Re: ax25ipd errors out

1999-09-02 Thread Tomi Manninen OH2BNS

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, Peter Grace wrote:

> device /dev/ttyS0  (error was 'fetching tty device parameters: Invalid
> argument')

Don't know whats wrong here. Oh, except in the script below you have
already used ttyS0 for kissattach. You can't of course have two processes
use the same serial port at once.

> device /dev/ttyp0 (I/o error)
> and also /dev/ttyq0 (i/o error)

These are both slave ends of a pty/tty pair. I guess you don't have
anything in the master end (I don't see anything in the script below).
That would cause exactly the error message you get.

In case you didn't know the pty/tty pair (or pipe) has two ends that are
not quite equal. The pty one (eg. /dev/ptyp0) is the master and it needs
to always be opened first. Also if the process that opened the master end
dies or otherwise closes the master end, the slave end will instantly get
an I/O error.

So what you seem to miss is a kissattach process opening and doing the
kiss stuff at the master end. After that you can start ax25ipd.

> /usr/sbin/kissattach -i -m 512 /dev/ttyS0 radio
> /usr/sbin/axparms -assoc kb1cvh pgrace
> /sbin/route add -host ax0
> /sbin/route add ax0
> /usr/sbin/kissparms -p radio -t 300 -s 300 -r 25
> /usr/sbin/nrattach -i -m 512 netrom
> route add nr0
> /usr/sbin/ax25ipd
> /usr/sbin/ax25d
> /usr/sbin/netromd -i -t 120
> /usr/sbin/mheardd
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -routes radio K1CF-1 + 120
> /sbin/route add nr0
> /sbin/arp -t netrom -s K1CF-1
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes KA1TUZ + BBSTUZ 120 5 radio K1CF-1
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes KA1TUZ-11 + "*" 120 5 radio K1CF-1
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes WZ1L + BBSWZL 120 5 radio K1CF-1
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes WB1DSW-2 + EKINGS 120 5 radio K1CF-1
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes W1UU + MASS 120 5 radio K1CF-1
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes WZ1L-5 + POWOW 120 5 radio K1CF-1
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes K1TR-10 + WHDHM 120 5 radio K1CF-1
> /usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes K1UGM + BBSUGM 120 5 radio K1CF-1

--- Tomi Manninen / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / OH2BNS @ OH2RBI.FIN.EU ---

RE: ax25 over LAN

1999-09-02 Thread Nils Anders Nilsson

Nice to hear someone else that is using Linux and ax25. I have had some
problems with using ax25 and the new kernel. When I built a new kernel
(RedHat Linux 6.0 with kernel 2.2.5-15) it seems as if there is some problem
to access the ax25 part. When starting the driver for the BayCom EPPFLEX
modem I get a error message and I cant see any ax0 device with ifconfig. Can
you give me some info on how you built your kernel (which options you
included) orsend me a copy/printout of your kernel configuration ??

I'm sorry but I'm not familiar with your problem ...

Thank you,

/Anders Nilsson

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ed van Mol
> Sent: den 3 september 1999 09:23
> Subject: ax25 over LAN
> Hello,
> Before i changed to Linux a few months ago, i use WinPack & Flexnet on a
> client via a LAN to another PC running w98 & Flexnet. To this one my tnc
> was also connected...
> For now i want the same with Linux (Suse 6.1, kernel 2.2.5)
> Got ax25 & node working. Also tcpip over LAN is working.
> Can WinPAck connecting to Linux with IPX or tcpip wit Flexnet or
> must i use
> BPQ?
> And how to configure a ethernet port for bpq?? Can't find it in HOWTO's..
> 73, Ed.
> --
> Name: Ed van Mol
> HTTP: //

ax25 over LAN

1999-09-02 Thread Ed van Mol


Before i changed to Linux a few months ago, i use WinPack & Flexnet on a
client via a LAN to another PC running w98 & Flexnet. To this one my tnc
was also connected...
For now i want the same with Linux (Suse 6.1, kernel 2.2.5)
Got ax25 & node working. Also tcpip over LAN is working.
Can WinPAck connecting to Linux with IPX or tcpip wit Flexnet or must i use
And how to configure a ethernet port for bpq?? Can't find it in HOWTO's..

73, Ed.


