In this page:

the below lines of texts and background colors are disappearing in IE7:

rsf1977 posted 1 hour ago at 09:52 PM PST on Jan 23, 2007 {background: #ff9899; } mamepyon originally posted 3 months ago at 10:33 AM PDT on Oct 24, 2006 {background: #ffcccb;}

If I mouse over to the affected area, it shows up.

This seems to be a common bug of IE 7, when background colors are declared in each div, the one on top, the texts and the background colors are not showing up. I have had similar problem before with other sites, and the fix was to declare relative position with z- index, or with width.

With this particular layout, the above methods aren't work quite well. If width is declared (other than "auto"), the problem get solved, howeverI really do not want to declare value for width here (it is set to auto so that the background spreads horizontally from left to right) because the classes for this two lines are connected to application component and use everywhere within the site, so if the width declared, it may mess up other page and complicate thing for the programmer.

If I declare relative position and z-index, it solves the problem nicely, but creating another problem in IE 6, that the background colors won't spread to the edge of the right side. I figure I can declare width just for IE 6 to counteract, but then it goes back to square again because I tried to avoid declaring width to begin with.

Here is the code and the filename for the style sheet is "multiple_bookmarks.css"

div.latest_poster, div.original_poster {
  clear: both;
  padding: 0.3em;
  margin: 0px;
  font-size: small;
  line-height: 25px;
  color: #555;
  width: auto;

div.latest_poster {
  background-color: #ff9899;

div.original_poster {
  background-color: #ffcccb;

The site is having a redesign, and the page above is for the new layout. The above style sheet is from the existing site that was not coded by me , my task is to utilize most of the old codes as much as possible and clean up the mess. If you click the "home" from the above page, it will bring you to actual site that has more bookmark listings, and the problem I am having seemed to be affecting mostly the first bookmark listing.

Any help greatly appreciated


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