Re: there is now one IT company too many

2006-11-22 Thread Nadav Har'El
On Tue, Nov 21, 2006, Shachar Shemesh wrote about Re: there is now one IT 
company too many:
  If they sell/give away Linux, they have to sell or give away the version
  with the infringing code removed to satisfy section 6.

 Hearing you talk about it makes it sound as if there is actual
 infringing code. There is no actual infringing code. It's all just
 patent related vapor. Sometimes patent related vapor materializes into
 costly law suites, but that doesnt' change the fact it's vapor.

When SCO sued claiming that their *copyrighted* code was put into Linux,
their claims were easy (for us) to dismiss: either they are false, or if
they are true, just tell us where, and we'll remove these pieces of code.

Unfortunately, for patents, the situation is far far worse. It always makes
me laugh (sadly) when I see Linux distributions avoid MP3, RSA, Truetype,
and even GIF because of patents, when it is painfully obvious that out of
the 10 billion patents (or whatever huge number) out there, there are
probably hundreds that are being used in GNU/Linux without anyone even knowing.

There are probably pantents on clicking, on menus, on listing files in a
directory, and who knows what - we just never checked.

Even worse, in the last decade, pantents started appearing that not only
protect algorithms, but also compatibiliy. For example, you can't play an
MP3 file without breaking patents (even if you write everything from scratch)
and you can't show a Trutype font (in exactly the same way the designer
intended) without breaking patents, and so on. Free Software traditionally
tries to be compatible with existing software (Unix, Microsoft Windows, etc.)
and by doing that, it is risking infringing on a lot of these anti-
compatibility patents.

It am quite sure that if Microsoft, IBM, or any other company with thousands
of software patents, decided to check, they will be able to find their patents
used in Linux or other free software. It's not that Free Software stole
their idea - Free Software probably invented it independently, or even before
them, or used it just to allow compatibilithy - but the American legal
system doesn't care.

The joke goes that a Jury is a group of 12 people which decide which side
has a better lawer. The problem is, that this usually means who has more
money. Last time around, we were lucky: the defendant was IBM, with deep
pockets. What will we do next time, when the defendant is some small-potato
free software project?

Nadav Har'El|Wednesday, Nov 22 2006, 1 Kislev 5767
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |When you lose, don't lose the lesson.   |

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Re: KDE Spell Checking Strangeness

2006-11-22 Thread Meni Livne
On Tuesday November 21 2006 22:57, you wrote:
 Hi all!

 I'm sorry to interrupt your busy schedule discussing the Novell/MS/Patents
 issue, but I encountered a very strange behaviour with KDE 3.5.4.

 If I'm using the KDE built-in spell checker (based on aspell) on English
 text, then it doesn't warn on the word tipshim (which means idiots in
 Hebrew, but is meaningless in English). Now, I'm using Mandriva 2007 but it
 was confirmed on MEPIS by an IRC correspondent.

Check if you have the setting consider run-together words as spelling errors 
checked in KSpell's configuration dialogue. Having it unchecked isn't very 
useful for English, since it would consider a word like tipshim as 
legitimate, since it's two English words run-together: tips + him...

So unless you have this setting checked, this isn't a bug.



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Re: there is now one IT company too many

2006-11-22 Thread Peter

On Wed, 22 Nov 2006, Nadav Har'El wrote:

There are probably pantents on clicking, on menus, on listing files in a
directory, and who knows what - we just never checked.

Not outside the USA. Outside the USA there are NO patents on such 
things. NONE. No software patents, remeber ? Also, while many US patents 
are considered unenforceable, outside the US some things patented there 
appear to be plagiates of articles. With roughly 5000 
years of technology to look back on (not 250) most 'obvious' patents are 
impossible to even discuss without everyone rolling on the floor 
laughing. Multiple button clicks assigned to different actions ? How 
about some previous art: door-knocks ? Pipe-knocking communication in a 
jail ? Or: One-click buying ? Did you ever see a vending machine, a 
mechanical one that sells cigarettes or newspapers ? Or soap and 
blessed water (dates back to Heron of Alexandria) ? Get real.

