Re: non-free firmware in kernel modules, aggregation and unclear copyright notice.

2005-04-10 Thread Henning Makholm
Scripsit "David Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> However, then you cannot legally copy it at all, because it contains
>> part of the original author's copyrighted work and therefore can only
>> legally be copied with the permission of the author.

>   The way you stop someone from distributing part of your work
> is by arguing that the work they are distributing is a derivative
> work of your work and they had no right to *make* it in the first
> place. See, for example, Mulcahy v. Cheetah Learning.

You don't need to argue that the thing being distributed is a
derivative work. It is enough that it _contains_ your copyrighted

>   My point is that the reason the derivative work issue is so
> important is because it's the only way (in U.S. law anyway) that the
> GPL can apply to anything other than the exact thing the author
> chose to apply it to.

The taske of the GPL is to _give permission_ when certain conditions
hold. Therefore, if the GPL does not apply yet you still need
permission from the author (beacuse what you're distributing contains
his work), then you do not have that permission and cannot distribute
_at all_.

I'm not sure whether meant instead that the original _copyright_ only
influences things that are derivative works, but that would have even
more bizarre consequences.

> The GPL applies to distributing a Linux binary I just made even
> though nobody ever chose to apply the GPL to the binary I just made
> only because the binary I just made is a derivative work of the
> Linux kernel, and the authors of that work chose to apply the GPL to
> it.

How can the binary be a derivative work when it does *not* contain
firmware, but suddenly cease to be a derivative work if one *does*
add firmware into it?

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Re: non-free firmware in kernel modules, aggregation and unclear copyright notice.

2005-04-09 Thread Henning Makholm
Scripsit "David Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> I think the "derivative work" angle is a red herring. I do not think
>> that either of the two parts that are being linked together (i.e. the
>> driver and the firmware) are derivates of the other.  The relevant
>> point is that distribution of the linked _result_ is nevertheless
>> subject to the condition in GPL #2, which is in general the only
>> source we have for a permission to distribute a non-verbatim-source
>> form of the driver.

>   If the thing distributed is not the covered work and not a
> derivative work, why does the GPL apply to it at all?

You are free to not apply the GPL to it.

However, then you cannot legally copy it at all, because it contains
part of the original author's copyrightedwork and therefore can only
legally be copied with the permission of the author.

Henning Makholm   "The great secret, known to internists and
 learned early in marriage by internists' wives, but
   still hidden from the general public, is that most things get
 better by themselves. Most things, in fact, are better by morning."
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Re: non-free firmware in kernel modules, aggregation and unclear copyright notice.

2005-04-07 Thread Henning Makholm
Scripsit "David Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[quoting me]

>> No, it is completely wrong to say that the object file is merely an
>> aggregation. The two components are being coupled much more tightly
>> than in the situation that the GPL discribes as "mere aggregation".

> Would you maintain this position even if the firmware is identical
> across operating systems and the Linux driver is identical across different
> firmware builds for different hardware implementations?

Yes I would. Linking forms a tighter coupling than just placing the
two parts side by side on a filesystem designed for general storage of
byte streams. There is more to say about the situation than the naked
fact that that they are aggreated on the same medium; ergo the
sutiation does not constitute *only* aggregation, and the "mere
aggregation" language of the GPL does not apply.

In particular, the end of GPL #2 does not provide a blanket exception
for all forms of aggregation; it specifically speaks about aggregation
"on a volume of a storage or distribution medium".

> Note that the issue is not whether the GPL describes this as "mere
> aggregation" because the GPL doesn't get to set its own scope.

The scope of the copyright of the original work includes situation
where part of that original work is being copied (excluding fair use
and other jurisdiction-specific exceptions). In order to do such
copying, you need permission from the copyright holder of the original
work. If all the permission you have is the GPL, the copyihg you are
doing had better fall into the class of copying that the GPL provides
a permission for.

It *is*, therefore, relevant, whether the GPL's special conditions for
works "that in whole or in part contains the Program" apply to the
linked object files.

> The issue is whether the resulting binary is a single work (that is
> derivative of the GPL'd driver) or whether it's two works with a
> license boundary between them.

A reasonable person can disagree about whether the word "work" in GPL
#2(b) is meant to exclude non-trivial aggregations that do not add
creative choice to that already expressed in the components.

However, I don't think a reasonable person can argue that even if 2(b)
had said "byte stream" instead of "work" it would not have been
legally potent to demand GPL-compatible licensing of the firmware as a
condition for the permission to copy the GPL-covered part of the byte

> It would not be obviously unreasonable to argue that the NE2000 API
> constitutes a license boundary between the two works, each of which stays on
> its own side of that API.

No, it wouldn't be obviously unreasonable for a license to recognize
such a "license boundary". However, as I see it the GPL happens not to
do this.

> Lacking clear court guidance, I see it as a threshold issue. One
> primary issue (I think) is to what extent that firmware and the driver have
> been customized for each other. A work that is carefully designed to mesh
> tightly with another work is analogous to a sequel, which is a derivative
> work.

I think the "derivative work" angle is a red herring. I do not think
that either of the two parts that are being linked together (i.e. the
driver and the firmware) are derivates of the other.  The relevant
point is that distribution of the linked _result_ is nevertheless
subject to the condition in GPL #2, which is in general the only
source we have for a permission to distribute a non-verbatim-source
form of the driver.

Henning Makholm "... and that Greek, Thucydides"
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Re: non-free firmware in kernel modules, aggregation and unclear copyright notice.

2005-04-07 Thread Henning Makholm
Scripsit Humberto Massa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> After a *lot* of discussion, it was deliberated on d-l that
> this is not that tricky at all, and that the "mere
> aggregation" clause applies to the combination, for various
> reasons, with a great degree of safety.

When was this alleged conclusion reached? I remember nothing like

> No-one is saying that the linker "merely aggregates" object
> code for the driver; what *is* being said is: in the case of
> firmware, especially if the firmware is neither a derivative
> work on the kernel (see above) nor the firmware includes part
> of the kernel (duh), it is *fairly* *safe* to consider the
> intermixing of firmware bytes with kernel binary image bytes
> in an ELF object file as mere aggregation.

No, it is completely wrong to say that the object file is merely an
aggregation. The two components are being coupled much more tightly
than in the situation that the GPL discribes as "mere aggregation".

Henning Makholm   "Hør, hvad er det egentlig
  der ikke kan blive ved med at gå?"
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