Libranet 2.0 is now shipping.  This is a Debian worth trying.

Installation from the two CD's took exactly one hour on a Celeron 850
box with an ATA100 HD.

Detection and configuration of mouse and video card was automatic and
correct.  The monitor was set to a very conservative default and
consequently I could not get anything above 640X480 until I edited the
scan rates. It also detected the IDE burner and set up SCSI emulation.
You can also set up a network or dial-up during the install.  The
provided installation note is a bit sparse, and would probably not
provide a newbie much comfort. Libranet is easy to install if you know
the mechanics of partitioning, but a neophyte will need some help.  

Although the new Libranet's "semi-automatic" installation greatly
simplifies installation, I suspect Libranet deliberately distances
itself from the
promise of a painless fully automatic install, leaving that niche for
the yet to appear Xandros, heir to the late and unlamented Corel Linux.

(It remains to be seen if Xandros can succeed where Corel and Progeny
failed in sustaining a Debian for the newbie.)

Libranet 2.0 comes with 2.4.16 kernel, KDE 2.2.2 (as well as Gnome) It
installs Reiser FS as default.

If you are installing Libranet 2.0 on a multi boot system and do not
want Libranet to take over booting, you can create a boot floppy before
Libranet reboots to finish its installation. Otherwise, you need to edit
your LILO or GRUB beforehand so you can reboot into it.  I use GRUB on
boxes, and simply add a chainloader line for other Linuces. Libranet now
uses GRUB too, but LILO is still there if you want to use it instead.

Libranet 2.0 does not have Kpackage.  This was a bit of a nuisance
because I find it useful for examining packages (Deb and RPM; Libranet
supports both).   It does provide Gnome package, but warns not to use
it for installation or removal of packages.  I had a bit of a problem
with Libranet's own package manager until I figured out it was looking
in my CD-RW (slave) rather than the CDROM for packages.  I have
installed Kpackage 2.2.2-5 and it works fine with Debs, but is a bit
unreliable with RPM's.
Another irritation was leaving out libc5, so WP8 users are out of luck. 
However, WP8.1 (the full version that came with Corel Linux deluxe) can
install since it has its own libs..
I have posted an interim how-to to the slowly dying Corel WP8/Linux news
group,  I have found the libs needed to get WP8 to run, and will
post a new how-to to the SxS site later when I have
finished monkeying around the WP8 personal and download versions
installation as
well as printing, which is now with CUPS.

For $50 ($30 if you bought an earlier release) plus postage you get a
very slick
Debian. There are a few rough edges, but they are manageable.
It boots up faster than any other Linux I have experienced, and
KDE 2.2.2 also starts fast.  This is an excellent distribution for an
RPM'er who wants to give Debian a try.

Leon A. Goldstein
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