Hello my beloved in the Lord.

I am MRS. FLORENCE EVANS, from republic of Ireland, I am legally married to MR. 
JOHN EVANS, a South Africa citizen born brought up in Switzerland, I live in 
Switzerland with my husband for 32 years before we move down to south Africa in 
1985 after my husband retirement in 1974, I am 71 years old by the grace of 
god, I am a new Christian convert, suffering from long time cancer of the 
breast. All indication from my doctor that my condition is really deteriorating 
and it is quite obvious that i wouldn't live more than two months. My dear 
husband was involved with the January 2000 Kenya airways plane crashed as you 
can see on the news line web site.
I have confident in you because i have prayed. I am willing to donate the sum 
of $20.5m U.S dollars, to the less privileged. May the grace of our lord be 
with you, P/s Get back to me on this email: mrs.florenceeva...@gmail.com

Remain blessed,
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