Even worse, in the last decade, pantents started appearing that not only
protect algorithms, but also compatibiliy. For example, you can't play an
MP3 file without breaking patents (even if you write everything from scratch)

MP3 is interesting because it did not originate in the States. MP3 was 
designed and implemented in Germany, at the Fraunhofer institute. Its 
most popular implementation (mpg123) comes from Berlin U. As such MP3 is 
a software patent that originated outside the States and could be 
enforced partially outside the US. THIS is more dangerous than anything 
Ballmer says or does imho.

and you can't show a Trutype font (in exactly the same way the designer
intended) without breaking patents, and so on. Free Software traditionally
tries to be compatible with existing software (Unix, Microsoft Windows, etc.)
and by doing that, it is risking infringing on a lot of these anti-
compatibility patents.

Free/Open Source software solves problems first of all. When it solves 
problems others have encountered before then it may have to use 
algorythms and methods which cover those problems 'by the book' or new 
ones elaborated for that purpose. Sometimes a previously known patented 
algorythm is rediscovered. But it is an algorythm, and it cannot be 
patented. At worst, another algorythm can be used to replace it.

Solving problems others have encountered is called 'compatibility' 
(solving problems others have created is a special case subset of this). 
When someone creates a patent or other device that prevents others from 
solving a problem then the patent is wrong, as opposed to when someone 
creates a patent or device which covers a solution to solving a problem.

In other words, patents and IP cannot become a replacement for 
exclusivity in access to a natural resource (problems are natural 
resources), which exclusivity is a narrow prerogative of the state 
everywhere in this world, and freely granted to people (like access to 
public land, roads etc - if you think a little, problems such as font 
rendering and published document accession are 'natural resources' 
without which a normal economy cannot function as long as the documents 
involved are public - or published as public). But I NAL.

Anyway it's a nice try to use the patents and IP legal system to 
circumvent what amounts to basically access to nature and its discovery, 
access which is granted sine die to all in democratic countries (as long 
as they don't build nukes in their garages etc). This try is a strange 
twist on postindustrial service-industry capitalism as it grows larger 
and more threatening (the try) for OUTSIDERS. It is very unsurprising 
that this try originates in a country that currently engages in 
(neo-)mercantilism more than everyone else, and tries to talk (or 
bully) others into doing the same.

It am quite sure that if Microsoft, IBM, or any other company with thousands
of software patents, decided to check, they will be able to find their patents
used in Linux or other free software. It's not that Free Software stole
their idea - Free Software probably invented it independently, or even before
them, or used it just to allow compatibilithy - but the American legal
system doesn't care.

And for that reason we don't care either. The uspto received a mandate 
from Congress to 'process patents and related cases in a way that better 
serves american business' (ref: 
while at the same time working 'under a strict quota system' (this is 
another way to say 'we shall do no evil' but also 'we cannot be sure we 
are not doing wrong' imho).

This started at a certain date, in the 1970s. Before that, they were as 
stringent as any patent office. After that, they became what they are 
now. This is not an accident, it is by design. Of course anyone outside 
the US must respect this POLITICAL decision as well as their own laws. 
Which laws cover patents and IP in the usual, well-understood way, which 
makes patenting problems impossible (and with good 

Re: KDE Spell Checking Strangeness

2006-11-22 Thread Shlomi Fish
On Wednesday 22 November 2006 11:37, Meni Livne wrote:
 On Tuesday November 21 2006 22:57, you wrote:
  Hi all!
  I'm sorry to interrupt your busy schedule discussing the
  Novell/MS/Patents issue, but I encountered a very strange behaviour with
  KDE 3.5.4.
  If I'm using the KDE built-in spell checker (based on aspell) on English
  text, then it doesn't warn on the word tipshim (which means idiots in
  Hebrew, but is meaningless in English). Now, I'm using Mandriva 2007 but
  it was confirmed on MEPIS by an IRC correspondent.

 Check if you have the setting consider run-together words as spelling
 errors checked in KSpell's configuration dialogue. Having it unchecked
 isn't very useful for English, since it would consider a word like
 tipshim as legitimate, since it's two English words run-together: tips +

 So unless you have this setting checked, this isn't a bug.