Name: Ed van Mol
HTTP: //

Re: ax25ipd errors out

1999-09-02 Thread Bob Meyer

Peter Grace wrote:

> I'm running Redhat Linux 6.0 with the 2.2.5-22 kernel custom compiled.
> I have installed package: ax25-utils-2.1.42a-3

Ax25ipd is one of those things that reach from the device driver level to
the application layer.  To keep things simple you should...

configure the hardware
configure the interface
configure the software

Ax25ipd uses hardware so...

make a couple of symbolic links just to keep things simple

ln -sf /dev/ptyc0 /dev/axip
ln -sf /dev/ttyc0 /dev/axipd

# axports file
ax0 ...
ax1 p0rt-1 9600 512 2 axip   axip

# attach the device
kissattach /dev/axip ax1 44.x.x.x
# or
kissattach -i 44..x.x.x /dev/axip ax1

# configure the interface
ifconfig netmask
and so on...

# in your ax25ipd.conf file
socket ip
mode tnc
device /dev/axipd
route ko6ri

# start the application

I'm sure I forgot something but I got to go to work... ;-(

Re: dhcp and ax? interfaces

1999-09-02 Thread Bob Meyer

Ignacio Arenaza wrote:

> > "Bob" == Bob Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Bob> I got it working once, here's a diff from
> Bob> dhcp-2.0b1pl6/common/dispatch.c
> Hi!
> Bob, after sending your patch to this list some time ago and asking
> for someone related to DHCP developement to do something useful with
> it, I sent your patch to the maintainer (giving proper credits to you,
> of course!) and it is included in the stock 2.0 release for anyone to
> use.

Great! I was afraid that went by unnoticed.  Thanks.  It works great over
ax25.  A person knowing nothing about packet can get on line using win98 and
sv2agw's stuff with very little effort if DHCP is available.


ax25ipd errors out

1999-09-02 Thread Peter Grace

I'm running Redhat Linux 6.0 with the 2.2.5-22 kernel custom compiled.
I have installed package: ax25-utils-2.1.42a-3

When I start ax25ipd by hand I get the following output:

ax25ipd Version 1.0.2 / ax25-utils-2.1.42a - 11 Aug 1997
Copyright 1991, Michael Westerhof, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
This software may be freely used, distributed, or modified, providing
this header is not removed

opening tty device: Input/output error

in my ax25ipd.conf file I have tried device:

device /dev/ttyS0  (error was 'fetching tty device parameters: Invalid

device /dev/ttyp0 (I/o error)
and also /dev/ttyq0 (i/o error)

My rc.local file has the following entries:

/usr/sbin/kissattach -i -m 512 /dev/ttyS0 radio
/usr/sbin/axparms -assoc kb1cvh pgrace
/sbin/route add -host ax0
/sbin/route add ax0
/usr/sbin/kissparms -p radio -t 300 -s 300 -r 25
/usr/sbin/nrattach -i -m 512 netrom
route add nr0
/usr/sbin/netromd -i -t 120
/usr/sbin/nrparms -routes radio K1CF-1 + 120
/sbin/route add nr0
/sbin/arp -t netrom -s K1CF-1
/usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes KA1TUZ + BBSTUZ 120 5 radio K1CF-1
/usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes KA1TUZ-11 + "*" 120 5 radio K1CF-1
/usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes WZ1L + BBSWZL 120 5 radio K1CF-1
/usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes WB1DSW-2 + EKINGS 120 5 radio K1CF-1
/usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes W1UU + MASS 120 5 radio K1CF-1
/usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes WZ1L-5 + POWOW 120 5 radio K1CF-1
/usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes K1TR-10 + WHDHM 120 5 radio K1CF-1
/usr/sbin/nrparms -nodes K1UGM + BBSUGM 120 5 radio K1CF-1

The output for ifconfig for ax0 and nr0 is:

ax0   Link encap:AMPR AX.25  HWaddr KB1CVH  
  inet addr:  Mask:
  UP RUNNING  MTU:512  Metric:1
  RX packets:176 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:10 

nr0   Link encap:AMPR NET/ROM  HWaddr KB1CVH-10  
  inet addr:  Mask:
  UP RUNNING  MTU:512  Metric:1
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 

What might the problems be? I've looked in the howto, but it's short on
error diagnosis.


Re: Xnet and FBB

1999-09-02 Thread Bob Meyer

Gerd wrote:

> Hello Bob, hello all,
> [Connecting FBB with XNET]
> A great and simple solution one should keep in mind. But, a
> question remains: How do you make FBB use radio ports that are
> occupied by XNET, eg. for forwarding mails? Is that kiss-loopback
> solution all you need there? (Just to be sure...)

I don't know how xnet works but if it's attaches a kiss interface like nos

# axports file
ax0 p0rt-0 9600 256 2 loopback   loopback link
ax1 p0rt-1 9600 256 2 loopback2  loopback link

# Loopback Link
kissnetd /dev/ptya0 /dev/ptya1 &

# Attach loopback1
kissattach   /dev/ttya0 ax0 44.x.x.x
# Link to xnet
net2kiss -i ax0 /dev/ptyb0 &

# Attach loopback2
kissattach   /dev/ttya1 ax1 44.x.x.x
# Link to xnet
net2kiss -i ax1 /dev/ptyb1 &

If you try to connect to FBB on ax0, it will hear you and reply on ax1 which
you will hear back on ax0 because the two ports are linked by kissnetd.  In this
case xnet shares the ax25 loopback and gains one itself providing xnet attaches
/dev/ttyb0 and /dev/ttyb1.  Fbb can share all the ax25 interfaces so just put ax1
and ax2 in the port.sys file.


