Re: Compiling source code on FAI client

2008-02-11 Diskussionsfäden dominik baenninger
Thanks for your tip, but I still have some difficulties. When I proceed 
as you described, the code will be compiled, but the output file will be 
written to root directory. So, I have to change the directory for 
compilation.  I thought that something like

$ROOTCMD cd /home/cluster/clustersoft
$ROOTCMD gcc /home/cluster/clustersoft/test.c


$ROOTCMD cd /home/cluster/clustersoft
$ROOTCMD gcc test.c

should work, but obviously, it does not :(  Any help is apreciated.

Michael Tautschnig wrote:



2   3$ROOTCMD cp -R /media/mirror/clustersoft /home/cluster 
  4$ROOTCMD chmod -R 777 /home/cluster/clustersoft

5$target/usr/bin/gcc $target/home/cluster/clustersoft/test.c

From previous runs I learned that I have to put the keyword "$target" 
infront of the gcc command and in front of the file I would like to compile 
(test.c). But know, fai complains that the file stdio.h (this is file which 
I include in test.c) can not be found. Obviously, I should also add the 
keyword "$target" infront of any filename I call within the source-code, 
but this would not make any sense ...


Ok, just one seeming misconception: $target is not a keyword, but a simple
environment variable (ah, and you should be using $FAI_ROOT, IMHO); but the
solution should be pretty simple: State line 5 as

$ROOTCMD gcc /home/cluster/clustersoft/test.c

as $ROOTCMD expands to "chroot $FAI_ROOT", which is what you need: a chroot.



Dominik Bänninger
Oetlingerstrasse 45
CH 4057 Basel

Tel.: +41 61 381 54 13
Mob.: +41 79 600 51 75

Compiling source code on FAI client

2008-02-11 Diskussionsfäden dominik baenninger

Dear list,

I am a newbie in FAI. I got my running FAI configuration space but I am 
looking now for a feature I could not find until now described anywhere. 
What I would like to do is the following: Copy some source code from the 
FAI server to the FAI client (this works) and then compile this source 
code on the FAI client (this works not :-( ). Therefore, I wrote the 
following script:

3$ROOTCMD cp -R /media/mirror/clustersoft /home/cluster   
4$ROOTCMD chmod -R 777 /home/cluster/clustersoft

5$target/usr/bin/gcc $target/home/cluster/clustersoft/test.c

From previous runs I learned that I have to put the keyword "$target" 
infront of the gcc command and in front of the file I would like to 
compile (test.c). But know, fai complains that the file stdio.h (this is 
file which I include in test.c) can not be found. Obviously, I should 
also add the keyword "$target" infront of any filename I call within the 
source-code, but this would not make any sense ...

So, does anyone has a good idea how to solve this problem? (Of cours I 
could make the FAI installation and after first reboot I could run a 
script which would make this compilation, but I do not think that this 
is the meaning of FAI ).

Best regards