Re: Contributing to the site - WP8 experiences

2002-04-21 Thread kwall

Scribbling feverishly on April 21, Anita Lewis managed to emit:
 Hi.  Last week I got a cdrom from linux central containing WP8.  I tried to
 install it on RH7.2 at work and had problems.  I brought it home and tried
 to install on Debian (woody) and had other problems.  I also have RH7.2 here
 at home; so I pursued it a bit today and got lucky.
 While I was looking for answers I was led to the sxs site and saw the docs
 on WP8 there.  I didn't see the answers to my problems, but found them later
 on a corel newsgroup.  I was thinking the process might fit be worth
 contributing to the site.  Is there some place that explains how to make
 contributions?  I guess I should really go look at the site first, but I was
 also wondering if you think something on how to install on RH7.2 and Debian
 would be worthwhile.

Hi, Anita,

Send your submissions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] We accept straight 
text or html, but it *really* helps and speeds things up if you use
one of the templates. See CONTRIBUTING at the bottom of the
navigation frame at the Steps site.

Oh, and thanks very much for your help and your contribution!

Is it possible that software is not like anything else, that it is
meant to be discarded: that the whole point is to always see it as a
soap bubble?
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Re: Contributing to the site - WP8 experiences

2002-04-21 Thread Leon A. Goldstein

Anita  Lewis wrote inter alia:

 While I was looking for answers I was led to the sxs site and saw the docs
 on WP8 there.  I didn't see the answers to my problems, but found them later
 on a corel newsgroup.

That is why you did not find a how-to for installing WP8 (download or
Personal edition) on the SxS site.
Problems with installing WP8 result from the ommission of some support
libraries that are now obsolete.
Only SuSE seems interested in supporting WP8, and has provided a WP8
compatibility package group in its releases.

Each new distribution requires now a different fix for WP8 to run.
The fix sometimes is posted on the distribution's web site, e.g.
Mandrake, but it usually takes some effort to find it.

I have posted a detailed how-to for installing both WP8 and WP8.1 in
Libranet (my present prefered distro) on that distro's website.

Libranet promises to include a WP8 Compatibility Group in their next
release, so the need for this elaborate sort of crutch will go away.

In the mean time I'd suggest people who like WP8 stick with
distributions that let it install without having to leap through fiery

Leon A. Goldstein

Powered by Libranet 1.9.1 Debian Linux
System 5151

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Re: Contributing to the site - WP8 experiences

2002-04-20 Thread Net Llama!

Errr...that would be [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bill Day wrote:
 Simply format it in either a text file or a html file, attach it and any 
 icons you use to an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Saturday 20 April 2002 20:39, you were heard blurting out:
Hi.  Last week I got a cdrom from linux central containing WP8.  I tried to
install it on RH7.2 at work and had problems.  I brought it home and tried
to install on Debian (woody) and had other problems.  I also have RH7.2
here at home; so I pursued it a bit today and got lucky.

While I was looking for answers I was led to the sxs site and saw the docs
on WP8 there.  I didn't see the answers to my problems, but found them
later on a corel newsgroup.  I was thinking the process might fit be worth
contributing to the site.  Is there some place that explains how to make
contributions?  I guess I should really go look at the site first, but I
was also wondering if you think something on how to install on RH7.2 and
Debian would be worthwhile.


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