Ok. Here's a workaround to what seems to be an openoffice bug (and might have 
very little to do with Windows 98 or unicode).

Here's a summary of the problem:

On Thursday 30 June 2005 13:21, Aviram Jenik wrote:
> - Take a Hebrew excel file created on Windows 98
> - edit it with Openoffice on Linux (locale he_IL.UTF-8)
> - Send it back to the person who sent it to you
> - They try to open it and see squares instead of Hebrew letters (what
> probably indicates that it was transformed to Unicode which is not
> available on Windows 98, but I'm just guessing)
Actually, if you go to your own sent-items folder and try to open that file, 
you'll see question marks where the Hebrew letters should be. The solution, 
is to use:

File-> Send-> Document as Email

instead of:

File-> Send-> Document as MS Excel

Since we're editing a XLS file, OO will send the XLS anyhow. However, the 
first option sends it correctly (Windows 98 can open it) and the second 
screws up the encoding, or the Hebrew, or god-knows-what.

I'm using OpenOffice 1.1.4 on Debian.

- Aviram

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