Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jun 17, 2007, Al Viro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's full of kludges exactly because it tries to carve out a notion
> that can only be determined on case-to-case basis and not by generic
> definition.

I agree it's a very difficult definition.  I'm not sure I'm happy with
the wording in place right now.  But I very much like and agree with
its purpose, and it is in line with the goal of respecting and
defending users' freedoms, which is what the FSF cares mostly about,
and must care about, because it's its official and public mission.

> I don't _care_ whether it breaks spirit, etc.

That's what I care about, and I've seen false claims that it does.

Can you please acknowledge that it doesn't, such that I can feel I've
fulfilled my goal of dispelling the myth that the GPLv3 changes the
spirit of the GPL?

> GPLv3, with your involvement in its development or not, sucks rocks,
> thanks to what you call anti-tivoization section.

Is it correct to say that you share Linus' opinion, that the only
problem with the GPLv3 is the anti-tivoization provision?

To make this more concrete, if there was a hypothetical GPLv2.9,
consisting of GPLv3dd4 minus the "installation information"
requirements for user products, (i) Would you consider it a better
license than GPLv2?  (ii) Better for Linux?  (iii) Enough to go
through the trouble of switching?

I'd love answers to these 3 questions from others too.

Just in case, I shall point out, one more time, that I'm speaking for
myself, not for the FSF, not for FSFLA, not for Red Hat.  The
questions above are to satisfy my personal curiosity.  I don't make
any commitment whatsoever to take the answers up to the FSF, and I
don't want to set any expectations as to whether they could or would
make any difference, at this point, about the outcome of GPLv3.

If you want your opinions to stand a chance to make a difference, the
right place to provide them is, and time is
running short.

Alexandre Oliva
FSF Latin America Board Member
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Daniel Hazelton
On Sunday 17 June 2007 01:09:01 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Jun 17, 2007, Linus Torvalds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sat, 16 Jun 2007, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> >> I've already explained what the spirit of the GPL is.
> >
> > No. You've explained one thing only: that you cannot see that people
> > don't *agree* on the "spirit".
> They don't have to.
> Just like nobody but you can tell why you chose the GPLv2, nobody but
> RMS can tell why he wrote the GPL.  And the intent behind writing the
> GPL is what defines its spirit.

"Charging for programs is an crime against humanity"

> > Yes, people have brought out the argument that the GPLv3 actually
> > even changes the spirit,
> And that's the point that I'm fighting here.  It does not change the
> spirit.  It's still ensuring that Free Software remains Free:
> respecting and defending the four freedoms defined in the Free
> Software definition.

See, you can't even keep the FSF's "Free Software Definition" and its 
inherent "religion" out of the discussion. Sure, the FSF can claim that the 
GPL is intended as a way to "defend" the "Four Freedoms" defined *BY* *THEM*, 
but unless alluded to in the license, the only bearing it can have, anywhere, 
is on the "intent" of the license, as seen by the FSF. And if the "ability to 
run a "covered work" on any piece of hardware" is "freedom 0" then binary 
distribution is in violation of the "spirit" - I can't run an x86 binary on a 
PPC. Isn't that a "designed in hardware restriction" that violates 
the "spirit" of the license ?
> >> I've already explained that the anti-Tivoization provision is in line
> >> with it.
> >
> > .. and we have already explained to you that it's irrelevant.
> It is relevant.  It was the point that my participation was intended
> to address.
> I guess it is just too hard to accept that an FSFer could not be
> trying to force GPLv3 down your throat or some other such nonsense.
> >  - The GPLv2 was ok with Tivo.
> There's disagreement about this, even among developers of the kernel
> Linux, and you know it.
> I know you're always right and I pretend to respect that ;-), but why
> do you think your opinion should prevail over theirs?  Don't you
> realize that they're as entitled as you are to enforce the license,
> and in the way *they* (not you) perceive and meant to license their
> code?
> And then again, this is not something I'm overly concerned about.  I
> probably don't have enough contributions to Linux for my take on it to
> make any difference whatsoever.
> This is not the real issue at all.  The real issue, that brought me
> here and got you to name calling me and the FSFs, is that there were
> false claims about the GPLv3 that I wanted to dispell, particularly
> the point about its changing the spirit.  The anti-tivoization
> provisions are in the spirit of the GPL, and so much so that a number
> of people perceive them as already covered by GPLv2.
> >  - The GPLv3 tries to stop Tivo.
> A minor nit, but no, it doesn't.  It tries to stop the practice of
> tivoization on programs licensed under the GPLv3.
> TiVo has a number of choices, and so do other tivoizers, even if they
> adopt software under the GPLv3.
> > What I care about is that the GPLv3 is a _worse_license_ than GPLv2,
> Even though anti-tivoization furthers the quid-pro-quo spirit that you
> love about v2, and anti-tivoization is your only objection to v3?
> That's what I don't understand.  This is so obviously contradictory to
> me that it's almost funny, and you've so far dodged my questions about
> this and refrainied from commenting on this contradiction so much that
> it looks like it's a blind spot in your mind.

Not in the least. They still have to release their changes if they want to 
sell their devices. Or are you so blinded by your belief that the FSF and RMS 
can't be wrong that you can't understand that?

> > I'd be stupid to select the worse of two licenses, wouldn't I?
> Yes.  That's precisely why I don't understand your stance.  Because I
> expect you to be intelligent, but starting from your stated motivation
> for choosing GPLv2, and from the consequences of the anti-tivoization
> provisions, you'd satisfy your motivations better with v3.

It is only *YOUR* opinion that the GPLv3 is the better license. As Linus has 
explained, he doesn't share your viewpoint.

> Tivoization reduces the motivation for customers of tivoized devices
> to improve the software.  You end up with contributions from the
> manufacturers alone, instead of from all the user community.

No, it reduces their motivation to improve the software on *those* devices. If 
they like the software enough to actually download the source, they probably 
also liked it enough to install it on their computer *AND* will modify it to 
make it work better on their computer.

> With explicit anti-tivoization provisions, you may very well lose
> contributions from some tivoizers, but for those who change their

Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jun 17, 2007, Linus Torvalds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 17 Jun 2007, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
>> They're based on the Free Software definition, that establishes the
>> four freedoms that the GPL was designed to respect and defend.

> The GPL is a software license, *independent* of that thing.

One more time, I'm not talking about the license (the legal terms).
I'm talking about its spirit.  It's encoded in the preamble, that
refers to "free software", which can't possibly be defended as meaning
anything but what the FSF itself defined in the Free Software

Is this some form of mental block that stops you from realizing that
the spirit of the license is pretty much all I've been talking about
here, and that I've already said that at least 20 times in this

Why do you insist in bringing the legal terms back into this
discussion about the spirit of the license?

What are you trying to accomplish, other than generating more
confusion and pretending that you have a strong point?

Alexandre Oliva
FSF Latin America Board Member
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jun 17, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sunday 17 June 2007 00:19:49 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
>> On Jun 17, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > On Saturday 16 June 2007 21:54:56 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
>> >> There may be laws that require certification or limitations on the
>> >> user.  Manufacturer giving up the ability to make modifications would
>> >> address this, or *perhaps* arranging for user and manufacturer to each
>> >> hold half of the key needed to run a modification (which might comply
>> >> with the GPLv3dd4 terms, IANAL).
>> >
>> > It doesn't. The GPLv3 (dd4) makes that very clear. See the quote below.
>> You left out the relevant bit:
>> this requirement does not apply if neither you nor any third party
>> retains the ability to install modified object code on the User
>> Product (for example, the work has been installed in ROM).

> Ah, but giving the user half the key doesn't mean they still don't have 
> access 
> to the entire key. QED: Giving people half the key won't cut it under the 
> GPLv3 (dd4)

I meant really giving, rather than giving a copy, or giving the
original and keeping a copy.

You could make it require a pair of signatures, one from the vendor,
that the vendor keeps, one from the user, that the vendor never sees,
too.  Like some bank PINs, it gets generated, used to generate some
hash (the signature for the initial installation), printed in an
envelope for you and stored in the package along with the machine.  Or
something like that.

Alexandre Oliva
FSF Latin America Board Member
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jun 17, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Saturday 16 June 2007 23:31:00 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
>> On Jun 17, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > But each of those arguments is based on a technicality.
>> They're based on the Free Software definition, that establishes the
>> four freedoms that the GPL was designed to respect and defend.

> And what gives you or the FSF to define what "Free Software" is? What makes 
> the definition you are using is the correct one?

Huh?  Would you expect the *Free* *Software* Foundation to use the term
*Free* *Software* present in the license it wrote to mean what?

> But it doesn't matter. You're backpedalling, tossing up a smokescreen because 
> you've been caught working under a double-standard.

Heh.  That's hilarious.

> Nope. As I've stated before it doesn't matter that you believe it. What 
> matters is that there is no single, definable "spirit" of the license. 
> The "spirit" is what each person who places their work under the license 
> believes it to be.

You're mixing two separate issues.

One thing is the intent behind the writing of the license.  This is
what the spirit of the license is.

Another thing is how the copyright holder of a work perceived that
license, and the motivations for his choice of that license.  I don't
think this has a name.  Let's call this spirit of the licensing, for
the sake of the argument.

What I've been talking about is not the spirit of the licensing.  I
respect that, even when I don't agree with it.

But when people claim the GPL is changing its spirit, they're accusing
the FSF of changing the spirit of the license.  And this hasn't
happened.  This is the point I'm standing for.

Does this clarify the issue?

>> I'm not trying to say why Linus and others chose the GPLv2.
>> I'm not trying to determine what their motivations were.
>> I'm not trying to force them to change to GPLv3.
>> I'm not trying to convince them that tivozation is a bad thing.

> But you have done this multiple times. You may not have been trying to, but 
> you were.

You mean I've done all of the above multiple times?  Show me?

Odds of success for the last one are pretty high, because the
discussion somehow sidetracked into that and I've probably been sloppy
about it, but as for the other points, I very much doubt it you'll
find me doing any of them.  100% sure you won't find anything about
forcing anyone to change to GPLv3.

I've just realized that "determine" above is ambiguous.  I meant it as
"decide", rather than "understand".  I was definitely trying to
understand their motivations, once the debate moved onto that front as

>> I'm only trying to show that anti-tivozation is in line with the
>> spirit of the GPL.

> With *YOUR* view of what the spirit is. 

Why, sure.  And given how close I am to the FSFs and how closely I
understand the reasoning behind the GPL, do you really think my view
does not match the intent of the FSF for the GPL?

>> tivoization, which means to restrict a user's ability to adapt the
>> software to their own needs and run it for any purpose, while the
>> hardware manufacturer keeps this to itself, is against the spirit of
>> the GPL.

> The TiVO company didn't do that. They kept the ability to *REPLACE*
> the version on the device that connects to their network to
> themselves. You have access to the source code TiVO uses, complete
> with their modifications... You can modify it in any way you choose
> *AND* you can distribute the code yourself. Hell, you can even *RUN*
> it for any purpose you want.

How is this enough to adapt the software to my needs and run it for
any purpose?

How can you possibly claim they're not imposing restrictions on my
abilities to adapt the software to my needs (freedom #1) and run the
software for any purpose (freedom #0), if that's the whole point
behind their technical measures?

>> Is the connection with the TiVo network not through some other
>> carrier too?

> But your server doesn't run the internet.

But it runs my home network, and you've connected to it.  Now what?

I'm sure I'm still missing something in your characterization of the
situation about networks, but I'm not sure I care enough to pursue
this point.  Feel free to drop it, I don't think it's relevant for the
discussion on whether GPLv3 changes the spirit of the GPL.

>> > The TiVO service runs as a network - and a non-public one at that. They
>> > own the network, they control what hardware and with what configurations
>> > is allowed to connect. Whats more is that they have the right to actively
>> > control that configuration.

>> As long as this doesn't violate any other laws or agreements they've
>> entered, that is.  And this includes license agreements.

> And if the license doesn't explicitly state something as being a
> violation of its terms then it doesn't matter.

Not quite.  Copyright licenses are to be interpreted restrictively.
Unless it states you 

Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Al Viro
On Sun, Jun 17, 2007 at 12:31:00AM -0300, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> I'm not trying to say why Linus and others chose the GPLv2.
> I'm not trying to determine what their motivations were.
> I'm not trying to force them to change to GPLv3.
> I'm not trying to convince them that tivozation is a bad thing.
> I'm only trying to show that anti-tivozation is in line with the
> spirit of the GPL.
... and anti-tivoization section shows all symptoms of going in wrong
direction, *whether* *tivo* *is* *good* *or* *not*.  It's full of
kludges exactly because it tries to carve out a notion that can only
be determined on case-to-case basis and not by generic definition.
And no, that's not a matter of bad wording in that section.

I don't _care_ whether it breaks spirit, etc. - it's a fundamentally bad
idea for completely independent reasons.  Even if one thinks that tivo
in particular ought to be sued into the ground at some point.

Besides, it's fscking *pointless* for userland stuff.  If you insist that
e.g. glibc will infect by linking, you've just created a huge problem for
any GPLv2 userland code, which will make all bad blood about kernel look
trivial in comparison.  If you do not, then you've lost all leverage anyway;
kernel won't switch, libraries are OK, toolchain is obviously OK for building
code with any license... what's left?  The glorious /bin/cp?  Sorry, it would
work as usual, subject to open(2) not returning EACCES.  Just as on any
system.  Just what is it going to prevent?  Hell, they can slap selinux on
the box, protect what they want to protect, use crypto-loop to prevent offline
modifications of filesystem and hide the key in firmware.

Either GPLv2 is sufficient in given case (and e.g. Alan decides to go
after company in question), or you've at most created a moderate amount
of work rewriting the checks they are doing into a different form (if
that).  Good job.  In the meanwhile, you've got a load of ill-defined
verbiage around installation instructions.  I.e. a lovely fodder for
potential abusers.

Sod it.  GPLv3, with your involvement in its development or not, sucks
rocks, thanks to what you call anti-tivoization section.

How many GPL spirits can dance on the end of a pin?
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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jun 17, 2007, Linus Torvalds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 16 Jun 2007, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
>> I've already explained what the spirit of the GPL is.

> No. You've explained one thing only: that you cannot see that people don't 
> *agree* on the "spirit".

They don't have to.

Just like nobody but you can tell why you chose the GPLv2, nobody but
RMS can tell why he wrote the GPL.  And the intent behind writing the
GPL is what defines its spirit.

> Yes, people have brought out the argument that the GPLv3 actually
> even changes the spirit,

And that's the point that I'm fighting here.  It does not change the
spirit.  It's still ensuring that Free Software remains Free:
respecting and defending the four freedoms defined in the Free
Software definition.

>> I've already explained that the anti-Tivoization provision is in line
>> with it.

> .. and we have already explained to you that it's irrelevant. 

It is relevant.  It was the point that my participation was intended
to address.

I guess it is just too hard to accept that an FSFer could not be
trying to force GPLv3 down your throat or some other such nonsense.

>  - The GPLv2 was ok with Tivo.

There's disagreement about this, even among developers of the kernel
Linux, and you know it.

I know you're always right and I pretend to respect that ;-), but why
do you think your opinion should prevail over theirs?  Don't you
realize that they're as entitled as you are to enforce the license,
and in the way *they* (not you) perceive and meant to license their

And then again, this is not something I'm overly concerned about.  I
probably don't have enough contributions to Linux for my take on it to
make any difference whatsoever.

This is not the real issue at all.  The real issue, that brought me
here and got you to name calling me and the FSFs, is that there were
false claims about the GPLv3 that I wanted to dispell, particularly
the point about its changing the spirit.  The anti-tivoization
provisions are in the spirit of the GPL, and so much so that a number
of people perceive them as already covered by GPLv2.

>  - The GPLv3 tries to stop Tivo.

A minor nit, but no, it doesn't.  It tries to stop the practice of
tivoization on programs licensed under the GPLv3.

TiVo has a number of choices, and so do other tivoizers, even if they
adopt software under the GPLv3.

> What I care about is that the GPLv3 is a _worse_license_ than GPLv2,

Even though anti-tivoization furthers the quid-pro-quo spirit that you
love about v2, and anti-tivoization is your only objection to v3?
That's what I don't understand.  This is so obviously contradictory to
me that it's almost funny, and you've so far dodged my questions about
this and refrainied from commenting on this contradiction so much that
it looks like it's a blind spot in your mind.

> I'd be stupid to select the worse of two licenses, wouldn't I?

Yes.  That's precisely why I don't understand your stance.  Because I
expect you to be intelligent, but starting from your stated motivation
for choosing GPLv2, and from the consequences of the anti-tivoization
provisions, you'd satisfy your motivations better with v3.

Tivoization reduces the motivation for customers of tivoized devices
to improve the software.  You end up with contributions from the
manufacturers alone, instead of from all the user community.

With explicit anti-tivoization provisions, you may very well lose
contributions from some tivoizers, but for those who change their
stance, you gain far more contributors.  You don't need a lot of
tivoizers to take the path of freedom for you to win big time in the
bottom line that you posed as the only relevant one.

You see why I don't understand your position?

> They are also "anti-anything-else-that-might-want-to-lock-down-a-
> specific-version-for-security-or-regulatory-reasons".

It's not, this is false.  "Lock down" is permitted.  It just won't
work if the business model depends on modifying stuff behind the
user's back.  But other cases of "lock down" are permitted:

  this requirement does not apply if neither you nor any third party
  retains the ability to install modified object code on the User
  Product (for example, the work has been installed in ROM).

>  - Not everybody thinks like you or agrees with you.

>  - In particular, the original copyright author in the kernel does *not* 
>think like you, and *realized* that he doesn't really like the FSF 
>religious agenda years and years ago, and made sure that the FSF cannot 
>control the licensing of the Linux kernel.

I hereby acknowledge, one more time, that I accept these facts.

Since we're in such a good mood now, would you mind acknoledging some
other simple facts, such that we can end this discussion?

- the spirit of the GNU GPL, written by RMS in the FSF, is to keep
Free Software Free, respecting and defending the freedoms of users of
software licensed under the GPL

  It can serve other goals, and some 

Re: [patch 00/14] Page cache cleanup in anticipation of Large Blocksize support

2007-06-16 Thread Matt Mackall
On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 06:25:00PM -0700, Arjan van de Ven wrote:
> > You: conceptully-new add-on which benefits 0.25% of the user base, provided
> > they select the right config options and filesystem.
> > 
> > Me: simpler enhancement which benefits 100% of the user base (ie: includes
> > 4k blocksize, 4k pagesize) and which also fixes your performance problem
> > with that HBA.
> note that at least 2.6 is doing this "sort of", better than 2.4 at
> least. (30% hitrate or something like that).

Is it? Last I looked it had reverted to handing out reverse-contiguous

You can see this by running /proc/pid/pagemap through hexdump.

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Re: libertas (private) ioctls vs. nl80211

2007-06-16 Thread Matt Mackall
On Thu, Jun 14, 2007 at 04:08:44PM -0400, John W. Linville wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2007 at 12:56:18PM -0700, Andrew Morton wrote:
> > On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 15:09:36 -0400
> > "John W. Linville" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > It does not make sense to me to rip this out purely for aesthetic
> > > reasons.
> > 
> > Aesthetics are good, but that's not the main issue.
> > 
> > What is most worrying is that there appears to be a risk that these
> > newly-added interfaces will later become obsoleted by another interface. 
> > This means that we'll need to maintain, test and support _both_ interfaces
> > for a very long time.  This is the sort of foot-shooting we should avoid.
> True enough.  However, I hope you will agree that we should not
> confuse foresight with speculation.
> At present there is no sign on the horizon of either any mac80211
> mesh code or any other full-MAC wireless driver supporting mesh.
> Without either of those, it would seem imprudent to rush toward
> a gneric configuration interface even if nl80211 was prepared to
> sprout one.

Making it generic may be premature optimization.

But at the very least, we should deal with the three other problems
Christoph has pointed out: subfunctions, pointer indirections, and
32on64 cleanliness.

That last one may come back to bite you in a couple years' time, if not
other people. It's a major pain in the ass.

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Re: [patch 1/5] Use EXTRARW_DATA in architectures

2007-06-16 Thread Mathieu Desnoyers
* Sam Ravnborg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi Mathieu.
> On Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 04:30:00PM -0400, Mathieu Desnoyers wrote:
> > EXTRARW_DATA adds a place to declare rw data that will not be mixed with the
> > .data content; therefore limiting data cache pollution when data is put in
> > the EXTRARW_DATA sections.
> I would suggest to embed this inside DATA_DATA in
> That seems reasonsable to do instead of adding it right after DATA_DATA
> for all archs.
Yes, it will be in my next release,

> From your patch it looks like I originally missed out
> powerpc + xtensa when introducing DATA_DATA - would be nice if
> you could fix that.
>   Sam




Mathieu Desnoyers
Computer Engineering Ph.D. Student, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
OpenPGP key fingerprint: 8CD5 52C3 8E3C 4140 715F  BA06 3F25 A8FE 3BAE 9A68
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[PATCH] Use DATA_DATA in xtensa

2007-06-16 Thread Mathieu Desnoyers
* Sam Ravnborg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> From your patch it looks like I originally missed out
> powerpc + xtensa when introducing DATA_DATA - would be nice if
> you could fix that.
>   Sam

Use DATA_DATA in xtensa

Signed-off-by: Mathieu Desnoyers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 arch/xtensa/kernel/ |3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

Index: linux-2.6-lttng/arch/xtensa/kernel/
--- linux-2.6-lttng.orig/arch/xtensa/kernel/   2007-06-16 
22:20:09.0 -0400
+++ linux-2.6-lttng/arch/xtensa/kernel/ 
22:20:41.0 -0400
@@ -118,7 +118,8 @@
   _fdata = .;
   .data :
Mathieu Desnoyers
Computer Engineering Ph.D. Student, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
OpenPGP key fingerprint: 8CD5 52C3 8E3C 4140 715F  BA06 3F25 A8FE 3BAE 9A68
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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Daniel Hazelton
On Sunday 17 June 2007 00:19:49 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Jun 17, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Saturday 16 June 2007 21:54:56 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> >> There may be laws that require certification or limitations on the
> >> user.  Manufacturer giving up the ability to make modifications would
> >> address this, or *perhaps* arranging for user and manufacturer to each
> >> hold half of the key needed to run a modification (which might comply
> >> with the GPLv3dd4 terms, IANAL).
> >
> > It doesn't. The GPLv3 (dd4) makes that very clear. See the quote below.
> You left out the relevant bit:
>   this requirement does not apply if neither you nor any third party
>   retains the ability to install modified object code on the User
>   Product (for example, the work has been installed in ROM).

