I just made a new certificate using my own CA with the UI in pfsense
2.3.2-p1 for one of my firewalls. It appears that how it is generated does
not allow Chrome or Firefox to recognize it by the CN, only the aliases.

A certificate I generated using the UI in 2014 does however, work with the
aliases and the CN.

They appear to be produced very differently then vs. now:

Subject: C=US, ST=Maryland, L=Rockville, O=Khera Communications
Inc/emailAddress=kh...@example.com, CN=rockville-fw-a/subjectAltName=DNS:

but now we get:

Subject: C=US, ST=Maryland, L=Rockville, O=Khera Communications
Inc/emailAddress=kh...@example.com, CN=ashburn-fw-a.example.com

and lower down the aliases in the X509v3 extensions area are the aliases:

X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
  DNS:ashburn-fw-a, DNS:ashburn-fw-a-prv

Did I do something differently/incorrectly? I filled out the form the
obvious way.
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