It was indeed unchecked. Once I checked it, kspell recognised the 
word tipshim as a spelling error. Albeit it suggested tip shim instead 
of tips him. What's shim? ;-)

In any case, thanks. Meni++.


Shlomi Fish


Chuck Norris wrote a complete Perl 6 implementation in a day but then
destroyed all evidence with his bare hands, so no one will know his secrets.

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Re: KDE Spell Checking Strangeness

2006-11-22 Thread Muli Ben-Yehuda
On Wed, Nov 22, 2006 at 02:34:14PM +0200, Shlomi Fish wrote:

 It was indeed unchecked. Once I checked it, kspell recognised the 
 word tipshim as a spelling error. Albeit it suggested tip shim instead 
 of tips him. What's shim? ;-)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dict shim
4 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Shim \Shim\, n.
 1. A kind of shallow plow used in tillage to break the
ground, and clear it of weeds.
[1913 Webster]
 2. (Mach.) A thin piece of metal placed between two parts to
make a fit.
[1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:

   n : a thin wedge of material (wood or metal or stone) for
   driving into crevices
   [also: {shimming}, {shimmed}]

From Jargon File (4.3.1, 29 Jun 2001) [jargon]:

  shim n. 1. A small piece of data inserted in order to achieve a desired
 memory alignment or other addressing property. For example, the PDP-11
 Unix linker, in split ID (instructions and data) mode, inserts a
 two-byte shim at location 0 in data space so that no data object will
 have an address of 0 (and be confused with the C null pointer). See also
 {loose bytes}. 2. A type of small transparent image inserted into HTML
 documents by certain WYSIWYG HTML editors, used to set the spacing of
 elements meant to have a fixed positioning within a TABLE or DIVision.
 Hackers who work on the HTML code of such pages afterwards invariably
 curse these for their crocky dependence on the particular spacing of
 original image file, the editor that generated them, and the version of
 the browser used to view them. Worse, they are a poorly designed
 {kludge} which the advent of Cascading Style Sheets makes wholly
 unnecessary; Any fool can plainly see that use of borders, layers and
 positioned elements is the Right Thing (or would be if adequate support
 for CSS were more common).

From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (27 SEP 03) [foldoc]:

  jargon, memory A small piece of data inserted in order to
  achieve a desired {memory alignment} or other addressing
  property.  For example, the {PDP-11} {Unix} {linker}, in split
  ID (instructions and data) mode, inserts a two-{byte} shim at
  location 0 in data space so that no data object will have an
  address of 0 (and be confused with the {C} null pointer).
  See also {loose bytes}.
  [{Jargon File}]

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scp gets stuck after 100% of the file transfered.

2006-11-22 Thread Lior Kesos

Oh collective wisdom of all things linux.
I have an scp question..
I have a script which scps's files from one server to another, I want to be
sure that each scp command has ended successfully before I procceed to the
next scp.
The problems I'm seeing (sending from an ubuntu dapper to a debian stable)
is that my scp reports I've arrived to 100% of the copy but it's still
Beyond rendering my script useless it leaves tons of scp process on the
server which isn't a pretty sight either?
Anybody noticed this behaviour in scripting ssh, or has misconfigured
something in a smiliar fashion?
Debugging techinqes? adding verbosity with -v didn't help to much.
thanks for any ideas

ליאור קסוס , לינוויט

Re: cgi data file permission problem

2006-11-22 Thread Gabor Szabo

On 11/22/06, Aharon Schkolnik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am trying to set up

There is a perl program which resides in /var/www/cgi-bin. So far, so good.

The program needs to open data files:

opendir( DIR, $rrddir ) or browserDie(open $rrddir failed ($!));

This generates the error:

open /var/www/data/netflow/rrds failed (Permission denied)

Does the user running Apache have right to open that file?


As you can see, I have tried moving the data file under the /var/www/data
directory. I planned to replace this with a symlink.

I figured  the problem was in the httpd.conf file, so I added the following:

Directory /var/www/data

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all


No, this nothing has to do with the above problem.

What else  do I need to do ?

I am running FC 5 with selinux.

FC4 had this strong file system management working above the
level of the simple UNIX file permissions.

Maybe this is the same problem here.