Ah, but giving the user half the key doesn't mean they still don't have access 
to the entire key. QED: Giving people half the key won't cut it under the 
GPLv3 (dd4)


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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jun 17, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Saturday 16 June 2007 21:54:56 Alexandre Oliva wrote:

>> There may be laws that require certification or limitations on the
>> user.  Manufacturer giving up the ability to make modifications would
>> address this, or *perhaps* arranging for user and manufacturer to each
>> hold half of the key needed to run a modification (which might comply
>> with the GPLv3dd4 terms, IANAL).

> It doesn't. The GPLv3 (dd4) makes that very clear. See the quote below.

You left out the relevant bit:

  this requirement does not apply if neither you nor any third party
  retains the ability to install modified object code on the User
  Product (for example, the work has been installed in ROM).

Alexandre Oliva
FSF Latin America Board Member
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
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the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[PATCH] Add missing DATA_DATA to powerpc

2007-06-16 Thread Mathieu Desnoyers
* Sam Ravnborg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> From your patch it looks like I originally missed out
> powerpc + xtensa when introducing DATA_DATA - would be nice if
> you could fix that.
>   Sam

Add missing DATA_DATA in powerpc

Signed-off-by: Mathieu Desnoyers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 arch/powerpc/kernel/ |4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

Index: linux-2.6-lttng/arch/powerpc/kernel/
--- linux-2.6-lttng.orig/arch/powerpc/kernel/  2007-06-16 
22:17:53.0 -0400
+++ linux-2.6-lttng/arch/powerpc/kernel/   2007-06-16 
22:18:32.0 -0400
@@ -173,7 +173,9 @@
.data : {
-   *(.data .data.rel* .toc1)
+   *(.data.rel*)
+   *(.toc1)

Mathieu Desnoyers
Computer Engineering Ph.D. Student, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
OpenPGP key fingerprint: 8CD5 52C3 8E3C 4140 715F  BA06 3F25 A8FE 3BAE 9A68
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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Daniel Hazelton
On Saturday 16 June 2007 23:31:00 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Jun 17, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > But each of those arguments is based on a technicality.
> They're based on the Free Software definition, that establishes the
> four freedoms that the GPL was designed to respect and defend.

And what gives you or the FSF to define what "Free Software" is? What makes 
the definition you are using is the correct one?

But it doesn't matter. You're backpedalling, tossing up a smokescreen because 
you've been caught working under a double-standard.

> Each version of the GPL may miss the mark.  But this doesn't mean
> that's not their spirit.
> > Do you know how many lawyers make a living because the "spirit" of a law
> > has no legal weight?
> Yes.  What's your point?

That you were arguing a pitifully bad point.

> All I'm trying to show is that the tivoization provision in GPLv3 is
> not a departure from the spirit of the GPL.
> Is this so hard to understand?

Nope. As I've stated before it doesn't matter that you believe it. What 
matters is that there is no single, definable "spirit" of the license. 
The "spirit" is what each person who places their work under the license 
believes it to be.

> I'm not trying to say why Linus and others chose the GPLv2.
> I'm not trying to determine what their motivations were.
> I'm not trying to force them to change to GPLv3.
> I'm not trying to convince them that tivozation is a bad thing.

But you have done this multiple times. You may not have been trying to, but 
you were.

> I'm only trying to show that anti-tivozation is in line with the
> spirit of the GPL.

With *YOUR* view of what the spirit is. 

> tivoization, which means to restrict a user's ability to adapt the
> software to their own needs and run it for any purpose, while the
> hardware manufacturer keeps this to itself, is against the spirit of
> the GPL.

I'm a firm believer in letting people hang themselves, but this is a bit much. 
The TiVO company didn't do that. They kept the ability to *REPLACE* the 
version on the device that connects to their network to themselves. You have 
access to the source code TiVO uses, complete with their modifications... You 
can modify it in any way you choose *AND* you can distribute the code 
yourself. Hell, you can even *RUN* it for any purpose you want. What you 
can't do is replace the functional code on the device connected to their 

> Not whatever reasons the Linux developers had to release their code
> under GPLv2.  But the spirit that the authors of the GPL tried to
> encode in it.
> Is this so difficult to accept?
> >> > That your right to configure a device ends at the point where it
> >> > connects to a network? Well, unless you want to sacrifice *ALL* the
> >> > stuff that makes a TiVO actually worth using, you *HAVE* to connect
> >> > it to their network.
> >>
> >> So, if you visit, I 0w|\| your computer?
> >
> > Nope. Because I'm connecting the the *INTERNET*.
> Is the connection with the TiVo network not through some other
> carrier too?

But your server doesn't run the internet. TiVO may use phone lines to connect 
a device to their server (and this is an example - I don't know how TiVO 
devices actually connect) but the network being connected to has a single 
owner who can set such terms. 

I'll repeat, in full, my earlier examples of this:
The first:
I buy a cable modem. Until the second I connect the cable-line to it so I can 
get a connection to the internet I can configure it in whatever manner I 
please. The second the line is connected, even though I *OWN* the hardware, I 
lose all control over its configuration.

The second:
I buy a DSL modem. Until I want to actually connect to the internet it can 
have whatever settings I want it to have. The second I want to connect to the 
internet it has to be configured the way that the ISP wants.
> > The TiVO service runs as a network - and a non-public one at that. They
> > own the network, they control what hardware and with what configurations
> > is allowed to connect. Whats more is that they have the right to actively
> > control that configuration.
> As long as this doesn't violate any other laws or agreements they've
> entered, that is.  And this includes license agreements.

And if the license doesn't explicitly state something as being a violation of 
its terms then it doesn't matter.

> > You do realize, Alexandre, that you can't make me look stupid by
> > just cutting out a part of a statement I've made and making silly
> > comments about it.
> Didn't mean to, sorry if it seemed that way.  I still don't quite
> understand the distinction you're trying to make.
> > The funniest part of it is that you are claiming that the "spirit"
> > of the GPL is to force each licensee to give up *MORE* rights than
> > they are asked to.
> No, the GPL doesn't force anything.  It can't.  All it does is to
> demand respect for 

[PATCH] Use DATA_DATA in cris

2007-06-16 Thread Mathieu Desnoyers
* Sam Ravnborg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> From your patch it looks like I originally missed out
> powerpc + xtensa when introducing DATA_DATA - would be nice if
> you could fix that.


Signed-off-by: Mathieu Desnoyers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 arch/cris/arch-v10/ |2 +-
 arch/cris/arch-v32/ |2 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

Index: linux-2.6-lttng/arch/cris/arch-v10/
--- linux-2.6-lttng.orig/arch/cris/arch-v10/   2007-06-16 
22:12:58.0 -0400
+++ linux-2.6-lttng/arch/cris/arch-v10/ 
22:13:28.0 -0400
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
___data_start = . ;
__Sdata = . ;
.data : { /* Data */
-   *(.data)
__edata = . ; /* End of data section */
_edata = . ;
Index: linux-2.6-lttng/arch/cris/arch-v32/
--- linux-2.6-lttng.orig/arch/cris/arch-v32/   2007-06-16 
22:13:03.0 -0400
+++ linux-2.6-lttng/arch/cris/arch-v32/ 
22:13:42.0 -0400
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
___data_start = . ;
__Sdata = . ;
.data : { /* Data */
-   *(.data)
__edata = . ;   /* End of data section. */
_edata = . ;
Mathieu Desnoyers
Computer Engineering Ph.D. Student, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
OpenPGP key fingerprint: 8CD5 52C3 8E3C 4140 715F  BA06 3F25 A8FE 3BAE 9A68
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Please read the FAQ at

Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jun 16, 2007, "David Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> On Jun 16, 2007, "David Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> > No, this is completely and utterly wrong. By this logic, Linux
>> > isn't free if
>> > I can't run it on *YOUR* laptop. TiVo places restrictions on
>> > *hardware*. The
>> > hardware is not free.

>> TiVo uses the hardware to stop the user from adapting the software to
>> suit his/her needs.  TiVo is imposing an artificial restriction on
>> what you can do with the software you use.

> Sure, and you use the hardware to stop me from modifying the Linux on your
> laptop.

Do I?  How so?

>> You don't use the software in my laptop.  The laptop is not yours.
>> You have no claims whatsoever about it.

> Exactly. And I have no *GPL* claims to my laptop either. The GPL
> doesn't talk about who owns what hardware and it would be insane for
> it to do so.  Even though the TiVo hardware is yours, you have no
> more *GPL* claims to it than you do to someone else's laptop. The
> GPL does not talk about who owns what hardware.

This is absolutely correct.

What it does is impose conditions for whoever wants to distribute the
software.  And GPLv3 makes it explicit that one such condition is to
permit the user to install and run modified versions of the program in
the hardware that ships with the program.  A condition that is
arguably already encoded in the "no further restrictions to the rights
granted" by the license" and to the requirement for complete
corresponding source code to accompany the binary.

That you disagree with it doesn't make you right.

But that it is within the spirit of the GPL defined by its authors
(which is all I'm trying to show here), it is.

> The GPL (at least through version 2) is about free access to source
> code.

Some think so, but this was GPLv1.

v2 added stuff such as:

  if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of
  the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly
  through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this
  License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the

Do you realize that the patent is unrelated with the program, but
nevertheless the copyright license establishes conditions about what
kind of patent licenses you may accept in order for you to have
permission to distribute the program.

Why should restrictions through patents be unacceptable, but
restrictions through hardware and software be acceptable.

Both are means to disrespect users' freedoms.

It is the duty of the FSF to defend these freedoms.  It's its public
mission.  That's a publicly stated goal of the GPL, for anyone who
cares to understand it, or miss it completely and then complain about
changes in spirit.

> They just do not include being able to use the source code on whatever
> hardware you want because that hardware could be restricted for any number
> of reasons.

That's true.  Per the license, it's only who distributes the hardware
to you that shouldn't impose such restrictions.

>> I see what you're getting at.  This might be relevant.  If I granted
>> you remote access to my desktop, I probably wouldn't want to grant you
>> permission to install and boot whatever kernel fancies you.

>> The difference is that, when I grant you remote access to my desktop,
>> I'm not distributing the software to you.  But when TiVo places its
>> DVR in your home, it is.

> Assume the access includes the right to download copies of the software, in
> that case, it is distribution. For GPL purposes, all that matters is whether
> the software is distributed or not, and the rights must be the same
> regardless of anything else.

I'm inclined to agree.

> The GPL doesn't care what your motivations are. If you can't fulfill
> your GPL obligations, no matter how nice your intentions, you can't
> distribute at all.

That's right.  But one of the obligations is to impose no further
restrictions on the exercise of the rights.  What is "imposing a
restriction"?  Installing the software in ROM isn't regarded as such,
it's just a technical decision.  Installing the software in modifiable
non-volatile storage, but denying the user the ability to change it,
is regarded as imposing a restriction.  (note the "denying")  It is a
matter of intent.

It's not because you only install say 32MB of RAM on the machine that
you're denying the user the ability to run OOo on the machine.  But if
you ship the computer with plenty of memory, but somehow configure the
hardware or the operating system so as to prevent the user from
upgrading an OOo that shipped with it, while you can still install
that upgrade, then you're actively placing limits on the user's
freedom WRT to that software, and an anti-tivoization clause would
then stop you from distributing the software under these conditions.

>> > They just want the source code, and TiVo gives it to them. GPL was about
>> > source code not being secret, to them and to many others.


And now for something _totally_ different: Linux v2.6.22-rc5

2007-06-16 Thread Linus Torvalds

In a stunning turn of events, I've actually been able to make another -rc 
release despite all the discussion (*cough*flaming*cough*) about other 
issues, and we now have a brand-spanking-new Linux 2.6.22-rc5 release 
out there!

As usual, you get *five* kernels for the price of one! You can get the 
tar-ball, the patches, or the git tree. And the tar-balls and patches come 
not just in the old gzipped format, you can have them bzip2'd too! So you 
have an incredible selection of kernels to choose from, fresh from the 

By a happy turn of events, we have even succeeded in solving a number of 
annoying regressions! Special thanks go to Tejun Heo, who worked night and 
day, and finally reproduced and fixed the odd suspend/resume problems in 
the ATA layer that got introduced by some previous cleanups.

But that's not all! We have other regressions fixed, and we have a bonus 
round of random architecture fixes, and an extra-bonus round of Blackfin 

[ Ok, so I can't really call the Blackfin fixes for regressions, but let's 
  face it, it's not like anybody is actually going to care. So doing the 
  Blackfin merge at this point may not be strictly proper -rc policy, but 
  hey, it's a new architecture. It certainly won't cause any more 
  regressions, if only because there's not a whole lot to regress there.

  The same largely goes for the libertas wireless driver ;^/ ]

On a more serious note, I have to admit that I'm a bit unhappy with the 
pure *volume* of changes this late in the game. I was really wanting to 
stop some of the merges, but while not all of it really fixed regressions, 
there really are a lot of bugfixes in there.

Yeah, the *bulk* of the patch is things like PA-RISC, Blackfin and the
libertas driver, but I really *really* wish people would also more 
obviously be working on the regression list.

On that note - I doubly appreciate the people who *did* work on 
regressions. Thanks, guys,

Adam Litke (1):
  hugetlb: fix get_policy for stacked shared memory files

Adrian Bunk (1):
  [RXRPC] net/rxrpc/ar-connection.c: fix NULL dereference

Akinobu Mita (2):
  [CIFS] fix mempool destroy done in wrong order in cifs error path
  [NETFILTER]: nf_conntrack_amanda: fix textsearch_prepare() error check

Alan Cox (3):
  MAINTAINERS: corrections
  libata-core/sff: Fix multiple assumptions about DMA
  libata: Correct abuse of language

Alan Stern (2):
  USB: Fix up bogus bInterval values in endpoint descriptors
  OHCI: Fix machine check in ohci_hub_status_data

Albert Lee (6):
  libata: print device model and firmware revision for ATAPI devices
  libata passthru: update protocol numbers
  libata passthru: support PIO multi commands
  libata passthru: map UDMA protocols
  libata passthru: always enforce correct DEV bit
  libata passthru: update cached device paramters

Alexandr Andreev (1):
  parisc: sync compat getdents

Alexey Dobriyan (3):
  parisc: make command_line[] static
  parisc: convert /proc/gsc/pcxl_dma to seq_file
  fuse: ->fs_flags fixlet

Alexey Kuznetsov (1):
  pi-futex: fix exit races and locking problems

Andrea Righi (1):
  [AVR32] ratelimit segfault reporting rate

Andrew Morton (3):
  V4L/DVB (5699): Cinergyt2: fix file release handler
  document Acked-by:
  x86_64: oops_begin() fix

Andrew Victor (3):
  [ARM] 4418/1: AT91: Number of programmable clocks differs
  [ARM] 4419/1: AT91: SAM9 USB clocks check for suspending
  [ARM] 4421/1: AT91: Value of _KEY fields.

Andy Whitcroft (4): should be executable
  update to version 0.03
  update feature-removal-schedule.txt to include deprecated functions
  update to version 0.04

Antonino Daplas (3):
  [VIDEO] ffb: The pseudo_palette is only 16 elements long
  [VIDEO] sunxvr2500fb: Fix pseudo_palette array size
  [VIDEO] sunxvr500fb: Fix pseudo_palette array size

Arnd Bergmann (2):
  [POWERPC] spufs: Refuse to load the module when not running on cell
  [POWERPC] Fix pci_setup_phb_io_dynamic for pci_iomap

Atsushi Nemoto (5):
  [MIPS] Fix some system calls with long long arguments
  [MIPS] Fix warning by moving do_default_vi into CONFIG_CPU_MIPSR2_SRS
  [MIPS] Wire up utimensat, signalfd, timerfd, eventfd
  [MIPS] Fix IP27 build

Aubrey Li (2):
  Blackfin arch: DMA code minor naming convention fix
  Blackfin arch: try to split up functions like this into smaller units 
according to LKML review

Aurelien Jarno (1):
  [PARISC] Disable LWS debugging

Avi Kivity (1):
  KVM: Prevent guest fpu state from leaking into the host

Badari Pulavarty (1):
  Restore shmid as inode# to fix /proc/pid/maps ABI breakage

Bartlomiej Zolnierkiewicz (4):
  serverworks: remove crappy code
  serverworks: fix CSB6 tuning logic
  it821x: RAID mode 

Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jun 17, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But each of those arguments is based on a technicality.

They're based on the Free Software definition, that establishes the
four freedoms that the GPL was designed to respect and defend.

Each version of the GPL may miss the mark.  But this doesn't mean
that's not their spirit.

> Do you know how many lawyers make a living because the "spirit" of a law has 
> no legal weight?

Yes.  What's your point?

All I'm trying to show is that the tivoization provision in GPLv3 is
not a departure from the spirit of the GPL.

Is this so hard to understand?

I'm not trying to say why Linus and others chose the GPLv2.

I'm not trying to determine what their motivations were.

I'm not trying to force them to change to GPLv3.

I'm not trying to convince them that tivozation is a bad thing.

I'm only trying to show that anti-tivozation is in line with the
spirit of the GPL.

tivoization, which means to restrict a user's ability to adapt the
software to their own needs and run it for any purpose, while the
hardware manufacturer keeps this to itself, is against the spirit of
the GPL.

Not whatever reasons the Linux developers had to release their code
under GPLv2.  But the spirit that the authors of the GPL tried to
encode in it.

Is this so difficult to accept?

>> > That your right to configure a device ends at the point where it
>> > connects to a network? Well, unless you want to sacrifice *ALL* the
>> > stuff that makes a TiVO actually worth using, you *HAVE* to connect
>> > it to their network.

>> So, if you visit, I 0w|\| your computer?

> Nope. Because I'm connecting the the *INTERNET*.

Is the connection with the TiVo network not through some other
carrier too?

> The TiVO service runs as a network - and a non-public one at that. They own 
> the network, they control what hardware and with what configurations is 
> allowed to connect. Whats more is that they have the right to actively 
> control that configuration.

As long as this doesn't violate any other laws or agreements they've
entered, that is.  And this includes license agreements.

> You do realize, Alexandre, that you can't make me look stupid by
> just cutting out a part of a statement I've made and making silly
> comments about it.

Didn't mean to, sorry if it seemed that way.  I still don't quite
understand the distinction you're trying to make.

> The funniest part of it is that you are claiming that the "spirit"
> of the GPL is to force each licensee to give up *MORE* rights than
> they are asked to.

No, the GPL doesn't force anything.  It can't.  All it does is to
demand respect for others' freedoms in case one decides to modify or
distribute the software.  It's only if you do modify or distribute the
software that you must respect others' freedoms.  And TiVo does
distribute the software.  But it doesn't respect the freedoms.

It might as well stop distributing the software.

> What they don't do is allow a 
> copy of the "covered work" to run on the hardware

It's not just that.  They actively stop you from being able to do so.
They do this so as to prevent you from changing the behavior of the
program that runs on that box.  They disrespect the freedoms to adapt
the program and to run it for any purpose.

> By this logic I could release software under a license that says "if
> you want to use this in a commercial product you have to send any
> person who buys the product a copy of the complete technical
> specifications - including any cryptographic keys - on request."

And, guess what, you *can* do that.  And it's up to the hardware
manufacturer to decide whether they want to use distribute your
software along with the hardware or not.

Whether this would qualify as a Free Software license, and whether it
would be in the spirit of the GPL, is a separate issue.

Alexandre Oliva
FSF Latin America Board Member
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Please read the FAQ at

Re: [PATCH] NFS: Make NFS root work again

2007-06-16 Thread Paul Mundt
On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 09:15:14AM -0700, Andrew Morton wrote:
> On Thu, 07 Jun 2007 17:40:03 +0100 David Howells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Make NFS root work by creating a "/root" directory to satisfy the mount,
> > otherwise the path lookup for the mount fails with ENOENT.
> > 
> Am still awaiting a proper description of this patch, please.
> What is not working, and how does this patch fix it?
> I am unaware of any open bug reports against NFS root.

I've not had any problems with it during any of the -rc periods, for what
it's worth.
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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Linus Torvalds

On Sat, 16 Jun 2007, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> I've already explained what the spirit of the GPL is.

No. You've explained one thing only: that you cannot see that people don't 
*agree* on the "spirit".

You think that there is only one "spirit", and that you own the code-book, 
and that your spirit is thus the only right one.

This is where we started. The same way you seem to think that "freedom" 
has only the meaning *you* and the FSF give it, and that somehow the 
spirit of the GPL includes the "four freedoms" that aren't even 
_mentioned_ in it.


But equally importantly, it's not even *relevant*. Nobody is suing the FSF 
for contract violation for changing the spirit. Yes, people have brought 
out the argument that the GPLv3 actually even changes the spirit, and you 
don't seem to realize that people can have different opinions. You just 
repeat YOUR OWN OPINION about the spirit over and over again.

But even if the spirit changes, so what? The GPL doesn't actually say 
"same in spirit". It says "similar in spirit", implying that the spirit is 

In other words, your arguments are wholly irrelevant.

> I've already explained that the anti-Tivoization provision is in line
> with it.

.. and we have already explained to you that it's irrelevant. 

So let's get back to the *real* issue:

 - The GPLv2 was ok with Tivo.

   I really tried to explain to you *why* that was, but by now, I can't be 
   bothered any more. Even if you cannot understand it, just accept it. 

   And if you have a hard time accepting it, just accept the fact that the 
   FSF thinks Tivo cannot be sued, which is just another way of saying 
   "they didn't actually break the license".

