request_buffer(dst - req->assoclen, dst_mapped);
+               put_request_buffers(req->dst, dst_mapped, dst_assoc, dst,
+                                   decrypt ? NULL : auth_tag,
+                                   req->assoclen, data_len, auth_tag_len);
-       put_request_buffer(assoc, src_mapped);
+       put_request_buffers(req->src, src_mapped, src_assoc, src,
+                           (decrypt || req->src == req->dst) ? auth_tag : NULL,
+                           req->assoclen, data_len, auth_tag_len);
        return retval;

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