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Re: cgi data file permission problem

2006-11-22 Thread Valery Reznic
You may need to set selinux attribute (with chcon) for
the file you are about to open.
If you are open file for writing you 
may want to use 'httpd_sys_script_rw_t' on both file
and it's parent directory, for reading -
httpd_sys_script_ro_t for file

--- Aharon Schkolnik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to set up
 There is a perl program which resides in
 /var/www/cgi-bin. So far, so good.
 The program needs to open data files:
 opendir( DIR, $rrddir ) or browserDie(open $rrddir
 failed ($!));
 This generates the error:
 open /var/www/data/netflow/rrds failed (Permission
 As you can see, I have tried moving the data file
 under the /var/www/data 
 directory. I planned to replace this with a symlink.
 I figured  the problem was in the httpd.conf file,
 so I added the following:
 Directory /var/www/data
   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
   AllowOverride None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all
 What else  do I need to do ?
 I am running FC 5 with selinux.
   The day is short, and the work is great,| 
 Aharon Schkolnik
   and the laborers are lazy, and the reward   |  
   is great, and the Master of the house is| 
   impatient. - Ethics Of The Fathers Ch. 2| 

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[Job offer] Linux Kernel Hacker

2006-11-22 Thread Alexander Indenbaum

Tehuti Networks ( is looking for Linux
Kernel Hacker

Job Description:
Linux kernel C/C++ software developer, responsible for designing,
implementing and testing software components for high-speed TCP
accelerator/offload devices.

* C/C++ programmer with experience working with Linux: knowledge of
GNU tool chain development environment and Linux kernel internals.
* In depth knowledge of TCP/IP networking (Layers 2 - 4)
* Proficiency in scripting languages
* Knowledge of Linux kernel and device driver programming – advantage
* Experience in UNIX system administration – advantage
* Experience in switches and routers configuration – advantage

Contact Info:
Phone: 054 4601974

Alexander Indenbaum

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Re: Ubuntu freeze

2006-11-22 Thread David Suna
It is a brand new machine with a new install of Ubuntu Dapper.  I have 
gotten some automatic updates but basically it is a 6.06 system.

It is a Gigabyte motherboard with a dual core Pentium 4 processor.  The 
video is the onboard Intel 945G graphics controller.  It has a single 
250GB SATA drive.  It currently has 512 MB of DDR2 RAM.  The second 512 
MB chip was returned because it failed memtest.  I am waiting to get a 

I am running GNOME (I installed the workstation install and added the 
server packages that I wanted).

I checked that swap is on.  At least free reports swap available.


David Suna

Julian Daich wrote:
El lun, 20-11-2006 a las 22:29 +0200, David Suna escribió: 
I have a new Ubuntu system which I have been experiencing random freezes 

Could you specify which version are you using? Did you upgrade version? 
When the machine freezes nothing besides for a reset will get it 
back.  I cannot get console access via the keyboard nor can I get access 
via ssh.  

I observed these problems in both 6.06 and 6.10 specially with old
hardware. Send your hardware configuration including graphic card.
*Ubuntu 6.* and other Debian based distros that use kernel 2.6.17 does
not manage properly some drivers. I experience these problems with a
Savage graphic card with *Ubuntu 6.* and Knoppix 5.0, but not with
Ubuntu 5.10 or Knoppix 4.0. 
This machine acts as the NAT router for an internal network 
and none of the machines on the internal network can access the Internet.

Are you using any GUI? 
I have looked at the logs but there are no error messages in the logs. 
Sometimes the freezes occur when the machine is idle and sometimes when 
the machine is active.  Since I had memory problems on this machine 
before I ran memtest on the memory but no errors were reported even 
after running the test for more than 10 hours.

Check also if your motherboard is overclocked and remove the defective
RAM. Check for your  specific hardware at the Ubuntu bug reports.
Check also if your swap is active. The new system that replace Init at
Ubuntu 6.10 sometimes forgets to activate the swap space. However it
seems only occur if you upgraded from an older version and was not has
been yet  reported in fresh installs.
Try with Ubuntu 5.10 and if it works, don´t forget to fill a bug. 


Can anyone suggest how to go about diagnosing what the problem is?


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Re: scp gets stuck after 100% of the file transfered.