 - *I* think Tivo is fine. Other people think Tivo is fine. Other people 
   have told you they think what Tivo did is fine. Some people have even 
   said that they don't like Tivo, but that they don't think the license 
   should stop Tivo.

 - The GPLv3 tries to stop Tivo.

Instead of mumbling about your spirit and feelings (I need to be a whole 
lot more drunk before I start caring), how about you look at those three 
statements, and then admit that you see why the people in bullet#2 think 

GPLv2 is a better license than GPLv3

I don't *care* how you mangle the "spirit of the GPLv2", because that was 
never the issue.

What I care about is that the GPLv3 is a _worse_license_ than GPLv2, and 
that I'd be stupid to select the worse of two licenses, wouldn't I?

So just stop *whining* about this.

The GPLv3 is the worse license, for anybody who thinks that what Tivo did 
should not be against the license. It really is that simple.

And again: you don't even have to *like* Tivo to realize that the license 
itself shouldn't try to spell out some anti-Tivo measures. As I've _also_ 
tried to explain, the anti-Tivo measures are actually more than just "anti 
Tivo". They are also "anti-anything-else-that-might-want-to-lock-down-a-

But in the end, it really hinges on a very simple concept:

 - Not everybody thinks like you or agrees with you.

 - In particular, the original copyright author in the kernel does *not* 
   think like you, and *realized* that he doesn't really like the FSF 
   religious agenda years and years ago, and made sure that the FSF cannot 
   control the licensing of the Linux kernel.

If you don't accept those two simple *facts*, I don't know what's wrong 
with you.

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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Daniel Hazelton
On Saturday 16 June 2007 21:54:56 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Jun 16, 2007, Bron Gondwana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I obviously wasn't clear enough.  The only way to come into complience
> > with GPL3dd4 is to reduce your ability to fix things or grant everyone
> > else the ability to mess with things.  This severely restricts you from
> > doing _anything_ in certain problem spaces due to local laws on the
> > topic, even if you're an otherwise good actor who is making worthwhile
> > source code contributions to the rest of the community.
> I don't know any law that requires tivoization.
> There may be laws that require certification or limitations on the
> user.  Manufacturer giving up the ability to make modifications would
> address this, or *perhaps* arranging for user and manufacturer to each
> hold half of the key needed to run a modification (which might comply
> with the GPLv3dd4 terms, IANAL).

It doesn't. The GPLv3 (dd4) makes that very clear. See the quote below.

"Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, procedures, 
authorization keys, or other information required to install and execute 
modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from a modified 
version of its Corresponding Source. The information must suffice to ensure 
that the continued functioning of the modified object code is in no case 
prevented or interfered with solely because modification has been made.


> There may be business models that require the ability to make changes.
> Then it's fair to enable the user to make changes as well, such that
> they don't become dependent on the vendor, or even have their
> 1st-generation TiVo boxes left out in the cold for a while when the US
> changes the DST rules again ;-)

Dialup is like pissing through a pipette. Slow and excruciatingly painful.
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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Daniel Hazelton
On Saturday 16 June 2007 21:49:56 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Jun 16, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Saturday 16 June 2007 15:27:37 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> >> On Jun 16, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > I don't see how TiVO has done this. They have placed no restrictions
> >> > on *modification* at all. What they have done is placed a restriction
> >> > on *REPLACEMENT* of the program.
> >>
> >> Technicality.  In order for the software to remain free (which is what
> >> the GPL is all about), the user must not be stopped from adapting the
> >> software to suit his needs and running it for any purpose.  TiVo
> >> places restrictions on it.  It's really this simple.
> >
> > Your arguments are all based on technicalities, so why are you
> > complaining when I do the same?
> My arguments are based on the intent behind the license, its spirit.

But each of those arguments is based on a technicality. By your reasoning I 
could kill everybody living in the middle east to stop the wars there and not 
be wrong - after all, you say "But I'm using those technicalities to show the 
letter and spirit of the license" - ie: "The ends justify the means".

> You keep falling back to legal technicalities, that have zero to do
> with the interpretation of the intent.
> That's why.

Do you know how many lawyers make a living because the "spirit" of a law has 
no legal weight?

> > As it stands there is *NOTHING* that singular distinction makes all the
> > difference in the world. What you are arguing - based on your *BELIEF*
> > that such *REPLACEMENT* is a modification.
> Maybe modification is not the best word, because it carries a lot of
> legal background from copyright law.
> How about adaptation.  From freedom #1, freedom to study the software
> and adapt it to your needs.  Do you see how tivoization imposes an
> artificial restriction to this freedom?

Nothing stopping people from doing that with the GPL'd software running on a 

> > If you want I'll go dig out the exact place where RMS said that he
> > didn't care about hardware.
> This is still true.  This is not about the hardware.  This is about
> the software, and how the user is stopped from adapting it to her own
> needs, while the vendor saves this prerogative to itself.
> > That your right to configure a device ends at the point where it
> > connects to a network? Well, unless you want to sacrifice *ALL* the
> > stuff that makes a TiVO actually worth using, you *HAVE* to connect
> > it to their network.
> So, if you visit, I 0w|\| your computer?
> If you join a bit torrent, I can replace the operating system on your
> computer?
> Sorry, I don't buy that.  You're leaving something out of this
> picture, and that's probably quite important.

Nope. Because I'm connecting the the *INTERNET*. The internet is not owned by 
any one person or "legal entity" - therefore there is nobody that can demand 
a certain configuration. Note that I also made it a point to mention that it 
only applies to certain classes of networks - in the US there are laws that 
remove the "complete control over configuration" from telecommunications 
companies. But get a cable-modem in the US and your ISP has the right to 
configure it in *ANY* way they choose.

The TiVO service runs as a network - and a non-public one at that. They own 
the network, they control what hardware and with what configurations is 
allowed to connect. Whats more is that they have the right to actively 
control that configuration.

You do realize, Alexandre, that you can't make me look stupid by just cutting 
out a part of a statement I've made and making silly comments about it. If 
you are going to quote something I've said, make sure you quote the *ENTIRE* 
effective part and not just the bit you think will make you look smart. All 
it does is make you look like an ass.

> >> If these are not restrictions on the freedoms that the GPL is designed
> >> to protect to ensure that Free Software remains Free for all its
> >> users, I don't know what is.
> >
> > "Free as in beer" is the phrasing used, I believe.
> Huh?  Are you implying that the Free Software foundation wrote this
> meaning "zero cost"?

Nope. I was making sure that you understood your own propaganda. "Free as in 
beer" - if I get a free beer I'm getting the beer, not the glass. If you 
aren't intelligent enough to understand what I'm saying: I get the software 
and *ALL* rights to it that everyone *BUT* the licensor has under the GPL. 
What you are doing is saying "It is what is said, but not what is meant."

The funniest part of it is that you are claiming that the "spirit" of the GPL 
is to force each licensee to give up *MORE* rights than they are asked to. In 
other words... TiVO is a licensee of the kernel - they received certain 
rights through the GPL that they are required to pass along to 

Re: 2.6.22-rc4 not compiling on the SH4/Dreamcast

2007-06-16 Thread Paul Mundt
On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 09:24:11PM +0100, Adrian McMenamin wrote:
> This is a patched - which might be an issue. But this is what I
> get:
> LD  .tmp_vmlinux1
> arch/sh/kernel/built-in.o: In function `restore_all':
> arch/sh/kernel/cpu/sh4/../sh3/entry.S:(.text+0x50cc): undefined
> reference to `in_nmi'
> make: *** [.tmp_vmlinux1] Error 1
Fixed in current git. You can either toss an ifdef around the label or
simply enable KGDB if you wish to work around it in the interim, or
barring that, wait for -rc5.
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RE: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread David Schwartz

> On Jun 16, 2007, "David Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > No, this is completely and utterly wrong. By this logic, Linux
> > isn't free if
> > I can't run it on *YOUR* laptop. TiVo places restrictions on
> > *hardware*. The
> > hardware is not free.

> TiVo uses the hardware to stop the user from adapting the software to
> suit his/her needs.  TiVo is imposing an artificial restriction on
> what you can do with the software you use.

Sure, and you use the hardware to stop me from modifying the Linux on your
laptop. You are imposing an artificial restriction on what I can do with

If the restriction is in the source code of the program, I can remove it. If
it's not, it's outside the scope of the GPL.

> You don't use the software in my laptop.  The laptop is not yours.
> You have no claims whatsoever about it.

Exactly. And I have no *GPL* claims to my laptop either. The GPL doesn't
talk about who owns what hardware and it would be insane for it to do so.
Even though the TiVo hardware is yours, you have no more *GPL* claims to it
than you do to someone else's laptop. The GPL does not talk about who owns
what hardware.

The GPL (at least through version 2) is about free access to source code.

> The GPL is not about letting you do whatever you want.  It's about
> ensuring every licensees respect others' freedoms, rather than
> imposing artificial additional restrictions on the exercise of the
> freedoms.

Right, and those freedoms include getting the source code if you get the
object code. They include being able to import the source code into other
projects with compatible licenses. They include being able to modify the
source code however you like.

They just do not include being able to use the source code on whatever
hardware you want because that hardware could be restricted for any number
of reasons. One of them could be that it's not yours. Another of them could
be that the platform itself has restrictions.

> >> If these are not restrictions on the freedoms that the GPL is designed
> >> to protect to ensure that Free Software remains Free for all its
> >> users, I don't know what is.

> > So why is it not a restriction on this freedom that I can't
> > modify the copy
> > of Linux running on *your* desktop?

> If I gave, rented or sold the desktop to you, then I should respect
> your freedom to do so.

You are missing the point. Whether the laptop is mine or yours has no
bearing on the GPL terms. The GPL terms are about what you get when the
object code is distributed to you. To read into the GPL that you get certain
rights if you own hardware that runs GPL code and not if you rent such
hardware is just getting crazy. It's simply making arbitrary things up so
you get the results you want in the cases you care about and don't have to
deal with the crazy results you get in other cases you don't care about. It
makes no logical sense and is purely ad hoc.

> I have no obligation to grant you access to my desktop.  If you're not
> a user of this computer or of the software installed in it.

Right, and TiVo has no GPL obligation to grant you access to their hardware
platform, even if you own a physical implementation of it.

> > If it helps you to understand the situation better, think of TiVo as
> > not really selling you the hardware.

> I see what you're getting at.  This might be relevant.  If I granted
> you remote access to my desktop, I probably wouldn't want to grant you
> permission to install and boot whatever kernel fancies you.

> The difference is that, when I grant you remote access to my desktop,
> I'm not distributing the software to you.  But when TiVo places its
> DVR in your home, it is.

Assume the access includes the right to download copies of the software, in
that case, it is distribution. For GPL purposes, all that matters is whether
the software is distributed or not, and the rights must be the same
regardless of anything else.

> And then, again, there's the issue of motivation, the intent.  Why am
> I not granting you permission to reboot my computer into a different
> kernel?  Would you think my motivations are similar to TiVo's?  That
> I'm doing this for the purpose of denying you the freedom to adapt the
> software to your own needs?

That's all lovely stuff, but it has nothing to do with anything. The GPL
doesn't care what your motivations are. If you can't fulfill your GPL
obligations, no matter how nice your intentions, you can't distribute at

> > They just want the source code, and TiVo gives it to them. GPL was about
> > source code not being secret, to them and to many others.

> They chose the GPL because it worked this way for them.  But this is
> not what the GPL is *all* about.  And GPLv3 shows the difference.

That's what it was about to many people, including Linus. It was about
getting source code.


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Re: b44: high ping times with wireless-dev

2007-06-16 Thread Michael Buesch
On Sunday 17 June 2007 02:42:18 Maximilian Engelhardt wrote:
> I did build a kernel without the three mentioned above but the problem is 
> still the same. I also did remove everything but eth0 on interrupt 10 so the 
> only device using that interrupt is eth0 and then the card completely stopped 
> working.

_That_ is interesting...
Maybe the IRQ isn't correctly wired up on the backplane and
it doesn't generate IRQs at all (so it only worked, because other devices
on the same IRQ line triggered the line).
I'll take a look at that code.

Greetings Michael.
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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jun 16, 2007, Bernd Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> See, that's the problem I have with your arguments.  "Same freedom for
> everyone" is a political slogan.  It is not a reasoned thought.

Well, this is what got us GPLv2.  And the same reasoning is getting us
GPLv3, and it does get hardware manufacturers to think twice instead
of tivoizing hardware.  They can decide between respecting users'
freedoms and encouraging a community of developers around its product,
or they can decide that not letting users change the software is more
important or necessary, and give up the ability to install
modifications without user approval.  If half of the vendors go each
way, we'll get far more contributions in the end, so we're better off.

This is why I think the argument that anti-tivoization won't get us
more "giving back in kind" is irrational and contradictory.

> "Tivo should install ROMs so they don't have more rights than users"

TiVo doesn't have to install ROMs.  It can use the same technical
measures it uses today, then throw away the keys.

Or give the user half of the signing key, or some such.

How bad would this be for them?

Alexandre Oliva
FSF Latin America Board Member
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
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2007-06-16 Thread Junio C Hamano
The latest maintenance release GIT is available at the
usual places:

  git-{gz,bz2}  (tarball)
  git-htmldocs-{gz,bz2} (preformatted docs)
  git-manpages-{gz,bz2} (preformatted docs)
  RPMS/$arch/git-*-$arch.rpm  (RPM)

GIT v1.5.2.2 Release Notes

Fixes since v1.5.2.1

* Usability fix

  - git-gui is shipped with its updated blame interface.  It is
rumored that the older one was not just unusable but was
active health hazard, but this one is actually pretty.
Please see for yourself.

* Bugfixes

  - "git checkout fubar" was utterly confused when there is a
branch fubar and a tag fubar at the same time.  It correctly
checks out the branch fubar now.

  - "git clone /path/foo" to clone a local /path/foo.git
repository left an incorrect configuration.

  - "git send-email" correctly unquotes RFC 2047 quoted names in
the patch-email before using their values.

  - We did not accept number of seconds since epoch older than
year 2000 as a valid timestamp.  We now interpret positive
integers more than 8 digits as such, which allows us to
express timestamps more recent than March 1973.

  - git-cvsimport did not work when you have GIT_DIR to point
your repository at a nonstandard location.

  - Some systems (notably, Solaris) lack hstrerror() to make
h_errno human readable; prepare a replacement

  - .gitignore file listed git-core.spec but what we generate is
git.spec, and nobody noticed for a long time.

  - "git-merge-recursive" does not try to run file level merge
on binary files.

  - "git-branch --track" did not create tracking configuration
correctly when the branch name had slash in it.

  - The email address of the user specified with
configuration was overriden by EMAIL environment variable.

  - The tree parser did not warn about tree entries with
nonsense file modes, and assumed they must be blobs.

  - "git log -z" without any other request to generate diff still
invoked the diff machinery, wasting cycles.

* Documentation

  - Many updates to fix stale or missing documentation.

  - Although our documentation was primarily meant to be formatted
with AsciiDoc7, formatting with AsciiDoc8 is supported better.

Changes since v1.5.2.1 are as follows:

Alex Riesen (3):
  Make the installation target of git-gui a little less chatty
  Fix clone to setup the origin if its name ends with .git
  Add a local implementation of hstrerror for the system which do not have 

Gerrit Pape (1):
  Fix typo in remote branch example in git user manual

J. Bruce Fields (4):
  user-manual: quick-start updates
  user-manual: add a missing section ID
  Documentation: user-manual todo
  tutorial: use "project history" instead of "changelog" in header

Jakub Narebski (1):
  Generated spec file to be ignored is named git.spec and not git-core.spec

Johannes Schindelin (2):
  Move buffer_is_binary() to xdiff-interface.h
  merge-recursive: refuse to merge binary files

Johannes Sixt (1):
  Accept dates before 2000/01/01 when specified as seconds since the epoch

Junio C Hamano (6):
  checkout: do not get confused with ambiguous tag/branch names
  $EMAIL is a last resort fallback, as it's system-wide.
  git-branch --track: fix tracking branch computation.
  Avoid diff cost on "git log -z"
  Documentation: adjust to AsciiDoc 8

Kristian H淡gsberg (1):
  Unquote From line from patch before comparing with given from address.

Luiz Fernando N. Capitulino (1):
  git-cherry: Document 'limit' command-line option

Matthijs Melchior (1):
  New selection indication and softer colors

Michael Milligan (1):
  git-cvsimport: Make sure to use $git_dir always instead of .git sometimes

Sam Vilain (2):
  fix documentation of unpack-objects -n
  Don't assume tree entries that are not dirs are blobs

Shawn O. Pearce (47):
  git-gui: Allow creating a branch when none exists
  git-gui: Allow as few as 0 lines of diff context
  git-gui: Don't quit when we destroy a child widget
  git-gui: Attach font_ui to all spinbox widgets
  git-gui: Verify Tcl/Tk is new enough for our needs
  Revert "Make the installation target of git-gui a little less chatty"
  git-gui: Add a 4 digit commit abbreviation to the blame viewer
  git-gui: Cleanup blame::new widget initialization
  git-gui: Remove empty blank line at end of blame
  git-gui: Improve the coloring in blame viewer
  git-gui: Simplify consecutive lines that come from the same commit
  git-gui: Use arror cursor in blame viewer file data
  git-gui: Display tooltips in blame viewer

Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jun 16, 2007, Bron Gondwana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I obviously wasn't clear enough.  The only way to come into complience
> with GPL3dd4 is to reduce your ability to fix things or grant everyone
> else the ability to mess with things.  This severely restricts you from
> doing _anything_ in certain problem spaces due to local laws on the
> topic, even if you're an otherwise good actor who is making worthwhile
> source code contributions to the rest of the community.

I don't know any law that requires tivoization.

There may be laws that require certification or limitations on the
user.  Manufacturer giving up the ability to make modifications would
address this, or *perhaps* arranging for user and manufacturer to each
hold half of the key needed to run a modification (which might comply
with the GPLv3dd4 terms, IANAL).

There may be business models that require the ability to make changes.
Then it's fair to enable the user to make changes as well, such that
they don't become dependent on the vendor, or even have their
1st-generation TiVo boxes left out in the cold for a while when the US
changes the DST rules again ;-)

Alexandre Oliva
FSF Latin America Board Member
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jun 16, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Saturday 16 June 2007 15:27:37 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
>> On Jun 16, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > I don't see how TiVO has done this. They have placed no restrictions on
>> > *modification* at all. What they have done is placed a restriction on
>> > *REPLACEMENT* of the program.
>> Technicality.  In order for the software to remain free (which is what
>> the GPL is all about), the user must not be stopped from adapting the
>> software to suit his needs and running it for any purpose.  TiVo
>> places restrictions on it.  It's really this simple.

> Your arguments are all based on technicalities, so why are you complaining 
> when I do the same?

My arguments are based on the intent behind the license, its spirit.

You keep falling back to legal technicalities, that have zero to do
with the interpretation of the intent.

That's why.

> As it stands there is *NOTHING* that singular distinction makes all the 
> difference in the world. What you are arguing - based on your *BELIEF* that 
> such *REPLACEMENT* is a modification. 

Maybe modification is not the best word, because it carries a lot of
legal background from copyright law.

How about adaptation.  From freedom #1, freedom to study the software
and adapt it to your needs.  Do you see how tivoization imposes an
artificial restriction to this freedom?

> If you want I'll go dig out the exact place where RMS said that he
> didn't care about hardware.

This is still true.  This is not about the hardware.  This is about
the software, and how the user is stopped from adapting it to her own
needs, while the vendor saves this prerogative to itself.

> That your right to configure a device ends at the point where it
> connects to a network? Well, unless you want to sacrifice *ALL* the
> stuff that makes a TiVO actually worth using, you *HAVE* to connect
> it to their network.

So, if you visit, I 0w|\| your computer?

If you join a bit torrent, I can replace the operating system on your

Sorry, I don't buy that.  You're leaving something out of this
picture, and that's probably quite important.

>> If these are not restrictions on the freedoms that the GPL is designed
>> to protect to ensure that Free Software remains Free for all its
>> users, I don't know what is.

> "Free as in beer" is the phrasing used, I believe.

Huh?  Are you implying that the Free Software foundation wrote this
meaning "zero cost"?

> If you have such a respect for peoples freedoms - and I don't doubt
> that you actually believe you do - then why are you stripping
> freedoms from people?

Because they're disrespecting others' freedoms.  Freedoms aren't
absolute.  One's freedom ends where another's freedom starts.
Tivoization exceeds the hardware manufacturer's freedoms and
disrespects users' freedoms and disrespect some author's ethical

Alexandre Oliva
FSF Latin America Board Member
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
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Re: limits on raid

2007-06-16 Thread dean gaudet
On Sat, 16 Jun 2007, Wakko Warner wrote:

> When I've had an unclean shutdown on one of my systems (10x 50gb raid5) it's
> always slowed the system down when booting up.  Quite significantly I must
> say.  I wait until I can login and change the rebuild max speed to slow it
> down while I'm using it.   But that is another thing.

i use an external write-intent bitmap on a raid1 to avoid this... you 
could use internal bitmap but that slows down i/o too much for my tastes.  
i also use an external xfs journal for the same reason.  2 disk raid1 for 
root/journal/bitmap, N disk raid5 for bulk storage.  no spindles in 

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Re: limits on raid

2007-06-16 Thread dean gaudet
On Sat, 16 Jun 2007, David Greaves wrote:

> Neil Brown wrote:
> > On Friday June 15, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >  
> > >   As I understand the way
> > > raid works, when you write a block to the array, it will have to read all
> > > the other blocks in the stripe and recalculate the parity and write it
> > > out.
> > 
> > Your understanding is incomplete.
> Does this help?
> [for future reference so you can paste a url and save the typing for code :) ]

i fixed a typo and added one more note which i think is quite fair:

It is also safe to use --assume-clean if you are performing
performance measurements of different raid configurations. Just
be sure to rebuild your array without --assume-clean when you
decide on your final configuration.

