Linux-Development-Sys Digest #456

1999-03-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Development-Sys Digest #456, Volume #6  Sat, 6 Mar 99 01:14:12 EST

  scsi tape driver I/O error on mag tape ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: lilo.conf (Shark)
  Re: NFS Data Corruption between Linux 2.2.x and SunOS 5.5.1 (Tim Dawson)
  ftp problem with redhat 5.2/mandrake (BL)
  Re: ftp problem with redhat 5.2/mandrake (BL)
  Re: booting NT  linux (Peter Samuelson)
  Re: glibc dangling pointer? (Nate Eldredge)
  Re: ftp problem with redhat 5.2/mandrake (jedi)
  Bitches that look fucked up 97033 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Ethernet crc and frame errors? ("john")
  Re: Any interest in a new POP3 server (Leslie Mikesell)
  Re: Any interest in a new POP3 server (Peter Samuelson)

Subject: scsi tape driver I/O error on mag tape
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 22:17:33 GMT

Hi there,

I have a Digital TLZ07-DA tape drive attached to a Linux system (RH5.2). The
scsi tape driver is /lib/modules/2.0.36-0.7/scsi/st.o. Running the following
test program:

#include sys/mtio.h
#include errno.h
#define BUFSIZ  2048
#define ERPRINT printf("%s\n",strerror(errno))
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int fd;
int i;
char *  buf1 = "0009hello0006\r\n";
struct mtop op;

if ((fd = open("/dev/st0", 2, 511))  0) {
   printf("unable to open: %d\n",fd);

/* write end-of-file record */
op.mt_op = MTWEOF;
op.mt_count = 1;
if ((i = ioctl(fd, MTIOCTOP, (char*)op))  0) {
   printf("unable to write EOF record: %d\n",i);

strcpy(buf, buf1);

if ((i = write(fd, buf, BUFSIZ)) != BUFSIZ) {
   printf("error in writing: %d\n",i);

/* write forward space record */
op.mt_op = MTFSR;
op.mt_count = 1;
if ((i = ioctl(fd, MTIOCTOP, (char*)op))  0) {
   printf("unable to forward space: %d\n",i);


return 0;

I got the error:

unable to forward space: -1
Input/output error

I have two questions. Does the above program look OK in terms of the order of
operations? If yes, then is it a bug in st.o?

By the way, if I close the device without forwarding space in the above
program, then I can read what I have written to the tape. This seems to
vindicate the test program. But I am not an expert on mag tape...

Let me know if you have any thoughts on this issue. Thanks in advance!


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Subject: Re: lilo.conf
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 15:35:03 -0600

Did you run lilo after changing the file?

It should have said.
adding linux*
adding dos

Good luck


 Hello folks,

 I need help with configuring my lilo.conf file. The scenario is as follows:

 I had one SCSI disc dedicated to Linux. Recently I added a new disk to the
 system with DOS on it. Now I want to be able to go to DOS or Linux frm the
 Lilo prompt. I need help in setting up the lilo.conf script for this.

 My linux disk has SCSI ID 0
 My DOS   disk has SCSI ID 1

 The DOS disk can be mounted as sdb1, but I can't seem to get the script right
 for accessing DOS from lilo prompt.

 The lilo.conf on my system is shown below:


 Manoj Panicker

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tim Dawson)
Subject: Re: NFS Data Corruption between Linux 2.2.x and SunOS 5.5.1
Date: 6 Mar 1999 01:49:10 GMT

Based on several responses to my original replay to this thread, I will say it
again.  This is NOT just a Solaris bug!  There are at least 6 persons other than
myself who have seen this problem with Linux -- Linux NFS with the 2.2.x client.
(Server code does not seem to matter.)  Hence, while Sun may have a patch to 
work around this issue, I feel that there is a much deeper problem going on here.

With just 2.2.x, my 'discovery' case was a wine compile.  With this kernel, NFS
would hang solid on many files.

With 2.2.x-ac5, the hangs went away, but instead files were truncated and the 
compile corrupted.

