On 1/4/2014 8:49 PM, Ugo Bellavance wrote:
> On our setup, we have at least 2 openVPN interfaces (one site-to-site,
> one for roaming users).  I haven't labeled these interfaces so all my
> rules are using the global "OpenVPN" interface, but I think it would be
> better if I had one interface per OpenVPN instance.  What are the
> problems I may get into?  I know that once I create the interfaces, the
> rules will be to deny all, but is there anything else?

Group rules are considered before per-inteface rules, so your OpenVPN
tab rules will match before the per-interface versions.

You can assign the OpenVPN interfaces, then enable them, set the IP type
to NONE, and then after that you'll need to edit/save each VPN you
assign to make sure the VPN reattaches to the interface.

There aren't really any negative side effects to assigning them this
way, it's just a bit more to manage that most people don't need.

Once they are assigned you can give the interface a name, you can have
per-interface rules, and so on. If you do put rules on each VPN
interface be sure to remove or deactivate the rules on the OpenVPN tab.


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