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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jun 16, 2007, "David Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> On Jun 16, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> > I don't see how TiVO has done this. They have placed no restrictions on
>> > *modification* at all. What they have done is placed a restriction on
>> > *REPLACEMENT* of the program.

>> Technicality.  In order for the software to remain free (which is what
>> the GPL is all about), the user must not be stopped from adapting the
>> software to suit his needs and running it for any purpose.  TiVo
>> places restrictions on it.  It's really this simple.

> No, this is completely and utterly wrong. By this logic, Linux isn't free if
> I can't run it on *YOUR* laptop. TiVo places restrictions on *hardware*. The
> hardware is not free.

TiVo uses the hardware to stop the user from adapting the software to
suit his/her needs.  TiVo is imposing an artificial restriction on
what you can do with the software you use.

You don't use the software in my laptop.  The laptop is not yours.
You have no claims whatsoever about it.

The GPL is not about letting you do whatever you want.  It's about
ensuring every licensees respect others' freedoms, rather than
imposing artificial additional restrictions on the exercise of the

>> If these are not restrictions on the freedoms that the GPL is designed
>> to protect to ensure that Free Software remains Free for all its
>> users, I don't know what is.

> So why is it not a restriction on this freedom that I can't modify the copy
> of Linux running on *your* desktop?

If I gave, rented or sold the desktop to you, then I should respect
your freedom to do so.

I have no obligation to grant you access to my desktop.  If you're not
a user of this computer or of the software installed in it.

> If it helps you to understand the situation better, think of TiVo as
> not really selling you the hardware.

I see what you're getting at.  This might be relevant.  If I granted
you remote access to my desktop, I probably wouldn't want to grant you
permission to install and boot whatever kernel fancies you.

The difference is that, when I grant you remote access to my desktop,
I'm not distributing the software to you.  But when TiVo places its
DVR in your home, it is.

And then, again, there's the issue of motivation, the intent.  Why am
I not granting you permission to reboot my computer into a different
kernel?  Would you think my motivations are similar to TiVo's?  That
I'm doing this for the purpose of denying you the freedom to adapt the
software to your own needs?

> They just want the source code, and TiVo gives it to them. GPL was about
> source code not being secret, to them and to many others.

They chose the GPL because it worked this way for them.  But this is
not what the GPL is *all* about.  And GPLv3 shows the difference.

Alexandre Oliva
FSF Latin America Board Member
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
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Problems with hda_intel, Santa Rosa, and suspend

2007-06-16 Thread Matt Mullins

I just received a Dell Latitude D630, with the new Intel Santa Rosa
platform.  Currently, the only major driver issue I have is sound.  It
worked fine in Ubuntu Feisty's 2.6.20 kernel, but now I am using Gutsy
so I can have graphics drivers.  Gutsy's 2.6.22-rc3-based kernel no
longer recognized my soundcard, a Sigmatel STAC9205, which uses the
hda_intel driver.  I have since fixed that problem by compiling the
hda_intel driver into the kernel (I used 2.6.22-rc4 vanilla sources),
instead of a module, but it is still a bug that it does not work as a

All the following debug information was obtained from kernel 2.6.22-rc4.

However, the bug that is currently affecting me is that sound no
longer works after using ACPI suspend-to-RAM or swsusp.  I compiled
ALSA debugging in, and as soon as I resume, I get tons of messages
[8.474830] hda-intel: send_cmd timeout: IRS=0x1, val=0xd0970500
[8.474954] hda-intel: send_cmd timeout: IRS=0x1, val=0xd0af0009
[8.475078] hda-intel: send_cmd timeout: IRS=0x1, val=0xd0a70500
[8.475207] hda-intel: send_cmd timeout: IRS=0x1, val=0xd0bf0009

There may be more before that, but that is more than the kernel
message buffer can hold, so I can't ever see it.  I get similar
timeout messages each time a PCM gets set up:
[8.972859] hda_codec_setup_stream: NID=0x10, stream=0x5, channel=0, format=0
[8.972987] hda-intel: send_cmd timeout: IRS=0x1, val=0x1070650
[9.006071] hda-intel: send_cmd timeout: IRS=0x1, val=0x1020011
[9.006081] hda_codec_setup_stream: NID=0x11, stream=0x5, channel=0, format=0
[9.006207] hda-intel: send_cmd timeout: IRS=0x1, val=0x1170650
[9.016117] hda-intel: send_cmd timeout: IRS=0x1, val=0x1120011

I read some of sound/pci/hda/hda_intel.c, specifically the code that
output those messages.  After octupling my kernel log buffer (to 1MB),
I noticed that for the first set of timeouts (immediately upon
resume), all the "codec" nibbles are odd, the last word of the val
("verb" and "para") are all either 0x0500 or 0x0009.  For the second
set (when something tries to use the card) that last word is 0x0650 or

I have yet to go back and re-test compiling snd-hda-intel as a module.

Thank you in advance,
Matt Mullins
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Re: [RFC] [PATCH] selective signal ptracing

2007-06-16 Thread Roland McGrath
> What are the issues with arch like ARM ? 

The interesting class ARM belongs to is machines that don't (or don't
always) have hardware support for single-step.  Maintaining the status quo
of how PTRACE_SINGLESTEP functions on these machines is different in
implementation under utrace than it is for machines that always use
hardware support.  That is the only special complication for ARM, and it is
not really very complicated.  Apparently the way I described the issue in
the past was easily misunderstood.

> Also, is there a mail thread or paper somewhere describing utrace, its
> interfaces and what's needed to hook it up on a platform ?

See for the patches and a porting howto.
The patches add a Documentation/ file and kerneldoc stuff for the interfaces.

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Re: [patch 00/14] Page cache cleanup in anticipation of Large Blocksize support

2007-06-16 Thread Arjan van de Ven

> You: conceptully-new add-on which benefits 0.25% of the user base, provided
> they select the right config options and filesystem.
> Me: simpler enhancement which benefits 100% of the user base (ie: includes
> 4k blocksize, 4k pagesize) and which also fixes your performance problem
> with that HBA.

note that at least 2.6 is doing this "sort of", better than 2.4 at
least. (30% hitrate or something like that).

In addition, systems with an IOMMU (many really large systems have that,
as well as several x86 ones, with more and more of that in the future),
this is a moot point since the IOMMU will just linearize for the device.

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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Carlo Wood
On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 08:21:22PM -0600, Jeffrey V. Merkey wrote:
> Linus,
> Just take a vote and start tagging files and ignore this needless 
> diatribe. It is was it is, I seriously doubt you will
> get all of Linux moved to GPL3 as a monolith, since you will never get 
> concensus. You should fork a GPL3 kernel and let people decide
> whether their code goes in or not. If they don't want to move to it, new 
> people can contribute new code. Start a 2.8 tree or whatever that is 
> GPL3 only.


Yeah, Linus - when do you finally understand that nobody WANTS
your GPL3 kernel?  :))



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Re: Versioning file system

2007-06-16 Thread Jeffrey V. Merkey

Jeffrey V. Merkey wrote:

The trick in the NetWare 3 model was to segregate the directory 
entries onto special reserved
4K directory blocks (128 byte dir records). When it came time to purge 
storage after the file system filled, an entire 4K block and all
chains was deleted during block allocation for new files. The dir 
blocks were ordered by date -- oldest ones got purged
first. The model worked very well until compression was added to the 
filesystem, then it started getting complex.

I would be willing to help instrument the NetWare 3 model in this 
proposal on ext3, since this is a basic versioning model and
would provide coverage for 99% of the folks needing this capability. I 
am available for questions.


I resigned as Chief Scientist of Solera Networks May 8 this year -- 
mostly because I was not allowed to have any freedom, including working on
free Linux projects. This went on for almost 4 years (since 2003). Now 
that I am independent again, I can work on stuff like this again. I 
started a new company with John Noorda (Ray Noorda's oldest son) who 
runs Canopy now. That's my current status. I am an owner and entrepeneur 
again. So I have a lot of free time and will from now on.

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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Jeffrey V. Merkey

Linus Torvalds wrote:

On Sun, 17 Jun 2007, Bron Gondwana wrote:

No, I'm arguing that it's not "mere aggregation" - the kernel is useless
on that machine unless the BIOS is present or replaced with something
else with equivalent functionality.

That's *not* a valid argument!



Just take a vote and start tagging files and ignore this needless 
diatribe. It is was it is, I seriously doubt you will
get all of Linux moved to GPL3 as a monolith, since you will never get 
concensus. You should fork a GPL3 kernel and let people decide
whether their code goes in or not. If they don't want to move to it, new 
people can contribute new code. Start a 2.8 tree or whatever that is 
GPL3 only.

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Re: Versioning file system

2007-06-16 Thread Jeffrey V. Merkey

Alan Cox wrote:

 (Vax/VMS System Software Handbook)
 (TOPS-20 User's Manual)

Also Files/11

Basic versioning goes back to at least ITS

Not sure how old doing file versioning and hiding it away with a tool to
go rescue the stuff you blew away by mistake is, but Novell Netware 3
certainly did a good job on that one

The trick in the NetWare 3 model was to segregate the directory entries 
onto special reserved
4K directory blocks (128 byte dir records). When it came time to purge 
storage after the file system filled, an entire 4K block and all
chains was deleted during block allocation for new files. The dir blocks 
were ordered by date -- oldest ones got purged
first. The model worked very well until compression was added to the 
filesystem, then it started getting complex.

I would be willing to help instrument the NetWare 3 model in this 
proposal on ext3, since this is a basic versioning model and
would provide coverage for 99% of the folks needing this capability. I 
am available for questions.


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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Linus Torvalds

On Sun, 17 Jun 2007, Bron Gondwana wrote:
> No, I'm arguing that it's not "mere aggregation" - the kernel is useless
> on that machine unless the BIOS is present or replaced with something
> else with equivalent functionality.

That's *not* a valid argument!

I know, I know, it's a common one, but it is *nonsense*.

The thing is, "mere aggregation" doesn't mean what you think it means.

"Mere aggregation" doesn't mean that they cannot depend on each other. It 
means that they are not *based* on each other in the sense of GPLv2.

In other words, "mere aggregation" is about two pieces that are not 
derivative works under copyright law.

For example, on a Red Hat DVD, *every*single*binary* on that DVD requires 
a kernel to run on. And the kernel image itself "depends" on the user 
programs to actually do something _useful_. 

But it's all still "mere aggregation", because they are not related to 
each other in the sense of being derived works!

So "mere aggregation" is not about intimacy. OF COURSE high-tech products 
depend intimately on each other. The Linux kernel cannot boot on a PC 
without a BIOS or something equivalent. You cannot run your graphical 
environment without a kernel, an X server, the CPU, the memory, the 
display, the BIOS, the power company (or an equivalent hand-crank) etc etc 
etc, and these things are all very much dependent on each other to make a 
"usable system", that has absolutely _zero_ relevance to whether they are 
"mere aggregation" or not.

So the only thing the "mere aggregation" phrase in the GPLv2 means is 
simply: "putting together two or more pieces that are not derived works of 
each other". That's what that

mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program

part of the license is all about.  The BIOS is "another work", and it 
clearly is "not based on the Program". The "aggregation" just means 
"putting them together", and the "mere" is there just to show that as far 
as the license is concerned, that is not even interesting!

In other words, the sentence in section 2 about mere aggregation says one 
thing only: the fact that you lump things together storage-wise does not 
matter *at*all* for the license. The _only_ thing that matters for the 
GPLv2 is whether something is a derived work, _not_ whether it is lumped 
together, and depends on something else.

This is why the BIOS is irrelevant. You can put it in the same flash chip 
as the kernel: it still isn't a derived work of Linux (and Linux is not a 
derived work of the BIOS), and the GPLv2 explicitly makes it clear that 
the license holds no sway over the BIOS, even though it's physically on 
the same chip.

The BIOS can do whatever it wants to, and the GPLv2 has *nothing* to say 
about it. The GPLv2 makes that very clear indeed. It is just "mere 
aggregation", and the fact that they  are in the same machine, on the same 
harddisk, on the same flash rom, or on the same DVD doesn't bring them any 
closer from a *copyright* angle.

Copyright in general (and the GPLv2 in the specific) isn't about how 
things are *physically* tied together. It's not even about how things 
interconnect, and how "important" they are for each other. It is _purely_ 
about whether they are derived works.

So when the GPLv2 talks about "mere aggregation", it talks about it 
specifically to say that it does not matter, and that the license _only_ 
affects the actual derived work!

This is why the BIOS, the hardware, the programs you run under Linux etc 
etc are all totally irrelevant. The GPLv2 explicitly says that they are 
irrelevant as far as that license is concerned.

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Re: regression tracking (Re: Linux 2.6.21)

2007-06-16 Thread Adrian Bunk
On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 02:23:25PM +0200, Stefan Richter wrote:
> [Adrian, I'm not saying "too few users run -rc kernels", I'm saying "too
> few FireWire driver users run -rc kernels".]

Getting more people testing -rc kernels might be possible, and I don't 
think it would be too hard. And not only FireWire would benefit from 
this, remember e.g. that at least 2 out of the last 5 kernels Linus 
released contained filesystem corruption regressions.

The problem is that we aren't able to handle the many regression reports 
we get today, so asking for more testing and regression reports today 
would attack it at the wrong part of the chain.

Additionally, every reported and unhandled regression will frustrate the 
reporter - never forget that we have _many_ unhandled bug reports 
(including but not limited to regression reports) where the submitter 
spent much time and energy in writing a good bug report.

If we somehow gain the missing manpower for debugging regressions we can 
actively ask for more testing. Missing manpower (of people knowing some 
part of the kernel well) for debugging bug reports is IMHO the one big 
source of quality problems in the Linux kernel. If we get this solved, 
things like getting more testers for -rc kernels will become low hanging 

> Stefan Richter



   "Is there not promise of rain?" Ling Tan asked suddenly out
of the darkness. There had been need of rain for many days.
   "Only a promise," Lao Er said.
   Pearl S. Buck - Dragon Seed

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Re: [PATCH] update to version 0.05

2007-06-16 Thread Andy Whitcroft
Jan Engelhardt wrote:
> On Jun 16 2007 22:42, Andy Whitcroft wrote:
>> @@ -180,12 +182,17 @@ sub ctx_block_get {
>> sub ctx_block_outer {
>>  my ($linenr, $remain) = @_;
>> -return ctx_block_get($linenr, $remain, 1);
>> +return ctx_block_get($linenr, $remain, 1, '\{', '\}');
> '\\{'.

I want the string to be \{ ... '\}' gives me that:

$ perl
$q = '\}';
print "$q\n";

> Or, if it works, directly use
>   return _block_get($linenr, $remain, 1, qr/\{/, qr/\}/);
>> +sub ctx_statement {
>> +my ($linenr, $remain) = @_;
>> +
>> +return ctx_block_get($linenr, $remain, 0, '\(', '\)');
> ^^
>> +my $ident   = '[A-Za-z\d_]+';
> Oh yes, use the qr operator here. (qr{}, qr//, choose anything like you
> would do with m//)

Well I want a combination of variable expanded and not expanded.  I
think there will be a general cleanup to some standard quoting for the
RE's as there are hundreds, and about 7 different quote styles right now.

>> +my $storage = '(?:extern|static)';
>> +my $sparse  = '(?:__user|__kernel|__force|__iomem)';
>> +my $type= '(?:unsigned\s+)?' .
>> +  '(?:void|char|short|int|long|unsigned|float|double|' .
>> +  'long\s+long|' .
>> +  "struct\\s+${ident}|" .
>> +  "union\\s+${ident}|" .
>> +  "${ident}_t)" .
>> +  "(?:\\s+$sparse)*" .
>> +  '(?:\s*\*+)?';
>> +my $attribute   = '(?:__read_mostly|__init|__initdata)';
>> +
>> +my $Ident   = $ident;
>> +my $Type= $type;
>> +my $Storage = $storage;
>> +my $Declare = "(?:$storage\\s+)?$type";
>> +my $Attribute   = $attribute;
>> +
>> #trailing whitespace
>> -if ($line=~/\+.*\S\s+$/) {
>> +if ($line=~/^\+.*\S\s+$/) {
> if ($line =~ /^\+.*\S\s+$/) {
>>  my $herevet = "$here\n" . cat_vet($line) . "\n\n";
>>  print "trailing whitespace\n";
>>  print "$herevet";
>> @@ -392,17 +420,20 @@ sub process {
>>  #
>>  next if ($in_comment);
>> -# Remove comments from the line before processing.
>> +# Remove comments from the line before processing.
>>  $line =~ s@/\*.*\*/@@g;
>>  $line =~ s@/\*.*@@;
> C being a wonderful language, has this nice pitfall for parsers
>   foo = number /*pointer_to_int;

Hmm really?  Thats not how gcc seems to parse that, it seems to think
its a comment.  Which makes us safe, as the compiler will trip them up.

$ cat test4.c
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int _p = 10;
int *p = &_p;

int foo = 10 /*p;

printf("foo=%d\n", foo);
$ cc -o test4 test4.c
test4.c:6:15: error: unterminated comment
test4.c: In function 'main':
test4.c:6: error: expected ',' or ';' at end of input
test4.c:6: error: expected declaration or statement at end of input

>>  $line =~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]/@@;
>> -#
>> -# Checks which may be anchored in the context.
>> -#
>> +# Standardise the strings and chars within the input to simplify matching.
>> +$line = sanitise_line($line);
>> +
>> +#
>> +# Checks which may be anchored in the context.
>> +#
>> -# Check for switch () and associated case and default
>> -# statements should be at the same indent.
>> +# Check for switch () and associated case and default
>> +# statements should be at the same indent.
>>  if ($line=~/\bswitch\s*\(.*\)/) {
> Codingstyle warrants \bswitch\s+  :)

Yep and we check for that.  But here we are trying to catch a switch and
case at differing levels, we want to catch that whether they got their
spacing right or not.

>> # * goes on variable not on type
>> -my $type = '(?:char|short|int|long|unsigned|float|double|' .
>> -   'struct\s+[A-Za-z\d_]+|' .
>> -   'union\s+[A-Za-z\d_]+)';
>> -
> qr. (I don't know what it is good for - compare qr/xyz/ with 'xyz'...,
> but there's a reason to its existence, so let's use it :-)

Well I would tend to say use what works and is easy to understand.  The
semantics of '' and "" are well known, to change to qr{} I would have to
go read the manual to know what it is going to do.  That said, _if_ it
did have the same semantics as m// then it may wel allow all of these to
be expressed as qr{} as it would expand variables but treat \ as if we
were in ''.  So ... to the manual for me.

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Re: b44: high ping times with wireless-dev

2007-06-16 Thread Maximilian Engelhardt
On Sunday 17 June 2007, Stephen Hemminger wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Jun 2007 23:27:43 +0200
> Maximilian Engelhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I recently did some test and found out something interesting about the
> > b44 problem I wrote earlier.
> >
> > The problem is the following:
> > When I use my BCM4401 with the b44 driver in wireless-dev I get very high
> > ping times looking like this:
> >
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1863 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=855 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=1855 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=855 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=1854 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=854 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=1851 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=851 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=1851 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=64 time=851 ms
> >
> > I also found out that shortly after I boot my laptop and log into kde
> > ping times are not that high but start to increase very quickly:
> >
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=53 ttl=64 time=2.19 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=54 ttl=64 time=2.22 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=55 ttl=64 time=2.20 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=56 ttl=64 time=2.20 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=57 ttl=64 time=18.6 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=58 ttl=64 time=1268 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=59 ttl=64 time=268 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=60 ttl=64 time=1268 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=61 ttl=64 time=268 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=62 ttl=64 time=6.08 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=63 ttl=64 time=268 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=64 ttl=64 time=1264 ms
> > 64 bytes from icmp_seq=65 ttl=64 time=264 ms
> >
> > After some time digging around I found out something really interesting.
> > When I play some music ping times are immediately lower. If I stop
> > playing music they are back to the same times as they were before.
> >
> > I guess that there is a problem with interrupts so I post some
> > information of my system in hope it will be usefull.
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /proc/interrupts
> >   CPU0
> >  0: 126317XT-PIC-XTtimer
> >  1:   3600XT-PIC-XTi8042
> >  2:  0XT-PIC-XTcascade
> >  7:  1XT-PIC-XTparport0
> >  8:  1XT-PIC-XTrtc
> >  9:  17371XT-PIC-XTacpi
> > 10:  13237XT-PIC-XTfirewire_ohci, yenta, yenta,
> > ehci_hcd:usb1, uhci_hcd:usb3, uhci_hcd:usb4, Intel 82801DB-ICH4, Intel
> > 82801DB-ICH4 Modem, eth0
> > 11:  89059XT-PIC-XTuhci_hcd:usb2, [EMAIL 
> > PROTECTED]::00:02.0
> > 12:632XT-PIC-XTi8042
> > 14:  10354XT-PIC-XTlibata
> > 15:   7408XT-PIC-XTlibata
> > NMI:  0
> > ERR:  0
> >
> >
> > [...]
> > ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] enabled at IRQ 10
> > ACPI: PCI Interrupt :02:02.0[A] -> Link [LNKD] -> GSI 10 (level, low)
> > -> IRQ 10
> > ssb: Sonics Silicon Backplane found on PCI device :02:02.0
> > b44.c:v2.0
> > eth0: Broadcom 44xx/47xx 10/100BaseT Ethernet 00:c0:9f:29:99:a7
> > [...]
> >
> > This problem did only happen with wireless-dev (checkout this evening)
> > and with -mm kernels I used some time ago for testing. Currently I'm
> > running 2.6.22-rc4 that works perfectly fine and doesn't show that
> > problem.
> >
> > Maxi
> Can you build with APIC for uniprocessor.

I did enable CONFIG_X86_UP_APIC and CONFIG_X86_UP_IOAPIC and tried with lapic 
and apic=force but couldn't get APIC working.

> There is lots of IRQ sharing, so
>  - one of the other device's may be not handling shared IRQ properly.
>Try unloading firewhire modem and yenta devices.
>  - IRQ might be set edge triggered which doesn't work with NAPI
>   or shared IRQ.

