
In accordance with my stated intent to frequently release beta snapshots
to give everyone the chance to stay current with changes in the release
candidates, epic4-1.2.3 is now available.

This version fixes the -o and -O command line options, fixes a small number
of bugs, and adds a $numlines() function from fudd.  

THE ELECTION BEGINS ON MONDAY -- If there are no more changes between now
and monday, then 1.2.3 will be the release candidate.  If there are more
changes, then 1.2.4 will be released on monday and that will be the elected

Let me briefly run down the purpose and history of the election...

As everyone knows, epic versions are released "whenever i feel like it",
and they are of whatever quality they are.  But I do not want to be a 
dictator or tyrant, and the quality of formal production releases of epic
reflects on everybody, not just on its maintainers.  Because EPIC has had
a prior history of rather low-quality releases, production releases
are no longer a common occurrance, and the process for generating one is
a long and painstaking process.

We've been working for about 3 months now to get epic4-2.0 ready, and we're
almost there.  But before I am willing to stake all of our reptuations on
the line releasing epic4-2.0, I want backup support.  Specifically, I want
a large number of people to publicly state before me and their peers that
they tested epic and they do not know of any bugs.  The definition of 
"large number" has changed over the years, from 5 to 15 people.  If I cannot
find a large number of people who are willing to make this proclamation of
"non-buggy", then I am entirely unwilling to make a production release.

Even *one* bug will hold up the release.  So each person gets "veto power"
and any legitimite bug will either be fixed, addressed, or clearly disclosed
and documented as a problem.  I do not want to release epic4-2.0 if even
one person has a serious problem with it.

The purpose of the election is twofold -- it allows any epic user who wants
to, to make a declaration that they have tested epic and they do not know of
ANY problems that they think should be addressed; and it allows those who do
have problems a way to formally assert those problems in a manner which is 
guaranteed to spur immediate action.

The election will begin at least 24 hours after the last release candidate
is made publicly available.  This is expected to be 1200 (noon) UTC on
Monday December 8, 2003.  The election will last until 24 hours have passed
after there are both 15 "yes" votes and 0 "no" votes.  In no case will the
election end before 72 hours.  This gives everybody at least 4 days to test,
and a full 24 hours after the election "passes" to lodge any objections.

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