Re: [WSG] Character Set(s)

2006-05-30 Thread Rene Saarsoo

Dean Matthews wrote:

Would someone be kind enough to inform me on the selection of Character  
Sets. iso-8859-1, Unicode, etc.

Is there a standard …or emerging standard?

As the ISO in front of iso-8859-1 suggests, it is a standard.
Or more precisely refers to standard ISO/IEC 8859-1. Most webpages
in the world specify this as their encoding, although, what most
browsers actually use in place of that is Windows-1252, which is a
superset of ISO 8859-1. Well, anyway, most editors save text as
Windows-1252 when you order them to save as ISO 8859-1.

Unicode is covered with ISO/IEC 10646 standard.

I would recommend you to read about character sets from wikipedia:

And if you are new to Unicode, a great introduction would be:
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively
Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)

Rene Saarsoo
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Re: [WSG] Character Set(s)

2006-05-30 Thread Anders Nawroth


Dean Matthews skrev:

Is there a standard …or emerging standard?

I'd say you should have strong reasons to choose anything other than UTF-8.

W3C has information about encodings on the web:


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