I did build a kernel without the three mentioned above but the problem is 
still the same. I also did remove everything but eth0 on interrupt 10 so the 
only device using that interrupt is eth0 and then the card completely stopped 


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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Bernd Schmidt
Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Jun 16, 2007, Bernd Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Alexandre Oliva wrote:
>>> On Jun 15, 2007, Alan Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 What this means for the FSF goals if Tivo get up one morning and switch
 their system firmware to ROM however is interesting 8)
>>> I'm not the FSF, and I don't speak for it, but it seems to me that
>>> this would be "mission accomplished".
>> This is insane.  You start with a lofty ideal involving "freedom", and
>> when you end up with a meaningless technicality (and in technical terms
>> a change for the worse) you consider it a victory?
> It accomplishes the mission in that everyone is on the same grounds.
> Same freedom for everyone.

See, that's the problem I have with your arguments.  "Same freedom for
everyone" is a political slogan.  It is not a reasoned thought.  "We
must stop terrorists" is also a political slogan, and the consequence
"Tivo should install ROMs so they don't have more rights than users" is
about equivalent as a victory for freedom as disallowing liquids in hand
luggage is a victory against terrorism.  Both are nonsensical
consequences of a political agenda that is applied without thought.


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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Bron Gondwana
[note: I'm writting this while offline and likely to remain so for the
next 8 hours or so, so I'll probably miss a bunch of other replies]

On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 02:14:29PM -0300, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Jun 16, 2007, Bron Gondwana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 05:22:21AM -0300, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> >> On Jun 15, 2007, Bron Gondwana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> 
> >> > because it could easily be argued that they linked the BIOS with the
> >> > Linux kernel
> >> 
> >> How so?
> > Er, they installed it in the same piece of equipment, and the kernel
> > couldn't function without it in that work.
> I see what you're getting at.  You're thinking of a license that
> doesn't respect the idea of "mere aggregation", right?

No, I'm arguing that it's not "mere aggregation" - the kernel is useless
on that machine unless the BIOS is present or replaced with something
else with equivalent functionality.  I suspect any decent lawyer could
make the theory that this made the kernel as compiled on to that machine
with specific chipset support selected for that hardware into a "derived
work" of the BIOS - especially if the vendor had contributed GPLed code
for drivers which interact with their hardware into said kernel.

In fact, particularly if the hardware vendor has also contributed GPL
code that interacts on one side of the software/(firmware, hardware)
boundard which worked around bugs in said firmware/hardware which they
also had the ability to change.  The two really are a combined work of
which only one part is GPLed.

Ringing any binary kernel module video card driver bells yet?  It's
really the same thing from the opposite direction - the only criteria
is where you fit in the pecking order - hardware manufacturers work
around Windows bugs, Linux kernel drivers work around hardware bugs -
it's all about who has more to lose if they aren't compatible.
> For starters, this wouldn't evidently not qualify as an Open Source
> license, and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't qualify as a Free Software
> license either.

Strawman licence?

> > By using GPLix as part of their boot process along with their
> > non-GPL BIOS, they're subverting the freedoms that the user should
> > have in being able to control the entire boot process.
> You're pushing the "freedom to change" too far.  Sure, I'd like to be
> able to do that, and I prefer hardware that lets me do it, but it's
> not like this BIOS in the scenario you described is being used as a
> means to stop me from modifying the GPLed software.

Well, yeah - except this is the direction GPL3 takes us, and it's a
theory that GPL3 makes more likely to fly in court than GPL2 does -
meaning that hardware vendor lawyers lie awake at night worrying about
stuff (I'd hate to be a good lawyer - I'd never get any sleep!)

> I have never said that including a GPLed piece of software should
> grant users the right to modify anything whatsoever in the system, or
> grant them control over the entire system.  Others have, but it's not
> true, it just shows how much mis-information is floating around.

No, but your interactions with Linus (lazy bums 'r' us) have shown that
the logical result of what you do want includes this.  It's a lot harder
to objectively judge one of these than the other:

a) have they provided the source code to this binary to anyone who asks.

b) have any of the limitations of this piece of hardware been created
   with the intent of making it more difficult for J. Random Enduser to
   build modified binaries from said source and have them function

(b) has much more scope for shenanigans by bad apples on the copyright
owner side - and don't pretend that only the hardware vendors are bad
guys - it takes all sorts and the idea of a licence is to protect both

> All the GPL stands for is to defend the freedom of the users over the
> particular program it applies to.  You can't impose further
> restrictions on the user's ability to modify what *that* software
> does.

Except where they run into limitations of the platform itself, or just
plain bugs.  Oops.  The lawyers will have a field day discovering intent
every time J. Random's kernel doesn't do what he wants after he fiddles
the code a bit.

> If you wanted to change something else, but this something else is not
> covered by the license, and is not being used to contradict the terms
> of the license, well, too bad, you lose.
> > b) deny themselves the ability to every offer a patch to said BIOS if
> >bugs are found 
> > Point (b) is also exactly on topic for the discussion of enforcing
> > legal safety obligations in hardware on a peripheral rather than the
> > software drivers.
> > It's requiring that these limitations be placed in a technically
> > inferior location to hack around a legal "bug".
> I don't think this last sentence is true.  If you implement hardware
> locks that prevent modification of the software even by 

Re: [RFC] [PATCH] selective signal ptracing

2007-06-16 Thread Benjamin Herrenschmidt
On Sat, 2007-06-16 at 00:26 +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 12:42:29 -0700 (PDT)
> Roland McGrath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am not in favor of any enhancements to the ptrace interface.
> > It is a terrible interface and just needs to die.
> That might make sense if utrace ever looked like it would solve the
> questions about platforms like ARM

What are the issues with arch like ARM ? Also, is there a mail thread or
paper somewhere describing utrace, its interfaces and what's needed to
hook it up on a platform ?

/me mostly missed that train

Thanks !


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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Al Viro
On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 03:12:57PM -0700, Linus Torvalds wrote:
>"In order to protect your freedoms, we sometimes have to take some 
> freedoms away. In particular, the freedom of critical thinking got 
> revoked last year, because people were just too 'confused'"

ITYM "upgraded to Loyalty To The Cause, which is the best antidote against
doubt and confusion plaguing the so-called rationalists".
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Re: [patch-mm 00/25] High resolution timer updates and x86_64 support - V2

2007-06-16 Thread Nigel Cunningham
Hi all.

I'm currently running with the combined patch applied all the time, and it 
seems to be working fine here, including with hibernation.


Nigel, Michelle and Alisdair Cunningham
5 Mitchell Street
Cobden 3266
Victoria, Australia

Description: PGP signature

Re: b44: high ping times with wireless-dev

2007-06-16 Thread Stephen Hemminger
On Sat, 16 Jun 2007 23:27:43 +0200
Maximilian Engelhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I recently did some test and found out something interesting about the b44 
> problem I wrote earlier. 
> The problem is the following:
> When I use my BCM4401 with the b44 driver in wireless-dev I get very high 
> ping 
> times looking like this:
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1863 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=855 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=1855 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=855 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=1854 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=854 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=1851 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=851 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=1851 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=64 time=851 ms
> I also found out that shortly after I boot my laptop and log into kde ping 
> times are not that high but start to increase very quickly:
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=53 ttl=64 time=2.19 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=54 ttl=64 time=2.22 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=55 ttl=64 time=2.20 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=56 ttl=64 time=2.20 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=57 ttl=64 time=18.6 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=58 ttl=64 time=1268 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=59 ttl=64 time=268 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=60 ttl=64 time=1268 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=61 ttl=64 time=268 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=62 ttl=64 time=6.08 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=63 ttl=64 time=268 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=64 ttl=64 time=1264 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=65 ttl=64 time=264 ms
> After some time digging around I found out something really interesting. When 
> I play some music ping times are immediately lower. If I stop playing music 
> they are back to the same times as they were before.
> I guess that there is a problem with interrupts so I post some information of 
> my system in hope it will be usefull.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /proc/interrupts
>   CPU0   
>  0: 126317XT-PIC-XTtimer
>  1:   3600XT-PIC-XTi8042
>  2:  0XT-PIC-XTcascade
>  7:  1XT-PIC-XTparport0
>  8:  1XT-PIC-XTrtc
>  9:  17371XT-PIC-XTacpi
> 10:  13237XT-PIC-XTfirewire_ohci, yenta, yenta, 
> ehci_hcd:usb1, 
> uhci_hcd:usb3, uhci_hcd:usb4, Intel 82801DB-ICH4, Intel 82801DB-ICH4 Modem, 
> eth0
> 11:  89059XT-PIC-XTuhci_hcd:usb2, [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]::00:02.0
> 12:632XT-PIC-XTi8042
> 14:  10354XT-PIC-XTlibata
> 15:   7408XT-PIC-XTlibata
> NMI:  0 
> ERR:  0
> [...]
> ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] enabled at IRQ 10
> ACPI: PCI Interrupt :02:02.0[A] -> Link [LNKD] -> GSI 10 (level, low) -> 
> IRQ 10
> ssb: Sonics Silicon Backplane found on PCI device :02:02.0
> b44.c:v2.0
> eth0: Broadcom 44xx/47xx 10/100BaseT Ethernet 00:c0:9f:29:99:a7
> [...]
> This problem did only happen with wireless-dev (checkout this evening) and 
> with -mm kernels I used some time ago for testing. Currently I'm running 
> 2.6.22-rc4 that works perfectly fine and doesn't show that problem.
> Maxi

Can you build with APIC for uniprocessor.

There is lots of IRQ sharing, so
 - one of the other device's may be not handling shared IRQ properly.
   Try unloading firewhire modem and yenta devices.

 - IRQ might be set edge triggered which doesn't work with NAPI
or shared IRQ.

Stephen Hemminger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: 2.6.22-rc4 XFS fails after hibernate/resume

2007-06-16 Thread Rafael J. Wysocki
On Saturday, 16 June 2007 21:56, David Greaves wrote:
> This isn't a regression.
> I was seeing these problems on 2.6.21 (but 22 was in -rc so I waited to try 
> it).
> I tried 2.6.22-rc4 (with Tejun's patches) to see if it had improved - no.
> Note this is a different (desktop) machine to that involved my recent bugs.
> The machine will work for days (continually powered up) without a problem and 
> then exhibits a filesystem failure within minutes of a resume.
> I know xfs/raid are OK with hibernate. Is lvm?
> The root filesystem is xfs on raid1 and that doesn't seem to have any 
> problems.

What is the partition that's showing problems?  How's it set up, on how many
drives etc.?

Also, is the dmesg output below from right after the resume?


"Premature optimization is the root of all evil." - Donald Knuth
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Re: [linux-lvm] 2.6.22-rc4 XFS fails after hibernate/resume

2007-06-16 Thread David Robinson

David Greaves wrote:

This isn't a regression.

I was seeing these problems on 2.6.21 (but 22 was in -rc so I waited to 
try it).

I tried 2.6.22-rc4 (with Tejun's patches) to see if it had improved - no.

Note this is a different (desktop) machine to that involved my recent bugs.

The machine will work for days (continually powered up) without a 
problem and then exhibits a filesystem failure within minutes of a resume.

I know xfs/raid are OK with hibernate. Is lvm?

I have LVM working with hibernate w/o any problems (w/ ext3). If there 
were a problem it wouldn't be with LVM but with device-mapper, and I 
doubt there's a problem with either. The stack trace shows that you're 
within XFS code (but it's likely its hibernate).

You can easily check whether its LVM/device-mapper:

1) check "dmsetup table" - it should be the same before hibernating and 
after resuming.

2) read directly from the LV - ie, "dd if=/dev/mapper/video_vg-video_lv 
of=/dev/null bs=10M count=200".

If dmsetup shows the same info and you can read directly from the LV I 
doubt it would be a LVM/device-mapper problem.

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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Daniel Hazelton
On Saturday 16 June 2007 18:01:59 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Jun 16, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Saturday 16 June 2007 04:21:04 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> >> On Jun 16, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > In the case of renting a machine you can try to legislate new laws all
> >> > you want. It doesn't make a difference. There are certain rights you
> >> > don't get when renting something that you do when you own it.
> >>
> >> You mean renting the computer with the software in it is not
> >> distribution of the software?
> >
> > It is. But you don't have the same rights to a rented machine as you
> > do to one you have purchased.
> That's true.  But since it's distribution, the licensing terms of the
> software in there must be followed, or the software must be removed.
> It's really this simple.
> It's not about the hardware.  It's about the software and what you
> must not prevent others from doing with it.
> > And yes, they can even have terms in it that violate the GPL. Not
> > that a "renters contract" ("rental agreement" or whatever they call
> > them in your jurisdiction) that has those terms can *legally*
> > violate the GPL - but it doesn't stop them from existing.
> By "legally violate the GPL", do you mean lawfully escape the terms of
> the GPL, or that infringe the copyrights of the authors for violate
> its legal terms?  I hope it's the latter.

Sorry, poor choice of words. I meant that they can violate the GPL, because 
they have the right to say "You can't modify the software on the device you 
are renting". I mis-stated it because I didn't make it clear that, even 
though that is their legal right, they would still be in violation of the 

The reason that it is different from the TiVO case is that they have not 
stopped you from doing any modification - what they have prevented is the use 
of those modifications on the hardware they designed. The response from the 
FSF and people like you (Alexandre) is childish - at best. "They have one of 
our toys in their house but we can't play with it. WH!"


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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jun 16, 2007, "Jesper Juhl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 16/06/07, Alexandre Oliva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Jun 16, 2007, Al Viro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > How the hell does that improve the situation for users?
>> Maybe it doesn't.  How does it make it worse?
> Now not even the vendor can upgrade the software in the hardware and
> fix problems for the user. The user loses.

Assuming the vendor's intent as for patching the software is to help
the user.  If the vendor doesn't want to let the user do that
independently, why should this assumption hold?

Alexandre Oliva
FSF Latin America Board Member
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Daniel Hazelton
On Saturday 16 June 2007 15:27:37 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Jun 16, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't see how TiVO has done this. They have placed no restrictions on
> > *modification* at all. What they have done is placed a restriction on
> > *REPLACEMENT* of the program.
> Technicality.  In order for the software to remain free (which is what
> the GPL is all about), the user must not be stopped from adapting the
> software to suit his needs and running it for any purpose.  TiVo
> places restrictions on it.  It's really this simple.

Your arguments are all based on technicalities, so why are you complaining 
when I do the same?

As it stands there is *NOTHING* that singular distinction makes all the 
difference in the world. What you are arguing - based on your *BELIEF* that 
such *REPLACEMENT* is a modification. 

By the way, Alexandre, I'm not so much of an *IDIOT* as to believe that you 
don't understand the difference. You are arguing about it because you *WANT* 
the difference to not exist. You are arguing about it because it makes your 
argument that what TiVO did broke the "spirit" of the license. If you want 
I'll go dig out the exact place where RMS said that he didn't care about 

You want another "technicality"? How about one that you *AGREED* is valid? 
That your right to configure a device ends at the point where it connects to 
a network? Well, unless you want to sacrifice *ALL* the stuff that makes a 
TiVO actually worth using, you *HAVE* to connect it to their network. At that 
point *ALL* of its configuration details - yes, even the Operating System - 
fall under their control. In the US there are laws that restrict this right 
when applied to "telecommunications" companies - but TiVO *isn't* 
a "telecommunications" company.

> And then, TiVo doesn't really prohibit replacement.  You can replace
> it as much as you like; just not as conveniently as TiVo can replace
> it.  And then, if you do, it won't run, because it's not signed with a
> key that they omit from the source code.  And they do this in order to
> prevent the user from changing the behavior of the Free Software that
> they use, while they keep this ability to themselves.

If your argument is that the final output binary is created by combining the 
signing key and an interrim binary then you *MIGHT* have a point. The simple 
fact is that that argument depends on whether the kernel itself is modified 
by the signing process or if the signing process generates a separate 
signature which is then verified as part of the boot process.

> If these are not restrictions on the freedoms that the GPL is designed
> to protect to ensure that Free Software remains Free for all its
> users, I don't know what is.

"Free as in beer" is the phrasing used, I believe. I see nothing in that TiVO 
has done that negates this. I do disagree with it - if I buy a TiVO box, I 
own it and should be able to do what I want with it. However, this does not 
negate the fact that it does connect to their network, and as a device that 
does such they are allowed to configure it in *ANY* manner they choose. What 
you and the FSF are trying to do is strip that right from them.

If you have such a respect for peoples freedoms - and I don't doubt that you 
actually believe you do - then why are you stripping freedoms from people?


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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Linus Torvalds

On Sat, 16 Jun 2007, Jesper Juhl wrote:
> Now not even the vendor can upgrade the software in the hardware and
> fix problems for the user. The user loses.

You're seeing that the wrong way.

The correct response is (and I quote from the manual, pick one talking 
point at random):

   "This is a great step for freedom, as the users now have exactly the
same rights as the vendors."

   "When we talk about free software, we don't talk about 'free as in 
beer', we talk about 'free as in buggy and unfixable'"

   "You're now at least no less free than anybody else!"

   "Oh, except for the fact that those other people still design the 
hardware you are using, and the programs you watch. But we have a 
plan for that too! We will make the GPLv4 outlaw Disney and Britney 

   "In order to protect your freedoms, we sometimes have to take some 
freedoms away. In particular, the freedom of critical thinking got 
revoked last year, because people were just too 'confused'"

   "There are no American Infidels in Baghdad. Never!"

There's a long list of those things, but sadly I didn't have time to copy 
them all when I sneaked into the FSF main office in my ninja suit under 
the cover of darkness.

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Re: Versioning file system

2007-06-16 Thread Alan Cox
>   (Vax/VMS System Software Handbook)
>   (TOPS-20 User's Manual)

Also Files/11

Basic versioning goes back to at least ITS

Not sure how old doing file versioning and hiding it away with a tool to
go rescue the stuff you blew away by mistake is, but Novell Netware 3
certainly did a good job on that one
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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jun 16, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Saturday 16 June 2007 04:21:04 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
>> On Jun 16, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > In the case of renting a machine you can try to legislate new laws all
>> > you want. It doesn't make a difference. There are certain rights you
>> > don't get when renting something that you do when you own it.
>> You mean renting the computer with the software in it is not
>> distribution of the software?

> It is. But you don't have the same rights to a rented machine as you
> do to one you have purchased.

That's true.  But since it's distribution, the licensing terms of the
software in there must be followed, or the software must be removed.
It's really this simple.

It's not about the hardware.  It's about the software and what you
must not prevent others from doing with it.

> And yes, they can even have terms in it that violate the GPL. Not
> that a "renters contract" ("rental agreement" or whatever they call
> them in your jurisdiction) that has those terms can *legally*
> violate the GPL - but it doesn't stop them from existing.

By "legally violate the GPL", do you mean lawfully escape the terms of
the GPL, or that infringe the copyrights of the authors for violate
its legal terms?  I hope it's the latter.

Alexandre Oliva
FSF Latin America Board Member
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
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Re: [PATCH] update to version 0.05

2007-06-16 Thread Jan Engelhardt

On Jun 16 2007 22:42, Andy Whitcroft wrote:
>@@ -180,12 +182,17 @@ sub ctx_block_get {
> sub ctx_block_outer {
>   my ($linenr, $remain) = @_;
>-  return ctx_block_get($linenr, $remain, 1);
>+  return ctx_block_get($linenr, $remain, 1, '\{', '\}');


Or, if it works, directly use
return _block_get($linenr, $remain, 1, qr/\{/, qr/\}/);

>+sub ctx_statement {
>+  my ($linenr, $remain) = @_;
>+  return ctx_block_get($linenr, $remain, 0, '\(', '\)');


>+  my $ident   = '[A-Za-z\d_]+';

Oh yes, use the qr operator here. (qr{}, qr//, choose anything like you
would do with m//)

>+  my $storage = '(?:extern|static)';
>+  my $sparse  = '(?:__user|__kernel|__force|__iomem)';
>+  my $type= '(?:unsigned\s+)?' .
>+'(?:void|char|short|int|long|unsigned|float|double|' .
>+'long\s+long|' .
>+"struct\\s+${ident}|" .
>+"union\\s+${ident}|" .
>+"${ident}_t)" .
>+"(?:\\s+$sparse)*" .
>+  my $attribute   = '(?:__read_mostly|__init|__initdata)';
>+  my $Ident   = $ident;
>+  my $Type= $type;
>+  my $Storage = $storage;
>+  my $Declare = "(?:$storage\\s+)?$type";
>+  my $Attribute   = $attribute;

> #trailing whitespace
>-  if ($line=~/\+.*\S\s+$/) {
>+  if ($line=~/^\+.*\S\s+$/) {
if ($line =~ /^\+.*\S\s+$/) {
>   my $herevet = "$here\n" . cat_vet($line) . "\n\n";
>   print "trailing whitespace\n";
>   print "$herevet";
>@@ -392,17 +420,20 @@ sub process {
>   #
>   next if ($in_comment);
>-  # Remove comments from the line before processing.
>+# Remove comments from the line before processing.
>   $line =~ s@/\*.*\*/@@g;
>   $line =~ s@/\*.*@@;

C being a wonderful language, has this nice pitfall for parsers

foo = number /*pointer_to_int;

>   $line =~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]/@@;
>-  #
>-  # Checks which may be anchored in the context.
>-  #
>+# Standardise the strings and chars within the input to simplify matching.
>+  $line = sanitise_line($line);
>+# Checks which may be anchored in the context.
>-  # Check for switch () and associated case and default
>-  # statements should be at the same indent.
>+# Check for switch () and associated case and default
>+# statements should be at the same indent.
>   if ($line=~/\bswitch\s*\(.*\)/) {

Codingstyle warrants \bswitch\s+  :)

> # * goes on variable not on type
>-  my $type = '(?:char|short|int|long|unsigned|float|double|' .
>- 'struct\s+[A-Za-z\d_]+|' .
>- 'union\s+[A-Za-z\d_]+)';

qr. (I don't know what it is good for - compare qr/xyz/ with 'xyz'...,
but there's a reason to its existence, so let's use it :-)

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need help with kmap_atomic() behavior

2007-06-16 Thread Hari Hara Kumar M

We are mapping struct page ptrs from scattergather list entries using
kmap_atomic(page_ptr, KM_USER0) to get the virtual address for doing a
copy to work around some alignment restrictions in our driver.

