Re: [WSG] hr won't turn black

2007-02-18 Thread Kenny Graham

currently i am using borders on divs to achieve this effect

and you should use borders on the hr as well.  the color property
changes the text color for the hr, but it doesn't contain any text.
give the hr a top or bottom 1px black border, and 0px on the other
sides, and it should work.  tho i'm not sure i agree with using hr to
begin with.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Semantics of P element (?)

2006-12-16 Thread Kenny Graham

I cant seem to find anything

Div is generic block.. not generic block of text.

Agreed, I worded it badly.  It can contain non-text, but doesn't have to.

In most cases it groups block elements as for grouping inline there are
other dedicated elements as span which is inline itself (so it should be
used between inline content) and p block element (so it should be used
between block elements) for grouping inline text content. - see first
example over there

I'd argue that the example on that page is much more of a paragraph
than a date is.  XHTML2 is apparently going to fix paragraphs so that
they can contain lists, as that example tries to do by using an
unclosed p.

Paragraph is just separated text content..
and mind that html is not sophisticated word processor..were paragraph
may have more stricter meaning.

More precisely, it says it's a self-contained unit of a discourse,
and the same website defines discourse as In semantics, discourses
are linguistic units composed of several sentences.  I'm not sure I
completely agree (some paragraphs are only one sentence long, for
instance), but surely a paragraph element has more semantic meaning
than to separate bits of text from one another, as used to be done
with unclosed ps and brs.

Also this pages sounds logically to me (while they're not html specs):

I disagree with most of that article.  It says headers and blockquotes
are subtypes of paragraph elements (where do they get this from?),
that all text must be inside paragraphs (what about lists?), and that
if you don't enclose text, it's enclosed in an anonymous p tag,
inserted by the XML parser itself.  Parsers do enclose some text in
anonymous block elements, but they're not paragraph elements.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Using my Image replacement technique to create graphic menus

2006-10-12 Thread Kenny Graham

I know some say images are *as good as* text as long as they
have the proper ALT attribute.

I like text better because I think that putting an image of text into
markup is equivalent to putting your font, text color, background,
etc, into markup.  Both make those attributes impossible to change in
the CSS (which makes alternate/user stylesheets REALY fun).


List Guidelines:

[WSG] Safari filter

2006-09-13 Thread Kenny Graham

A site I'm working on has both a screen and a handheld stylesheet.
Safari is loading them both, which is causing some major problems.
The site is served as xhtml, and the stylesheets are loaded by PIs.
Is there any way to filter out the handheld stylesheet from Safari?

List Guidelines:

Re: Re: [WSG] Safari filter

2006-09-13 Thread Kenny Graham

I believe that if you
order your style sheets, thusly, it might work around the bug:

1. handheld
2. screen

It changes quite a bit, but still is messed up.  The handheld sheet
styles elements that are unstyled in the screen sheet.  I could
probably fix it by doing the handheld sheet first as you suggest, and
then specifying styles in the screen sheet for everything the handheld
sheet styled.  However, I'd really like to leave browser defaults for
the screen sheet on these elements if possible.

List Guidelines:

Re: Re: [WSG] Safari filter

2006-09-13 Thread Kenny Graham

FWIW, my experience is that you won't get
very far using media types for applying
screen versus handheld styles  anyway.
Internet Explorer Mobile, for one,

My Samsung A900's ugly default browser uses handheld stylesheets
pretty much flawlessly, seems to just love the xhtml mime type... it
just plain respects standards.  Considering the quality of IE's -main-
browser, I can only imagine how horrible some side-project based off
of it is.  Luckilly, as far as I know, it doesn't have extremely high
market share in that segment.  I have an aversion to using the link
element for some reason.  Actually I think the head and body elements
should disappear, and content (and only content) should be directly
inside the html element.  Hey, I can dream!  haha.  I think if there's
no CSS filter or other relatively easy fix other than not using PIs,
I'll just remove one rule from my handheld stylesheet which is causing
overlapping text in safari, and let the other bugs (all purely
asthetic, colors mostly) stay buggy.

If you can, post a link to the page, I'd like to test it in Safari on
Panther to see if that version has issues too.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Safari filter

2006-09-13 Thread Kenny Graham

If it's for your own site then you might as well just do what works
for you, but if it's a commercial site, or something you're doing for
a client, I'm afraid you're in for a world of pain :-(

Luckilly it's a semi-personal site.  It's an interface for a database
used by me and a large group of friends.  That's why I'm able to serve
as XHTML.  I can just say if you want access, don't use IE.  So
Safari support isn't a complete necessity, but since it's generally a
good browser, I'd rather not discourage its use among my non-nerd
friends.  But you mentioning that most mobile devices are buggy with
styles makes me strongly consider solving all this by simply not using
a handheld stylesheet.  Because of the type of site it is, styling
isn't at all necessary.  Each page pretty much consists of:  h1, h2,
ul, h2, ul, h2, ul.  IE may have many more bugs than Safari, but at
least there they can be worked around with something as simple as a
child selector or a conditional comment.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] testing for mobile browsers

2006-09-11 Thread Kenny Graham

- browsing on a wifi enable mobile ('coz I don't have one)

any thoughts, comparisons, other options...

I use my phone (Samsung A900) since i get data dirt cheap (employee
plan).  The differences between the built-in browser and the Opera
Mini i installed are huge.  Opera Mini seems to ignore the vast
majority of my styles, and do what it deems best.  Probably a good
strategy for the vast majority of sites, but annoying when i go
through the trouble of making a handheld stylesheet.