With the 2.0.36 kernel/client, everything build perfectly.  Kernels were build
from the same (as near as possible) and 

Linux-Development-Sys Digest #457

1999-03-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Development-Sys Digest #457, Volume #6  Sat, 6 Mar 99 05:15:37 EST

  IP source code! (Kishore)
  Re: IP source code! (Daniel Robert Franklin)
  PPP and SOCK_PACKET ("Christian Ruocco")
  Re: ncurses port for vc? (hessling mark)
  Re: Problem loading modules with kernel 2.2.2 and modutils 2.1.121 (Daniel R. 
  Re: waiting for milliseconds? ("Gerry S. Hayes")
  Re: linux threads and polling (Peter Pointner)
  What's wrong with GNOME ("Igor Raznatovic")
  Re: scsi tape driver I/O error on mag tape (Kai M{kisara)
  Re: Is anyone working on a JFS? (Karl Heyes)
  Re: CD-R , "disk sleep" state and hung processes (Konrad Mierendorff)
  Re: Is anyone working on a JFS? (Peter Samuelson)
  Re: PCI Bus master -- help please (Robert Kaiser)

Subject: IP source code!
Date: 5 Mar 1999 01:31:39 GMT

 Can you please point me to a place where I can look at IP module source 
code.I have to hack into that and make some changes in it ie., find the 
router alert option in it.
I want  to get the entire source but could not figure it out.
Thanks for your interest in helping out people like us,

==  Posted via SearchLinux  ==


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daniel Robert Franklin)
Subject: Re: IP source code!
Date: 5 Mar 99 02:41:58 GMT

Kishore [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Can you please point me to a place where I can look at IP module source 
code.I have to hack into that and make some changes in it ie., find the 
router alert option in it.
I want  to get the entire source but could not figure it out.
Thanks for your interest in helping out people like us,

Well, you need the source code, look at

and get the latest (actually 2.2.2 has a few minor breakages, you may be
better off with 2.2.1 if you actually want to use it). Un-archive it:

cd /usr/src
tar zxvf linux-2.2.1.tar.gz

then have a look here:

/usr/src/linux/net/ipv4 (or ipv6 if you like)

Good luck!

- Daniel
*   Daniel Franklin - Postgraduate student in Electrical Engineering


From: "Christian Ruocco" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: PPP and SOCK_PACKET
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 10:21:02 +0200

Anyone know the deal with sending IP packets over PPP with SOCK_PACKET.? I
know there was/is a bug in the PPP device driver, but I'm
wondering whether it has been fixed yet and what the actual ppp header
format is!?

Anyone actually got it working and if so please ENLIGHTEN ME!!

(Please email back if possible)




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (hessling mark )
Subject: Re: ncurses port for vc?
Date: 5 Mar 1999 02:52:59 GMT

David Arcoleo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I am developing a a program on Linux and am also porting it to 95/NT.
: Does anyonw know if ncurses has been ported it 9/NT?

PDCurses is available as a pre-compiled DLL for VC++ 5.0.  You can also use 
PDCurses under Linux and get a native X11 application.

See my WWW home page below for where PDCurses can be downloaded.

Cheers, Mark
* Mark Hessling,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* PO Box 203, Bellara, QLD 4507, AUSTRALIA
* Author of THE, a Free XEDIT/KEDIT editor and, Rexx/SQL
* Maintainer of PDCurses: Public Domain Curses and, Regina Rexx interpreter
* Use Rexx? join the Rexx Language Association:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Daniel R. Grayson)
Subject: Re: Problem loading modules with kernel 2.2.2 and modutils 2.1.121
Date: 04 Mar 1999 21:02:01 -0600

Mark Sutton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 When I try to load any modular driver, either with kerneld, or
 manually using insmod, the following error is produced:
   insmod: error in loading shared libraries
   : undefined symbol: __bzero.

The real problem is probably that you are using insmod compiled with
glibc2.1, but you have glibc2.0 or libc5 on your system.  I realized you
solved it yourself, but another way to have solved it would have been to
re-compile it yourself.


% nm /lib/ |grep bzero
0006e220 T bzero

glibc 2.0:

% nm /usr2.0/lib/ |grep bzero
000423b0 T bzero

glibc 2.1:

% nm /usr2.1/lib/ |grep bzero
0005cca0 T __bzero
0005cca0 W bzero


From: "Gerry S. Hayes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: waiting for milliseconds?