2006-11-22 Thread Amos Shapira

On 23/11/06, Lior Kesos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oh collective wisdom of all things linux.
I have an scp question..
I have a script which scps's files from one server to another, I want to
be sure that each scp command has ended successfully before I procceed to
the next scp.
The problems I'm seeing (sending from an ubuntu dapper to a debian stable)
is that my scp reports I've arrived to 100% of the copy but it's still

Have you tried running it with -v -v? (add more -v for even more

Beyond rendering my script useless it leaves tons of scp process on the

server which isn't a pretty sight either?

How exactly do you define hangs? I though you said that your script will
wait for one scp to complete before it proceeds to the next one.

Regardless ofthe above problem - to speed things up with multiple ssh
connections to the same host you should consider use of the -M option.


problems with tetex 3.0

2006-11-22 Thread Guy Rutenberg


I upgraded to tetex 3.0 (I'm using gentoo) through portage. Now when i try
to run 'pdfelatex' on files it fails immediately and outputs:

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.30.5-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.5)
kpathsea: Running mktexfmt pdfelatex.fmt
fmtutil: no info for format `pdfelatex'.
I can't find the format file `pdfelatex.fmt'!

If any of you can please help me i will greatly thank him,


Re: problems with tetex 3.0

2006-11-22 Thread Michael Vasiliev
On Wednesday November 22 2006 22:50, Guy Rutenberg wrote:
 I upgraded to tetex 3.0 (I'm using gentoo) through portage. Now when i try
 to run 'pdfelatex' on files it fails immediately and outputs:

 This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.30.5-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.5)
 kpathsea: Running mktexfmt pdfelatex.fmt
 fmtutil: no info for format `pdfelatex'.
 I can't find the format file `pdfelatex.fmt'!

 If any of you can please help me i will greatly thank him,

Cannot reproduce on x86 and don't have your arch, sorry. Why not reopen the 
bug you filed a month ago and provide the information the devs requested, and 
let them figure it out. They are much more helpful if you do what they tell 

Sincerely Yours,
Michael Vasiliev

... the question of whether Machines Can Think ... is about as relevant as 
the question of whether Submarines Can Swim.
-- Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Re: there is now one IT company too many

2006-11-22 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 01:37:40PM +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

 You don't have to actually listen to them. The first time that either:
 1. Novell claims that it is the only one you can buy Linux from due to
 said deal
 2. MS sues ANYONE for Linux patent infringement
 Novel must, immediately, either shake loose (retroactively) from the MS
 deal or open itself up for copyright infringement claims.
 In other words, I don't know what the deal is, but the GPL seems to be
 doing it's job ok so far.

But what if MS has a patent on something X or apache uses? No GPL issue

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Re: scp gets stuck after 100% of the file transfered.

2006-11-22 Thread Lior Kesos

Tried it with the -vv both on the client and the server..
eventually reverted to ncftpput.
I had a similiar issue with a remote execution using ssh but that was solved
by adding -t.
thanks anyway

On 11/22/06, Amos Shapira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 23/11/06, Lior Kesos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Oh collective wisdom of all things linux.
 I have an scp question..
 I have a script which scps's files from one server to another, I want to
 be sure that each scp command has ended successfully before I procceed to
 the next scp.
 The problems I'm seeing (sending from an ubuntu dapper to a debian
 stable) is that my scp reports I've arrived to 100% of the copy but it's
 still hangs.

Have you tried running it with -v -v? (add more -v for even more

Beyond rendering my script useless it leaves tons of scp process on the
 server which isn't a pretty sight either?

How exactly do you define hangs? I though you said that your script will
wait for one scp to complete before it proceeds to the next one.

Regardless ofthe above problem - to speed things up with multiple ssh
connections to the same host you should consider use of the -M option.