If the first entry in the scatterlist has length > 4k (say 11k) and has
an offset of 1k then, will kmap of the struct page ptr in this
scattergather entry map all of the relevant pages (3 in this case for
11k) needed to cover this sg entry?

Thanks in advance.

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b44: high ping times with wireless-dev

2007-06-16 Thread Maximilian Engelhardt

I recently did some test and found out something interesting about the b44 
problem I wrote earlier. 

The problem is the following:
When I use my BCM4401 with the b44 driver in wireless-dev I get very high ping 
times looking like this:

64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1863 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=855 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=1855 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=855 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=1854 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=854 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=1851 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=851 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=1851 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=64 time=851 ms

I also found out that shortly after I boot my laptop and log into kde ping 
times are not that high but start to increase very quickly:

64 bytes from icmp_seq=53 ttl=64 time=2.19 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=54 ttl=64 time=2.22 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=55 ttl=64 time=2.20 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=56 ttl=64 time=2.20 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=57 ttl=64 time=18.6 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=58 ttl=64 time=1268 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=59 ttl=64 time=268 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=60 ttl=64 time=1268 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=61 ttl=64 time=268 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=62 ttl=64 time=6.08 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=63 ttl=64 time=268 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=64 ttl=64 time=1264 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=65 ttl=64 time=264 ms

After some time digging around I found out something really interesting. When 
I play some music ping times are immediately lower. If I stop playing music 
they are back to the same times as they were before.

I guess that there is a problem with interrupts so I post some information of 
my system in hope it will be usefull.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat /proc/interrupts
 0: 126317XT-PIC-XTtimer
 1:   3600XT-PIC-XTi8042
 2:  0XT-PIC-XTcascade
 7:  1XT-PIC-XTparport0
 8:  1XT-PIC-XTrtc
 9:  17371XT-PIC-XTacpi
10:  13237XT-PIC-XTfirewire_ohci, yenta, yenta, ehci_hcd:usb1, 
uhci_hcd:usb3, uhci_hcd:usb4, Intel 82801DB-ICH4, Intel 82801DB-ICH4 Modem, 
11:  89059XT-PIC-XTuhci_hcd:usb2, [EMAIL PROTECTED]::00:02.0
14:  10354XT-PIC-XTlibata
15:   7408XT-PIC-XTlibata
NMI:  0 
ERR:  0

ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] enabled at IRQ 10
ACPI: PCI Interrupt :02:02.0[A] -> Link [LNKD] -> GSI 10 (level, low) -> 
IRQ 10
ssb: Sonics Silicon Backplane found on PCI device :02:02.0
eth0: Broadcom 44xx/47xx 10/100BaseT Ethernet 00:c0:9f:29:99:a7

This problem did only happen with wireless-dev (checkout this evening) and 
with -mm kernels I used some time ago for testing. Currently I'm running 
2.6.22-rc4 that works perfectly fine and doesn't show that problem.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Jesper Juhl

On 16/06/07, Alexandre Oliva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jun 16, 2007, Al Viro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How the hell does that improve the situation for users?

Maybe it doesn't.  How does it make it worse?

Now not even the vendor can upgrade the software in the hardware and
fix problems for the user. The user loses.

Don't top-post
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[patch] alpha: fix alignment problem in csum_ipv6_magic()

2007-06-16 Thread Ivan Kokshaysky
Hopefully this fixes

The struct in6_addr passed to csum_ipv6_magic() is 4 byte aligned,
so we can't use the regular 64-bit loads.
Since the cost of handling of 4 byte and 1 byte aligned 64-bit data is
roughly the same, this code can cope with any src/dst [mis]alignment.

Signed-off-by: Ivan Kokshaysky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


--- 2.6.22-rc4/arch/alpha/lib/ev6-csum_ipv6_magic.S Sun Feb  4 21:44:54 2007
+++ linux/arch/alpha/lib/ev6-csum_ipv6_magic.S  Sun Jun 17 00:41:53 2007
@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@
  * add the 3 low ushorts together, generating a uint
  * a final add of the 2 lower ushorts
  * truncating the result.
+ *
+ * Misalignment handling added by Ivan Kokshaysky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+ * The cost is 16 instructions (~8 cycles), including two extra loads which
+ * may cause additional delay in rare cases (load-load replay traps).
.globl csum_ipv6_magic
@@ -55,25 +59,45 @@
.prologue 0
-   ldq $0,0($16)   # L : Latency: 3
+   ldq_u   $0,0($16)   # L : Latency: 3
inslh   $18,7,$4# U : 00AABBCC
-   ldq $1,8($16)   # L : Latency: 3
+   ldq_u   $1,8($16)   # L : Latency: 3
sll $19,8,$7# U : U L U L : 0x 00aabb00
+   and $16,7,$6# E : src misalignment
+   ldq_u   $5,15($16)  # L : Latency: 3
zapnot  $20,15,$20  # U : zero extend incoming csum
-   ldq $2,0($17)   # L : Latency: 3
-   sll $19,24,$19  # U : U L L U : 0x00aa bb00
-   inswl   $18,3,$18   # U : 00CCDD00
+   ldq_u   $2,0($17)   # L : U L U L : Latency: 3
+   extql   $0,$6,$0# U :
+   extqh   $1,$6,$22   # U :
+   ldq_u   $3,8($17)   # L : Latency: 3
+   sll $19,24,$19  # U : U U L U : 0x00aa bb00
+   cmoveq  $6,$31,$22  # E : src aligned?
+   ldq_u   $23,15($17) # L : Latency: 3
+   or  $18,$4,$18  # E : 00CCDDAABBCC
+   extql   $1,$6,$1# U : U L L U :
-   ldq $3,8($17)   # L : Latency: 3
-   bis $18,$4,$18  # E : 00CCDDAABBCC
+   or  $0,$22,$0   # E : 1st src word complete
+   extqh   $5,$6,$5# U :
addl$19,$7,$19  # E : bbaabb00
-   nop # E : U L U L
+   and $17,7,$6# E : L U L U : dst misalignment
+   inswl   $18,3,$18   # U : 00CCDD00
+   or  $1,$5,$1# E : 2nd src word complete
+   extql   $2,$6,$2# U :
+   extqh   $3,$6,$22   # U : U L U U :
+   cmoveq  $6,$31,$22  # E : dst aligned?
+   extql   $3,$6,$3# U :
addq$20,$0,$20  # E : begin summing the words
+   extqh   $23,$6,$23  # U : L U L U :
srl $18,16,$4   # U : 00CCDDAA
+   or  $2,$22,$2   # E : 1st dst word complete
zap $19,0x3,$19 # U : bbaa
-   nop # E : L U U L
+   or  $3,$23,$3   # E : U L U L : 2nd dst word complete
cmpult  $20,$0,$0   # E :
addq$20,$1,$20  # E :
--- 2.6.22-rc4/arch/alpha/lib/csum_ipv6_magic.S Sun Feb  4 21:44:54 2007
+++ linux/arch/alpha/lib/csum_ipv6_magic.S  Sun Jun 17 00:29:28 2007
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
  *__u32 len,
  *unsigned short proto,
  *unsigned int csum);
+ *
+ * Misalignment handling (which costs 16 instructions / 8 cycles) 
+ * added by Ivan Kokshaysky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
.globl csum_ipv6_magic
@@ -16,37 +19,57 @@
.prologue 0
-   ldq $0,0($16)   # e0: load src & dst addr words
+   ldq_u   $0,0($16)   # e0: load src & dst addr words
zapnot  $20,15,$20  # .. e1 : zero extend incoming csum
extqh   $18,1,$4# e0: byte swap len & proto while we wait
-   ldq $1,8($16)   # .. e1 :
+   ldq_u   $21,7($16)  # .. e1 : handle misalignment
extbl   $18,1,$5# e0:
-   ldq $2,0($17)   # .. e1 :
+   ldq_u   $1,8($16)   # .. e1 :
extbl   $18,2,$6# e0:
-   ldq $3,8($17)   # .. e1 :
+   ldq_u   $22,15($16) # .. e1 :
extbl   $18,3,$18   # e0:
+   ldq_u   $2,0($17)   # .. e1 :
sra $4,32,$4# e0:
+   ldq_u   $23,7($17)  # .. e1 :
+   extql   $0,$16,$0   # e0:
+   ldq_u   $3,8($17)   # .. e1 :
+   extqh   $21,$16,$21 # e0:
+   ldq_u   $24,15($17) # .. e1 :
sll $5,16,$5# e0:
+   or  $0,$21,$0   # .. e1 : 1st src word complete
+   extql   $1,$16,$1   # e0:
addq$20,$0,$20  # .. e1 : begin summing the words
-   sll $6,8,$6 

[PATCH] update to version 0.05

2007-06-16 Thread Andy Whitcroft

This version brings a some new tests, and a host of changes to fix
false positives, of particular note:

 - detect 'var ++;' and 'var --;' as a bad combination
 - multistatement #defines are now checked based on statement count
 - multistatement #defines with initialisation correctly reported
 - checks the location of the inline keywords
 - EXPORT_SYMBOL for variables are now understood
 - typedefs are loosened to handle sparse etc

This version of can be found at the following URL:

Full Changelog:

Andy Whitcroft (18):
  Version: 0.05
  macro definition checks should be for a single statement
  avoid assignements only in if conditionals
  declarations of function pointers need no space
  multiline macros which are purely initialisation cannot be wrapped
  EXPORT_SYMBOL can also directly follow a variable definition
  check on the location of the inline keyword
  EXPORT_SYMBOL needs to allow for attributes
  ensure we do not find C99 // in strings
  handle malformed #include lines
  accept the {0,} form
  typedefs are sensible for defining function pointer parameters
  ensure { handling correctly handles nested switch() statements
  trailing whitespace checks are not anchored
  typedefs for sparse bitwise annotations make sense
  update the type matcher to include sparse annotations
  clean up indent and spacing

Signed-off-by: Andy Whitcroft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index aea90d3..56c364c 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use strict;
 my $P = $0;
-my $V = '0.04';
+my $V = '0.05';
 use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev);
@@ -17,11 +17,13 @@ my $quiet = 0;
 my $tree = 1;
 my $chk_signoff = 1;
 my $chk_patch = 1;
+my $tst_type = 0;
'q|quiet'   => \$quiet,
'tree!' => \$tree,
'signoff!'  => \$chk_signoff,
'patch!'=> \$chk_patch,
+   'test-type!'=> \$tst_type,
 ) or exit;
 my $exit = 0;
@@ -151,7 +153,7 @@ sub sanitise_line {
 sub ctx_block_get {
-   my ($linenr, $remain, $outer) = @_;
+   my ($linenr, $remain, $outer, $open, $close) = @_;
my $line;
my $start = $linenr - 1;
my $blk = '';
@@ -165,8 +167,8 @@ sub ctx_block_get {
$blk .= $rawlines[$line];
-   @o = ($blk =~ /\{/g);
-   @c = ($blk =~ /\}/g);
+   @o = ($blk =~ /$open/g);
+   @c = ($blk =~ /$close/g);
if (!$outer || (scalar(@o) - scalar(@c)) == 1) {
push(@res, $rawlines[$line]);
@@ -180,12 +182,17 @@ sub ctx_block_get {
 sub ctx_block_outer {
my ($linenr, $remain) = @_;
-   return ctx_block_get($linenr, $remain, 1);
+   return ctx_block_get($linenr, $remain, 1, '\{', '\}');
 sub ctx_block {
my ($linenr, $remain) = @_;
-   return ctx_block_get($linenr, $remain, 0);
+   return ctx_block_get($linenr, $remain, 0, '\{', '\}');
+sub ctx_statement {
+   my ($linenr, $remain) = @_;
+   return ctx_block_get($linenr, $remain, 0, '\(', '\)');
 sub ctx_locate_comment {
@@ -264,9 +271,30 @@ sub process {
my $in_comment = 0;
my $first_line = 0;
+   my $ident   = '[A-Za-z\d_]+';
+   my $storage = '(?:extern|static)';
+   my $sparse  = '(?:__user|__kernel|__force|__iomem)';
+   my $type= '(?:unsigned\s+)?' .
+ '(?:void|char|short|int|long|unsigned|float|double|' .
+ 'long\s+long|' .
+ "struct\\s+${ident}|" .
+ "union\\s+${ident}|" .
+ "${ident}_t)" .
+ "(?:\\s+$sparse)*" .
+ '(?:\s*\*+)?';
+   my $attribute   = '(?:__read_mostly|__init|__initdata)';
+   my $Ident   = $ident;
+   my $Type= $type;
+   my $Storage = $storage;
+   my $Declare = "(?:$storage\\s+)?$type";
+   my $Attribute   = $attribute;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
+   my $rawline = $line;
 #extract the filename as it passes
if ($line=~/^\+\+\+\s+(\S+)/) {
@@ -361,7 +389,7 @@ sub process {
next if ($realfile !~ /\.(h|c|s|S|pl|sh)$/);
 #trailing whitespace
-   if ($line=~/\+.*\S\s+$/) {
+   if ($line=~/^\+.*\S\s+$/) {
my $herevet = "$here\n" . cat_vet($line) . "\n\n";
print "trailing whitespace\n";
print "$herevet";
@@ -392,17 +420,20 @@ sub process {
next if ($in_comment);
-   # Remove comments from the 

[PATCH] hwmon/coretemp: Fix a broken error path

2007-06-16 Thread Jean Delvare
Hi Soeren,

On Sat, 16 Jun 2007 22:43:05 +0200, Soeren Sonnenburg wrote:
> this commit makes coretemp fail on my macbook pro.
> 1) rmmod oopses (see below)
> 2) it breaks s2ram
> Soeren
> commit 67f363b1f6a31cf5027a97372f64bcced4f05ba6
> Author: Rudolf Marek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date:   Sun May 27 22:17:43 2007 +0200
> hwmon/coretemp: Add more safety checks
> Add detection of AE18 Errata of Core processor and warns
> users that the absolute readings might be wrong for Core2 processor.
> Signed-off-by: Rudolf Marek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: hwmon/coretemp: 
> Fix a broken error path
> Signed-off-by: Jean Delvare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for reporting. Indeed this patch is broken, sorry for
overlooking it. I tested it but my hardware is such that the faulty
error path was never taken. Please test the following patch (on top of
git-current) and confirm it fixes your problem:

Signed-off-by: Jean Delvare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Rudolf Marek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 drivers/hwmon/coretemp.c |1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

--- linux-2.6.22-rc4.orig/drivers/hwmon/coretemp.c  2007-06-05 
10:25:54.0 +0200
+++ linux-2.6.22-rc4/drivers/hwmon/coretemp.c   2007-06-16 23:14:06.0 
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ static int __devinit coretemp_probe(stru
/* check for microcode update */
rdmsr_on_cpu(data->id, MSR_IA32_UCODE_REV, , );
if (edx < 0x39) {
+   err = -ENODEV;
"Errata AE18 not fixed, update BIOS or "
"microcode of the CPU!\n");

Jean Delvare
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Re: Versioning file system

2007-06-16 Thread Dale Amon
DEC had versioning files systems 30 years ago. Any
patents on their style must certainly have expired
long ago.

Look at RSX-11 and other seventies era operating 

This is ancient stuff.

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Machine Check Exception: 0...04

2007-06-16 Thread Mr. James W. Laferriere

Hello All ,  Does anoyone know howto identify a cause for these(*) ?
Or of any tools to help in the identification of the cause ?
So far the Machine checks only happen when I am running bonnie++ against
my software raid6 array .

I have done everything I know to do to attempt to ascertain what is
causing the machine checks .
 1) memtest86+ for days ,  no errors .
 2) cpuburnP6 ,  The tests run were 'cpuburnP6 E' & 'cpuburnP6 H' for ~
60 minutes each .  All CPU's & HT were at 96+<->100% for 60+ Minutes ,
no excessive heating or lockups . In single user mode of course .
I know cpuburn is old but it can excersize the comms between l1 & cpu
& l1 & l2 -> cpu if done right .

CPU 5: Machine Check Exception: 0004
CPU 4: Machine Check Exception: 0004
Kernel panic - not syncing: Unable to continue

root@(none):~ # uname -a
Linux (none) #1 SMP Fri Jun 15 04:37:23 UTC 2007 i686 pentium4 i386 

Complete serial console log of a boot to single user mode is here .

Tia ,  JimL
| James   W.   Laferriere | System   Techniques | Give me VMS |
| NetworkEngineer | 663  Beaumont  Blvd |  Give me Linux  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pacifica, CA. 94044 |   only  on  AXP |

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Re: Versioning file system

2007-06-16 Thread Jack Stone
Jan Harkes wrote:
> Sites like and are good places to
> find copies of these papers. They also provide links to other work that
> either is cited by, or cites these papers which is a convenient way to
> find other papers in this area.
> Researching, designing and implementing such systems is a lot of fun,
> admittedly often more fun than long term debugging and/or maintaining,
> but that is life. Don't get too upset if the end result cannot be
> included in the main kernel. Just start over from scratch, you may just
> end up with an even better design the second time around.

Thank you very much for the info and the advice.

I would also like to thank everyone for the help and enchouragement that
they have given to me.

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git-current: latest coretemp changes break s2ram

2007-06-16 Thread Soeren Sonnenburg
this commit makes coretemp fail on my macbook pro.

1) rmmod oopses (see below)
2) it breaks s2ram


commit 67f363b1f6a31cf5027a97372f64bcced4f05ba6
Author: Rudolf Marek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:   Sun May 27 22:17:43 2007 +0200

hwmon/coretemp: Add more safety checks

Add detection of AE18 Errata of Core processor and warns
users that the absolute readings might be wrong for Core2 processor.

Signed-off-by: Rudolf Marek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Signed-off-by: Jean Delvare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

PM: Adding info for platform:coretemp.0
coretemp coretemp.0: Errata AE18 not fixed, update BIOS or microcode of the CPU!
PM: Adding info for platform:coretemp.1
coretemp coretemp.1: Errata AE18 not fixed, update BIOS or microcode of the CPU!
BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 

 printing eip:
*pde = 
Oops:  [#1]
Modules linked in: ohci1394 ieee1394 hfsplus binfmt_misc fuse eeprom coretemp 
applesmc hwmon snd_hda_intel snd_pcm_oss snd_mixer_oss snd_pcm firewire_ohci 
firewire_core snd_timer i2c_i801 appletouch sky2 crc_itu_t snd soundcore 
snd_page_alloc intel_agp agpgart evdev
EIP:0060:[]Not tainted VLI
EFLAGS: 00010286   (2.6.22-rc4-sonne #20)
EIP is at coretemp_remove+0x1f/0x60 [coretemp]
eax: f78c2800   ebx: f78c2890   ecx:    edx: f887d23c
esi: f78c2808   edi:    ebp: c0496760   esp: f7c07ef4
ds: 007b   es: 007b   fs: 00d8  gs: 0033  ss: 0068
Process rmmod (pid: 2646, ti=f7c06000 task=dfc07440 task.ti=f7c06000)
Stack: f78c2808 f887d23c f78c2890 c02b714c c02b580b f78c2808 f78c2808 c02b5c5e 
   f78c2808 c02b50c0  c02b3508 f78c2800 f78c2800 f7a298f0 f7c06000 
   c02b73f0 f78c2800 f7a298b0 c02b7828 f7a298f0 f887c69a  f887d380 
Call Trace:
 [] platform_drv_remove+0xc/0x10
 [] __device_release_driver+0x6b/0xa0
 [] device_release_driver+0x1e/0x40
 [] bus_remove_device+0x50/0x80
 [] device_del+0x138/0x230
 [] platform_device_del+0x10/0x70
 [] platform_device_unregister+0x8/0x10
 [] coretemp_exit+0x3a/0x7d [coretemp]
 [] sys_delete_module+0x148/0x1b0
 [] do_page_fault+0x333/0x620
 [] do_munmap+0x197/0x1f0
 [] sysenter_past_esp+0x5f/0x85
Code: 87 f8 5e 5f 5d e9 72 6a b4 c7 66 90 83 ec 0c 89 1c 24 89 c3 89 74 24 04 
8d 70 08 81 c3 90 00 00 00 89 7c 24 08 8b be 20 01 00 00 <8b> 07 e8 5a 7f fc ff 
89 d8 ba e0 c6 87 f8 e8 3e 20 94 c7 31 c0 
EIP: [] coretemp_remove+0x1f/0x60 [coretemp] SS:ESP 0068:f7c07ef4

Sometimes, there's a moment as you're waking, when you become aware of
the real world around you, but you're still dreaming.
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Re: Versioning file system

2007-06-16 Thread Jan Harkes
On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 02:03:49PM -0600, Jeffrey V. Merkey wrote:
> Jan Harkes wrote:
> >implementation, just a high level description. Finally advising anyone
> >(who is not an actual patent lawyer that could correctly interpret the
> >language and scope of a patent) to go search out patents seems pretty
> >bad advice. That can only result in not even attempting to research some
> >potentially new and innovative approach.
> >
> >Researching prior published work in the area is considerably more
> >helpful. Especially when something is complex beyond belief it has
> >probably attracted various researchers over time and there are most
> >likely various different solutions that have been explored previously.
> >Such existing work can form a good basis for further work.
> When you get into the recycling issues with storage, the patents come 
> into play. Also, using the file name to reference revisions is already 
> the subject of a patent previously filed (I no longer own the patent, I 
> sold them to Canopy). There is a third one about to be issued.

Congratulations on obtaining those patents, I hope they will be used
wisely. I am however not a patent lawyer and as such in no position to
evaluate their claims.