Re: dhcp and ax? interfaces

1999-09-02 Thread Ignacio Arenaza

> "Bob" == Bob Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Bob> I got it working once, here's a diff from
Bob> dhcp-2.0b1pl6/common/dispatch.c


Bob, after sending your patch to this list some time ago and asking
for someone related to DHCP developement to do something useful with
it, I sent your patch to the maintainer (giving proper credits to you,
of course!) and it is included in the stock 2.0 release for anyone to

By the way, thanks for the patch!

73's. EB2EBU.

  PGP Key available at
  Linux Registered User #44369

Re: Xnet and FBB

1999-09-02 Thread Gerd

Hello Bob, hello all,

[Connecting FBB with XNET]

> # axports file
> ax0 p0rt-0 9600 256 2 loopback   loopback link
> ax1 p0rt-1 9600 256 2 loopback2  loopback link
> # Loopback Link
> kissnetd /dev/ptya0 /dev/ptya1 &
> # Attach loopback1
> kissattach  /dev/ttya0 ax0 44.x.x.x
> # Attach loopback2
> kissattach   /dev/ttya1 ax1 44.x.x.x
> If you try to connect to FBB on ax0, it will hear you and reply on ax1 which
> you will hear back on ax0 because the two ports are linked by kissnetd.

A great and simple solution one should keep in mind. But, a 
question remains: How do you make FBB use radio ports that are 
occupied by XNET, eg. for forwarding mails? Is that kiss-loopback 
solution all you need there? (Just to be sure...)

Thank you for any hint in advance and best regards


Re: Xnet and FBB

1999-09-02 Thread Bob Meyer

Wijnand Mijnders PA3HFJ wrote:

> Hello all,
> At the moment i'm experimenting with Linux and packet radio applications for
> a future node/mailbox. I'm getting Xnet and FBB to work on the same
> Linuxbox, but now i want to be able to connect the mailbox from within Xnet.
> I think it should be done with some sort of "pipe", but i don't know how to
> do it and i can't find it in the doc's. I did some playing with utils like
> kissattach and net2kiss, but had no luck so far...
> Could someone point me into the right direction?

This will work for ya

# axports file
ax0 p0rt-0 9600 256 2 loopback   loopback link
ax1 p0rt-1 9600 256 2 loopback2  loopback link

# Loopback Link
kissnetd /dev/ptya0 /dev/ptya1 &

# Attach loopback1
kissattach  /dev/ttya0 ax0 44.x.x.x

# Attach loopback2
kissattach   /dev/ttya1 ax1 44.x.x.x

If you try to connect to FBB on ax0, it will hear you and reply on ax1 which
you will hear back on ax0 because the two ports are linked by kissnetd.


Re: Linux Mail Gateway Software

1999-09-02 Thread Alberto Escudero

check fetchmail documentacion... i guess there is a simple way to limit
the size...

or you can always write a simple POP3 client.  
and use TOP number_message number_of_lines

I am working in something similar...let me know if you need more info

>From fetchmail man:
 Resource Limit Control Options
   -l, --limit
  (Keyword:  limit)  Takes a maximum octet size argu-
  ment.  Messages larger than this size will  not  be
  fetched,  not  be  marked seen, and will be left on
  the server (in foreground  sessions,  the  progress
  messages  will note that they are "oversized").  An
  explicit --limit of 0 overrides any limits  set  in
  your  run control file. This option is intended for
  those needing to strictly control fetch time due to
  expensive  and  variable  phone  rates.   In daemon
  mode, oversize  notifications  are  mailed  to  the
  calling  user  (see  the  --warnings option).  This
  option does not work with ETRN.

Alberto Escudero
"Information is not knowledge"
"La informacion no es el conocimiento"

Linux Mail Gateway Software

1999-09-02 Thread Steve Scoggins

Hello Everyone

What Linux based mail gateway software is available for setting up an
Internet mail gateway?

How do you limit message size and filter out large attach files?

The goal would be email via packet to a mobile user in an automobile linked
via 9600 or 1200 baud packet.


Re: Xnet and FBB

1999-09-02 Thread Jean-Paul ROUBELAT

On Wed, 01 Sep 1999, Wijnand Mijnders PA3HFJ wrote:
> Hello all,
> At the moment i'm experimenting with Linux and packet radio applications for
> a future node/mailbox. I'm getting Xnet and FBB to work on the same
> Linuxbox, but now i want to be able to connect the mailbox from within Xnet.
> I think it should be done with some sort of "pipe", but i don't know how to
> do it and i can't find it in the doc's. I did some playing with utils like
> kissattach and net2kiss, but had no luck so far...

You could use kissnetd included in the ax25 tools.

Jean-Paul ROUBELAT - F6FBB  | Computers are like air-conditioners :
Packet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | they stop working properly as soon as 
Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | you open windows.
WEB   :|