ליאור קסוס , לינוויט

Re: Ubuntu freeze

2006-11-22 Thread Julian Daich
El mié, 22-11-2006 a las 18:03 +0200, David Suna escribió:
 It is a brand new machine with a new install of Ubuntu Dapper.  I have 
 gotten some automatic updates but basically it is a 6.06 system.
Did the problems start from the beginning or after some update? which
repositories are you using for apt-get? 
 It is a Gigabyte motherboard with a dual core Pentium 4 processor.  The 
 video is the onboard Intel 945G graphics controller.  It has a single 
 250GB SATA drive.  It currently has 512 MB of DDR2 RAM.  The second 512 
 MB chip was returned because it failed memtest.  I am waiting to get a 
Even with half of the RAM your system not seems to be shortcoming in
resources. Ubuntu was developed and well tested with such hardware. The
issues that I told about are related to older hardware not so well
tested in *ubuntu 6.06 or higher. 
Are you still experiencing troubles after removing that RAM?
It is also very recommendable to use the kernel 686 from the* stable* 
If after revert or upgrade to the 686 kernel and upgrade your system
with the* stable* repositories the problems persists is time to think
about a broken package or a hardware failure.

 I am running GNOME (I installed the workstation install and added the 
 server packages that I wanted).

  Sometimes the freezes occur when the machine is idle and sometimes when 
  the machine is active.  
What the machine did then?
 Since I had memory problems on this machine 
  before I ran memtest on the memory but no errors were reported even 
  after running the test for more than 10 hours.
  Check also if your motherboard is overclocked and remove the defective
  RAM. Check for your  specific hardware at the Ubuntu bug reports.
  Check also if your swap is active. The new system that replace Init at
  Ubuntu 6.10 sometimes forgets to activate the swap space. However it
  seems only occur if you upgraded from an older version and was not has
  been yet  reported in fresh installs.
  Try with Ubuntu 5.10 and if it works, don´t forget to fill a bug. 


  Can anyone suggest how to go about diagnosing what the problem is?
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Re: problems with tetex 3.0

2006-11-22 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Wed, Nov 22, 2006 at 10:50:13PM +0200, Guy Rutenberg wrote:
 I upgraded to tetex 3.0 (I'm using gentoo) through portage. Now when i try
 to run 'pdfelatex' on files it fails immediately and outputs:
 This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.30.5-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.5)
 kpathsea: Running mktexfmt pdfelatex.fmt
 fmtutil: no info for format `pdfelatex'.
 I can't find the format file `pdfelatex.fmt'!

Those .fmt files are basically core dums of TeX with the relevant macros
in memory. Not unlike SmallTalk. See 'info web2c' or:

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Re: there is now one IT company too many

2006-11-22 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

 But what if MS has a patent on something X or apache uses? No GPL issue
Except this is no more of a problem today than it was half a year ago.
The Novell deal changes nothing in that regard.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting ltd.
Have you backed up today's work?

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Re: there is now one IT company too many

2006-11-22 Thread Michael Jaffe

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 01:37:40PM +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
 You don't have to actually listen to them. The first time that either:
 1. Novell claims that it is the only one you can buy Linux from due to
 said deal
 2. MS sues ANYONE for Linux patent infringement
 Novel must, immediately, either shake loose (retroactively) from the MS
 deal or open itself up for copyright infringement claims.
 In other words, I don't know what the deal is, but the GPL seems to be
 doing it's job ok so far.
Who would - and how could they - sue Novell for copyright infringement based on 
any lawsuit Microsoft initiates for Linux patent infringement?  What is 
Novell's legal liability for anything MS does that is not clearly specified in 
their deal?  Novell wouldn't be suing the Linux user and therefore isn't 
violating the GPL.  Novell and Microsoft have not merged their corporate 
entities, so Novell has no shared liability for MS challenging the GPL.

Regarding point 1., Novell has made it clear that it has entered into an 
agreement with MS that shields its users from Linux litigation; it is stating a 
fact that resonates with business clients.  It doesn't need to  - and probably 
won't - state that MS's claims lack merit or are otherwise FUD.

The GPL has worked well, up to now.  But up to now Microsoft has not become 
involved in the Linux market.  And Microsoft is one hell of a disruptive 
corporate entity in the markets it enters.  It can also be a legal juggernaut 
with bottomless pockets to drag out proceedings if it does not achieve its 
legal goals outright.  How many years has MS's anti-trust issue dragged out?