As a more useful response, the original poster may want to look at some
of the prior work in this area, I just picked a couple,

  (Cedar File System from Xerox PARC)
A Caching File System for a Programmer's Workstation (1985)
Michael D. Schroeder, David K. Gifford, Roger M. Needham

  (Vax/VMS System Software Handbook)
  (TOPS-20 User's Manual)

  (Plan 9 (file system))
Plan 9 from Bell Labs (1990)
Rob Pike, Dave Presotto, Sean Dorward, Bob Flandrena, Ken Thompson,
Howard Trickey, Phil Winterbottom

  (Elephant File System)
Elephant: The File System that Never Forgets (1999)
Douglas J. Santry, Michael J. Feeley, Norman C. Hutchinson
Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems

Deciding when to forget in the Elephant file system (1999)
Douglas S. Santry, Michael J. Feeley, Norman C. Hutchinson,
Alistair C. Veitch, Ross W. Carton, Jacob Otir

Ext3cow: The Design, Implementation, and Analysis of Metadata for a
Time-Shifting File System (2003)
Zachary N. J. Peterson, Randal C. Burns

Sites like and are good places to
find copies of these papers. They also provide links to other work that
either is cited by, or cites these papers which is a convenient way to
find other papers in this area.

Researching, designing and implementing such systems is a lot of fun,
admittedly often more fun than long term debugging and/or maintaining,
but that is life. Don't get too upset if the end result cannot be
included in the main kernel. Just start over from scratch, you may just
end up with an even better design the second time around.


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2.6.22-rc4 not compiling on the SH4/Dreamcast

2007-06-16 Thread Adrian McMenamin
This is a patched - which might be an issue. But this is what I

LD  .tmp_vmlinux1
arch/sh/kernel/built-in.o: In function `restore_all':
arch/sh/kernel/cpu/sh4/../sh3/entry.S:(.text+0x50cc): undefined
reference to `in_nmi'
make: *** [.tmp_vmlinux1] Error 1
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Re: [patch] sched: accurate user accounting

2007-06-16 Thread malc

On Sat, 16 Jun 2007, Ingo Molnar wrote:

* malc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Interesting, the idle time accounting (done from
account_system_time()) has not changed. Has your .config changed?
Could you please send it across. I've downloaded apc and I am trying
to reproduce your problem. has config for 2.6.21 an the
diff against

hm. Could you add this to your kernel boot command line:

highres=off nohz=off

and retest, to inquire whether this problem is independent of any
timer-events effects?

It certainly makes a difference. Without dynticks however scheduler
still moves the task (be it hog or mplayer) between CPUs for no good
reason, for hog the switching is every few seconds (instead of more or
less all the time in case of dynticks). What's rather strange is that
while it hogs 7x% of CPU on core#1 it only hogs 3x% on core#2
(percentage is obtained by timing idle handler not form /proc/stat,
according to /proc/stat either core is 0% loaded)..

Live report... After a while it stabilized and was running on core#2
all the time, when the process was stopped and restarted it started to
run constantly on core#1 (with ~70% load)

Btw. i don't want to waste anyones time here. All i originally wanted
is to know if something was done (as per LWN article) with increasing
the accuracy of system wide statistics (in /proc/stat), turns out that
nothing really happened in this area, but latest developments
(CFS/dynticks) have some peculiar effect on hog. Plus this constant
migration of hog/mplayer is somewhat strange.

Live report... again.. Okay now that hog stabilized on running
exclusively on core#1 and at 70% load i switched to the machine
where it runs and after just switching the windows in IceWM
resulted in system load dropping to 30%.. Quite reproducible too.

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Re: Versioning file system

2007-06-16 Thread Jeffrey V. Merkey

Alan Cox wrote:,WO,TTL-EN=1=3=1=25=SEP-0/HITNUM,B-ENG,DP,MC,PA,ABSUM-ENG_IA=US2005045566=%28IN%2fmerkey%29+

The last one was filed with WIPO and has international protection, UK 

Nope. EU and UK law does not recognize software as patentable. See the

Thanks for clarifying Alan, I was uncertain about current patent laws in 
the UK and abroad. I know this area has undergone considerable debate 
and changes recently, and I have not been keeping up with all of it.


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RE: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread David Schwartz

> On Jun 16, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I don't see how TiVO has done this. They have placed no restrictions on
> > *modification* at all. What they have done is placed a restriction on
> > *REPLACEMENT* of the program.

> Technicality.  In order for the software to remain free (which is what
> the GPL is all about), the user must not be stopped from adapting the
> software to suit his needs and running it for any purpose.  TiVo
> places restrictions on it.  It's really this simple.

No, this is completely and utterly wrong. By this logic, Linux isn't free if
I can't run it on *YOUR* laptop. TiVo places restrictions on *hardware*. The
hardware is not free.

> And then, TiVo doesn't really prohibit replacement.  You can replace
> it as much as you like; just not as conveniently as TiVo can replace
> it.  And then, if you do, it won't run, because it's not signed with a
> key that they omit from the source code.  And they do this in order to
> prevent the user from changing the behavior of the Free Software that
> they use, while they keep this ability to themselves.

> If these are not restrictions on the freedoms that the GPL is designed
> to protect to ensure that Free Software remains Free for all its
> users, I don't know what is.

So why is it not a restriction on this freedom that I can't modify the copy
of Linux running on *your* desktop? If it helps you to understand the
situation better, think of TiVo as not really selling you the hardware.

To see why this isn't a GPL issue, imagine if TiVo explicitly didn't sell
the hardware. Imagine if they only rented it or sold it but retained the
right to control what software ran on it. Essentially, your TiVo would be
like my laptop -- you don't get to decide what software runs on it. But if
you get GPL'd software, you get source code.

Regardless of how the GPL came to be in the first place, the vast majority
of people who chose to use the GPL (including Linus himself) choose it so
that the code can't be modified and distributed and those modifications kept
secret. The idea is that any change widely distributed in binary form is
nearly assured to propogate back in source code form, and is assured to get
to those who paid for the binary.

Linus, and many other people, don't give a damn (from a GPL perspective)
about what TiVo does with their hardware. They may agree with it, disagree
with it, think it's legal, maybe even illegal, but they don't think it has
*anything* to do with the intent or spirit of the GPLv2 as *they* understand
it and for the reasons *they* chose it. They just want to get source code,
and they really don't care what other people do with it -- they care about
what *they* can do with it.

They just want the source code, and TiVo gives it to them. GPL was about
source code not being secret, to them and to many others.

> No, they're using the hardware (along with other pieces of software)
> to deny users (but not themselves) the freedoms that the license of
> software *meant* to defend, for that software, even if some believe it
> doesn't actually defend them.

At least to Linus, the GPL was never meant to defend the freedom to run
Linux on any hardware you want. It was just meant to ensure that you
couldn't keep the source code secret. I personally feel precisely the same
way and I think many other people do too.

I think that what TiVo is doing is wrong for completely different reasons
that have nothing to do with the fact that it happens to run Linux or that
Linux happens to be free software. But I think I've already made that clear
in other posts.


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Re: Versioning file system

2007-06-16 Thread Alan Cox
> The last one was filed with WIPO and has international protection, UK 
> included.

Nope. EU and UK law does not recognize software as patentable. See the

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Re: [PATCH 1/6] make pci_ids lowercase hexa

2007-06-16 Thread Greg KH
On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 05:44:52PM +0200, Jiri Slaby wrote:
> make pci_ids lowercase hexa

Why?  What good is this going to do in the long run?

Also, shouldn't you send pci specific patches like this to the pci
maintainer?  :)


greg k-h
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2.6.22-rc4 XFS fails after hibernate/resume

2007-06-16 Thread David Greaves

This isn't a regression.

I was seeing these problems on 2.6.21 (but 22 was in -rc so I waited to try it).
I tried 2.6.22-rc4 (with Tejun's patches) to see if it had improved - no.

Note this is a different (desktop) machine to that involved my recent bugs.

The machine will work for days (continually powered up) without a problem and 
then exhibits a filesystem failure within minutes of a resume.

I know xfs/raid are OK with hibernate. Is lvm?

The root filesystem is xfs on raid1 and that doesn't seem to have any problems.

System info:

/dev/mapper/video_vg-video_lv on /scratch type xfs (rw)

haze:~# vgdisplay
  --- Volume group ---
  VG Name   video_vg
  System ID
  Metadata Areas1
  Metadata Sequence No  19
  VG Access read/write
  VG Status resizable
  Cur LV1
  Open LV   1
  Max PV0
  Cur PV1
  Act PV1
  VG Size   372.61 GB
  PE Size   4.00 MB
  Total PE  95389
  Alloc PE / Size   95389 / 372.61 GB
  Free  PE / Size   0 / 0
  VG UUID   I2gW2x-aHcC-kqzs-Efpd-Q7TE-dkWf-KpHSO7

haze:~# pvdisplay
  --- Physical volume ---
  PV Name   /dev/md1
  VG Name   video_vg
  PV Size   372.62 GB / not usable 3.25 MB
  Allocatable   yes (but full)
  PE Size (KByte)   4096
  Total PE  95389
  Free PE   0
  Allocated PE  95389
  PV UUID   IUig5k-460l-sMZc-23Iz-MMFl-Cfh9-XuBMiq

md1 : active raid5 sdd1[0] sda1[2] sdc1[1]
  390716672 blocks level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [3/3] [UUU]

00:00.0 Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8377 [KT400/KT600 AGP] Host Bridge 
(rev 80)

00:01.0 PCI bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8237 PCI Bridge
00:0a.0 Mass storage controller: Silicon Image, Inc. SiI 3112 
[SATALink/SATARaid] Serial ATA Controller (rev 02)
00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8001 Gigabit 
Ethernet Controller (rev 12)
00:0f.0 RAID bus controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA VT6420 SATA RAID 
Controller (rev 80)
00:0f.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. 
VT82C586A/B/VT82C686/A/B/VT823x/A/C PIPC Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
00:10.0 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82x UHCI USB 1.1 Controller 
(rev 81)
00:10.1 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82x UHCI USB 1.1 Controller 
(rev 81)
00:10.2 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82x UHCI USB 1.1 Controller 
(rev 81)
00:10.3 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82x UHCI USB 1.1 Controller 
(rev 81)

00:10.4 USB Controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. USB 2.0 (rev 86)
00:11.0 ISA bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8237 ISA bridge 
[KT600/K8T800/K8T890 South]
00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 
AC97 Audio Controller (rev 60)
00:11.6 Communication controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. AC'97 Modem Controller 
(rev 80)

00:12.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102 [Rhine-II] (rev 78)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 PRO] 
(rev 01)

tail end of info from dmesg:

 [] xfs_iomap+0x391/0x4b0
 [] xfs_bmap+0x0/0x10
 [] xfs_map_blocks+0x47/0x90
 [] xfs_page_state_convert+0x3dc/0x7b0
 [] xfs_ilock+0x71/0xa0
 [] xfs_iunlock+0x85/0x90
 [] xfs_vm_writepage+0x60/0xf0
 [] __writepage+0x8/0x30
 [] write_cache_pages+0x1ff/0x320
 [] __writepage+0x0/0x30
 [] generic_writepages+0x20/0x30
 [] do_writepages+0x2b/0x50
 [] __filemap_fdatawrite_range+0x72/0x90
 [] xfs_file_fsync+0x0/0x80
 [] filemap_fdatawrite+0x23/0x30
 [] do_fsync+0x4e/0xb0
 [] __do_fsync+0x25/0x40
 [] syscall_call+0x7/0xb
Filesystem "dm-0": XFS internal error xfs_btree_check_sblock at line 334 of file 
fs/xfs/xfs_btree.c.  Caller 0xc01b27be

 [] xfs_btree_check_sblock+0x5b/0xd0
 [] xfs_alloc_lookup+0x17e/0x390
 [] xfs_alloc_lookup+0x17e/0x390
 [] xfs_alloc_ag_vextent_near+0x59/0xa30
 [] xfs_alloc_ag_vextent+0x8d/0x100
 [] xfs_alloc_vextent+0x223/0x450
 [] xfs_bmap_btalloc+0x400/0x770
 [] xfs_iext_bno_to_ext+0x9d/0x1d0
 [] xfs_bmapi+0x10bd/0x1490
 [] xlog_grant_log_space+0x22e/0x2b0
 [] xfs_log_reserve+0xc0/0xe0
 [] xfs_iomap_write_allocate+0x27f/0x4f0
 [] __block_prepare_write+0x421/0x490
 [] __block_prepare_write+0x272/0x490
 [] xfs_iomap+0x391/0x4b0
 [] xfs_bmap+0x0/0x10
 [] xfs_map_blocks+0x47/0x90
 [] xfs_page_state_convert+0x3dc/0x7b0
 [] xfs_ilock+0x71/0xa0
 [] xfs_iunlock+0x85/0x90
 [] xfs_vm_writepage+0x60/0xf0
 [] __writepage+0x8/0x30
 [] write_cache_pages+0x1ff/0x320
 [] __writepage+0x0/0x30
 [] generic_writepages+0x20/0x30
 [] do_writepages+0x2b/0x50
 [] __filemap_fdatawrite_range+0x72/0x90
 [] xfs_file_fsync+0x0/0x80
 [] filemap_fdatawrite+0x23/0x30
 [] do_fsync+0x4e/0xb0
 [] __do_fsync+0x25/0x40
 [] syscall_call+0x7/0xb
Filesystem "dm-0": XFS internal error 

Re: [PATCH] block: always requeue !fs requests at the front

2007-06-16 Thread Christoph Hellwig
On Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 01:05:44PM +0200, Jens Axboe wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 15 2007, Tejun Heo wrote:
> > SCSI marks internal commands with REQ_PREEMPT and push it at the front
> > of the request queue using blk_execute_rq().  When entering suspended
> > or frozen state, SCSI devices are quiesced using
> > scsi_device_quiesce().  In quiesced state, only REQ_PREEMPT requests
> > are processed.  This is how SCSI blocks other requests out while
> > suspending and resuming.  As all internal commands are pushed at the
> > front of the queue, this usually works.
> > 
> > Unfortunately, this interacts badly with ordered requeueing.  To
> > preserve request order on requeueing (due to busy device, active EH or
> > other failures), requests are sorted according to ordered sequence on
> > requeue if IO barrier is in progress.
> > 
> > The following sequence deadlocks.
> > 
> > 1. IO barrier sequence issues.
> > 
> > 2. Suspend requested.  Queue is quiesced with part of all of IO
> >barrier sequence at the front.
> > 
> > 3. During suspending or resuming, SCSI issues internal command which
> >gets deferred and requeued for some reason.  As the command is
> >issued after the IO barrier in #1, ordered requeueing code puts the
> >request after IO barrier sequence.
> > 
> > 4. The device is ready to process requests again but still is in
> >quiesced state and the first request of the queue isn't
> >REQ_PREEMPT, so command processing is deadlocked -
> >suspending/resuming waits for the issued request to complete while
> >the request can't be processed till device is put back into
> >running state by resuming.
> > 
> > This can be fixed by always putting !fs requests at the front when
> > requeueing.
> > 
> > The following thread reports this deadlock.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Signed-off-by: Tejun Heo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Cc: Jenn Axboe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Cc: David Greaves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > ---
> > Okay, it took a lot of hours of debugging but boiled down to two liner
> > fix.  I feel so empty. :-) RAID6 triggers this reliably because it
> > uses BIO_BARRIER heavily to update its superblock.  The recent ATA
> > suspend/resume rewrite is hit by this because it uses SCSI internal
> > commands to spin down and up the drives for suspending and resuming.
> > 
> > David, please test this.  Jens, does it look okay?
> Yep looks good, except for the bad multi-line comment style, but that's
> minor stuff ;-)
> Acked-by: Jens Axboe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'd much much prefer having a description of the problem in the actual
comment then a hyperlink.  There's just too much chance of the latter
breaking over time, and it's impossible to update it when things change
that should be reflected in the comment.
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Re: beeping patch for debugging acpi sleep

2007-06-16 Thread Christian Leber
On Sat, Jun 09, 2007 at 03:08:17PM +0200, Pavel Machek wrote:

> Starting beeper as soon as ACPI sleep returns is very useful in
> debugging "apparently dead" machines. If it beeps at all, it makes
> sense to start playing with CMOS tracer.

thank you very much Pavel

The results are a bit unclear, I took a 2.6.22-rc4 with beep.
Logged into KDE.
(hardware: Dell Latitude D810)

S = successfull resume
D = had to resume 2 times, that means when pressing the power button the
LED goes from blinking to on and after a few seconds it goes back to
blinking, but without a beep in between; after pressing the power button
a second time resume is successfull
F = resume failes, NO beep

-run 1: D D F
-run 2: D D D(some X garbadge) F
-run 3: S S S S S S F
-run 4: S S F
-run 5: D F

Very odd, nothing was changed in between and after each F i switched it
off... because it was dead.

With i have never seen it fail.

Christian Leber


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Re: [PATCH] madvise_need_mmap_write() usage

2007-06-16 Thread Christoph Hellwig
On Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 11:20:31AM -0400, Jason Baron wrote:
> hi,
> i was just looking at the new madvise_need_mmap_write() call...can we
> avoid an extra case statement and function call as follows?

Sounds like a good idea, but please move the assignment out of the

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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Krzysztof Halasa
Sanjoy Mahajan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So you have to give recipients the license text from a particular
> version of the GPL.  To make that the only version unde which the work
> is licensed, you have to add something like "Licensed under the
> GPLv2".  Otherwise sec. 9 says that you offer the work under any
> version of the GPL, and the licensee can take his or her pick -- even
> using v1 (!).

That's exactly what I meant by "not specifying the version".
Krzysztof Halasa
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Re: Versioning file system

2007-06-16 Thread Jack Stone
Jeffrey V. Merkey wrote:
> When you get into the recycling issues with storage, the patents come
> into play. Also, using the file name to reference revisions is already
> the subject of a patent previously filed (I no longer own the patent, I
> sold them to Canopy). There is a third one about to be issued.
> The patents are:
> *
> 6,862,609
> **6,795,895
> and this one about to be issued:
> The last one was filed with WIPO and has international protection, UK
> included.

I have no idea about patents so if anyone could point me in the right
direction I would be most obliged

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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jun 16, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> They are not keeping a priviledge over the *SOFTWARE* at all. They
> are keeping a priviledge over the *HARDWARE*.

No, they're using the hardware (along with other pieces of software)
to deny users (but not themselves) the freedoms that the license of
software *meant* to defend, for that software, even if some believe it
doesn't actually defend them.

Alexandre Oliva
FSF Latin America Board Member
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jun 16, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't see how TiVO has done this. They have placed no restrictions on 
> *modification* at all. What they have done is placed a restriction on 
> *REPLACEMENT* of the program.

Technicality.  In order for the software to remain free (which is what
the GPL is all about), the user must not be stopped from adapting the
software to suit his needs and running it for any purpose.  TiVo
places restrictions on it.  It's really this simple.

And then, TiVo doesn't really prohibit replacement.  You can replace
it as much as you like; just not as conveniently as TiVo can replace
it.  And then, if you do, it won't run, because it's not signed with a
key that they omit from the source code.  And they do this in order to
prevent the user from changing the behavior of the Free Software that
they use, while they keep this ability to themselves.

If these are not restrictions on the freedoms that the GPL is designed
to protect to ensure that Free Software remains Free for all its
users, I don't know what is.

Alexandre Oliva
FSF Latin America Board Member
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
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Re: My kernel hangs again: Help with git please

2007-06-16 Thread Daniel Barkalow
On Sat, 16 Jun 2007, Carlo Wood wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 01:28:13AM -0400, Daniel Barkalow wrote:
> > That's not actually the right image. There's a graph of commits with a lot 
> > of splitting and joining lines. Each branch and each tag sits something in 
> > this web. The difference between branches and tags is that you're expected 
> > to move branch pointers around, and tags stay mostly in place. There's no 
> > accounting of commits newer than the current spot in the web for a branch 
> > belonging to that branch, so if you move a branch back to an older tag (or 
> > other commit), the spot it's leaving is no longer "on the branch".
> Okay, it took me two hours before I understood this... but here's the
> picture that I have in mind now:
>master->X(merge point)
>   /|
>  / |
>   ^ branch->3  X
>  Time | |  |
>   | 2  X
> |  |
> 1  X
> |  |
>  \ |
>   \|
>X(branch point)

Right, except that, in your repository, "master" has ended up pointing to 
"3" also. Or, in any case, all of your local branches ("master" is no 
different from other branches, except that it's the initial default name 
for a branch) are somewhere down the web from the latest stuff from 
Linus's repositry.

> Then if I define a branch pointer to point to '3', then the branch is
> 3--2--1. If next I move the branch pointer to point to '2', node '3' is
> no longer on the branch because now the branch exists of 2--1, and
> HEAD moves to '2' as well.

Right, except that "HEAD" is really just a symlink, not a pointer 
directly to the history; the branch it points to is what you've got in 
your working directory currently. So in that case, HEAD moves to '2' 
simply because it's indirection for branch, which has moved to 2.

Side note: in more recent versions of git, there's the feature that you 
seem to be trying to use. It's called "detatched HEAD", and means that you 
can have HEAD be some arbitrary commit, not a link to a branch. You'd do 
this with "git checkout ", and then your working directory 
would match that revision, and "git branch" would have no *, and you 
wouldn't have a current branch at all, and you wouldn't be moving branch 
pointers around. But I don't think you're using a version of git that 
supports this, and you need to get your branch pointers back to the 
present anyway.

> This seems to make most sense in the light of your last sentence.
> I don't understand how I'd have moved branch pointers however. I thought
> I would just change my working copy along the branch by specifying
> tag nodes. Ie, I have a branch '3'(--2--1) and I say: give me '2',
> then give me '1' - and when I do: git reset --hard HEAD - it moves
> me to 3 because the branch was never touched.

git reset --hard  moves the current branch to that revision, as 
well as moving the working directory (and the index, which doesn't matter 
for your case). If you were thinking that it only changed the working 
directory, you probably moved some branches without realizing it.

