On January 04, Ronnie Gauthier enlightened our ignorance thusly:
> The point I was making is that even if(when) you get you domain name 
> transfered, if the original hosting entity does not remove you from their dns 
> table no one accessing the net from them(their network) will be able to 
> access your new host. And yes, a user can use just about any dns server, but 
> dont expect the average user to do that, just expect them to say your site is 
> broke.
> you need to:
> 1. get a new host...this is easy
> 2. get the registar to change records to point to the new host...
> your new host will be the most help here
> 3. get the old host to delete your dns entry....you might need a guy in a 
> funny wig

I'd love to see some of my favorite American barristers dolled up
that way...


Don't worry.  Life's too long.
                -- Vincent Sardi, Jr.
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