Re: [ Client Server NEWS FLASH: Linus Savages Red Hat 7.0]

2000-12-15 Thread Stephen Williams

> As a producer of free software myself (Icarus Verilog) I've come to
> the conclusion that the mass media is perfectly capable of turning
> away the idiots that you don't really want as customers anyhow:-) 

Actually, I didn't intend that to go out to a public forum, as I am
to a (very) small degree a public figure myself (I pressed the wrong
button) but I stand by my statement. If a person is so easily swayed
by such trivial propaganda then there is a pretty good chance that this
same person is better inflicted on Cadence or Synopsys (or whomever is
the big company in your field) who has people trained and willing to deal
with this level of support.

For my work, I've been blessed with conscientious feedback, and I've
run with it. The only compensation I get for my efforts is a PR database
loaded with bug reports; but somehow a detailed and well thought out bug
report is so much more satisfying then a hollow pat on the back.
Steve Williams"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  But I have promises to keep,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]and lines to code before I sleep,   And lines to code before I sleep."

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Re: [ Client Server NEWS FLASH: Linus Savages Red Hat 7.0]

2000-12-15 Thread Stephen Williams

> FYI Guys, This just went over the wire from CSN.  Might need some
> damage  control.

... and I wonder about the press that MSVC 6.0 got before the first
few service packs got released.  (Weren't there a few difficulties
with MFC42.dll? Correct me if I'm wrong.)

As a producer of free software myself (Icarus Verilog) I've come to
the conclusion that the mass media is perfectly capable of turning away
the idiots that you don't really want as customers anyhow:-)
Steve Williams"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  But I have promises to keep,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]and lines to code before I sleep,   And lines to code before I sleep."

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Re: 40Gig IDE disk wrapping around at 32Gig?

2000-12-07 Thread Stephen Williams

> My understanding is that the part you're accessing, above 33.6 gig,
> wraps around the int or whatever they use(i'm not a programmer, and
> i'm not going to think about what it'd actually be )

2.2.17 solves the problem. The 2.2.12 kernel definitely goes
berserk when faced with blocks way up there. With 2.2.17, the whole
disk works fine.

Thanks for the fast response.

Steve Williams"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  But I have promises to keep,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]and lines to code before I sleep,   And lines to code before I sleep."

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40Gig IDE disk wrapping around at 32Gig?

2000-12-07 Thread Stephen Williams

During an install of RedHat 6.1 onto a Dell Dimension L600cx, I partitioned
the internal 40gig disk to include 4 partitions. I initially let the disk
druid do it, but it rendered the partition table unreadable. So I used
fdisk and partitioned it with primary partitions like so:

(sectors = 255, heads = 63)

/dev/hda1  1 -- 17 (136521 blocks)
/dev/hda2  18 -- 50(265072 blocks)
/dev/hda3  51 -- 3967  (31463302 blocks)
/dev/hda4  3968 -- 4865(7213185 blocks)

Problem is, any attempt to mkfs on /dev/hda4 seems to trash the filesystems
on hda1, hda2 and hda3. It makes an ugly mess.

RedHat 6.1 installs a 2.2.12 kernel, with patches. I'm ignoring /dev/hda4
for now and I've installed 2.2.17 from source. It seems reliable as long
as I ignore /dev/hda4. I haven't tried it w/ 2.2.17 installed.

Am I running into some limit here? Are there any known issues with
Linux 2.2.12 or fdisk (or mkfs.ext2) that might relate to this?
Steve Williams"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  But I have promises to keep,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]and lines to code before I sleep,   And lines to code before I sleep."

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Re: Linux kernel modules development in C++

2000-09-27 Thread Stephen Williams


Oops, typo!


- -- 
Steve Williams"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  But I have promises to keep,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]and lines to code before I sleep,   And lines to code before I sleep."

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Re: Linux kernel modules development in C++

2000-09-27 Thread Stephen Williams

> - C++ gives overhead. With something like a kernel that's unwanted. 

I don't want to take a position on the matter of C vs. C++ in the Linux
kernel. However, I *have* done some realistic work to show that C++ does
not inherently introduce bloat. (I do my embedded work in C++.)

Of course, I write my Linux drivers (and GIMP plug-ins) in C, not C++, and
that's fine, too. I'm just glad it's not Scheme:-)

Steve Williams"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  But I have promises to keep,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]and lines to code before I sleep,   And lines to code before I sleep."

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Re: the new VMt [4MB+ blocks]

2000-09-25 Thread Stephen Williams

> Sometimes allocating such monster memory blocks could be supported,
>   but it should not be expected to be *fast*.  E.g. if doing it in
>   "reliable" way needs possibly moving currently allocated pages
>   away from memory to create such a hole(s), so be it.

> Anybody here who can describe those M$ API calls ?
>   Are they kernel/DDK-only, or userspace ones, or both ?

NT does indeed support allocating contiguous buffers of memory, which is
useful when the hardware in question doesn't do scatter-gather. I have
on occasion been compelled to use these routines. (Paradoxically, the
requirements in my case came from broken NT mmap support and not from the
hardware. Blech!)

Anyhow, these routines are indeed slow. And judging by the amount of disk
noise I hear when they are called, they do try to kick out pages to make
an allocation work. However, even so the M$ calls will eventually fail due
to lack of large enough holes, so fragmentation takes its toll.

So, they are both slow and unreliable under NT. But drivers that use them
tend to be loaded once at boot time, and that's it.
Steve Williams"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  But I have promises to keep,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]and lines to code before I sleep,   And lines to code before I sleep."

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Re: kernel debugger...

2000-09-08 Thread Stephen Williams

>From:   "Jeff V. Merkey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Withdrawl of Open Source NDS Project/NTFS/M2FS for

>"The lack of a Kernel Debugger and other basic kernel level facilities on
>Linux make TRG's job about 20 times harder on Linux and take almost 10
>times as long as is possible on NT, NetWare, or MANOS to develop
>software asa result ofthis."

I'm right now arguing with win2000 PnP insanity for my *PCI* device, and
I can say with some confidence that Linux driver development is so much
easier that it's not funny.

The horror, the horror
Steve Williams"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  But I have promises to keep,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]and lines to code before I sleep,   And lines to code before I sleep."

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Re: zero-copy TCP

2000-09-06 Thread Stephen Williams

Alan Cox wrote:
> I've spent over 2 years trying to extract eepro100 server docs out of Intel
> and failed.

> Sounds familiar :-) 

Very familiar. I have a whole development environment for the i960RP
(we use the processor on boards we make) and by looking at pictures
I was able to figure out that it uses a standard PCI ethernet chipset
on the secondary bus. I asked Intel, and no one said I could not have
the information I wanted, I just got passed around until I got bored.

All I needed out of Intel was a memory map (there was a PLD that I presume
does address decoding) and a few hints how the prom monitor worked.

If anybody has that stuff, I have a GPL development environment, built
around gcc, that I can quickly (days?) port to the board, as I have
considerable experience with the i960RP/RD processors.

*sigh* It's pointless, isn't it?
Steve Williams"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  But I have promises to keep,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]and lines to code before I sleep,   And lines to code before I sleep."

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