> > So master is a point in the web, and bisect jumps around through the web 
> > according to some special rules (due to having git-bisect use the good/bad 
> > marks do determine which commit to try next, and jump there). git-bisect 
> > doesn't really even care that you started on any single branch. It's just 
> > operating on the web, and the branch you start on is treated as an 
> > arbitrary commit that has the problem.
> Ok - so it does something magical that I don't have to understand :P
> The only thing that matters is that I choose the begin and end point,
> the first two points, correctly: where one is bad and the other is good.
> I seems that git bisect can't deal with swapping good/bad (the 'bad'
> one always has to be the newest revision), so I had decided to call
> 'kernel hangs' good and 'kernel works' bad. The problem then is that
> I can't find any starting point anymore that is 'bad'.

Right; since the normal goal is to find regressions, not fixes, "bad" is 
the "after it changed" case, and "good" is the "before it changed". It is 
trying to find a commit which all of the "bad" commits are descended from, 
and which is descended from only "good" commits.

> > You may find "gitk --all" informative.
> The dates on the right side seem to make no sense. Even in a part
> where there are no branches/merges at all, the date goes in both
> direction (sometimes older, sometimes newer). Roughly it seems that
> the newest date is at the top - but I see a lot of times things like:
> |||O||  Description   Author1  2007-05-14 03:43:20
> |||O||  Description   Author2  2007-05-15 15:10:34
> |||O||  Description   Author3  2007-05-13 17:50:27
> Thus, there seems to be no time related ordering :/

Those dates are when the patches which became the 

Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Tim Post
On Sat, 2007-06-16 at 14:43 -0400, Daniel Hazelton wrote:

> >
> > You mean renting the computer with the software in it is not
> > distribution of the software?
> It is. But you don't have the same rights to a rented machine as you do to 
> one 
> you have purchased. In fact, in renting a machine you have to agree to 
> a "renters contract" - and that can state *whatever* the person that is 
> renting the machine to you feels like having it state.

I ended up owning a piece of &*@( I rented from rent-a-center on a trip
because I wiped Windows and installed Debian.

> And yes, they can even 
> have terms in it that violate the GPL. Not that a "renters contract" ("rental 
> agreement" or whatever they call them in your jurisdiction) that has those 
> terms can *legally* violate the GPL - but it doesn't stop them from existing.

I think you could be right. You (in 99% of all cases) agree to not
modify the machine anyway upon accepting it. Since you sign your rights
away at the minimum it would cost big time to enforce the license,
especially against a giant franchise.

That doesn't stop you from just letting people do what they want. If it
were me, I'd let people and that has nothing to do with the spirit of
the GPL, Windows is annoying and I wouldn't force someone to use it.

Probably, I'd just let them pick what they wanted and install it for

I don't think they rent law degrees to go with computers however, you
have to get the blender or juicer to get that special.


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Re: [patch-mm 00/25] High resolution timer updates and x86_64 support - V2

2007-06-16 Thread Thomas Gleixner
On Sat, 2007-06-16 at 15:41 +0100, Alistair John Strachan wrote:
> On Saturday 16 June 2007 11:36:00 Thomas Gleixner wrote:
> > The -hrt tree at contains
> > also an hpet force patch series from Venki Pallipadi, but I leave this up
> > to Venki to send it mainline wards.
> What's the status on the nForce "hpet force fix" (Subject: "Enable hidden 
> on NVidia motherboards") that also exists? I think if one board can have its 
> HPET forced, so can another.
> Last I heard we were waiting on NVIDIA to confirm whether Mikko's logic was 
> supported by specifications? Any update on this?

The full hpet force enable series is maintained by Venki and updates
should go to him. I can add the patch to my -hrt queue for testing.


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Re: Separate arch patching (Re: [patch-mm 06/25] clockevents: Fix resume logic)

2007-06-16 Thread Thomas Gleixner

On Sat, 2007-06-16 at 20:51 +0200, Oleg Verych wrote:
> >  arch/arm/plat-omap/timer32k.c |2 +
> Testers and users are most likely to run one particular arch on
> one particular test bench. If individual patches are arch
> separated, i think bisecting will be a little bit easier.

No it is not. See below.

> Thus, i would like to propose separate arch patching (x86_64/i386 mainly).

This change adds an enum entry in a generic header file. _ALL_ users of
clock events have a switch(this_changed_enum) in the set_mode()
function. _ALL_ of them will spit warnings and some of them will even
break, when the fix up is not done in one go.

> Is it possible to do that? (And even set such check in ``checkpatch''?)

It's possible, but results in an commit which will affect bisecting. I'm
not going to send a patch which knowingly breaks bisecting either at
compile or at run time.

> You would say, why? Because current kbuild/kconfig support of builds
> for whole tree.
> That's because to make download, build, test and debug particular arch
> more easily, i'm trying to re-think and re-do some kbuild parts. With
> minimum set of files, downloaded with git one can spend less
> time/bandwidth for starting testing.

Oh, well. That's going to be an interesting feature for git and the
result will be published kernel trees with a total delta of 40MB against
mainline, because someone tweaked the stuff in a way that it contains
only the relevant files for a particular sub architecture. Embedded
folks do this already and it makes it extremely hard to do efficient
trouble shooting on such crippled trees. No thanks.

If we would still have 9600 Baud modem connections I would understand
that, but git is really effective since packing was added, so this
argument is more or less an academic exercise.


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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Alexandre Oliva
On Jun 16, 2007, Al Viro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How the hell does that improve the situation for users?

Maybe it doesn't.  How does it make it worse?

Maybe just providing an incentive for the vendor to respect users'
freedoms will do the trick, and *some* vendors will do, while those
who can't will keep the status quo.

And then we're likely to be better off.

> I realize that you have accepted the FSF credo, but if you want that
> conversation to go anywhere you have to separate the things you
> believe in from the things you can rationally explain.

I've already explained what the spirit of the GPL is.

I've already explained that the anti-Tivoization provision is in line
with it.

I've already asked in what sense Tivoization makes for a better
tit-for-tat, and got no reply whatsoever, rational or otherwise.

I have already hinted at why it makes things worse.

You don't have to believe what I believe to analyze the arguments
rationally, just like I don't have to believe what you believe to
analyze your arguments rationally.

We may still get to different conclusions as to what is better, if we
have different values guiding us.

But whatever conclusion you arrive at won't change the plain fact that
Tivoization is against the spirit of the GPL, because it is a means to
restrict users' freedoms that the GPL is designed to defend.

It's really this simple.  I'm not trying to convince you of anything
other than that the spirit of the GPL is not being changed at all.
You don't have to agree with that spirit in order to accept this
simple fact.  And while people keep on spreading this lie, I'll be
inclined to point out that it's false.

See, this is not about promoting GPLv3, or "pushing it down your
throats", as some have claimed.  This feeling is just a symptom of the
high rejection for the FSF ideology, that appears to blind so many
smart people from rational reasoning on matters that touch the FSF

This is not even about showing that the letter of GPLv2 prohibited
Tivoization.  My arguments concerning Tivoization were all about the
spirit of the license, and unfortunately so many people seem unable to
tell the spirit from the letter that they keep on moving the
discussion to legal technicalities, and then they shoot straw men and
feel happy that they shot an argument.  But the argument stands
untouched, and the straw man was already dead before.  Wasted time.

As far as I'm concerned, Linux is released under GPLv2, and that's a
good thing.  It's unlikely to change.  I wish it changed for better,
but that's just me, and my contributions to Linux in term of code are
really minimal.  I have no say on that.

But as someone involved in the GPLv3 development, it saddens me when
people lie about it.  I feel it's my moral obligation to set the
record straight.  And that's what I've been trying to do.

Alexandre Oliva
FSF Latin America Board Member
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
Free Software Evangelist  [EMAIL PROTECTED],}
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Re: Versioning file system

2007-06-16 Thread Jeffrey V. Merkey

Jan Harkes wrote:

On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 04:12:14AM -0600, Jeffrey V. Merkey wrote:

Jeffrey V. Merkey wrote:

over).  There's also another patent filed as well.  It's a noble 
effort to do a free version, but be aware there's some big guns with 
patents out there already, not to mention doing this is complex beyond 

I reviewed your sample implementation, and it appears to infringe 3 
patents already.You should do some research on this.  

First of all, you are responding to someone in the UK, I thought they
didn't even have software patents over there. Second, I didn't see any
implementation, just a high level description. Finally advising anyone
(who is not an actual patent lawyer that could correctly interpret the
language and scope of a patent) to go search out patents seems pretty
bad advice. That can only result in not even attempting to research some
potentially new and innovative approach.

Researching prior published work in the area is considerably more
helpful. Especially when something is complex beyond belief it has
probably attracted various researchers over time and there are most
likely various different solutions that have been explored previously.
Such existing work can form a good basis for further work.

Finally, even if there are patents they could be too limited in scope,
overly broad, can be invalidated due to prior art. It may also be
possible that a patent holder has no problem granting a royalty free
license for a GPL licensed implementation.



When you get into the recycling issues with storage, the patents come 
into play. Also, using the file name to reference revisions is already 
the subject of a patent previously filed (I no longer own the patent, I 
sold them to Canopy). There is a third one about to be issued.

The patents are:

and this one about to be issued:,WO,TTL-EN=1=3=1=25=SEP-0/HITNUM,B-ENG,DP,MC,PA,ABSUM-ENG_IA=US2005045566=%28IN%2fmerkey%29+

The last one was filed with WIPO and has international protection, UK 



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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Daniel Hazelton
On Saturday 16 June 2007 04:21:04 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Jun 16, 2007, Daniel Hazelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Friday 15 June 2007 23:44:00 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> >> On Jun 16, 2007, Tim Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > On Fri, 2007-06-15 at 23:29 +0200, Ingo Molnar wrote:
> >> >> Tivo has two choices: either it gives
> >> >> users the content they want to watch, or it goes out of business. Is
> >> >> that legitimate enough of a reason to restrict the hardware?
> >> >
> >> > Can I submit that they could just rent the use of their machines?
> >>
> >> I don't think this would escape the wording of section 6 in GPLv3dd4:
> >>
> >> [...] User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or
> >> for a fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is
> >> characterized), [...]
> >>
> >> and IMHO that's as it should be to defend the freedoms of the user.
> >
> > In the case of renting a machine you can try to legislate new laws all
> > you want. It doesn't make a difference. There are certain rights you
> > don't get when renting something that you do when you own it.
> You mean renting the computer with the software in it is not
> distribution of the software?

It is. But you don't have the same rights to a rented machine as you do to one 
you have purchased. In fact, in renting a machine you have to agree to 
a "renters contract" - and that can state *whatever* the person that is 
renting the machine to you feels like having it state. And yes, they can even 
have terms in it that violate the GPL. Not that a "renters contract" ("rental 
agreement" or whatever they call them in your jurisdiction) that has those 
terms can *legally* violate the GPL - but it doesn't stop them from existing.


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Re: Versioning file system

2007-06-16 Thread Jeffrey V. Merkey

Mark Williamson wrote:

I reviewed your sample implementation, and it appears to infringe 3
patents already.You should do some research on this.  

Are you able to tell us which areas of the code infringe existing patents?





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Re: [patch] sched: accurate user accounting

2007-06-16 Thread Ingo Molnar

* malc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Interesting, the idle time accounting (done from 
> > account_system_time()) has not changed. Has your .config changed? 
> > Could you please send it across. I've downloaded apc and I am trying 
> > to reproduce your problem.
> has config for 2.6.21 an the 
> diff against

hm. Could you add this to your kernel boot command line:

 highres=off nohz=off

and retest, to inquire whether this problem is independent of any 
timer-events effects?

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Separate arch patching (Re: [patch-mm 06/25] clockevents: Fix resume logic)

2007-06-16 Thread Oleg Verych
* From: Thomas Gleixner

> Fixup the existing users.
> This removes the sysfs entry for the HPET, which is now controlled by
> the clockevents resume code.
> Signed-off-by: Thomas Gleixner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ---
>  arch/arm/mach-davinci/time.c  |2 +
>  arch/arm/mach-imx/time.c  |1 
>  arch/arm/mach-ixp4xx/common.c |2 +
>  arch/arm/mach-omap1/time.c|1 
>  arch/arm/plat-omap/timer32k.c |2 +

Testers and users are most likely to run one particular arch on
one particular test bench. If individual patches are arch
separated, i think bisecting will be a little bit easier.

Thus, i would like to propose separate arch patching (x86_64/i386 mainly).

Is it possible to do that? (And even set such check in ``checkpatch''?)

You would say, why? Because current kbuild/kconfig support of builds for
whole tree.

That's because to make download, build, test and debug particular arch
more easily, i'm trying to re-think and re-do some kbuild parts. With
minimum set of files, downloaded with git one can spend less
time/bandwidth for starting testing.

>  arch/i386/kernel/apic.c   |3 +
>  arch/i386/kernel/hpet.c   |   71 
> ++
>  arch/i386/kernel/i8253.c  |   26 ++---
>  arch/i386/kernel/vmiclock.c   |1 
>  arch/i386/xen/time.c  |1 


>  arch/sh/kernel/timers/timer-tmu.c |1 
>  arch/sparc64/kernel/time.c|1 

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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Daniel Hazelton
On Saturday 16 June 2007 13:14:29 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Jun 16, 2007, Bron Gondwana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 05:22:21AM -0300, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> >> On Jun 15, 2007, Bron Gondwana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > because it could easily be argued that they linked the BIOS with the
> >> > Linux kernel
> >>
> >> How so?
> >
> > Er, they installed it in the same piece of equipment, and the kernel
> > couldn't function without it in that work.
> I see what you're getting at.  You're thinking of a license that
> doesn't respect the idea of "mere aggregation", right?
> For starters, this wouldn't evidently not qualify as an Open Source
> license, and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't qualify as a Free Software
> license either.

This situation is a general description that actually fits what TiVO has done. 
The difference in the TiVO case is that you (and everyone that thinks like 
you - ie: believes that the "tivoization" language in GPLv3 is good) 
equate "replace entirely" with "modification" when, in fact, the two are 
entirely separate acts.

> > By using GPLix as part of their boot process along with their
> > non-GPL BIOS, they're subverting the freedoms that the user should
> > have in being able to control the entire boot process.
> You're pushing the "freedom to change" too far.  Sure, I'd like to be
> able to do that, and I prefer hardware that lets me do it, but it's
> not like this BIOS in the scenario you described is being used as a
> means to stop me from modifying the GPLed software.
> I have never said that including a GPLed piece of software should
> grant users the right to modify anything whatsoever in the system, or
> grant them control over the entire system.  Others have, but it's not
> true, it just shows how much mis-information is floating around.
> All the GPL stands for is to defend the freedom of the users over the
> particular program it applies to.  You can't impose further
> restrictions on the user's ability to modify what *that* software
> does.

"You can't impose further restrictions on the user's ability to modify what 
*that* software does."

I don't see how TiVO has done this. They have placed no restrictions on 
*modification* at all. What they have done is placed a restriction on 
*REPLACEMENT* of the program. If you're going to argue that "replacement == 
modification" then it is an *easy* argument to make that every time someone 
*replaces* linux with a proprietary system the proprietary system magically 
becomes GPL'd.

And no, this isn't a logical fallacy on my part. It's on your part - all I've 
done is take the logic you have provided and extend it to cover a different 


> If you wanted to change something else, but this something else is not
> covered by the license, and is not being used to contradict the terms
> of the license, well, too bad, you lose.
> > b) deny themselves the ability to every offer a patch to said BIOS if
> >bugs are found
> >
> > Point (b) is also exactly on topic for the discussion of enforcing
> > legal safety obligations in hardware on a peripheral rather than the
> > software drivers.
> >
> > It's requiring that these limitations be placed in a technically
> > inferior location to hack around a legal "bug".
> I don't think this last sentence is true.  If you implement hardware
> locks that prevent modification of the software even by yourself, then
> you're in compliance with the terms of the GPLv3dd4.  But IANAL.

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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Daniel Hazelton
On Saturday 16 June 2007 12:57:59 Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Jun 16, 2007, Bernd Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> >> On Jun 15, 2007, Alan Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> What this means for the FSF goals if Tivo get up one morning and switch
> >>> their system firmware to ROM however is interesting 8)
> >>
> >> I'm not the FSF, and I don't speak for it, but it seems to me that
> >> this would be "mission accomplished".
> >
> > This is insane.  You start with a lofty ideal involving "freedom", and
> > when you end up with a meaningless technicality (and in technical terms
> > a change for the worse) you consider it a victory?
> It accomplishes the mission in that everyone is on the same grounds.
> Same freedom for everyone.  If the vendor tries to keep a privilege
> over the software to itself, denying it to its customers, it's failing
> to comply with the spirit of the license.  It's really this simple.
> Is this so hard to understand?


They are not keeping a priviledge over the *SOFTWARE* at all. They are keeping 
a priviledge over the *HARDWARE*. But, of course, you've already proven to 
everyone here that you are unwilling and/or unable to understand that.

> The goal is not to push vendors away from GPLed software.  If they
> can't permit modification of the software, that's fine, they can still
> accomplish this.

replacement != modification

If you can't understand that simple fact, then its pointless to continue this 


> What they can't do is deny it to customers while they retain it to
> themselves.  This is unfair, this is wrong, and this disrespects
> users' freedoms.  Therefore, the GPL should not permit it.

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Re: coding style

2007-06-16 Thread Cyrill Gorcunov
[Stefan Richter - Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 07:43:12PM +0200]
| From: Stefan Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| CC: "Kok, Auke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
|   Chris Friesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
|   LKML ,
|   Randy Dunlap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
|   Jan Engelhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
|   dave young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Willy Tarreau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
| Subject: Re: coding style
| Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 19:43:12 +0200
| > [Stefan Richter - Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 03:07:43PM +0200]
| > | Cyrill Gorcunov wrote:
| > | > There sould be someting making strict rule over alignment (as it done
| > | > for the tabs size).
| > | 
| > | That's impracticable.  Alignment, as it serves readability, cannot be
| > | covered by a few strict rules.
| > Yes, but C syntax (and grammar) is limited set. And alignmet I'm talking
| > about may cover the following statements only:
| > 
| > 1) Mathematical
| > 2) Logical
| > 3) Function's arguments
| Sure, but we have sometimes long names and long ./-> dereference
| expressions.  Alignment of those after line wraps sometimes turns out
| better if 'taste' rather than a simple rule is applied.
| -- 
| Stefan Richter
| -=-=-=== -==- =

Of course you're absoulutely right!!! And that is why I've mentoined
that it would be _recommendations_ only in CodingStyle.


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Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

2007-06-16 Thread Al Viro
On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 01:57:59PM -0300, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> On Jun 16, 2007, Bernd Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> >> On Jun 15, 2007, Alan Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> 
> >>> What this means for the FSF goals if Tivo get up one morning and switch
> >>> their system firmware to ROM however is interesting 8)
> >> 
> >> I'm not the FSF, and I don't speak for it, but it seems to me that
> >> this would be "mission accomplished".
> > This is insane.  You start with a lofty ideal involving "freedom", and
> > when you end up with a meaningless technicality (and in technical terms
> > a change for the worse) you consider it a victory?
> It accomplishes the mission in that everyone is on the same grounds.
> Same freedom for everyone.  If the vendor tries to keep a privilege
> over the software to itself, denying it to its customers, it's failing
> to comply with the spirit of the license.  It's really this simple.
> Is this so hard to understand?
> The goal is not to push vendors away from GPLed software.  If they
> can't permit modification of the software, that's fine, they can still
> accomplish this.
> What they can't do is deny it to customers while they retain it to
> themselves.  This is unfair, this is wrong, and this disrespects
> users' freedoms.  Therefore, the GPL should not permit it.

How the hell does that improve the situation for users?  Alexandre,
please realize that you are preaching to non-believers.  I realize
that you have accepted the FSF credo, but if you want that conversation
to go anywhere you have to separate the things you believe in from
the things you can rationally explain.  Apologetics of your variety is 
not going to cut it.  _Can_ you separate the things relying on your
beliefs from the things that can stand on their own?  If you can't
do that, please stop wasting everyone's time and bandwidth.  It's
a secular maillist; what any of us might happen to believe in is personal
and frankly, none of your damn business.
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Re: iov_iter_fault_in_readable fix

2007-06-16 Thread Dmitriy Monakhov
On 18:31 Чтв 14 Июн , Christoph Hellwig wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 13, 2007 at 05:57:59PM +0400, Dmitriy Monakhov wrote:
> > Function prerform check for signgle region, with out respect to
> > segment nature of iovec, For example writev no longer works :)
> Btw, could someone please start to collect all sniplets like this in
> a nice simple regression test suite?  If no one wants to start a new
> one we should probably just put it into xfsqa (which should be useable
> for other filesystems aswell despite the name)
I've prepared testcase (testcases/kernel/syscalls/writev/writev06.c) 
and sent it to ltp mailing list.

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Re: [patch] Reporting the lid status using INPUT

2007-06-16 Thread Dmitry Torokhov
On Saturday 16 June 2007 13:11, Richard Hughes wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-06-15 at 15:53 +0100, Richard Hughes wrote:
> > On Fri, 2007-06-15 at 10:29 -0400, Dmitry Torokhov wrote:
> > > On 6/15/07, Richard Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > On Fri, 2007-06-15 at 13:29 +0100, Richard Hughes wrote:
> > > > > in response to an event, but I'm thinking in a resume hook we should
> > > > > probably do acpi_evaluate_integer(handle, "_LID", NULL, ) and 
> > > > > then
> > > > > send an event, just so userspace is aware of what the state of the 
> > > > > panel
> > > > > is.
> > > >
> > > > Attached patch fixed the issue for me. Comments?
> > > >
> > > 
> > > The patch makes perfect sense. The only issue I have is this:
> > > 
> > > > +   /* on resume we send the state; it might be the same, but 
> > > > userspace
> > > > +* should handle duplicated events */
> > > 
> > > If switch state matches to what input layer thinks it is the event
> > > will not even reach userspace.
> > 
> > Okay, new patch attached, thanks for the speedy review.
> This fix is also confirmed by somebody else, see
> It would be great if this could go into .22, although I appreciate it's
> quite late in the day.

This is of course Len's call but in my book this is a bugfix and as such
is appropriate for -rc4/rc5.

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