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On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 01:37:40PM +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:brblockquote 
class=replbq style=border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 
5px; padding-left: 5px;gt; You don't have to actually listen to them. The 
first time that either:brgt; 1. Novell claims that it is the only one you 
can buy Linux from due tobrgt; said dealbrgt; 2. MS sues ANYONE for Linux 
patent infringementbrgt; brgt; Novel must, immediately, either shake 
loose (retroactively) from the MSbrgt; deal or open itself up for copyright 
infringement claims.brgt; brgt; In other words, I don't know what the 
deal is, but the GPL seems to bebrgt; doing it's job ok so would - and how could they - sue Novell for copyright 
infringement based on any lawsuit Microsoft initiates for Linux patent 
infringement?nbsp; What is Novell's legal liability for anything MS does that 
is not clearly specified in their deal?nbsp; Novell wouldn't be suing the
 Linux user and therefore isn't violating the GPL.nbsp; Novell and Microsoft 
have not merged their corporate entities, so Novell has no shared liability for 
MS challenging the GPL.brbrRegarding point 1., Novell has made it clear 
that it has entered into an agreement with MS that shields its users from Linux 
litigation; it is stating a fact that resonates with business clients.nbsp; It 
doesn't need tonbsp; - and probably won't - state that MS's claims lack merit 
or are otherwise FUD.brbrThe GPL has worked well, up to now.nbsp; But up 
to now Microsoft has not become involved in the Linux market.nbsp; And 
Microsoft is one hell of a disruptive corporate entity in the markets it 
enters.nbsp; It can also be a legal juggernaut with bottomless pockets to drag 
out proceedings if it does not achieve its legal goals outright.nbsp; How many 
years has MS's anti-trust issue dragged out?brp#32;

hr size=1Everyone is raving about a 
 all-new Yahoo! Mail beta./a

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Re: cgi data file permission problem

2006-11-22 Thread Aharon Schkolnik
Thanks for the help.

It is in fact a selinux problem.

I may not pursue the issue any further,  because  I may be dropping the whole 
project for other reasons.

On Wednesday 22 November 2006 5:28 pm, Valery Reznic wrote:
 You may need to set selinux attribute (with chcon) for
 the file you are about to open.
 If you are open file for writing you
 may want to use 'httpd_sys_script_rw_t' on both file
 and it's parent directory, for reading -
 httpd_sys_script_ro_t for file


 --- Aharon Schkolnik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am trying to set up

  There is a perl program which resides in
  /var/www/cgi-bin. So far, so good.
  The program needs to open data files:
  opendir( DIR, $rrddir ) or browserDie(open $rrddir
  failed ($!));
  This generates the error:
  open /var/www/data/netflow/rrds failed (Permission
  As you can see, I have tried moving the data file
  under the /var/www/data
  directory. I planned to replace this with a symlink.
  I figured  the problem was in the httpd.conf file,
  so I added the following:
  Directory /var/www/data
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
  What else  do I need to do ?
  I am running FC 5 with selinux.
The day is short, and the work is great,|
  Aharon Schkolnik
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  The day is short, and the work is great,|  Aharon Schkolnik
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Bridge-mode Squid widh LDAP Authentication ?

2006-11-22 Thread Aharon Schkolnik

My company is looking for a type of URL filtering solution with some difficult 

The general idea is similiar to a firewall - any given user can be granted or 
denied permission to access any given web site. I believe that this general 
idea is supported by squid. However, my company wants to manage permission 
granting through LDAP - ie if a given user is a member of a certain group, he 
is to be granted permission to access a given  site. I understand that squid 
has a LDAP module which might support this type of authorization. However, we 
had a bad experience using web proxies, so we would much prefer a 
bridge-based solution. I understand that squid can be set up as a 
(transparent) bridge. However, if squid is a bridge, how can it use LDAP 
authorization ? I guess what would be ideal is if the browser (IE on XP) 
would send the user's login ID in some x- header in the http packet stream, 
and then squid would look that up in the LDAP database to see what group the 
user is a member of.

Does anyone have any idea if something like this is possible ?


  The day is short, and the work is great,|  Aharon Schkolnik
  and the laborers are lazy, and the reward   |  
  is great, and the Master of the house is|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  impatient. - Ethics Of The Fathers Ch. 2|  050-8724844

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