Yes, everything you can define the better. Even a "socket" since its an 
overloaded term. Plus you want to define terms based on how the document is 
going to use them. So defining "EID" in the context of your document would make 
the ideas more clear. Like an EID in this spec defines an object versus a host.

I don't think there is a standard format for describing the API. Just calls and 
input and output parameter descriptions you should include.

As for eBPF, just describe what filters you are need to use to associate packet 
flows with an EID. And that this is a local matter and the flows are NOT put in 
the mapping system like it could be for the Multi-Tuple draft.

I am not sure who you are referring to but I know a lot of people that use 
eBPF. You should google for a list name and propose they review the document 
and definitely invite them to IETF.


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Sharon Barkai <>
> Subject: Re: Lisp Portable Edge Multipoint Sockets
> Date: November 20, 2022 at 11:30:45 PM PST
> To: Dino Farinacci <>
> Cc: Fabio Maino <>, Albert Cabellos <>, 
> Jordi <>, Alberto Rodriguez-Natal <>
> Thats all very true!
> Could you say this also on the list so we know theres workgroup interest in 
> developing this? 
> What about the EID Queue/Channel API ?
> Do we have any good existing format we can adapt/adopt ?
> How detailed should be the eBPF implementation description, can we engage the 
> eBPF people that came to the last IETF? I think you know one of them .. they 
> want to RFC eBPF itself. 
> --szb
> Cell: +972.53.2470068
> WhatsApp: +1.650.492.0794
>> On Nov 20, 2022, at 22:51, Dino Farinacci <> wrote:
>> I think you need a lot more terms defined in your Definition of Terms 
>> section. Any reference to a new concept must be defined, even "edge compute 
>> IOT".
>> And you need more on the "how" its done. You have plenty on what it is.
>> Dino
>>> On Nov 20, 2022, at 7:35 AM, Sharon Barkai <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Could you have a look?
>>> Can make writing other edge application specs simpler..
>>> <draft-barkai-lisp-pems-00.txt>

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