List Guidelines:

[WSG] Navs at bottom of pages

2006-08-31 Thread Kenny Graham

I've noticed many people from this list stil put text-and-broken-pipe
navs at the bottom of their pages.  Is this still needed?  I always
thought the reason for it was to have a text version of the main
graphics-with-out-alts-in-a-giant-table nav.  Is there a reason that
I'm missing, or are they just there out of habbit, asthetics, and the
like?  I can't think of any benefit of having them, and they often
suffer from version lag.  I just want to make sure I'm not causing any
problems by leaving them out.

P.S. Am I also correctly remembering the broken pipes being used
because of an early netscape bug regarding adjacent links?

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Xforms

2006-07-26 Thread Kenny Graham

I just wanted everyone's opinions on Xforms and if you think it is currently
worth it to undergo a transition.

If you're asking that as a programmer of a web browser, yes.  If
you're asking that as a web developer, no, since there's little or no
user agent support for it yet.

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Re: [WSG] List headings

2006-07-09 Thread Kenny Graham

This example says the the unordered list fits beneath the hn heading,
with all other content below that heading (until new heading found). But
what if I want to specify that the heading is for the list only?

XHTML2 will take care of this problem for you:

 hHigher level heading/h
 pSome paragraph text goes here/p
   hList heading/h
 pAssociated with the first heading./p

Until then, I guess just replace the sections with divs, and make the
heading levels explicit.

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Re: [WSG] what is behaviour what is presentation?

2006-05-19 Thread Kenny Graham

As I understand it, behavior is what happens in response to a user
action.  For instance, if someone clicks a +, expand this section.
I also consider color changes on hover to be behavior, etc.
Presentation is just presentation.  How it's presented, how it looks
(fonts, what sections go where, etc)

gmail's not letting me see the body of your email, so I hope my
response to the subject line is close enough.
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Re: [WSG] Validation Errors that don't exist - does the validator work?

2006-05-17 Thread Kenny Graham

those aren't errors, they're warnings.  it's still validating, and
just drawing your attention to things that have the potential to cause
problems in some circumstances.
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Re: [WSG] Offlist unscientific poll

2006-05-16 Thread Kenny Graham

Firefox.  Opera's better, but I don't find the interface intuitive[1],
and I can't block ads.

[1] Or maybe it's just that it's not the same as
IE/NN/FF/everything-else, and I'm too lazy to learn something new.
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Re: [WSG] Target attribute - coming or going?

2006-05-04 Thread Kenny Graham

No, Stevio was not referring to the :target *pseudo-class* (that's not a
property, it's a selector).  Stevio was referring to the 'target'
*property* in the CSS3 Hyperlink Presentation Module working draft [1],
and that proposed property is designed to serve a similar purpose to the
target attribute in HTML.


I kept my mouth shut about the hover pseudo-class, because it was just
so convenient.  But opening a new window through CSS?  That's a bit
too much of a mix of presentation and behavior for my taste.  Seems
we're just moving from (Structure/Presentation) + Behavior, to
Structure + (Presentation/Behavior).
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Re: [WSG] convert to XHTML

2006-05-03 Thread Kenny Graham

Just a plain text file?  If so, then it can't be done, as it won't
have any way to infer the semantic meaning of bits of plain text.  A
non-semantic HTML file?  No again, as it won't be able to tell, for
instance, if italic text is a citation, emphasized text, etc. 
Semantic HTML with presentational markup thrown in?  It can be done in

theory, but good luck.  If it could be done automatically, I'd be
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Re: [WSG] tabbing, navigation

2006-04-22 Thread Kenny Graham
Also your navigation (top and side) should probably go in unordered lists.
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Re: [WSG] IE un-hover

2006-04-15 Thread Kenny Graham
it's one of those problems where minimizing/restoring the window fixes
it.  so it's definately a rendering bug... but i can't figure out a
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Re: [WSG] IE un-hover

2006-04-15 Thread Kenny Graham
 Add this 'nonsense' style...

A nonsense style for a nonsense browser.  Worked like a charm.  Thanx :)
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Re: [WSG] input

2006-04-07 Thread Kenny Graham
Just plase don't keep a splash screen after the site is completed.
 Also, if you must keep the binary numbers as link text, you should
probably at least put a title attribute on them to describe where
they're going.  But it looks nice. :)  And i'm not sure that entities
in an alt attribute are a good idea.  Alt attributes are rarely used
by people using visual browsers, and only visual browsers would get
the effect you want from the  and  signs.  Less than bum labs
greater than greater than would sound pretty confusing.  Does anyone
on here know for sure if entities in alt attributes are even parsed as
entities?  I'm assuming they are.
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[WSG] Good news

2006-04-06 Thread Kenny Graham
This might already be common knowledge, but I didn't know until I saw
this on another list today:

-- Forwarded message --
From: Steven Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Apr 6, 2006 4:54 AM
Subject: Re: Question about XHTML 2.0 and content type (PR#7880)

We have been assured by informed sources that Google will be processing
documents served as application/xhtml+xml by this Summer.

Best wishes,

Steven Pemberton
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Re: [WSG] I'm Floating!!

2006-04-01 Thread Kenny Graham
 Obviously I could use a floating div tutorial of some sort
 :).  Do you know of any?
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Re: [WSG] Forums

2006-03-31 Thread Kenny Graham
Now a web standards forum using slash that'd be interesting.  Then
again, I'd be modded -1 Troll so maybe a mailing list is best.
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Re: [WSG] Table/fraction markup question

2006-03-24 Thread Kenny Graham
 Is there a more semantic way to mark up the table, specifically the
 fractions?  Currently I'm using something along the lines of:


If you can serve it as XML, then you can use MathML [1], but if you
need IE support, your way is probably the best way.

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